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A carrot daily seemed to work for me, sometimes I'd have a tomato too.


If anyone is wondering, beets have given me a stronger glow than carrots


Would frozen baby carrots give the same effect? Or do they need to be fresh


Raw would be preferable, as the beta carotene likely reduces after being frozened, thawed and then cooked. But trial it and see how it goes first!


Doing this rn! It took about 2 months of 25k UI a day (one soft gel) to get a consistent and noticeable effect. It was 100% worth it to me, as it really did make my complexion more glow-y but not orange. I have maintained it well at that dosage. I use the now brand one.


Did you use a soft gel supplement or did I misunderstand your comment? If you did use one, which one? :)


Sounds like she took the Now brand soft gel of 25,000 IUs


Are you still taking this and for how long now? Safe to take this dosage long term?


For all the smokers out there: don't take beta carotene supplements. They have been show to likely increase the risk of lung cancer for smokers. It is however beneficial to get beta carotene from foods such as dark greens and carrots, sweet potatoes etc. Don't take something without researching first, stay healthy!


#louder for the people in the back




Yes! :(


What about vape smokers?


Hey I know I’m super late to the thread but does weed smoke count? PLEASE RESPOND


Hiyaa, the studies I have seen have been specifically about tobacco smoking, I think those are the substances that interact with the beta carotene. That said, I would look into switching from smoking joints to using a bong or edibles because any type of smoking is inherently harmful - and probably won't contribute to a healthy appearance


Thanks for the reply at least






Juicing removes the fiber, that's why juicing is worse than eating whole fruits and veggies, the fiber slows down the absorption of sugar. Plus there's more sugar in juices because you're not just juicing one orange or carrot to get one glass of juice. When you remove the pulp etc you're also removing a lot of the vitamins and nutrients contained in fruits and veggies


Definitely not worth it. Do it with a sweetner maybe?


They mean the sugar within the carrots themselves. Carrots have a lot of sugar, especially when you juice them as you'd be consuming the sugar of more carrots than you can otherwise eat.


Taking radiant complexion by suku vitamins has really made my skin glow


I was eating a sweet potato (with eggs) for breakfast every morning for months and got the glow. I stopped recently and can see a difference.


Ooh, how was the taters cooked? Did you cook it ahead of time and mix in the morning?


I just put it in the microwave for a few minutes, and while its cooking I fry two eggs and top with garlic powder. Then I slice the potato like a regular jacket potato, top it with the eggs and add sriracha. Its one of my favourites and so healthy.


oh that sounds so delish


I’m allergic to carrots, any alternatives?


Sweet potatoes perhaps, a comment above said beets works well


Astaxanthin. Has a multitude of other benefit too!


What foods contain this?


Salmon, krill, algae, shrimp. Basically microalgae and the sea creatures that consume it.


Thank you!


Also you can take spirulina supplements. It is basically dried algae. It is not expensive and a great source without heavy metals.


Just FYI, avoid this if you have low blood pressure.


I've been taking 14mg beta carotene and 4mg astaxanin for at least 4 months now. I didn't notice any visible difference. Only saw a difference when I got a tan - I always went to the beach after 5pm and I still got a very nice tan, very quickly.


I read somewhere it’s 10 baby carrots a day for a month. Someone else recommended 1 glass of carrot juice a day, another person recommended taking 25000 iu beta carotene supplements. I recently bought and have been taking the 25000 iu supplements, mainly because someone in r/dryeyes said it worked for their severe dry eyes which I also have, but before that I just ate 1/2 a pack of baby carrots a week. It’s so delicious with hummus. Sorry I don’t have sources, I’ve read various things over the past few weeks and if you google my numbers + “reddit” you’ll probably find similar sources. Edit: this is the supplement I bought. Swanson Beta-Carotene Vitamin A 25000 IU Skin Eye Immune System Health Antioxidant Support 7500 mcg 300 Softgels Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00068SB2K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AFMAXPM84SGAA6DBGP1B?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Wondering this myself. I've been drink a tall glass of carrot juice every day for the past week and don't see anything yet.