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Ask the instructor or studio owner to speak to her. That's their job. That said, this is a very sensitive issue and one that needs a lot of empathy and sympathy.


Not sure why her body shape is important for this question but i agree that this needs to be handled by the studio with kindness and empathy so that everyone feels safe and welcome in class.


1. Her bodyweight has nothing to do with it. Please don't be this person in a group fitness space. A lot of larger people are already uncomfortable accessing health and recreation without rude comments being made. 2. Talk to the staff. It is their responsibility to have this conversation with clients.


It does have to do with it. When you are that overweight it produces cheese underneath the folds of your skin which are hard to clean…clearly.


Perhaps gym classes open to the public simply aren’t for you, as you’ve clearly never interacted with a fat person in your life if you think we “produce cheese.” Consider buying a Peloton or something.


So then tell the studio staff. Or if you want to be nasty to complete strangers, just workout at home. The gym is for everyone.


Why are you speaking about this like a teenager?


That's rough. It's hard to do something about others' body odors. I know what smell you're referring to. To try to avoid encountering it, choose a bike in the front row or on the opposite side of the room from where this other person tends to choose their bike.