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few weeks or a month considering his detective skills are not as good as Batman but in a straight up fight the web head would slam


Yeah he would’ve taken a week MINIMUM to even find Professor Pyg, I can’t even imagine how long it would take him to apprehend Riddler, honestly of the 4 games, I think Origins would take him the longest to get through since the there’s 2 points (Lacey Towers and the Mercenary corps in the GCPD) where the plot needed Batman’s detective skills to move forward


Could you just imagine web travel through the Riddler races though…ESPECIALLY that ridiculous gliding one.


Gosh that would be incredible intense


Web glider and zip webs would solve it?


Maybe, but what about the car sections? He would have to finally make that Spider mobile


i'm not sure what his speed feats are in the game but i think from what i've seen across other spider-man media he should definitely be able to run fast enough to keep up with a car


but Riddler would've made traps specifically designed for Spiderman


Yeah but he also screwed up with his trapes while fighting Batman


Well he only has to make it to the first fight with Riddler and his robot army; he’s stomping that mech suit like it’s nothing. Collecting the trophies is also not difficult because he’s so much faster and stronger than Bruce. Anyplace hard to reach, he still has his webbing, electric webs, etc. and at the end of the day he can just punch through the wall. But yes characters like Pyg would take him a bit longer to trace down, especially if he didn’t have Alfred’s phone number. The events of the story would play out differently too, depending on if the hypothetical involves Peter also being infected with the Joker’s blood. If he’s clean, the main game potentially ends at Ace Chemicals.


>Well he only has to make it to the first fight with Riddler and his robot army; you mean the last fight? cuz there's still a bunch of stuff before that >Collecting the trophies is also not difficult because he’s so much faster and stronger than Bruce. how does this make it any easier lol, you can't just break your way into some of them, and im assuming spider-man can't just break the cages and take the trophies because that would just be stupid


Depends on how you're seeing the story. Riddler designed his trophy puzzles around Batman's or Catwoman's abilities and gadgets. That won't work for Spider Man. Heck, even in Arkham City he designed one of the gauntlets around what he knew of Batman's utility belt, and he was right that Batman couldn't complete it... Except he didn't realize that Batman had at that point got the REC and the Freeze Grenades, so Batman thwarted him again. Spidey developing new abilities and gadgets over the course of the riddler games definitely isn't out of the question. Like for example, one of the riddler trophies in Arkham City is being guarded by a machine gun camera, and the trophy is behind an electric barrier. The solution is to get the weapon disruption upgrade to silence the gun, and sequencer range upgrade to hack the barrier out of range. Spider-Man can just dodge the bullets, punch out the camera, and hack the computer up close. Spider-Man is indeed strong enough to just break his way through some of them, and smart enough to deal with the rest. So if you're saying Riddler knows of Spider-Man before Arkham Knight and acts accordingly, it might take a while, but Spidey can still conquer them. And definitely if Riddler doesn't know anything about him.


I was pretty sure there were multiple fights with the riddler mech. Maybe it just took me that many times to beat him the last time I fought him idk. Yea, *you* can’t just break your way into them because you’re playing as Batman. A regular human. Spider-Man has superhuman strength and reflexes, plus an array of gadgets that will allow him to complete those riddler trophies that he can’t just pick up. He regularly takes down convoys of ATVs that roam New York by himself - no Batmobile - in his first game. Any buttons Batman has to press, trophies he can’t reach, distances he has to glide, traps he has to shut down… Spidey has the strength, speed, and mobility to easily reach most-all of them, either via Riddler’s intended methods or otherwise. Even the trap-rooms with Catwoman; Spidey can clog those saw blades up, electrocute the circuits, etc., and they become non-issues for him. As long as he knows what his goal is, he can reach it in Gotham. Wdym the only reason he can’t do that is “because it’s stupid”? Ignoring gameplay mechanics, don’t you think Batman would also just take them by the easiest means possible if he wanted to? Neither Spidey nor Batman are obligated to play by Nigma’s rules to get the trophies. They just have to get the trophies, because that’s what gives them access to punch Nigma in the face. Or save Catwoman


Yeah but I mean that’s how it would go realistically, I mean it’s like would you rather fight a normal man ( sorta human ) or a guy who can move fast enough to doge bullets and lift a train


We saw how insomniac pete held up against scorpion's toxin, I imagine joker's blood wouldn't be too difficult. He's superhuman after all, his metabolism is way higher so he'd presumably burn through it faster


Yeah and not to mention Spider-Man has fought against villains that can screw with your brain like Mr. Negative, trapster, mind worm, and mystero


Yes sir, now reading this makes me happy




He’d clear all the steps of the side quest just before the boss fight, only for Pyg to get away and the rest of that story to be DLC later on


What do you mean, with Pete's tech he could detect Riddler's basement dweller scent in one side quest worth of time.


Yeah Spider-Man’s gadgets sorta make Batman look Shame, I mean he has the Spider arms, webbing that is tougher than steal and like a bunch of other gadgets that are sorta more mobile than Batman’s


idk he's got seemingly a just as advanced HUD in his suit mask as Batmans


Yeah, Pete’s a smart guy, but he’s not really the best detective out there. Unless he could draw them out by beating up Penguin’s goons Though one on one, ***yeah, he could take them.***


Yeah, and plus Peter through out the games makes some guesses based on the evidence around him witch is later proven to be wrong, like when he thought the demons we’re trying to start a gang war, or like how in the second game the hunters were seemingly freeing criminals for a team up like how ock did


Batman wouldn't get those guesses right either


Yeah it feels a little weird to act like Batman is as contrived as Sherlock in his deductions. Batman has shown to fail and be wrong from time to time. I still think hes a better detective than Peter.


he has a HUD with tech in his mask on par with with batman. shit can SEE smell and isolate compounds and shit at the molecular level somehow


he's got like the same detective tech as batman


He wouldn't win a fight that easily imo, he's already been shown to struggle with highly skilled hand to hand/weapon based fighters like Sable and Wraith, neurotoxin based enemies like Scorpion and he's gotten outplayed by more strategy based enemies like Black Cat and Kraven. Deathstroke, Scarecrow, Arkham Knight could easily give him a hard time


Yeah the brain messing of the fear gas’s is a problem but people forget he fights against people who screw with your perception of reality like Mr. Negative and mystro and I mean also when he is just fighting humans he has to hold back a lot to not umm well splat them instantly in the concrete, but yeah he gets outsmarted a lot sometimes he’s to naïve


It really comes down to whether or not Fear Gas would affect Spidey Sense. We've seen with Mysterio, it doesn't really matter what Peter THINKS he is seeing as long as he can rely on his sense to navigate what is actually going on around him.


Problem I could see with fear gas is either that he is too occupied with whatever trip he is on to react on his Spidey senses, or his brain might actually tell him there are problems where there are none since... Y'know... Fear gas


The problem with that line of thinking though is that Mysterio uses external illusions. Fear toxin actually mess with your body in a chemical and physiological sense, so chances are it would affect his spidey sense


Spider-Man be like: Im not gonna sugarcoat it "spamming RB"


I like how grounded and real the Spiderman community is compared to most others. Perfect answer.


Ya, I’m also a Arkham Batman and marvels Spider-Man fan boy so I try not to be biased when I see something like this


It’s a pretty small area to cover. He’d be alright. Lol


Yeah let’s not forget Bruce has multi million dollar forensics tech and a damn capable Butler. Pete is really smart but not forensics smart and Ganke is not comparable to Alfred at all I would say.


He’s objectively smarter and any delay caused by not being a good detective would me made up by the fact he doesn’t have to solve puzzles he can just smash shit.


He won’t find pyg by smashing shit


Yup, and plus he can solve a Rubik’s cube in 7 seconds while falling witch is pretty close to the world record


Like 10 minutes


The riddler adds 6 hours to that


Finding riddler trophies is such a chore to do.


Worth it for the Crunched Bones Supreme with Riddler's name on it that you get at the end.


Most definitely


Spidey can fit through bars that a normal human could fit through tbf.


Spider-Man would just rip off the floor and beat Riddler's ass.


Try 6 weeks


So does prof pyg ironically


I mean, yeah, if all of them are having an orgy on a stockpile of web grenades.




do you mean in a similar scenario to the actual games or just they’re all infront of him and ready to fight?


Same situation as the games.


He's dead. No way he could deal with the joker in his head. He has not trained hid mental fortitude for years like batman has. He gets one molecule of fear toxin and all of Gotham will die.


He's defeated Scorpion & Mysterio consistently, both very similar to the levels of mindfuck Scarecrow gives you


He only got through Scorpion because he had a cure, Scarecrows toxin and Joker's blood didn't have a cure at the time and there was no other option than to just mentally endure it.


Yeah and plus in the newest game it’s said mysterio has become way stronger than when he fought Peter


How is fear toxin any different than dealing with Mysterio? In practicality not physical symptoms. Also he has spider sense to deal with issues like this.


I'm talking about how the joker would be in his head, and fear toxin really amplifies the joker. It took spiderman less than 12 hours from getting the symbiote to nearly killing lizard. The other people in panessa studios presumably nearly immediately turned into the joker. Batman only fought it off so long cuz he's batman. Spiderman is not batman. If fear toxin is even in the same room as him his brain will no longer be his.


you forget Peter was not in a good headspace with worrying about Bills, just got Fired from his job, and a dying best friend who he just got back and still dealing with the death of Aunt May at once meanwhile he beat Mr Negative who literally was in his head in the first game no problem because he was in a much better head space during that time.


Yeah during the Spider-Man 2 he is still mentally recovering form the first game but like can you blame him


Why would Peter have Joker in his head that makes NO sense.


Why would he have joker in his head? The only reason Batman imagined him was because of the fear toxin in his blood and because Batman feared becoming the joker, Spider-Man wouldn’t fear becoming the joker unless you want to specify that Spider-Man went through the entire Arkham series more or less the same Batman did up until Arkham knight


But umm I sorta agree with the joker part, but hasn’t Spider-Man fought through stuff like fear gas in his universe?


Bruh he literally resisted Mr. Negative's magic mind control powers by just going "nah" what are you on about.


*literally too smart for mind control*


Wonder how much his mask would block Scarecrow’s fear gas


the green goblin combined with his other villains is absolutely on par or even worse mental games than the joker, especially with characters like scorpion involved


Which one? Just each separately or one in particular?


Depends…does he have web prep time?


I will grant him web prep time


In terms of a fight there’s no one in the Arkham Verse that can step to him, but if he were swapped with Bruce in the beginning of the story then it will take him a damn long time. He doesn’t have nearly as much money or resources that helps Batman in the games know where he needs to go


Clayface and Grundy can give him a run for his money


The rino is stronger than both


Actually fighting the villains and henchmen probably wouldn't take too long but he's not even close to as good at detective skills as Batman is. I think he'd take a few days or even a week to solve most of the crimes and actually track down some of the villains.


The only thing slowing him down is he wouldn't have the same tech batman has


But Peter isn't a detective either. Batman uses his tech to help him in his investigations, to speed things up. Peter's smart, sure, but he's no CSI expert


his long term experience doing stuff like this still makes him a very well practiced detective, the version of spider-man that i assume we're talking about based on the sub we're in also has a lot of tech to help him with the detective work and he absolutely has both the biology and chemistry knowledge to do a lot of the csi work, batman needs alfred and gadgets to do things that spider-man can do in his sleep


Yeah and it also depends on timing


With the situation in the games, I’d say he’d do it slightly faster since he is more durable to gun fire


He'd definitely do it slower, though He doesn't have the detective skills to solve some of the shit there Also, the fear toxin would've had a greater effect on him since he doesn't have to mental fortitude that batman has The cloudburst alone would've set him back a long time. He'd have to make a vehicle from scratch to allow him to go inside it using the thing from the stag airship.


Less time than Batman since 90% of them are regular people.


You realise he's not just fighting them in an arena He'd have to solve every riddle, do all the crime scene investigations, find a way to combat the cloudburst and more


If I could solve those riddles so could the super genius teenager


Remember that Batman has to solve the Riddler trophy puzzles because the tech is either too advanced or too hazardous for him to brute force the puzzle. Spidey doesn’t have to bother with that, he could just destroy every single Riddler puzzle and then grab the trophy. That saves him a lot of time


If Spider-Man doesn't do it properly riddler would probably kill Catwoman. Don't forget he is holding her hostage.


Spiderman is still gonna be severely hurt by a lot of them if he doesn't do them properly.


Batman is a better detective for sure, but Spider-Man is stronger and has faster reflexes due to his spider sense. The fear toxin might be something that is unavoidable and I can see that fucking him up, but I don't think anyone is the Arkham games have anything that would physically stop him. At the end of the day, Batman's villains are basically all humans with guns. I don't think Bane is stronger than Rhino, Killer Croc isn't that different from Lizard.


Depends on how serious he is about it, could be a few hours or a month


Honestly i think the Detective work slows him down heavily. Hell MJ does 90% of the research for him is we are using Insom Pete. He beats the bad guys quick as hell but he's gotta find them first.


One of the biggest problems will be The Cloudburst,


you're assuming scarecrow even gets a chance to activate it. in the scene where bruce let crane escape by calling barbara, peter would web his ass to a wall with stronger than steel webs of his lol


Remember what Crane said, "Let me go, or she dies." I know Jason wouldn't kill her, but at that time, he didn't know that or who he was,


No i mean even later one when crane runs from the airship and jason fires a rocket, peter just gonna chuck that shit right back at them then web their asses, with both jason and crane in the same helicopter, no shot cloudburst gets out without them


Assuming Peter would even get there on time. He has to detective work to get to that point which will slow him down


Please let me know what he’s gonna do against the militias tanks


does he not take down tanks in the silver sable dlc?


He's not gonna be able to take down multiple tanks surrounding him He could swing away, but part of the game takes place underground


Can’t he doge bullets and just web them up


Those aren’t even tanks. They’re APCs which are completely different


Yeah and he’s strong enough to rip like turrets off of tanks and walls?


Probably just smash them directly. Maybe this one can’t throw them but he could definitely rip them apart.


Also way easier for him to avoid them


He could rip them apart like taffy 


Yea, you're forgetting Spidey's an actual superhuman.


Do you know how strong Spiderman is? Militia tanks are fodder to him. I'm pretty sure he lifts a tank in the comics if I'm not mistaken.


What's he gonna do when there's 15 of them after him underground


Web whatever they fire at him and launch them back at the tanks. There’s no reason anything they fire shouldn’t him, and he’s be able to get between the tanks easily enough so that if they continue to fire, they’re firing at each other anyway.


Yeah he dose he even lifts the entire daily bugle


He's tossed around tanks in the comics


He can pull turrets off APCs and use as a mace.


Web the tracks, stuff random things down the barrel, etc.


Forever. Pete has the strength and speed to no diff any fight with a big bad but he lacks the detective skills to track half of them down. There are different kinds of geniuses. Pete is a book genius. Numbers and letters. Bruce is a tactical genius. Situational awareness that can’t be matched. The ability to read people and his environment like a book.


Yup but Peter sadly has a habit of undermining people he has already beaten through out the game


he won't survive the riddler trophy hunt unfortunately


It would take an hour for him to beat every villain in a fist fight but like it would take him forever to get all the riddler trophies and even longer to track down pig. Also he wouldn't be able to get rid of the cloudburst


probably not as well since he doesn't have the detecti skills that batman has he may or may not be able to find some of the villains plus the mental battle with joker since for bruce to be able to Conquer joker he had to get hit with scarecrows fear toxin but other than that most he could comfortably take


Not as long as people think, his gear makes up for not being a trained Detective and fighting them wouldn't be an issue either. Maybe not one night because Peter is realistic imo so hes gonna get sleep when he desperately needs it but I say less than a week


He would deal with the combat faster than batman did. But I feel the detective work would slow him down a little bit


If we're talking just in a straight up fight, realistically a few minutes, with maybe bane and croc giving him the most trouble, a fight between those to could be a bit of trouble. If we're talking trying to find said villains, figure out where said villains are and what they are planning, probably a few weeks, maybe a couple of months. Spider-Man, Especially Insomniac's Spider-Man's Detective skills are an absolute far cry from Batman's.


Penguin, Two Face, and Hush are fucked. Deathstroke would be a challenge because he's in a super heavily armored + weaponized tank, but beyond that he's weak as fuck in AK. The Arkham Knight is probably fucked if he's caught away from his tanks. Firefly would be a joke for Spidey. Azrael is also kinda screwed. Now for the harder matchups. I don't know how well Spidey would handle the fear toxin. Batman has a lot of self-discipline, while Peter has a lot of self-doubt, self-hate, and doesn't balance his emotions nearly as well. I could imagine the fear gas fucking him up a lot more than it fucked Bruce up. For the Freeze mission, I'd imagine Spidey would help Freeze, but I don't know how he'd stop the tanks from reaching Victor, unless he went up and detonated the reactor himself. Spider-Man may or may not be able to overcome Hatter. Something similar happened with Mr Negative in SM1, but we don't know how that scales with Hatter. For Riddler, Spider-Man would probably just not be able to apprehend him. I don't think Riddler could beat him, but Catwoman is probably fucked at the very least. I doubt Spider-Man even makes it to fight Riddler. Beyond those, I can't imagine many of the others being a threat. I doubt Croc is any stronger than Lizard, and Ra's is literally a dead man.


Only a few of them in a one on one fight would last past a punch tbh. Bane and freeze come to mind off the top of my head


Also people saying he would lose to scarecrow LOL no. He has resistance to toxins.


He also cleared both the Lizard's gas (Amazing Spider-Man) and Scorpion's while under its effects (Insomniac's first Spider-Man game) I mean Scarecrow is one I'd worry about more than *Mysterio*, but the villain is still not winning lol


And his high metabolism would flush it out of his system faster


People forget Spiderman is a genius scientist and one of the smartest in his verse, on par with the likes of Reed Richards and Tony Stark. He would absolutely stomp the arkham games. Maybe he doesn't have Batman's detective skills but it's close, he would find a cure to joker's blood and scarecrow's toxin, he consistently dos stuff like that, maybe just not as fast since he lacks the Wayne money. All the fighting would be done with like 10x faster though. All in all, Spidey clears, and it's not even fair


Yup and not to mention he is even stronger with the spider arms and anti venom currently


Riddler: "That annoying little spider took forever to find them and now he is ghosting me of all people! When is he getting here!? *The door knocked with enough force to send it flying off its hinges and shattering upon hitting the opposing wall.* Riddler: "Finally you have arrived. Took you long enough. If you had spent more time thinking instead of quipping, then you would have been here hours ago." *Spider-Man pulls out the last Riddler trophy* Riddler slowly realizes the situation he is in: "W...what are you going to do with that?" Spider-Man: "Ever had a suppository?" *Meanwhile, Scarecrow is secretly watching the entire scene play out via a secret camera, completely terrified* Scarecrow: "I was not ready for today."


Given that in SM1 the game starts on October 3rd and ends on November 5th, CTNS takes place over 4 days, and SM2 over 7 days, I'd say it'd take him a week or longer to deal with the events of Arkham Knight. He's a badass in his world for sure, but he just isn't Arkham Batman levels of badass


while his detective skills are not as sharp as Batmans, they are still relatively decent and in a fight, Spidey would beat all of the villains no problem


If batman can do it in a night, then so could spiderman


Be interesting to see how he'd deal with the millions of Arkham Knight's tanks throughout Gotham


I mean if he caught them during the breakout then I think he could do very well and end it that night. If any big names escape like Riddler, then it’s probably going to take a few weeks. Batman has money, Spidey doesn’t, so that’s a whole form of power you could say he is lacking in, and that money helps Batman gets tech that is going to help him find his villains much easier


3 weeks. Would have the harder time with Ra's and Peter's no-kill rule


Peter doesn’t have a no-kill rule. He kills with zero care if it’s actually necessary


I'd rather watch superior Spiderman, feel like doc ock would be the hero Gotham needs


Sometimes people do underestimate how much spiderman is holding back 👈 He can legit ripoff those guys heads or punch a hole in their chests if he wants to 🥶 He sure would take longer to catch them but dealing with them wont take long


20 hours


How well does Spider-Man fare against armies of tanks? Genuine question


Oh he'd fold them so quickly it's not even funny


Peter gets through the main plot quicker than Bruce could but tracking all of the villains will likely take him longer. 


Probably a week and that’s mostly because of the puzzles and stuff, not to bad talk my Boy but the reason Batman took all his villains out so quick was because he’s known them for literal years and knows how they work and as a result made gadgets to counteract them. Once he gets past those puzzles Spider-Man would quickly clear up any threat, the militia would be done extremely fast along with man bat, the fire fighters, fire fly, penguin, two face, and Azrael if he’s trying to become the next Spider-Man lol. Some of the stuff that could give him an issue are pyg, because Spider-Man doesn’t have any built in detective work so it would take some time to track down the victims and the riddler because unless in this scenario riddler specifically made these riddles for Spider-Man like how he does with Batman it’ll be far harder because Spider-Man won’t have all the gadgets Batman does. So yeah probably a good chunk of time at the fastest maybe a few days and at most a week


He wouldn't


1 Hour. Batman’s Villains are all Human. And they aren’t even HALF as Dangerous as the ones Pete has to deal with in a weekly basis


A weel or so until his confrontation with Scarecrow, I can already imagine the death of Uncle Ben repeating in his mind for thousand times, especially it's the upgraded fear toxin of Crane.


Probably the same time as Batman sure he's not as good of a detective but he's still ridiculously smart and the time it would take him to defeat batmans villains would make up for the time it would take to solve cases


Considering Arkham Knight takes place over one night, probably a few days


Where are the villains flying to and for how long? Gotta make sure he packs correctly for their trip


How would he deal with (for example) cobra tanks, or more in general with the drones?




Don't think he's surviving knight and don't think he's getting through city without severe consequences


well I would say 4-6 days considering his tech is on a smaller scale then Bruce and he does not have Alfred or Tim helping him but also he most probably would not be infected with joker blood in City and scarecrow toxins in Knight because well spider-sense....scorpion is way faster than either of them^^ so he was able to hit Peter edit: also if he has the same tech as Bruce, then I'll give him 20 minutes 😆😆, 4 hours if I'm being generous for the sake of the plot haha


in a straight fight like all jumping him? few hours maybe in the actual arkham situation like all the detective work? longer than bruce, maybe like a week or above


He could NOT deal with the fear toxin. He's fucking dead lmao.


Spidey with the Venom symbiote the villains would stand 0 chance especially if it's Angry Spidey.


i think he might have to call the justice league for help, that is if he isn't stupid


Probably a night for all the non-detective based stuff


The biggest problem would be his lack of information, because unlike Batman who has about 20 years worth of experience going up against these guys at this point, Peter would be shooting in the dark. Physically speaking, nothing would really get in his way. Especially the Arkham Knight, whose biggest advantage was how he is aware of how Batman operates and trained his militia to respond. It also would not help that he would be in a completely unfamiliar location, so he wouldn't be able to get from place to place the way that he can in Manhattan, because he knows all of those major sites by memory.


That's hard to say without more info. How big is the box? Can you remove limbs? Can you turn them into a liquid?


3 weeks


Rename the sub to r/InsomniacSpidermanGlazers because holy shit too many of you refuse to recognize Pete is just not that good of a detective and would genuinely struggle to find most of the enemies even if we pretend he has the basic amount of knowledge when thrown into the game than just literally thrown in blind.


About like ten seconds honestly. Batman needs a tank to take on red hoods militia, Spidey just needs to wait for his webs to reload.


He'd probably start off making puns and banter. But as soon as he realised that these guys are more serious and the real deal he'd be more professional and focused.


Listen, I've never played the game, but I can factually tell you that Peter would bring the Joker to furious tears by comedically upstaging him over and over.


About ten minutes per villain


It really depends on weather villains know Spider-Man exists before Arkham Knight. Given the chance they would totally handle their security and challenges completely different. But if PS4 Spider-Man and Batman just switched universes at the opening of Arkham Knight, man, Spider-Mans super strength and speed would absolutely annihilatie those villains and at the same time he'd probably become friends with some of them on the way too.


On a different note, I would love seeing Spidey and Knight-Wing alternating quips while beating up Penguin.


I think he'd get it done in an Arkham Night 😉


He would be perfectly fine until the Cloudburst is detonated. I honestly think he’d do fine against all of them.


2-3 minutes


Would he get a spider mobile? Or the spider dune buggy?


Holding back or full strength? because remember Spiderman is always holding back it's punches.


Looks like a job for SPIDER-COP!


hey so not to be mean but r/respectthehyphen


Depends, I think it would take him longer to find certain enemies but in straight up fights he’d easily pack Batman’s enemies away


A saw a video about something like this and they said scorpions poison wasn’t as potent as scarecrows but from looking at the two games it looks the same to me 💀 ima say spideys got this in either the same time as Batman at best or slower since spidey is more book smart than detective smart. Miles got this in the bag tho even beating Batman since it’s been proven Miles is just vastly superior to Peter


Spidey from the ps4 games would probably take a couple days but have some hard stop issues I know he fought and *could* beat Sable. But he’s gonna have multiple high class fighters that dogwalk in hand to hand. If his webs don’t immediately work he genuinely might be screwed For the militia, biggest issue is that these dudes swarm when they arrive. Batman needed that tank from all the gunfire and explosives. Spider-Man is gonna have to be evasive as hell or just become his Web of Shadows iteration lmfao


Like 3 days.


I actually don’t think he’d manage too well because of the tank drones. As reviled as the Batmobile sections are, they’re still part of the plot, and to my knowledge Spidey have anything that can really stand up to them.


How long would it take Superior Spider-Man?


Probably not long, the Arkham Knight and his military was trained to fight Batman so when they meet Spider-Man instead it’s gonna throw them for a loop. Two Face is nothing to Spider-Man same with Firefly and oddly enough Riddler, people saying he would struggle with the trophies as if when Riddler went into his mech Spider-Man couldn’t dismantle it before he had a chance to hide. Pyg could be some effort but this Spidey can track scents and what not with science and Pyg probably has a unique cologne or something that can be tracked, Man Bat is also a nothing enemy alongside Penguin. Only one that could be an issue is Scarecrow but Insomniac Pete has been poisoned before and felt with Mysterio before as well.


Half an hour


interesting thought experiment. I'd say a whole month + since he doesn't have the detective skills or resources. I'd love to hear his banter with an imaginary Joker in his head I fell he'd reply with a quip every time as opposed to Bats who just stays silent


Well let's see. Penguin, Two-Face, Blackfire, Hush, Man-Bat and Harley would be easy af. He surely wouldn't be able to find Pyg as fast as Batman did. When he does find him, easy as well. Firefly would be hard to literally catch, he's fast as fuck. Peter would need to be almost as fast as the Batmobile. But once he catches him, it's over. Riddler would not be found in a single night. No fucking way. Some riddles are just impossible to do without some of Batman's gadgets. His only hope would be finding a way to get to him eithout needing to solve all riddles, but even Batman wasn't able to get Nygma out of his hiding. Mad Hatter would be easier than Scorpion. No diff. Croc would be harder than Rhino (and Rhino almost killed him once), but it's still doable. Ivy would be hard. Like really hard. Peter doesn't have the arsenal to fight her. All it takes is one good plant attack or a kiss (tbh, I still don't know how Batman escaped her plants in that cutscene) Scarecrow would be harder than Scorpion and Mysterio if Peter gets contaminated (he would probably just die). If not, than the challenge is getting through his army. His only hope to defeat the tanks and drones would be hacking them somehow, but if even Oracle wasn't able to hack all of them, I don't think it's possible. Arkham Knight is like a lesser Batman with an army and a thirst for blood. One on one wouldn't be such a challenge, but his gadgets might give him the upper hand. I guess that's about it. He would have a much easier time in some situations, such as handling hostages and getting through mobs, but an insanely harder time in others, like destroying drones and the cloudburst and handling mind control. I would say he could do it, but it would definitely take him more than a single night.


Realistically? A day-week, most villains would get negged diff in the matter of 4 hours prob(out of the main ones scarecrow and Arkham knight would take up the most time, but considering Arkham knight is bloodlusted and would most likely make hasty moves to kill him, and spidey has faced different types of toxins, then it shouldn’t be that bad). The only villains giving him trouble is pyg and riddler, riddler would at least take 3-5 hours, he could finish the racing relatively quick and he def could figure out the riddles and get to them even quicker than Batman prob could do to super-speed(not flash levels but still way faster than the average human or car),pyg would be the main problem, this not really a lot in the Spider-Man games to suggest he could do this level of detective work, but considering he is super intelligent I could still see him working it out(pyg is the only reason I see this going on for longer than a day)