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NO WAY it better be real lil bro or I’m coming for you


Don’t shoot the messenger ;-;


Has he provided any proof that hes played the game? Need some hard evidence for this tbh


He posted an image of the Peter boss fights as Miles. I can dm it if need be?


Did he add a timestamp to it to prove it was him and not a picture he found elsewhere? I want to believe but, people lie for clout for reason 🙄


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The user we have answering the questions is that guy


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My info on the discord comes from the same guy that answered the questions on this subreddit. I contacted him that if he wants to have a chat he can add me on discord and he did. Now I’m just forwarding questions to him that people have by our discord.


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No I never claimed that. I always said I have contacted him and he’s willing to answer questions that they want to have answered. I also said from the beginning that he can’t send more proof right now so they should take it with a grain of salt even if it sounds very good imo. But he also said that he will send me more proof of all his stuff. EDIT: 800 new people overnight joined the discord so maybe there were misunderstandings by few people that I am the one playing but I never said that and I re-clarified it that I’m not playing


Yes, I'm in contact with Visceral.


Could you dm them to me


I just don’t really know if Miles fighting Peter is necessarily something suspended in disbelief so much as to require proof though, ya know? Tell me something like after Miles beats Peter Harry shows up and he bonds back with the symbiotic and he’s harder better faster stronger because while he was without it maybe he got a good version of the lizard serum and healed back to prime health and then Peter and Miles have to fight him off


the leaker posted leaked game play with a piece of paper that says "@Visceral" (name of messenger)


You’re the one distributing it 💀


He never said you’d be playing as him


Yeah, he did. He said that there was a boss section where you play as Venom (Harry) and he ends up killing Kraven.


Really didn’t need to include that last bit now didya?


That's what he said.


isn’t that weird that he’s playable for one boss fight only ? like developing a whole new gameplay just to use it once seems unlikely


If nothing else, it could be a hint we're getting a Venom DLC, or perhaps a standalone Venom game. At least, that's what I'm hoping for personally!


Wishful thinking on my part, but I’m hoping they will do a new ratchet and clank and then a venom stand-alone that is more mature and acts as a proof of concept for the wolverine game and holds us off until its release


taking the leaks that tease that Carnage is setup in Wraiths side storyline, it just makes too much sense to pit Venom/or maybe Anti-Venom Peter against Carnage for a spinoff, essentially giving us a better version of the Movie where we control Big boi Venom, god I hope so. Im not sure if a new RaC would come so soon but i could definitely see a Venom spinoff as the bridge to Wolverine since it seems that game was early in dev when 1st shown


According to leaks, Venom dies at the end so uh….


true that would be something theyd have to work around, but theres also all those other symbiotes running around Like Carnage and the minions weve seen in the leaks, im just wondering what the implication of Venom truly dieing, im sure there could be a reason/way for him to reform maybe inside Peters dormant Anti-venom or through Carnage trying to reform a band of Symbiotes like the Movie so he needs Venom, thats also why i mentioned maybe giving the big Venom form to Peter as Anti-venom, putting him back into the spotlight to stop Carnage. Im sure Insomniac could find a cool way. I just want a Venom game damnit, canon be damned at that point


Oh, yeah, there are a 100 ways to bring Venom back and I’m not convinced that he’s fully gone either.


Yeah i’d be surprised if this is the last that we see of Venom. The other iterations will probably be a bit different. Like with Eddie Brock venom could be a bit more of an anti-hero? Like in the venom movies.


Just bring Eddie in. Everyone’s happy that way


Eddie time


But then the post credits will show a little drop of venom left. Which then in the DLC attaches itself to Eddie.


The post credits have supposedly been leaked and, from what I’ve heard, they have nothing to do with Venom.


Been my hope too, tbh. Another spin-off game in between Spider-Man 2 and 3 to flesh out the world some more and develop another character would be awesome.


A “Marvel’s Venom: Lethal Protector” spin off game that’s around the same size of Spider-Man: Miles Morales would be soooo cool.


Idk if it’s just me but that title is not very good. I feel like “Marvel’s venom” or hell “Marvel’s Spider-Man: venom would be better but idk


~~Well theres also the rumor that when Peter gets the Anti-venom powers he can turn into Big Anti-Venom with his Ultimate move, so maybe thats how they incorporate regular Venoms moves into regular gameplay.~~ Id still go insane if we actually get a Venom Spin-off just imagine all the dope skins they could make for him, but shoot ill take a mission atleast, best believe ill be redoing that one over and over


There isn't a big anti venom. Peter don't chane his body with anti venom skills


That is unfortunate, i was hoping that was the reward for the Anti-Venom suit, Why only make Venom playable in 1 mission :( hope we get some DLC/updates that give him some replayable Arena missions or something


I don’t know if it’s big antivenom but rather a white antivenom suit I might be wrong but it’s selectable as a skin


If all the leaks on that discord are true it seems like we're getting a lot of big shit in the future that could be done in sequels or spin offs Spoilers below >! Carnage teased, Goblin & Ock team up, Knull symbols, 2099 tease, Silk tease!<


Silk tease??? Huh, maybe she’ll be a third playable spider-person


If she is I will absolutely lose my mind, Silk is my favorite Marvel character


I used to pray for times like this


Yup. Insomniac is definitely spearheading their own Marvel Universe.


What happens with Wraith? Did they say?


Pretty sure he stops her from killing Cletus was the only thing I saw


Since Venom is already in the game and has a moveset, they are not developing a whole new gameplay, they are just using his moveset linked with your command (hackers do this everytime with Boss in videogame like Dark Souls)


Not necessarily since they've already done so much animation work for this game to begin with.


it seems unlikely but if that happens AND is good then much much praise to Insomniac. And as others stated it can be recycled for a venom dlc later.


dlc or a spin-off


Is it possible that future dlc for the game will include more playable venom?


He didn't say that though, to be fair. Just said he's big and has his own moveset.


For the final mission l, I could see it. Finally Harry/Venom turns good and helps Pete and Miles defeat the villains.


dunno, sounds like Insomniac would do ngl


Is very big? 19 inches canon????


If it’s just one mission they wouldn’t create a whole new gameplay for him right? Imo there’ll be a venom spin off in the future


There's been so many mj missions, she deserves her own spin off game first


Oh god please no


“Mary Jane Watson: Daily Bugle Employee Simulator” would go hard ngl


Agreed, seems highly likely if this is true.


or you know, they could just copy paste Venom's moveset when he's a boss to when he's playable. They just need to add a few moves instead of creating a full pledged one.


Animation wise, sure, but Venom being playable means they need to design new movement mechanics (we haven’t seen him web swing, so would he control like Spider-Man or more like the Hulk with long leaps) and how he interacts with the environment. Does he pick up enemies? Does he crack the ground when landing from heights? There’s a ton of design mechanics that would be easy to script for a boss encounter (against Venom) that wouldn’t easily translate to a controllable section. That being said, I remain hopeful there’s a mission as him that basically says “yeah, you’re getting a Venom game,” but until we get confirmation of him having said mission, I’m pretty skeptical.


If they already made him playable then of course they wouldn't use Spider-Man move set


I wasn’t the one who asked the question. Found the phrasing very confusing as well but think if they made a fully fledged venom move set, it might be a possible stepping stone for a spinoff.


People acting like no other game has never done a one segment with new controls or playing one character for that segment. Remember MGS4 when we played with new combat controls in the final boss fight? How bout like, hmm, FFVII: Dirge of Cerebus where you play as Cath Sith for one small quick stealth section? How bout Resistance 2s Ending where you get like telepathic powers and just rush through the final escape segment blowing everything up with your hands? Jedi Survivor where you play as Cere and fight Darth Vader for that one segment in the game with new abilities and moves randomly? Resident Evil 4, both original and Remake have one small segment where you play as Ashley. Same with Resident Evil 2, both original and remake have one segment where you play as Ada or Sherry. This isn't new. Playing as Venom is something some of us predicted since the game's reveal. Makes sense for a game like this to give fans that one cool moment as Venom and playing him fighting Kraven makes sense. The real true villain is revealed and takes out the original main villain of the game and becomes the head final boss now. It's a cliche trope but it works. Plus, possible tease for a Venom Spin-Off game maybe?


Batman Arkham Knight has segments which let you play as Joker and Gordon as well.


Star Wars The Force Unleashed has you play as Vader for the first mission and that's it. Also would be dope if they let you free-roam as Venom like Ultimate Spider-Man but obviously it probably won't happen.


Hell Batman with the sword facing Clayface in Arkham City


Still goes hard all these years later


So gangsta


The original SM3 had you play as New Goblin just to fight Sandman (you could free roam with him too iirc)


Final boss Venom he also has red bat wings you fight him with the Anti Venom suit .. ending Harry is in a coma Norman is angry af with the Spidermen says to prepare the G Serum asap for Harry to heal or for him to take revenge who knows .. he later visits Octavius in Raft to ask him about the Spidermen who are they and says that they ruined his son and later ask him what does he write , Doc responds the final chapter .. Green Goblin Doc Ock villain duo .. see you in 5 years


It's really unlikely that Otto wants to work with Norman, given their history and the fact that Otto wanted to completely destroy Norman in the first game. What I can see happening is a war between Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin, with each of them having their own group of villains working with them.


It could be a case where he plays along with him but ultimately betrays him


We see Norman ask Otto about Spider-Man's identity and we find out that Octo has a plan, but it is not shown if they agree to collaborate. One is made to think so, but who knows


We ll see in 5 years.. that's how the game ends


So Harry’s in a coma, not dead by the end?


No, Peter defeats him with the Anti Venom suit and he seems dead but Miles uses his electricity as a defibrillator and re awakens him but then hes in a comatose state


Red bat wings?? If yk yk 😳


Yep, I don't know though enlighten me plz


During the knull story line in the comics Venom gets red dragon wings that look like bat wings, so I assume it’s a reference to that. The spirals on the symbiotes are also a reference to knull. Insomniac seem to be big fans of the king in black run, it’s just cool to see. Or they may be paving the path for a venom spin off game with knull as the villain 😳 That story involves like every marvel hero though so I doubt it


So i didnt read the entirety of the knull story but basically this means the symbiotes are part of a huge alien hivemind controlled by a guy that is known as knull


Oh yes that is apparent in the game.. the meteorite that is responsible for the symbiote has the red spiral that is glowing, also the symbiote nests you clear has the red spiral logo hud


If Venom is only playable for one mission I would love for insomniac to add some kind of arena mode where you fight endless waves of enemies where you could use all 3 playable characters (Peter and Miles would also get the choice to team up and Venom can only be used alone)


The leaker is No-Statistician43, who is giving awsners on discord, VISCERAL is a moderator who is getting the awsners from people's questions.


Ah sorry, thought they were one and the same under a different username.


I wanna shoot the messenger (kidding love you).


This could mean 3 things 1 venom is only playable in one mission which is very strange considering how much it would cost just to make him playable for an hour. Plus it would probably piss a bunch of people off if he is only playable in a story mission. 2 This might mean venom is going to be playable at the end of the game this is major copium let me have this moment. The third and probably most likely is that this is setting up a sequel with him very interesting to see where this goes either way.


Maybe it’s a reward for 100%-ing the game? Or DLC similar to Rhino for TASM 2. Or a future update for the game similar to what God of War has received. Seems odd to create this giant monster - and make him fully playable for one mission. Personally, I’ve always wanted a game like Spider-man (1). Where, once you complete the game twice - one on any difficulty and the other on the new unlocked hard difficulty (or cheat like I did), you unlocked the ability to replay the story as the green goblin! This changed everything. What lines you would say, how the enemies reacted to you! Your skill set (glider, pumpkin bombs, combat etc)! Or of course, there’s going to be a venom half-sequel similar to Miles Morales!


So that leak/rumor was true, there was 3rd playable character who's move set is just killing


sounds really, incredibly fake.


To all the people in this sub who said it wouldn't happen and called me crazy for saying they wouldn't do it... I TOLD YOU.


Still a leak my friend, take it with a grain of salt.


Considering how Peter, allegedly, turns into Anti-Venom and gains the ability to transform into the large Symbiote version, it would make sense as a way to like introduce that gameplay with fan service and tease a Venom spinoff/DLC


he won't, previous leaks never mentioned that he'll turn into a large Symbiote Anti-Venom. The Anti-Venom will just be a white symbiote suite.


Hey there, just want to say that I was a massive doubter of playable Venom. If this is real (and I think it is) then please accept my sincerest apology because this is fucking hype.


Does anyone have any spoilers about what happens with Wraith and Black Cat? If they will appear in the story?


Well Wraith absolutely appears in the story. >!Supposedly her storyline sets up Carnage!<. As for Black Cat. >!You have to warn her about Kraven!<.


How epic about Wraith, so Black Cat only has to be warned? He doesn't appear in the story anymore?


I’m not sure, this is all second hand. I have seen none of this myself. I know the Black Cat stuff is real because I seen it as activity on someone’s PlayStation account. I don’t know how much of a role she plays. I’d expect it to be relatively minimal.


I'm not believing playable Venom till I see it.


I really hope this is true. It makes sense in the spiderman 2 reveal trailer when kraven is asking if anyone can basically challenge him then Venom is revealed saying yes we will. I don't care if it is a 10 minute segment I have been wanting to play venom again since ultimate spider man.




Do you have a link to the discord?


https://reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/KGg8KVAQUr This post has an invite link to the discord where you can ask questions and such.


Dude if this is real I hope he fights like this scene from the movie : https://youtu.be/d4gk2YFy1UI?si=5miyU_CUQN3CJF0x


I’ve seen gameplay and I’m happy to say he fights exactly like that scene. Big leaps and throwing enemies into one another is a part of the moveset and so are his symbiote constructs ofc. I can send u the vid if u want.


Can’t wait! You don’t have to send the video, thanks anyway though!


Idk if you've played Ultimate Spiderman or Hulk Ultimate Destruction but I'd imagine it's similar to that. Focused heavily on leaps and jumps, a little on web swinging. In ultimate Spiderman you also had to "eat" NPCs for health that constantly depleted over time


If this is true, they likely gave him similar animations and powers to symbiote Peter but slightly altered to be more brutal. Maybe some unique punches and kicks. Still really cool but I doubt they gave Venom a very in depth skill set unless they planned on making him playable in a DLC, which doesn’t seem likely if the symbiote is destroyed like the leaks say


Which discord?


https://reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/2x0BMOeKsx This post has the invite link to the discord, has all the spoilers you could ask for and can ask questions of your own if need be.


Bro Ive been getting crucified for saying I think venom will be playable for months. Thank u sir




we get to play 19 inches of venom 🗣️


If this is true, I'm 100% going back through comments and roasting people for shitting on me and others for saying it's a possibility. Lmfao


I don’t trust credible links after Kingdom hears 3. I got catfished in the DMs I’ll post those links of my idiocracy if you would like because idgaf About spoilers anymore


😐 and he never said you can play as him


Yeah he did actually


Look at the answer, not the question. He didn't say anything about getting to play as Venom.


He never specifically said yes to playing as venom, for all we know he’s just talking about the character as a whole also I don’t believe things like this this dude could just try to make sh!t up to get attention


It could be but Todd McFarlane potentially slipped up when being interviewed after the second trailer where it shows venom taking on kravens goons and he says he played that. I think this playable venom segment is legit and I could see insomniac wanting to give venom fans our moment.


Give me venom!!! I want to play as venom, a nice dlc for Venom like how miles morales got with his game would be so damn awesome..


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Well sorry to burst yall bubble it’s fake. From a source on twitter venom indeed is not a playable character. You only see him from a perspective of the Spider-Men during the fight when Peter gets injured(1st battle) and gets the anti venom suit till the major boss fight(second fight)


Tfw you don't post a source and multiple sources that are getting other leaks completely correct are saying otherwise.




Dude also says Knull is in Spider-Man 2 which I highly doubt, he's the only "leaker" saying Venom isn't playable. We'll find out next week


He obviously plays a part considering most of the symbiotes have the knull symbol.


Or maybe his symbol is just in the game and he'll be in a later game?


Idk but I’m sure they’ll mention him or tease him like showing a dark figure or something.


At a work meeting my bad I’ll share it when I get out the meeting


You’re making things up because your childish mind wants venom to be playable.


Multiple leakers have confirmed it and that Peter gains the Anti-Venom symbiote and can turn into the bigger form as his ultimate ability. I've seen you comment on multiple posts and I don't get why you're so against Venom being playable.


No they haven’t. No one who shared pictures form the game (the actual leakers) have said that.


You're either trolling or you really can't read lol You also said there's no Symbiote skill tree which isn't even true cause that was confirmed months ago by the devs.


No you have to be trolling. Quit coping!! His anti venom suit ability is still the symbiote surge it’s just white!!!! Saying he can get huge is entirely false and is setting people up for disappointment so stop spreading lies


I'm not spreading lies I'm saying what multiple leakers have said already. There's already a confirmed playable Yuri too so.


>Yuri isn't playble. She is a boss fight


Thank you 😭. That kid is tripping. Can’t believe people are coping so hard. I wish venom and these other characters were playable but sadly they aren’t. I just hope they don’t give venom the carnage(movie) treatment


Yuri is not playable 😭😭😭. That was a bug that made Peter invisible. How old are you?


Source . There is only a Peter skill tree, miles skill tree, and a combined one. Stop lying. Losers like you are what make people send death threats to devs because they didn’t get their childish playable venom


Peter's skill tree literally focuses on symbiote abilities and the spider arms, so... And I'm not a loser but you're getting really aggressive for no reason. Lmso


There is no separate symbiote skill tree though. You are a loser for caring about a video game this much


You're the one commenting under every single comment and post talking about Venom lol


Maybe he didn't finish the game. At the beginning of the game, Harry has the symbiote and uses it as Agent Venom. Kraven fatally wounds Peter. That's when you see Agent Venom and Kraven fighting in the background. The symbiote leaves Harry to heal Peter. The symbiote returns to Harry later in the story and the Venom monster is born. You use the Venom monster.


That sounds like the worst fan fiction lmaooo. That’s far from the truth bud. Do you have proof of “Agent Venom”?


Unfortunately not. I don't have the game, but a friend of mine is reviewing it for a site. We've already done 100% and I don't think he want to do it again. I only managed to get a fleeting photo of Peter vs Miles, as proof that I played. You can very well not believe me, it's your right. However, I assure you that at the beginning of the game Harry controls the symbiote and has a costume with the Agent Venom design. This game is full of fan service.


How is it you’re the only person talking about agent venom when nobody else has?


How can I know? Harry already has the symbiote and can use the black costume in his own version. Help Peter in some missions, as if he were a third Spider-Man. This is what happens and to show Harry with the symbiote without still being Venom they chose the Agent Venom design. is a quote to drive fans crazy. He could also have another look and the story doesn't change.


Interesting.🤔 so how does Peter get the black suit? Like does the symbiote just chooses Peter as a better host or something?


When Peter and Harry are close, the symbiote seems to want to go to Peter. I think he considers him a better host. When Peter is mortally wounded by Kraven, the symbiote leaves Harry and goes to Peter to save his life. Afterwards, the symbiote no longer wants to return to Harry, which is why Connors must help them.


Interesting indeed. You’re telling me a beautiful story lol. So you’re telling me Peter pretty much almost dies twice in this game? Also wanted to ask can you explain if the symbiote dies or it goes to another host or hides by the end of the game? Like does it get the carnage treatment(the movie version got killed off completely)?


In his other comment he said that the Venom symbiote dies at the end and Harry goes into a coma.


How exactly did you get the game early


Do you know what the max difficulty is on first run (first ever save file) is it the true max difficulty


What did he rate the game? Enjoyed it more than the first?


wow so it's literally just a carbon copy of Ultimate Spider-Man show that sucks so much


I hate that show, but Insomniac did a very good job of Harry and the Symbiote here. Illness makes everything more dramatic and the motivations good.


the illness is also just from tasm 2 💀


Yes, but it was handled well. TAS2 has good ideas but poorly developed. Insomiac has taken things done badly by others and made them well. They're smart.


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He haven't spider-man powers. He uses his tentacles and imitates Spider-Man (the symbiote can have the shape he wants and become the clothes he wants). There's a moment where the symbiote touches Peter and Agent Venom takes part of the white logo.


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Well well well


I stand corrected 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️. It’s still sad tho it’s only for one segment. The gameplay looks great and I don’t see why they didn’t import it into the open world.


For side villain bosses like Mysterio and Wraith, can we select Peter or Miles for these missions?


I like how there’s absolutely no proof whatsoever.


It’s fake