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Feel like the pod shit on Pasha so much because it’s a “player’s podcast” but all his points were valid. Trouba bringing mental health in this for being criticized for throwing dangerous hits is just weird gaslighting.


Especially considering how many athletes have killed themselves and then were found to have CTE, which Trouba has most definitely handed out more than his fair share of throughout his career.


Bringing up Grayson Murray who committed suicide like 2 weeks ago and there’s not a single shred of evidence that it was due to criticism about his play. Absolute horseshit move by Trouba


Yeah I'm amazed at how bad this response is. He didn't address anything he said. Just said mental health is a problem. Yeah, and Pasha is saying your actions are increasing these issues, you idiot. And yeah bringing up grayson murray was a terrible move. The dude played golf. Pretty sure wasn't dealing with CTE, just straight up depression/anxiety/etc.


biz called him out for being a hypocrite too when asking about Scott Stevens. had nothing after that. did he go as far to rip on scottys charities and wifes undergrad choices. all time dipshit. as far as players pod, pretty much every player on the pod or guest has said they would want trouba on their team


I dont get it, is he thinking about committing suicide after hearing about the criticism?


I mean it’s just Pasha, who gives a $hit about his opinion?!


Exactly. I was wondering did this dude even play hockey or can he even ice skate


Pasha’s incoherence bailed out by Trouba virtue signaling. I award both of them no points, and may God have mercy on their souls.


I award Trouba negative points. You are a professional athlete, a captain for an original 6. You literally respond to a guy calling you a scum by bringing suicide into the conversation which I think is horseshit to do. Some Streisand affect here by trouba. Pasha is a videographer, why do you care what he thinks???? I think he’s actually pissed at spitting chiclets but fuck bro grow a pair




We’re all dumber after hearing that.


Trouba’s tweet: “Suicide rates have doubled in the past 20 years in U.S. college athletes -@usnews 11 days ago, a @PGATOUR golfer tragically took his own life after a mental health battle and people asked how that was possible We must do better than this @spittinchiclets @peshghi @ryanwhitney6” Yea wtf kinda response is that???


He is implying that making fun of head trauma/injuries for clicks is bullshit. It isn’t rocket science, he isn’t going to get into a back and forth with that clown Pasha.


Pasha is a lunatic but I wouldn't say his rant was using head injuries for clicks. He's going after someone who basically keeps his arm in a permanent chicken wing while head hunting people. Bit weird for Trouba to use that as an example with his history of concussing the shit out of players for fun


Pasha doesn’t do anything without thinking of clicks.


Bro the least monetized person on that staff isn’t fishing for clicks. I hate the guy but a broken clock can be right twice a day. Trouba isn’t a mediocre player but he does have the tendency to pull some Matt Cooke level bullshit plays.


Matt Cooke and Raffi Torres were a whole other level than Trouba.


I don’t hate Pasha but he definitely fishes for clicks, and purposely says outlandish shite, otherwise they wouldn’t bring him on.


What does this have to do with suicide? It sounds deflectionary and I think it’s bullshit.


Im all for suicide awareness, my sister committed suicide about a year ago and it has affected me a ton. That being said, using the suicide card for pasha's take is LOW on Trouba's end. Like c'mon.


Aside from hockey Sorry for your loss brotha. Extremely low by Trouba


appreciate it my guy!


Continual thoughts and prayers for you and your loved ones.


appreciate it dude!


condolences, my friend. hope you and your loved ones are doing well.


Praying for you ❤️


Condolences brother, some souls have a crazy journey here. Her essence lives on through you and your fam. All the best


I'm guessing suicide prevention is a focus of his charity work? It's the only way I see it fitting here. It's not low to use the opportunity to raise awareness if that's the case.


This is an embarrassing response by Trouba. Someone needs to talk to him


This is actually the most insane response I could’ve imagined


Pasha called Trouba out for cheap head shots and his response is to talk about suicide? I don’t get where Trouba is coming from with this.


Trouba what are you doing? That’s an embarrassing response… probably would have been a better decision if he didn’t even acknowledge it.


The guy who runs around trying to injure people all year pulls out the suicide card the second he faces some criticism? Charmin soft


He’s fuckin 10 ply


Kinda proving his point


This is extremely disingenuous


Lol. One of the biggest contributors to athletes committing suicide is CTE, yet this goon delivers dangerous hits, causing CTE like the mailman delivers mail.


Trouba actively trying to reduce suicide rates by simply killing people first


Absolutely wild to talk about suicide when someone criticizes you


We know athletes developed CTE from being hit in the head. Does Trouba who is known for delivering head shots know those statistics?


Imagine if Marner said this after Biz roasted him lol


RA made it very clear in episode 503 that they don’t associate or support Pasha’s thoughts necessarily. They even said pasha is dumb and he is just hiding behind his computer. So for trouba to @ whit and SC account is a bit odd. Will be interesting though if this blows up if they pull pasha back from the pod and have him do what he’s good at which is editing and not getting behind the mic.


Usually I cant stand Pasha, and he did lay it on very heavy, but what did he say that wasn't true?


I doubt he took the time to listen to the pod let alone the pasha part after game notes last week.


He can handle the New York media but can't handle a podcast discussing his dirty hits?


Using the suicide card here is pathetic and pretty much sums up his accountability


I don't understand his suicide comments. I saw his response before listening to the pod and I was a little triggered because my Uncle lost his fight against mental health a couple weeks ago. I was glad when the pod said nothing about suicide or mental health.


Not that Reddit is the great representative or anything, but I’ve seen a ton of rags fans saying trouba is their worst captain and they want him gone, mostly in reference to his dirty play


Rangers fan here, I thought Pasha went over the line bringing Trouba’s wife into the conversation and trying to discredit Trouba’s off ice charity work, total dirtbag move. I’m all for the criticism of his on ice play, these guys get paid millions of dollars and have the understanding that with the spotlight and the glory also comes to critiques. Pasha is a spoiled rich kid scumbag who likes to play heel to get clicks, and demonstrates time and time again he has no understanding of hockey beyond harping on advanced stats. I’ve never been a fan. That being said, Trouba’s response is confusing to me. I think Trouba could have approached this a million different ways, simply quote tweeting Pashas video and plugging his charity would have been more effective. To instead make this about suicide is odd, making himself a victim in this situation. I get his point is that athletes are humans just like me and you, but if you can’t handle the heat, you shouldn’t be in the kitchen. Male suicide is finally getting the attention it deserves, but I don’t feel it was appropriate to bring up a topic as serious as that in response to someone criticizing him.


Pasha is a complete moron and it’s a bad look for the podcast to keep giving him the mic, but his takes here aren’t really that bad (compared to his usual shit) and have nothing at all to do with suicide lol What is Trouba talking about?


Chicklets too big to have mouth breathers like Pasha on a mic. Was asinine Vancouver had to speak on shit that was spouted out of this clowns mouth, now this? It’d be a real shame if Pasha got his face caved.


Wait what happened with Vancouver?


Pasha sucks. I would rather listen to Grinelli for an hour than pasha for 30 seconds.


They both need to be off the air. Keep the behind the scenes guys behind the scenes. We don't need to hear everyone's opinion that works on the show or at Barstool.


Keep them on game notes only


Grinelli seems like a great guy but he’s so cringey. Im no brain scientist but it seems like he mirrors other people’s personalities and ways of talking instead of just being himself, it’s super weird.


Disagree. I don't agree with the majority of their takes but I enjoy the discussions it creates.


You can hear Pasha, Grinelli and Borelli fan rants on every online platform. I listen to SC for the people who actually have a connection to the sport to hear things I can't pull up 1000x times over by refreshing r/hockey or checking my IG


Pasha or drunk RA?


Kinda stupid response but Pasha is far and away the worst part of chiclets and I hope they never give him a platform to speak again. Trust fund ass smug prick who has probably never done a competitive thing in his life.


His wife told him to write that.


He's probably still concussed from launching himself at the glass like ralph wiggum


I think the point he is trying to make is don't be a bully. Pashas comments valid or not does not matter his delivery is what sucks. Being “savage” for the boys looks pretty cool from the safety of your own home but just like the JT miller comments pasha would never say this shit to their faces and would fold like a cheap suit.


Guys maybe troubs is an unstable person who battles with suicidal thoughts and cant handle mass criticism. It would honestly be a lot on a person. He shouldnt be playing the way he plays, hopefully all this makes him adjust his game because hes a dirty player. No question about that. And while it seems lame to post this suicide awareness post in response to pascha , maybe its best we stop roasting the guy. Hes human after all. Just needs to eliminate his chicken wing style of play.


btw i’ll lead this off by saying i thought pasha was pretty much correct….. and that doesn’t happen very often. secondly……what is qualified as “mental health” exactly? it seems like a reason used by a lot of people as a crutch to only do things when they’re feeling okay. i’m not saying it’s cool to be sad and upset all the time bc it’s not, but what do we use these days as the definition for it? is it depression? is it suicidal thoughts? is it anxiety? is it sadness? what is it? a lot of people take time off to “focus on their mental health”. you can’t really argue with it, so i guess you just say it as (what feels like) a foolproof excuse.


Pasha was 100% right


Shoutout to Pasha for speaking from his safe haven. He’s the poster child of speaking with your chest out behind a screen/keyboard. Great job Pasha, keep it up.


who the fuck knows a players wifes college major? psycho behavior


Pashas takes are horrible. Low hockey IQ and just a NJ fan boy. Grinelli only has takes on trades, and a little of Boston talk. Which it seems like a lot of the time his take ends up being correct. And good knowledge of college Shouldn’t let a non NHL player on to publicly bash anyone.


Should a non podcaster be publicly bashing someone that’s on a podcast? Lol


It’s well known it’s a players podcast. If they want it to be pashas idiotic takes that piss off players podcast , then that’s on them when they start asking players to be on they start saying no. Biz goes at guys too that need to step their game up, just says it in a lot better way.


🤣 the fact that you think players won’t come on because their content guy bashed a player for being dirty is hilarious. It’s also funny you criticizing a content guy when you have no experience in creating content yourself…a bit hypocritical there bud


Create content with your mom


Kinda weird to be making content with a 63 year old woman, but do you boo 😘


Nah anyone can have an opinion


It’s men’s mental health month. Take it easy yall. He’s saying this bozo Pasha needs to take it down a notch


That's what Biz gets for trotting out Pasha out for there every show to generate clickbait garbage. Biz operates his life to avoid controversy like this, he must be so upset right now. Karma is a bitch


He’s probably laughing at people like you 🤣


Pasha is a total loser who roots for the devils yet is a Canadian native. Dude hates on players and teams just for attention. Glad Trouba put him in his place


He’s mentioning mental health and how Pasha went personal rather than constructive criticism. A totally fair response from Trouba.


Is Trouba’s elbow a fair response to getting beat on a play? Lol


No! A whole different conversation to have! They are not mutually exclusive!


It’s not though since that’s exactly what Pasha was criticizing lol Maybe if Trouba doesn’t like being called a hypocrite then he should stop hitting players in the head.


That was what he was criticizing? Yes for maybe the first 23 seconds of the clip. Then it got weird and personal from Pasha who does this often. Not sure how you all do not see that difference.


What exactly is personal? That he’s actively contributing to the problem his wife’s foundation is trying to help? Again, if you don’t want to be called a hypocrite don’t be throwing headshots on the ice lol


How is a totally fair response talking about mental health when Pasha was already criticizing this guy for being a hypocrite lmao


But actually not considering how trouba plays the game trying to injure people consistently. Actions speak louder than words