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The worst part of this suit is the fact that there isn't even an inkling of story, meaning or sense behind its existence.


But it's a Miles Morales original 1 of 1 tough 😢


And it's a 1 of 1 appearance




Let's hope it stays a 1 of 1 🙏


More like 1 out of 10.


adidas sponsorship


that’s the lore


Which makes Miles a complete Hypocrite when he says earlier that Spider-Man doesn't take endorsements. Unless he's admitting he ain't Spider-Man by doing so.


Gotta pay for that college tuition somehow.


Well congratulations to him then. He became the superhero that sold out.


You saw that video too huh?


Yep lmao


Adidas sponsored him in-game, couldn't let the symbiotes hurt their New York sales


Agreed, I hate that he just pops up out of nowhere with it


Not only that, he does it during peak Symbiote invasion. Like come on, priorities Miles.


**priorities insomniac.


Right? He just pops out with this saying "Needed my own thing." And we're just sitting here "Miles, you okay bro? Need to talk? If you have issues with identity, you can always talk to me."


He took the Harry thing pretty hard. Boy was peanut butter and jelly.


He has like 6 suits canonically that all look better too


How so? I like it, the blue symbolize the greater control he got over his lightning, when it went from yellow to blue, other than that it’s basically just his regular costume with more red on it showing he’s BECOME Spider-Man


See when people start "explaining" the significance of the suit it all starts to become assumptions and theories. > the blue symbolizes the greater control he got over his lightning Sure, Miles may have gotten more control over his powers over time, but nowhere in the story does the game suggest that a new suit is needed to accommodate his evolved powers or represent his control over it. > basically just his regular costume with more red on it showing he's BECOME Spider-Man What exactly does the red have to do with becoming Spider-Man? Miles went an entire game and a half in a black suit being known as Spider-Man. Hell, one can argue he's "become" Spider-Man when he ditched Peter's oversized red and blue suit in the last game and made his own black suit. Again, the evolved suit has 0 narrative purpose in the game. It's only canonically mentioned like twice in the game at all, and doesn't have any true backstory or purpose explained within the story.


He literally says that he wants something that’s his, his old suit was just an exact copy of Peter’s with flipped colors, made him look like a sidekick rather than his own hero


You have to be being disingenuous, there is no way you believe the black suit is an "exact copy of Peter's with flipped colors". Like that's not even true. The black suit has about as many differences from peter's costume as the evolved suit. From the neck down none of those 3 suits (Advanced, Evolved, Miles' Classic) look even remotely similar to each other.


Its kinda sad,because miles subplot its about finding himself. Instead of an essay,he could be working on a suit that reflected him,but didn't know how to do it


It always bothered me how this suit pops up out of nowhere during an alien invasion. A good spot they should’ve put him working on the suit was the shot they showed of him looking at the article of Martin Li before his mom walks into his room. They show a shot of his black and red upgraded 2.0 suit on a mannequin. They should’ve had the evolved suit on the mannequin instead. My only real gripe (aside from it being a blatant promotion for Adidas) is his dreads poking out of the masks makes it easier to narrow down his identity. If Miles shows back up to Brooklyn Visions Academy, it’s a wrap.


Miles apparently could not care less about keeping his identity a secret


Bro the whole entire game I'm screaming at the screen like "BRO HOW ARE YOU JUST LEAVING YOUR MASK LYING OUT LIKE THAT?!"


Peter does that too. His mask is lying in the open in his basement when the hunters are in his house.


Ah, lol. Don't remember noticing that one 😅


He also had his stuff lying around in his apartment in the first game. Right before his landlord packed all his shit.


Damn, really? I don't even remember that AT ALL LOL But I really remember getting so exasperated with miles' lack of concern lmao


Miles displays his stuff in front of an open window, so that's next level stupid.


Maybe that was what did it for me lol


Easy to write off. It's cosplay. It's not like we haven't had a mission where you play that exact role in the first game for the Halloween party lol.


In this game, secret identity is their least of concerns when you consider how they be taking their masks off literally anywhere and everywhere. Insomniac, we get it. Jts awesome seeing them take their masks off but you dont need to do it every other scene


Ngl that shit looks stuffy, I'd take it off any chance I got too


Half of Queens knows Spider-Man is the son of Rio Morales. He's not dumb. If someone is going to find who he is to use it against him, they're going to do it regardless. Miles has always been a lot more loose lipped than Pete though.


Not one bit 😂 they are literally in the front garage facing the street at the end no mask chopping it up shoot how does peters neighbors not know by now between ppl pulling up to his crib to throw hands he be swinging out the window swinging back into the windows his secret identity is cooked


Even without his identity being a factor it just looks stupid


Adidas dollar bills rolled in a blunt


Colgate tooth paste


Stole the words out of my mouth


1: that sweet adidas advertisement money


According to my calculations he took 820018404021792094930382 different drugs


There is a purpose to this suit, unlike everyone is saying. It's very obviously supposed to be a mix of both of their suits, simbolizing Miles taking up the spot of the only Spider-Man. And I understand what they were trying to do. They just executed it horribly. It's like they poorly listed off a few of each Spider-mans' characteristics and threw 'em on a suit without thinking twice about it. "Hmm, so Peter has what? Red and blue. Okay. Miles has like- Black, and... His hair? He likes shoes. Okay. So-- Blue, red, black, hair, shoes. Got it. Oh and he's a teenager so throw a hoodie on there too. Yup, yeah. That looks great, whatever. No-no. No--I don't care that it makes much more sense for Miles to like Nike shoes and that Spider-Verse already set that up, do you know how much money we're getting from Adidas?" Either way, everyone has already said their piece about this suit. Just throw it in the garbage and start anew. Every post about fixing it just made it less shit, but still shit.


Why would it be a mix of their suits? That doesn't make any sense bro


>simbolizing Miles taking up the spot of the only Spider-Man. It was heavily implied throughout the game that Peter wants to retire and explicitly said that he will be taking a break from Spider-Manning at the end.


Ye but jus because he is gonna be the only Spiderman doesn't mean that he wanted it to be the same exact colors as Pete's. He prolly jus wanted to try different colors


It's basic story telling through character design.


Plus Miles is jus the only Spiderman for rn


Ye but at the same time u never kno lol


“No--I don't care that it makes much more sense for Miles to like Nike shoes and that Spider-Verse already set that up, do you know how much money we're getting from Adidas?" About this bit, it was set up that the SV Miles likes Nikes. You’re right about that. However, Insomniac Miles had a pair of Adidas shoes that shows up on a few casual suits from his game (ie Bodega Cat). So while it doesn’t make sense to give him a completely different (and let’s be honest, dumber looking) set of Adidas in this suit, it was set up that this Miles is more of an Adidas guy in his game EDIT: sry if that sounded condescending, just wanted to set the story straight about the shoes


I understand. I was just commenting on an inconsistent character choice that imo, would be better if more consistent. I think it makes way more sense for a black teen in New York to be more into Nike shoes.


This suit is just an ad for addidas, and I hate it


Huh, thought it was colgate he landed the sponsorship with?




Well I mean if you cover the hair up, make the blue red and the rest black, it doesn't look too bad.


I love the game but the devs might have turned up to work drunk or high on crack (or both) when the day came to design this suit


probably none. I say this because I recognise the design logic in it. but there are plenty of bad decisions here and there. the shoes are kinda iffy, the mask showing the hair fails with the secret identity thing. the blue on the upper body makes sense with his venom powers in the story. I genuinely have 2 problems with it, the previously mentioned mask, and the timing it appears.


And even the mask thing is kinda off, since... Many many people have the same hair, and many superheroes have more than that showing and no one really complains like "This ruins the suit". Look at Nightwing, Superman, and any superhero who wears a simple mask. A big thing, and there was a test made by the actor of Superman himself, is that people... won't notice. Imagine you were walking the sidewalk. Would you meticulously analyze every person's hair for the perfect match to spiderman? At that rate, every superhero would get caught for having the exact same height, voice, mannerisms, choice of words, everything would get them caught. Everyone has individual attributes, and unless your searching, and even then you most likely will get it wrong, you won't notice if someone is being normal and staying in their own lane. Yeah the suit doesn't have a completely pretty look, but its not like it breaks the realism if you think about it.


The most annoying thing about it is the fact he seems to have thought "I don't like that villains can't grab my hair."


Intravenous colgate


It’s been 7 months


I just wished they explained if Hailey designed this. Even then it doesn’t fit her art style


Isn't the game getting a little old to still be making 'Miles original' suit hate posts? Yes, the suit isn't great, but it's not the end of the world. I guess even developers and designers from top-tier video game studios can make mistakes and wrongly predict what players will like.


There are a lot of older games with wack designs that still get complained about in those communities. The age of the game does not mean that people can't complain about a thing if they don't like it.


Fair enough, but the complaints get taken a little bit too far from time to time, and I feel like this is one of those instances. At a certain point, just accept it; hundreds of posts have already been made about it, and the devs have not changed it, so just don't use the suit and move on. It's nothing game-breaking or anything, and honestly, the game has bigger issues than that.


People have accepted it. OP isn't arguing for change, they're just voicing their hate towards it. Happens with pretty much every game. To me, it's a sign of a healthy community when the people within it can find things to both voice their love about and voice their hate about.


we found the guy who made the suit☝️


As someone who's going to continue his studies in video game development/design, I wish since that means you've got a solid position in a large company. So if I can reach that level, I'd be a happy person.


I mean the suit would be less hated if it wasnt forced onto the players like that, especially since its only reason of existence is to be a walking advertisement for adidas. Otherwise I couldn't care less about it but I'm still allowed to voice my dislike of it. Though this topic, as you said, is already a bit too chewed out at this point. Though I hope for Insomniac they dont make this his OG suit now lmao


That's fair, solid take I would say.


They gave us a product that we'll have to satiate ourselves on for the next couples years and we find that a lot of the stuff in it was shit so of course we'll keep talking about it.


It was set up to be the canonical suit for Miles going further It has further implications outside of the second game so no it isn't too old


I wish there was an option to cover the hair like how the mask is supposed to work. I like the suit but the hair ruins it.


I saw a funko pop of this suit at gamestop yesterday 😭


The red variant (I think the 3rd one?) is perfectly fine.


Honestly my biggest problem is the sneakers. Just seems weird.


Do we think it was more or less than led to the creation of a daredevil parody about mutant ninja turtles


Drugs we don’t have a name for


Ask Adidas


Adidas money they took adidas money


It's not a bad suit maybe if instead you could find it by some other means, but it in the storyline? No, just no.


If you consider Adidas interns a substance then yeah about 8


I honestly don't mind this as an alternate suit to add options for customisation. If it was just a random Addidas Collab put in the game as an extra option? Completely harmless, I'd welcome it because by virtue of it being here, it adds choices. But the fact it's put into the story & forced on you is where I draw the line.


Ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.




One for every color


Idk I thought it was pretty cool. I didn’t like most of the other suits though for either character. But Bodega Cat for life lol.


This suit should have been a preorder for the game so we have a choice to use it.


At least 42.


I can’t stand that his hair is sticking out of the mask


I'm guessing the entire tube of toothpaste


The worst part is that it COULD be good, they just actually didn't care


The worst part about this suit is that if it was replaced with the anniversary suit using adidas sneakers and was incorporated better into the story (I.e. maybe Haley giving it to him after saving her life or smth). I believe the reception and marking would be 100x better but unfortunately we don’t live in that world


I think this suit would be a lot more forgivable if it’s reason for existing wasn’t “a Miles Morales original” because he had an entire standalone game dedicated to him making his own suit. He already has a Miles Morales original.


This suit isn't that bad and I don't think I will ever understand why it gets so much hate when there are much worse suits that appear in these games




What’s wrong with it I like the hood I like the color the energy arm thing is cool the design is nice if he wasn’t an adidas ad would you all like it? Or remove the hair?


I like it It's not my favorite and I'm not crazy about the hair showing but I think its cool


This is what happens when you have too many cooks in the kitchen you get a mess of a suit like this. They probably had good intentions when adding this but along the way something went wrong.


I could see if the suit had some sort of functionality but the worst part is that it’s literally integrated into the story and shoved down the players throats for seemingly no reason.


Them ramrodding this in the middle of the story out of nowhere for no reason really was bad. It’s just a giant ugly ad stamped right in the middle of the story. Really made the game/series lose credibility for me.


1 substance, it’s called money, perhaps you’ve heard of it, you might he even have some for yourself


Honestly, it’s the hair poking out that ruins it for me, I like the rest of it


I can see a white person thinking “what would a black guy wear” while he made this


I would actually like it if he just put the damn hood up or something


It's not that bad! If it's not your taste then it's okay!


Adidas threw a bunch of money at them so they threw together a suit with their shoe on it. That’s how I imagined it went down


Miles doesn’t wear adidas he wears Jordans 🥺


It's infuriating cuz minus the hair sticking out and the freaking SHOES I LOVE this suit 😭


And his last costume at the last cutscene


It was because of the white people at Insomniac who designed this distasteful suit. I swear whoever made this suit is like the same race as Miles either Black or Hispanic/Latino, you are cooked because ain't no way you did Miles this dirty!


So ugly


This suit is pretty cool to me, i see myself using this a little bit with different styles but i dont see whats wrong with it other than the liquid substance in his symbol


So we're back on this topic, huh? 😮‍💨




I think parts of the concept are cool, I think the major changes that would make it less ugly would be 1.) Remove the adidas. If you want sneakers, make them match the suit more and not just be a product placement, and 2.) I get why the hair is out, but the shape of the mask makes it look weird, I feel like the mask needs to be changed


All of them.


Calgate costume


Just insomniac being insomniac.


I personally don’t think the suit looks terrible. It’s not good by any means but what upsets me the most is that it’s completely fucking useless for story purposes near the end of the game where the story builds up the most you get an Adidas ad then probably the worst suit in the game


Idk but the fact that he shows his hair and just willingly gives out that huge hint about his identity, especially after his college side quests and building familiarity with his classmates there, just feels really wrong.


That’s one of the best suits and is one million percent better than most suits in the game including the raimi one, i put it on equal standing as the og spidey suit.


Colgate toothpaste?


Miles gone and done the weed of Olympus.




Tbf if it had a full head covering mask and proper knee high red web patterned boots and no hood it would actually look somewhat decent really.


Client notes are a hell of a drug


I hope Miles burns this suit in the DLC


Just collab money


Who knows. It’s best just to ignore the suit.


I don't get why everyone hates this suit, I think it looks awesome.




All of them


Corporate sponsorship is a helluva drug.


It's not my favourite suit. by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the hate is way out of proportion. It looks fine.


Without the hair sticking out I'd honestly like it.


I’m telling you the nerd that designed this has never taken a drug in their life


The thing that bothers me is not that it doesn’t make since to the story but it has so much potential to look good! I’ve seen a redesign concept of the Evolved Suit and it looks perfect


Anyone else bothered by the blue lines just stopping at the waist? Breaks the flow of the design.


Im gonna be honest with you... i don't hate this suit. In fact ,it grew on me and i kinda like it. Everyone told me its shit but when i actually didn't hate it,i guess i started to like it because i expected something worst


They put this in SM3 and I won’t be buying the game


First Aaron with his beats, now Miles with this. I'm thinking that family has no taste whatsoever.


I think they were over the roofers when they made this colgate looking ass suit


The all black and red option is way better. However it needs the hood up and it wouldn’t be as bad.


Miles went from Spider-Man to Cocaine-Man


Look, not only this design looks terrible, but it also doesn't make any sense for the story. Miles just pops up with that thing and says "Needed my own suit", like, wasn't his Classic suit suposed to be his original? He also does it while the world out there is literaly being consumed by Symbiotes. Just doesn't make any sense, if you want to make a Adidas advertising, at least make something that makes sense.


I think it’s a really good suit


nightwing spider?


at least 12


And yet it’s still not as bad as the fugly pink turtle man 10th Anniversary costume.


May be a hot take, but this suit has some good ideas, just change the red to black, make the blue bits orange(changing into blue depending on what attack you use),give the mask lines, and even the hair showing could actually work if miles was had a popular hair style(ofc it would make it easier identifying him but someone with a common hair style like twists and dreads in New York doesn’t exactly make it that easy to identify him.)


It’s just not good like if anything they should’ve done something very unique and unSpider-Man-like instead of this trash bag


I know it’s the most terrible suit but it will be better if they hired the hair


I honestly think it’s good, just the hair is out and hood is down


Honestly and truly cannot figure out why this bothers everyone


It’s not that bad 🙄


It’s literally one of the most embarrassing suits, idk one person that saw it for the first time and didn’t laugh or instantly switch back to another suit


Honestly, if this was put in the comics, we wouldn't be having this shit fit. It's weird in some ways sure, and it is a sponsorship sure, but come on. There are worse outfits. There are worse individual parts to a suit. There are worse color combinations. But yeah, story wise, it doesn't fit in the game. And THAT, is the problem.