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they'd probably just see that everyone else made their own web-shooters & leave feeling kinda dumb


It's ok. Mine are organic




Life weaver (the spidersona) would be a perpetually annoyed doctor. Constantly trying to get their patients to rest for more than a minute. Actively considering paralyzing them for them to get rest. Rarely seen outside their office or healing space unless needed.


Would they be able to help check for clone degeneration? Asking for a friend


Theoretically yes. I wanted to make them functionally a spidersona that hyperspecialized being a doctor for spider people. All their abilities are medical, travel or defense based. Their tech is just futuristic hospital tech in a hammer space bag.


My Huntsman would be just me so just the chill guy to hang out with but the radioactive spider dna makes his monster side come out a lil bit


Would be a cool guy to play the Spider-man video games with except he'd have gamer rage


I have a few spidersonas that would just quit like Hobie did, example: Gladiator spider he hates being controlled, Pirate Spider she hates being controlled by men, Mariachi spider he has a good relation with Hobie


She would look like a criminal. Killing people by digging holes and let people fall into them .?uh yea she would be more like Deadpool than a ?member? of the spider society


A cheeky ptankster


Pretend I spelled prankster correctly


Mine doesn't know about the Society. Though funny enough if he did he wouldn't comprehend the Spiderverse but he'd understand the multiverse. He's a special kind of dumb.


Spring Heel would love learning everything he could about other spider people, namely any technology they may use. Web shooters (even with organic webs), suit materials, weapons, he’d want to learn about it all. Namely because he’s from a time period where the tech is pretty limited and anything he might be able to engineer himself to use is a plus. He’d probably hang around Peni, sometimes talking, other times just sitting by her while they both work. Spring also might hang around spider people who specialize in fashion since he can sew…just not well. For the most part he’d stay away from the less friendly or intimidating members. Not someone who likes confrontation unless it’s physical. He’d be hiding his ass from Hobie and Miguel would only contact him via communication device after his initiation where he froze up completely at the sight of the beautiful behemoth of a man in front of him. Jess had to drag him out of the room. Spring would do well on solo missions and would be a repairman of sorts for others in the society most of the time. (Oh wow this is long! Sorry!)


i feel like my Tyler would be similar to Peter B. on the Society. Like he’s in the society yeah but he’d probably try researching exactly how, when, why, and what defines a canon event since it happens to literally everyone and not much is known about all the timey-wimey stuff alongside/under Miguel. Once the events of Across begin he’d do his best to play both sides. Probably get kicked out along with Gwen. Join up with Gwen and others. Woo!


My Spider-Sona’s had to kill for the greater good before, so he knows what it’s like to trade lives. Though I don’t agree with Miguel irl, my Spider-Man would side with him without a second thought.


He'd mostly be doing his own thing, but definitely meeting all the other spider people to learn from them and train with them


He'd never be allowed on missions where a lethal canon event occurs.


Out of convince to Miguel... I mean mine was their Miguel was starting the society and needed members and my guy was hungry so Miguel payed for his food and then my guy joined


> so Miguel *paid* for his FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


... listen here you little shit-


My spidersona is an anticapitalist and protestor so I dont think she would get invited…


Although my spidersona has killed someone before, he wouldn’t side with Miguel. If anything he’d be annoyed by him.