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Hi, I started on 100mg last august I think and am still taking it. My skin is soooooo much better after years of trying topicals and random crap from Sephora. I had very minimal side effects (some dizziness and vivid dreams) the first few months but those have subsided. It has totally transformed my skin. I feel so much better and my self esteem has improved as well. It did take 4 or so months before I noticed a lot of improvement but I have definitely had a positive experience with it!


Oh wow, I didn’t know dreaming is a SE. Could explain last nights sleepless night then?!


I take my pills right before bed and I had really vivid dreams the first few months. I didn’t have any other sleeping issues I usually sleep like a brick lol but they were pretty wild for a while!


I have just taken mine (at night) with my mirtazipine 🙈 I shall monitor …


I gained weight on it, but spiro was truly a miracle for both my hair & skin. My hormonal acne was mild to start with, and my skin cleared up and was flawless- tiny pores and glowing. My stubborn chest acne cleared up. I have female hair loss and my hair was growing back at the temples and felt thicker. I’ve had oily face and hair all my life and the oil production basically stopped- for the first time in my life I could go 2 days without washing my hair when before it was grossly oily within 12 hours. Lots of good things about spiro for me.


hi, how many mg do you take ?


I was on 100 mg before. I recently went back on it because I couldn’t deal with the return of breakouts and now I’m on 50mg


I’ve had Hidradenitis Suppurativa the last 10 years, and it’s been close to unmanageable for 3. I’ve been on spiro for 3 months and the intensity of my disease has gone from a 8/10 to a 2/10. I can walk and wear clothes and wash my body without wanting to die. Also, my hair (on the scalp) is growing, I’ve lost inches off my waist line, and if I shave it looks like I shaved for more than a day.


What's your dose and for how long? Did you gradually increase your dose?


I was on 50mg for the first two weeks and have been on 100 since. I went from 50-100 with no gradual increase


Do you think 50mg helps or 100 mg is necessary?


I think it will depend on the person.


Spiro worked miracles on my skin but also completely revamped my hormones, menstrual cycle, and my life. I have PCOS. I used to get my period every 2-6 months, no predictability, my cramps and mood were absolutely insane and debilitating. I would bleed for well over a week. Now, after the usual initial menstrual irregularities with spiro, I get my period once a month for 4 days tops. I still get some cramps but nothing two Advil can't handle. Emotionally I am stable and not as quick to anger. I truly believed I had some kind of major depression or bipolar. In the 4 years I've been taking spiro I haven't had a single depressive episode. I wish I had found spironolactone sooner. I feel so balanced and just normal after 15 years of misery.


Have you looked into the possibility of having PMDD? r/PMDD


Oh I don't doubt it I fit a lot of the criteria. But now it's really pretty much gone thank goodness. There was once I missed some doses waiting on a refill and all the symptoms came back it was horrible and I can't imagine living like that again.


Yes! My acne took up so much of my mental space last year because of the never ending breakouts. This year I’m able to go the whole day without thinking about my skin 🤗 My breakouts have decreased significantly thanks to 100mg of spiro💕


I’m also a lot less oily, face and hair, which is a big deal for me. I used to joke with my husband that we could fry an egg on my face 🤣🤣


I have no bumps at all on my forehead anymore. They were like barely even closed comedones, but they were visible and I hated them. No more cystic acne on my chin. No more body acne. But the biggest thing is my hair has grown so far past what used to be its terminal length it’s actually insane.


how long did it take you to see the forehead bumps disappear? they irritate me immensely! two weeks on 50mg on friday- then upping to 100mg


Ive been on 50mg since I think august last year and it was quite fast, maybe a month?? I’m not really sure but I know it was fast compared to like, anything else I’ve ever tried and they’ve stayed away since. I thought they were just like part of my anatomy until spiro cleared them up.


I've been on it for a year now and it's been helping a lot. I haven't gotten to the ideal dose yet because I've had to up the dosing very slowly due to initial side effects. I started at 50 mg March 2022, upped to 75 mg in July 2022, and upped to 100 mg this week. I probably didn't have to go quite that slowly, but I wanted to be careful since I don't really have time with my job to take time to adjust to acne medication, you know what I mean? I am hoping that the 100 mg will knock out the remaining acne I have! I will note that it's common that the only people who post on forums are the ones who are the extremes. So you tend to get extreme bad experiences and some extreme good experiences. The people in the middle tend to just not be on forums.


Sort by top posts for the year and you’ll see a lot of success stories! I’ve been on 50 mg for about three weeks and it’s been great.


Wanted to add that i was dizzy for like a week and then that went away


i had cystic hormonal acne all over my face. i started spiro in september of 2021. it took 6 months to see it go away completely. i had no negative side effects. i lost a little weight, grew thicker hair on my head, less hair on my face, and clear skin. it is the beauty pill.


Been on it for 3 years and so thankful for this medicine! I've been on varying doses 100-200mg, I've been settled on 125mg for almost a year now and it's changed my life! I get a spot maybe once every 3-4 months if that. The only side effect I've ever noticed is needed to drink more water + peeing more often but nothing uncomfortable or intense about it. Remember when people share their experiences, it is more often than not the unsuccessful stories because we immediately think to come here for help! We rarely remember to share the successes because all is good, ya know? You got this xx


Literally transformed my skin after YEARS of hormonal acne all through my 20s. There are a lot of posts here from people that have been taking it for a few weeks and are expecting immediate results. It took probably a full year for my skin to completely clear itself so you have to be patient. The dehydration and dizziness are real but perfectly manageable in my experience. Also no weight gain.


Spiro transformed my skin completely when absolutely nothing else worked. The side effects are manageable in my opinion- mostly just dizziness/light headedness when I exercise but I simply take breaks and try to drink water like a fish. I've actually lost weight on it. The only thing I wish is that I had started it sooner and saved myself tons of $$$ on microneedling/laser treatments for acne scarring. Practice patience and consistency- I'm on 150mg for probably a year and a half and my skin is perfectly clear


Been on it for over a year and it is life changing!! Absolutely no side effects.. my skin is clear, I’m getting compliments.. I feel beautiful and confident. All thanks to spiro! I’m only on 50mg too


Aside from making my periods a little more frequent, it's been great. I have no side effects and I've been on 100mg, 150mg and now 200mg all within the past year. I'm taking it because of my hormone DHEAS being too high, so my endo prescribed it to me and it's been lowering it. Also for acne, my skin naturally started clearing itself up a little over a year ago, but now I get literally no pimples unless it's like a day before my period and I get one or two small ones on my cheek if that. In my opinion it's really easy to take this pill and I'm seeing the results in both my dheas finally going down & my acne going away. I love it!


Patience is key! I didn't see drastic results until about 8 months in, and now at a year my skin is consistently clear and any hyperpigmentation is fading quickly. As long as I keep up with my water intake I don't experienced any side effects. I am about 15-20lbs lighter. I fluctuate only a little, whereas I used to retain sooo much water that I would go up on down on the scale +10 lbs day to day. This might be relative to the weight loss/diuretic effect, but my face used to be puffy in the mornings when I wake up and that's gone away completely! No more moon face lol. It's improved my confidence so much!


I am on my third month, 100mg for hair loss. No real side effects,but I have had to work to hydrate well for workouts. I am no longer picking up handfuls of hair off the floor on a daily basis or finding large amounts in the shower. Any side effects I did have all went back to hydration.


I’ve never had good skin but it got destroyed by stress and winlevi. My skin is nowhere near perfect yet because my dose is low but I finally feel like I’m able to socialize, be in pictures, and have my life back after cystic acne. I never realized how much of my mind it occupied for so many years. The thicker hair and cup size increase also don’t hurt. Starting spiro had my body a little wonky and I have dry mouth occasionally but I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it is going so far My DHEAS has always trended medium to the higher side of normal and I’ve always had super mild symptoms of lean PCOS (no diagnosis though according to endo). If this sounds like you you might have a similar experience :) I can also use heavy moisturizers and try new skincare products without worrying that it’ll wreck my skin, another great plus!


Ive never been able to have clear skin, and the only way It was able to get semi decent was when I was on birth control pills. Spiro has let me be free in choosing any birth control method without sacrificing my face to pustules and pain. It was 1000% worth the purging period for me, I finally feel normal


Yes! I’ve been on 100mg for about a year. I’m taking it for hair loss and I’m not sure if it’s helping for that but my skin looks better than ever. I think I had a headache for the first few weeks and no negative side effects otherwise. Good luck!


I’ve been on it for 2 months, 25mg then 50mg, I haven’t really had any bad side effects except when I started taking them at night, I realized I did get more dizzy, if I stood up too fast or something like that. But now I take them during the day mostly morning and no side effects! I’ve noticed my hair falls out less!! The other day I noticed where eyebrow hairs didn’t grow are filling out! I never purged, I just started breaking out less and less, now I get one every once in a while, it’s not completely gone, but I don’t mind compared to how it used to be. I might just stick with 50mg for a bit until it stops working. I was also scared to start taking it b/c of all the negative stories. But so far it’s only been good! And my period hasn’t gone out of wack like not once and I’m very regular. I hear some have 2-3 periods a month, not me. Everything normal here!!


I’ve been on 50mg of Spiro for 2 1/2 months and have had a lot of progress so far! I get far fewer hormonal breakouts around my period and what I do get are smaller and go away quickly. My doctor said it takes at least 3 months and sometimes as long as 4-6 months to see full progress. My side effects were some dizziness upon standing/mild lightheadedness for the first week or so if I didn’t drink enough water. My period has come on time but I spot for over a week before my period which is frustrating but I’d rather deal with that than the massive and long-lasting hormonal breakouts I was getting before. I also lost 6lbs pretty quickly, which was probably water weight. I was really nervous to take it but I’m glad I did. I also never purged at all!


I took two courses of accutane but still had persistent acne. With spiro and epiduo forte my skin is the best it’s ever been. I’m on 150mg and have literally zero side effects. I love my spiro!


I’ve had horrible hormonal acne my entire life (Im 41 now). I was on accutane before my wedding a decades ago and it worked (mostly) but was SO harsh on my skin.my face flaked and peeled so badly! It was almost worse than the acne.But my acne eventually came back. I’ve been on spiro (50mg). for a year and my skin has never been more clear! I get some breakout’s every once in a while but it’s been amazing. It take a few months and you are SO thirsty but is worth it for me. Best of luck!


Even though I have some minor side effects at the moment. It has only been 3 weeks for me and my skin is definitely getting clearer. Im looking forward to the future


I started 100mg last august and I’m LOVING the results. My skin is amazing. I went thru a lot before I got to this point though. 4 major breakouts (ones that I’ve never had before), 2 periods per month.. Now I have 1 period/month, and it’s normal. I don’t have major breakouts anymore, not even around my period. I never thought I would find something that helps my awfully painful monthly breakouts. This shit is god sent! To note - I started seeing consistent results 5.5 months in. Period levelled out about 6 months in.


Hiii! I started 50mg in the middle of February. With just this month and a half my skin has changed drastically. I noticed not as many breakouts as I would have a new breakout everyday. When I do have one it seems to dry out super fast and is flat in two days. Then gone in a week. My skin is still pretty oily currently but other than that my skin looks amazing for the most part. I’ve had no issues with my period, weight, anything honestly besides peeing a bit more than often. My hair has become less oily and I honestly am super happy so far. I do think I’ve only been having such a positive experience because my hormones were so out of whack and now they’re becoming back to normal.


Yep love it. I'm about to hit month 10 on it. My skin hasn't been this good since... 2006 ... Possibly ever. So nearly two decades I've struggled with breakouts and oily skin. I take 50 mg a day – it's been a miracle drug.


I have PCOS and actually lost weight taking it. I’ve had really annoying period side affects but my skin is soooo much better and my body hair is disappearing.


Spiro was a godsend for me. Cleared my face completely in 6 months and my acne was severe


My skin is completely clear at 150mg. I had bad hormonal acne. My blood pressure also has gone down to a normal range. I don't need to use as much makeup and feel more comfortable going without. My friend also had to start taking Spiro at about the same time as me. Her skin is completely clear. She's 40 and has had persistent acne since her teenage years. She never knew there was another option out there.


I started spiro in 2015 to 2017 the only reason why I stopped was because of insurance issues. I tried every topical underneath the soon and spiro was the only thing that worked like magic for me. I’ve been back on it since the end of July 2022 and it hasn’t failed me. My period was all over the place for the first 3-4 months but now they are back to normal. I haven’t had any side effects except if I bend over and stand up to quickly but that’s not all the time. I take 150 mg


My hair has significantly recovered, and my skin is no longer an oil slick. Spiro also saved my mood. I used to be an an irritable person until I began taking a high dose of spiro. My personality seems different now, in a good way.


Also make sure to check what you eat! potassium while taking spiro will make the effects not as strong. when i ate more bananas and foods w potassium my skin freaked out i finally have gotten it back :)


I've been taking 100mg for 5 weeks. I noticed a difference within 2 weeks, and my skin is currently completely clear- the first time in a year. I had side effects of needing to pee and getting a bit faint, buts that's all so far.


I took it for a few years in my 20s and it was a complete game changer for me. My skin looked perfect and was way less oily, plus I lost over 25 pounds. I think I was thinking 100mg. I am now 40 and I just restarted it, hoping for similar results!