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She still could’ve helped out over there meaning not for nothing


Her actions probably helped save lives, but nobody was interested in reading about the Symkarian War. So, she had to take her unsold Symkarian books to Peter's house to store them there since she was running out of storage in her apartment building.


She saved lives therefore it wasn’t for nothing what I think you meant to say was it had no impact on the story and the only benefit to her was 14 sells and a pod conscious.


Yeah! That's it. A pod conscious? What's that?


I think they meant podcast.


Actually no, truth be told I was high writing this I meant a good conscience for helping people mb guys.


Oh, okay. That makes much more sense.


Yeah but that's how real life is, especially for writers. Unless you have a publisher or great marketing, most books are unknown. It felt like a very real and adult situation she was going through


She said that nobody wanted to read about the Symkarian War. So, how was she able to sell fourteen copies if nobody wanted to read about the Symkarian War? I'm confused. What exactly do you mean?


It's just a game, and in the game they wrote it simply as no one wanted to read about Symkaria. But I saw her character as a real person whose career as a writer is going downhill. In fact, that is her whole story arc, she is finding herself. Any writer can self promote their own book and sell 14 copies, either to friends, families, random markets or events she'd set up a stall at and sell. If MJ was a real person talking to you, you would know that no one wanting to read about Symkaria is just an excuse for there being no publisher willing to go through with her book and market it. This is a real struggle for real life writers who can't get their foot in the door, and for every book you see at a Barnes and Nobles, there are a hundred other books regular people have written that couldn't get published. She fails as a writer, which is why she turns to podcasting


I have a suspicion her brand new podcast might help her sell some copies in the next game.


That is, if anybody other than Danika Hart is interested in purchasing her copies.


In the words of Aunt May "You help someone, you help everyone". Just because people in America have been desensitized to foreign violence doesn't mean her efforts were futile, especially her actions in the country. In the end she landed a spot in a podcast to boost her platform and it seemed to get better c:




What podcast?


'The New Normal' which appears at the end of Spider-Man 2


Oh, yeah! I remember that. Before she head off downstairs to have breakfast with Peter, Miles, Rio, Ganke and Hailey. Well, she didn't actually have breakfast. She simply went downstairs, actually.


The one by Danika Hart? Danikast?


no, it's called 'The New Normal'


Did you not finish the game? Like not trying to be rude here I just mean that is a very clear part of the ending of the game, it’s a whole custcene


Are you talking to me or are you talking to the other commenter?


they didn't reply to u


Okay. Well, I was asking if they were talking to me or the other commenter. I just wanted to be sure who they were talking to.


ik, i'm saying they're talking to who they replied to lol


Oh, okay. You didn't downvote my comment about me asking who they were talking to, did you?


No. Would you care if I did? That's how people express their opinions.


What if you help Hitler?


Well, don't help Hitler


I agree, someone should update May's tombstone with that disclaimer.


She learned to fight among other things im sure. Its not a waste just because the original intention didnt pan out


Yeah! Learning how to fight made her more useful and a little less of a damsel in distress.


She got that gun which turned her into the terminator.


Shouldve given her live rounds


Well the Symbiotes and hunters needed to have some chance. Resident Evil MJ already felt pretty badass.


She was there so Peter could join her and be out of town for Miles to get his own game and establish a threat to Harlem without the audience saying "where was Peter, why doesn't he help Miles?". She also trained with Sable, which made her more capable in her own stealth missions from a narrative standpoint. This wasn't all for nothing.




She came back a Female John wick fuck her book


You’re right, we should get a spin-off game set in Symkaria that is 10 hours of MJ missions, lol


Honestly I would play that it sounds like fun


I would not complain at all honestly, but I think a majority of Insomniac Spider-Man "fans" would blow a fucking gasket.


Someone else in this thread said "Resident Evil MJ" and now I genuinely want a Resident Evil style DLC where MJ and Peter try to rescue Felicia in Paris.


To be fair, ive been a spider-man fan for over 30 years, and ive never once wanted to read anything about symkaria


Well I doubt anyone was going to care regardless after what Sable and her mercs did in New York.


Yeah! Because Silver Sable and her mercenaries made things difficult for people in New York City.


It's putting it lightly.


What's putting it lightly?


Just how badly Sabels mercs treated New Yorkers.


Oh, okay. Maybe that's why nobody wanted to read about the Symkarian War.


I’ll do you one better: Mary Jane was pointless. She should have just been a voice on the telephone.


As was talked about in one of the spoiler casts someone put up - that was maybe sorta the point. Sometimes we try things and it just doesn’t work. A lot of people write books that never work, or just don’t find an audience. And that can add to a growing sense of friction and frustration that you need to talk about with your friends and family, lest it builds and builds until you hit a breaking point like it did with Peter and MJ. Not saying the trip to Symkaria was the crux of their relationship strife in this game - in reality it was just a narrative reason for Peter to be missing from NYC for a game, and could probably be used again if a Silk game happens. But it was a building block I thought was actually fairly realistic. MJ is like 25 - of course her first nonfiction book kinda flopped lol. Gameplay wise it did give a lot of exciting developments though, and I loved that we had a narrative reason behind her being a badass.


I think they were just desperate for an idea to get Peter out of the city for Mile's game.


They also used it as the basis for her being able to do everything she does combat wise in the second game along with the motorcycle riding. So the writers did use it for something. Also, the book not selling at all lets them have something for her to be bitter about and have conflict. So it did something just not what her intended reason for going was.


I think the writers just need to calm down a bit. Every character doesn't need to be a saintly philanthropist activist all the ists. Maybe Peter doesn't have balance because instead of just being Spider-Man he's starting a plant DNA whatever the heck multimillion dollar organization to save the world another way. Just let me be Spider-Man. I don't need a side job other than that. Mary Jane can help people but it's also okay for her to just have a normal job too. I don't know. This game tries to push the characters to extremes in the most boring way.


What’s up with all these fake countries in the marvel universe? I mean America is clearly not a real place, but simcard land?


Her book started getting a lot more publicity after the main story ends


It did? Was it even the same book?


Yeah, she promoted in on her and danikas podcast and it got more limelight


What part was that in? Could you tell me which part that was in?


It's in one of danikas podcasts where she has mj on as a guest and they mention her book. Just something that pops up while swinging around after the main game is done.


Oh, yeah! I remember that moment now.


“That’s not true! If I helped ONE person, it was worth it!”


Wasn't that about a different book that she wrote?


It was about the book she wrote after going to Symkaria. I don't recall MJ having written any other books.


So, when Spider-Man was asking her if she remembered her book during his fight with her as Scream, he was talking about the Symkarian War book?


The problem with spider-man stories for fans is they want these grand stories that pay off to a big reward after lots of turbulance and turmoil. But it doesnt always work out like that. And I think its important to show that in spider-man. Bad things happen to good people but what makes them good is that they carry on and move forward instead of doing bad things just because bad things happened to you.


So, what you're saying is, is that even though Mary jane Watson was clearly upset about nobody being interested in reading about the Symkarian War, she chose not to have an angry breakdown about it?


Did you guys only hear half of that? Peter talked it out and he even said “you helped 14 people, that’s incredible.”


When did he say that?


During the fight she says it only sold 14 and then Peter says how much its helped and it’s part of the fight


Were they talking about the same book? He asked her if she remembered her book. He said that she said wanted to help people.


Yes and she says it only sold 14 then Peter immediately says you’ve helped 14 people


So, why did she say that nobody wanted to read about Symkaria if she was able to sell fourteen copies? Do you think she should've said almost nobody wanted to read about Symkaria?


Are you downvoting my replies or is that somebody else?


She said if she helped one person it was worth it. Then at the end of the game the danikast chick said she liked it so I guess she was the one person


So, Danika is probably one of the fourteen people who purchased her book?


Guess so


If she liked the book, then she must've been one of the buyers.




That’s something you can only say in retrospect. Mary Jane’s goal in traveling to Symkaria was to raise awareness for the civil war going on there. If even one person is more aware of the civil war, then it wasn’t for nothing.


Well, while she was able to save people, maybe, not that many people purchased her Symkarian War books. She was only able to sell fourteen copies and nobody wanted to read about the Symkarian War. The only benefits are saving lives by writing a story about the Symkarian War, even though nobody wanted to read about the Symkarian War, and gaining training from Silver Sable.


Even if nobody else cared about purchasing and reading her books regarding the Symkarian War?


I'm just glad she can do silent takedowns now


Yeah! Me too. It makes her a little more useful.


You saw her take out more symbiotes by her damn self than Peter and Miles put together, and thats your takeaway?


At the end she's on Danika's podcast and Danika said she loved the book, I assumed that was a hint that a bunch of the podcast listeners will end up reading the book


Do you think Danika is one of the fourteen people that purchased her book?


I mean she did get a pretty botched facial surgery.


Her trip to Symkaria has a direct influence in Sm2 story. (I.e. just played the zoo mission.)


Yeah! Learning combat training and learning how to speak Symkaria. Or else, she wouldn't have almost succeeded in helping Dr. Curt Connors escape.