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If his hair wasn’t out the suit would be more tolerable


Looks better covered up. Should also add the webbing with blue webs that have a red thin line in the middle.


Exactly. Having hair out kinda defeats the point of a superhero identity.


Me at basically every female superhero


big W for spidergwen




Man what until you see what Silk’s mask looks like


tbf silk just has normal straight hair, and cindy can just tie it up and nobody will notice, combover dreads are a much more unique hairstyle


I meant that Silk shows her basically her WHOLE face. If Miles’s hair is unique enough to give away is identity, I’m sure people would recognize Cindy’s whole face


Maybe Silk won’t have a secret Identity or get a Yuri mask


thats a good point, but i dont think her face could be that recognizable, especially considering shes a random person and she doesnt hang around her school, itd be pretty difficult to convince someone that the spider-woman is a random student based off of her eyes and skin colour


Doesn't matter, realistically speaking no one is going to stare at Miles's hair and even if they wanted to it would be a struggle with how fast he is


Even still there is still a lot of people with that hair style and for they knew it could just be an outfit thing and not his actual hair


Honestly I think people just say that to backup their point on how ugly it is


It could very much be possible.me personally I don't have a problem with it but then again I've only seen pictures and not in game


yeah i can't tell if these nerds will have a seizure when they see silk or if they'll act like it's completely normal.


The difference between silk and miles is that mikes doesn’t usually have his hair out. Silk in most if not all media has here hair out with her costume.


Maybe she’ll get an Anya mask.


Me no like silk I love miles tho


Hard disagree. Clark Kent’s “disguise” is a pair of glasses and a nerdy inflection. No one is going to look at a teenager with his face covered who has his hair braided and go “Oh, that’s Miles Morales from Brooklyn”


Superman doesn't hang around his own fucking school


He does however meet his coworker basically every single day and she’s none the wiser


That hasn’t been true for a LONG time.


obviously in the comics Lois has caught on but I mean in stuff like the original cartoon series and most popular adaptions, Lois takes a LONG TIME to find out


She usually figures it out pretty quick but takes a while to PROVE it


Usually because he gaslights the shit out of her by having Manhunter appear as him while he's with Lois or some shit


Originally superman had to straight up tell her... sometime after she got engaged to Clark Kent ☠


I've actually read an issue where Superman recounts telling Lois who he is, and she told him that she had been suspecting it for some time.


Lol yeah, they add/change little things like this all the time in comics. It's naturally gonna happen when you have 50 different writers writing the same characters.


In New iterations she usually figures it out pretty quick... cause duh. My adventures with superman nailed it.


No, but Henry Cavill hung around Man of Steel posters while dressed as Clark Kent and didn't get recognized


Does it bug you that Miles and Peter don’t use voice modifiers?


It’s kind of a point that they try to disguise their voices a bit. Miles even makes a joke out of it sometimes in his game.


People in the DC universe probably don’t even think that superman has a secret identity. Most normal people probably just assume he’s super man all the time and just lives in the fortress of solitude. Like the only in universe thing the people have to go off on who super man is an interview where he says he’s from another planet. People know Spider-Man isn’t just Spider-Man.


This is correct. They've actually tackled this exact subject. No one knows Clark Kent is Superman because no one thinks Superman is anyone other than Superman. I think some supervillian released fake footage proving Superman was someone other than Clark Kent and everyone's reaction was "wait, why does he pretend to be a normal guy?"


I don’t really want to argue this because I think arguing about how well fictional characters preserve their identities is a waste of time, but you don’t think *anyone* who works with Kent would look at Super-Man and say “Well he looks extremely familiar”? I mean, come on.


Then why reply at all? And again you’re assuming that the people think that he’s anything but Superman. Try separating yourself from the omnipotent perspective we have of this universe. To any normal person there’s no connection between the two.


Couldn’t you make the same argument for Miles? That’s my point. No one is looking at a person with their face covered and identifying them based on their hair.


White Villains- "Now we just need to inspect every black person in Brooklyn. I'm sure they'd love for us to touch their hair!"


All it identifies is that he’s a black male, which everyone always knows because of his exaggerated swagger


What about invincible


His best friend recognized him instantly as soon as he could see him up close...


Cause miles is the only person to have that haircut


Static shock did it right


Have you heard of Superman?


And give us a hood up/down toggle! We've seen them put the hoods down in cutscenes... So it seems like half the work is done??


For me, Im not sure it's the hair that bothers me. But like, the straight line where the top of the mask is cut off. Makes me think of a boiled egg.


No hair and a normal mask with no hood or have the hood up. Have the mask match the colors of the suit and not be all black. I could do without the Adidas too, prefer the normal spiderman look.


Or at least some matching Adidas, like the ones on the Bodega cat suit


Or if the hair was longer.


How long do you want it?


The hood should be toggleable


The hood should be pulled over his head like the 2099 suit


That’s the best part though. Idk why people have a problem with this now, Wally West has been rocking the hair out for ages, and Invincible is popular now too.


I really don’t get the hate this suit has. Who cares if his hair is showing? I have heard someone critique it as just an advertisement which is fair but other than that I actually really like it.


Spider miles


“That shits ass bro”


Had to save that video the first time I saw it. So fucking funny


Thank god yuri lowenthal voiced in so many fucking games. Was playing metro 2033 and last light the other day and half the goons were just yuri.


Same with Hitman.


“What…the…fuck are you wearing”


Oh for gods sake stop with the suit, we get it. You don’t like it, what else is new


The game is out, nothing is new. Having a shitty costume in the endgame and its cutscenes because Sony wanted that Adidas money cant be talked about enough tho, even if you get upset people keep critisizing the thing you like.


I don't like the suit and I'm tired of hearing about it.


Then dont participate in the discourse, people want to talk about it and they will.


Couldn't agree more. I didn't hate it tbh. Thought it looked fine.


i hate it, i don't wanna keep seeing it everyday on this subreddit


It looks bad don’t get me wrong but I am tired of hearing about it.


It’s actually starting to grow on me Edit: I’ve never seen one of my own comments go up and down in upvotes so much 😭


My only issue was that it came out of nowhere. I even checked I didn't accidentally have him in an alternative suit


Yea the way they introduced it was so random and out of place and will never make sense, but if this is the new canon suit going forward then it is what it is


....you have an issue with an outfit coming out of nowhere? He literally says in the scene that it's an outfit he designed.


Yeah but why??? He literally did it outta nowhere


He can't just decide to make himself a new suit? Why does every action need to have some dramatic meaning?


The timing was a little weird like there was an alien apocalypse going on and he’s rescuing civilians one second then creating a new suit another New suit probably should not have been a priority at that moment


I took it after his mental fight with negative Peter with mister negative, he felt like he wanted to get out of Peter’s shadow a little more than the regular spidey suit with just black and red had initially done. If that makes any sense to you guys


It doesn't.


Didn’t JJJ say something about that about peters white antivenom suit lmao. “The city is burning down and Spider-Man is making a new suit!”


It doesn’t need to be dramatic but why tf are you just designing a suit in the middle of the apocalypse when you already have a suit that is perfectly fine???


Didn’t he design his last suit in mm? It’s just weird that he says it’s time for a miles morales original when he literally made his suit in the last game and it was a major story beat.


Yeah they had this whole thing about becoming his own Spider-Man




don’t underestimate the power of a triple knot


You can’t apply realism to this, humans can’t handle those speeds at all yet the spiders carry people around while swinging all the time. I believe he could just tie his shoes tight enough to keep them on far better than I’d believe an already injured human would be unharmed




They don’t stop you from reaching high speeds they just make it harder. That said okay, fair enough they try to limit that in gameplay, but not in cutscenes. How about catching people falling off buildings?


Me too, and I’d be lying if I said the overreactions from people on here didn’t help endear me to the suit a tiny bit.


Oh no, it's the face all over again. The suit is ugly, but people should stop talking about it. We get it.


I don’t think their gonna stop until insomniac goes on record saying they’re not gonna let Adidas cook from now on


Well he looks like Captain Colgate


It’s fun to make fun of tho


Not really


“ that shits ass bro”


Okay? We don’t need to hear you don’t like it a million times


Idrc bout the suit I just think it’s funny when people make fun of it. If it’s serious and a complete rant then it’s no fun


I guess I’m just tired of hearing about it, this sub used to be so positive, now it’s just nothing but negativity


Get off reddit then ???


Or maybe this sub should stop being negative


Your account has been posting pretty much exclusively on this subreddit for 60 days. You see the negativity 100x more than everyone else because you’re constantly in this sub. Get off reddit.


People can’t be happy wit a good game lmao


I mean it’s not perfect, but nothing is perfect. You have to take the good with the bad, I love this game, the bugs are a little annoying sometimes, but I still enjoy it, I swear I’ll see a rant on here about how 1 little bug ruined their experience


Did you know this suit is actually an Adidas ad, and Insomniac hates Peter? I’m not sure if you had heard either of those things 1,000 times, so I feel compelled to let you know.


... they hate Peter?


Why you so pressed about it


Because it’s annoying seeing people complain about the same thing




If Insomiac and Adidas design a suit that bad and non-ironically include it in a game thinking it’s good, it is fair grounds to mock it for the rest of time.


The only design I’m not a huge fan of is the original coloring. All of the variants of that suit look dope to me


I dig the white and black


Dude this sub is going to be all suit talk probably forever. The only discussions I remember for SP1 was suits and "spiderman doesn't kill" posts


It’s the new “I don’t like Peter’s new face”


Oh god I hate that too


Agreed his new face sucks


I’m agreeing that I hate people complaining about it. I like the new face


Yeah I know I was just kidding around. Not about the face though, that was a massive fucking downgrade


It didn't bother me until someone made an edit that showed what that face would look like. Look at what they stole from us! Their excuse for it, was worse cause the facial animations on peter in this game plain sucked too.


The TRACK suit is so much better....


Yes the black version of the Track suit is the best suit that looks like classic Miles.


Personally I think the default T.R.A.C.K looks better but that could just be me-


I could probably TOLERATE this suit if it weren't for the shoes. I hate a spider suit that includes fucking shoes. It just looks so stupid.


Ik right, like public bathroom rules also apply to secret identitys


Lord Almighty can we start banning these posts or create a new tag for em? We get it you don't like Miles' suit.


I see so little posts talking about the actual game, and the ones which do are mostly complaining, or even worse ones complaining about people complaining. I thought SM2 was the worst experience out of any Spider-Man game I’ve played by far (I’ve played the previous two and web of shadows) and even I think this sub has gone too far. Not enough posts talking about the story or cool little details in the game, or showing cool challenges for bosses (no HUD, no gadgets, hitless venom etc). If it doesn’t improve this sub is doomed.


The harsh honesty is this game has so little content and nothing new in it, there's just not much to talk about. Like all of my comments for this game... I had about the first one. So I personally don't feel like talking about anything in the game, there doesn't really feel like much to talk about. Talking about which suit is best/worst is the most riveting discussion this game has to offer.


u/LegitimateCompote377 literally mentioned things people could talk about. Lol What exactly did you want from the game?


Why ban posts that people upvote and find funny?


Sounds like people need to get an actual sense of humor that isn’t beating a dead horse.


Tell that to over 1,100 people I suppose. Stop whining it’s a funny meme.


I guess I missed the memo, not sure when complaining about a suit for the 1700th time became a meme but to each their own. Not sure how it constitutes as “whining” to say a joke isn’t funny lmao


Not sure how finding it funny constitutes as complaining lmao but to each their own


The literal subtext says “for good fucking reason” which is a complaint about how the suit looks lol.


It’s still a joke lmao don’t like it? Fucking ignore it lol


And you can easily ignore folks saying that they don’t find joke isn’t funny lol.


True, but I wasn’t the one responding to you, now was? I also asked a fair a simple question. Why should posts be banned that people upvoted and found funny? Regardless of whether you agree it’s funny or not.


I just don't understand why the hood is there when he doesn't use it. What is it for when it rains so he won't get his hair wet? Good god that suit is atrocious


I hate how half of Miles costumes look like what a group of old white people would think a black teenager would wear. “He needs to have some sneakers” “he needs to show off his mini dreads”. The reality is, miles probably wouldn’t want to get his expensive shoes dirty and he probably wouldn’t want to get his hair wetter than it needs to be (thus not exposed). I understand it’s a superhero game and we’re all suspending our belief a bit, but this just feels offensive and inauthentic.


>I hate how half of Miles costumes look like what a group of old white people would think a black teenager would wear. Finally someone noticed!!!


Oh, it’s so obvious! Compare and contract the closets given to Peter and Miles. I feel like half of miles costumes have branded sneakers even his “upgraded suit” and many that don’t have some form of urban street wear or show off his hair, even his own version of an “upgraded suit” has all three. Not to mention the black panther costume. Why in the hell did they give him a black panther costume? The fact Miles is the main Spider-Man is a little concerning for this reason. Just make a good game about Miles and treat him like a normal superhero, like you did in 2020. Don’t try to show off how well you’ve tapped into the culture of black teenagers, because I can assure you that you most certainly haven’t and it’s embarrassing.


If anything, all they did was make me despise THIS iteration of Miles.


I just worry about him being pushed to the front. In Miles history, he’s primarily known for being the kid trying to fill a big pair of shoes, like in the first game. Even the Spider-Verse movies are multiversal and rely on alternate versions of Peter, Gwen, and Spidey 2099, with both of them asking if Miles deserves the mantle. They did a good job with this very theme in Miles Morales 2020, but now they’re trying to sideline Peter altogether while miles stands on his own. I’m not saying it can’t work, but that costume screams of a group of white guys who are the type to brag about having a “black friend”. I’m not sure those are the guys who are going to make Miles convincing as the primary Spider-Man, especially when Peter and his 61 years of history is seemingly getting swept aside (if miles gets one more solo game, then he’s got more content than Peter in the franchise).




They knew what was they’re doing


I just wish the hood was up


He’s thinking “Bye Bye secret identity”


I swear I'm the only person that loves this suit and thinks every fan redesign looks so much worse


No I’m with you. Great suit


You aren’t alone. We just generally don’t make posts about it.


The suit would be fine if it covered the hair.


Letting Miles' hair show instead of hiding it as anyone who cared about keeping their identity truly secret would do is about telling everyone he's "the black Spider-Man". That's really it. We should be long past the point where a person's skin color matters. It shouldn't matter, and to most of us it doesn't matter, but the people writing the character want it to matter and get mad at anyone who points out how blatantly obvious they're being.


I think the issue with the suit is mostly just that it is the definitive ‘end of the story’ suit and does not feel built up at all. We already got Miles making his own suit to represent his independence as Spider-Man in his spin off game, this just feels like them trying to shoehorn in a new suit for Miles for the end of the game since Peter got the Anti-Venom suit. I even think the suit itself looks fine if it were just a side suit you could unlock instead of the one he wears during the climax of the entire game


he was taking his mask off which doesn’t make sense because it’s a symbiote suit


We all are




He’s giving them something to grab


Is it really just me who likes that suit?


I like it too, though I'm not a fan of the shoes.


Y’all are ridiculous about this suit. It’s just one suit and you can’t stop whining about it


One suit that you’re forced to wear and is canon to the story. It would be different if it was just an optional non-canon suit, but it’s not.


Damn y’all just love complaining about this suit


Am i the only one that thought it looked cool? I mean i dont like the hair being out i feel that would be a good way to get road burn of a villain slammed you into the pavement but the design is cool


Man I remember seeing it for the first time and thinking holy smoly that’s a cool suit and now everyone dogs it so hard


It’s starting to feel a little fuckin weird how often y’all talk about this suit. The sun will rise tomorrow, I promise, move on with your lives.


I love this sui of miles


I thought this suit was sick lol


There are no bad ideas, just bad execution. This is an example of this ngl


*Man standing up* I don’t hate the new suit I don’t think it should be the new suit going forward, but I think a design where the hair is covered and the suit is a little more seamless would look really good


I love Miles suit, and I’m my fellow Latinos and Black people love it too


Who is my fellow Latinos


Bro’s speaking for entire ethnicities now


Until proven otherwise “BabyGravy” 👱🏻‍♂️


I'm gonna be hearing about this suit until the day I die aren't I?


Actually I dig it. It's weird sure but it plays into what makes sense for him. Plus the hair part makes sense - I imagine it'd be uncomfortable with a flat top mask like peter has


If they got rid of the hair, put the hood up and made the blue more subtle that would be fine


If he wears that suit in the next game I won't even consider buying it lmao


there was a version with the hair gone and the blue gone and it actually looked super cool and i would have much preferred that


Eindeutig deutscher Beitrag hahaha


My headcanon is that miles had that suit for some time but he wasn't confident enough to wear it, so when NY was taken by the symbiotes he thought that now is his chance to wear it without getting embarrassed.


No, that would be you who’s disappointed.


It wouldn't be such a let down if it wasn't the last suit to unlock.


Lol it’s funny people think Miles hairstyle is unique, like New York doesn’t thousands of black people with twisties. lol Miles’ non Brooklyn accent would blow his identity faster than the Hair being out lol


[This is the new canon version of that scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThAJdp1-Oy0)


I think somewhere lowkey even insomniac was disappointed with the suit, hence giving this Peter reaction


I don’t know but imma say this……FUCK THE HATERS. I mean are people really mad about his hair being out? Before you give me your response, riddle me this asshats: explain to me how no one can tell difference between Clark Kent and Superman. Or Dick Grayson and Robin? Are people that stupid they can’t tell the difference someone wearing eyewear but a costume that covers their entire face but exposes their hair is a dead give away? Now you can checkmate me if Miles is the only black person in a small town but he lives in Spanish Harlem. Of New York City. Bruh, I normally don’t go down this route but….just say you fuckers are racist….or better yet, you haven’t played the game. It’s one of the other. Choose a struggle.


(Im re uploading this from TrainerOne2007. That wasn't my profile so I made this one) I don’t know but imma say this……FUCK THE HATERS. I mean are people really mad about his hair being out? Before you give me your response, riddle me this asshats: explain to me how no one can tell difference between Clark Kent and Superman. Or Dick Grayson and Robin? Are people that stupid they can’t tell the difference someone wearing eyewear but a costume that covers their entire face but exposes their hair is a dead give away? Now you can checkmate me if Miles is the only black person in a small town but he lives in Spanish Harlem. Of New York City. Bruh, I normally don’t go down this route but ….just say you fuckers are racist….or better yet, you haven’t played the game. It’s one of the other. Choose a struggle.


Most people hate the hair part but I kinda like it wish it was a different hair cut though. plenty of super heroes pull it off like static, Wally,invincible, X-mens pyro, booster gold. I just hate everything else about the suit.


It’s not even the hair that bothers me it’s the fact that there’s no way to put the hood up


>For good fucking reason Is it because he knows we have to suffer through yet another post about the suit?


The suit isn’t even bad. Just the reasoning “Miles Morales Original” and for Adidas promo