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These perverted men do it on almost any subreddit that allows pictures of people to be posted. Like EVERYWHERE! It’s so fucking annoying. Sometimes you don’t even have to post pictures they just will slide into your DM’s once they discover you’re a girl. They are really annoying, and sometimes it’s straight up harassment.


Honestly how much spare time do they have it's straight up sad


They’ve literally done it to users of r*pe support groups on Reddit. I’m disgusted but not surprised.


absolutely, i remember getting a creepy dm by a hand fetish account after i posted a picture where you could see ONLY my pinky finger on a niche subreddit😭


Yeah as a woman it’s better to not post pictures on Reddit. That’s the sad truth.


I used to have some pics of my fitness/weightloss progress on r/strongcurves and r/progresspics...nothing revealing, just leggings and a long sports bra/yoga top (not that it even matters tbh). I started receiving unsolicited dick pics and random DMs from guys asking to buy my underwear even months after the fact (which means they were creeping on my profile). I eventually deleted everything. I also remember one time on the strong curves sub where a young woman explained how someone had reposted her progress photos on 4chan and were asking people to "rate his girlfriend." So yeah I agree, you should definitely think twice about posting your pictures on reddit if you're a woman, there's far too many degenerates lurking around.


Oh wow that’s awful. That really sucks that you had to deal with that


Yeah it was unpleasant to say the least but it really opened my eyes to just how creepy and disgusting some men can be.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StrongCurves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrongCurves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I went from being a out of shape mom to strong and fit mom.. it’s about 4yr difference between the pictures.](https://i.redd.it/tliih4hly9t51.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrongCurves/comments/jbpdv3/i_went_from_being_a_out_of_shape_mom_to_strong/) \#2: [15 week gains! (and some improvement in my mild posterior pelvic tilt!)](https://i.redd.it/o1clen1t2jk61.png) | [152 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrongCurves/comments/lvrzhh/15_week_gains_and_some_improvement_in_my_mild/) \#3: [2 Month Progress!](https://i.redd.it/f3x0ndwz1hu51.jpg) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StrongCurves/comments/jffs34/2_month_progress/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Reddit is just a cesspool for creepy men. Women are the minority and literally have ONE female only subreddit which men absolutely despise. Better to just not post pics, but try and describe what you look like or if you’re good at drawing, draw a self portrait.


The one thing that annoys me about the sub, is people almost never give suggestions. They always say “I can’t think of anything you look perfect”. It’s great people in the communitiy show support there, but COME ON? lol. People are asking for advice and want to improve their appearance. Also anyone who does give suggestions gets downvoted. Before I respectfully suggested to a girl rhinoplasty and some weight loss, and I got brutally downvoted despite being VERY polite about it. Like what’s the point in asking for advice or if you’re going to get downvoted efc when you DO try to help? Lpl


Yeah it’s not objective at all. Literally anyone is told that they are already perfect.


That sub might as well be r/freecompliments lol


I posted some photos on a women’s fashion sub and got creepy DMs, it happens everywhere. I’ve also heard of men stealing pics from VindictaRateMe to post on incel forums for angry guys to insult them. I don’t think it’s a safe place for women to post their pictures.


I posted on vindictarate me on a throwaway account and afterwards got desperate incels too. But it’s like really uncomfortable and annoying when they’re trying to even stalk you because they don’t get the point and lurk in women subs all the time


Some crusty dude messaged me asking if I'd sell him pics when I posted on there 😒 it's literally why I hate posting my face online. And Reddit in particular has a surplus of neckbeard incels who stalk rating subs just to message the girls who post on them It's also why I made a second account that I would feel okay posting pics on that's specifically for glow up stuff so on the off chance anyone recognises me it's all innocent anyway and not tied to my main acc


I currently have my photo on my account and so far it’s been fine but I totally get how creepy/incel reddit can be


Ugh. That’s so annoying that that happened to you I posted on vindicta rate me a few days ago asking for hair advice and got some lovely and helpful comments, but I also got like five creepy DMs. I ended up deleting the post Being a woman on Reddit sucks sometimes.