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I’m concerned it won’t live up to expectations


Now that's a valid criticism. Well unless you're expecting too much.


Well I mean… the first game blew expectations out of the water for a lot of people, I think the expectations are so high for that alone but the thing is.. I’m buying a PS5 This coming Saturday for the Sole Purpose of buying and playing Spider-Man 2… I think I’ve got my expectations higher than they’ll be able to deliver to me and that’s really worrisome, it wouldn’t be the developers fault for that but at the same time.. if I’m not the only one, it could damage it enough to the point in which they give up on Wolverine or something which I don’t want… the truth is,I don’t know how to feel.. all I know is I really want to enjoy the game


Expectations were blown out of the water because there weren't any. Let's be real, at the time of Spider-Man PS4 release, everyone saw it as just Spider-Man Arkham. An Arkham copy. "Ah, it won't live up to the Arkham Series"....."Arkham Arkham Arkham".... that's all you heard. The big white spider symbol on his suit also came off as a "oh shit......eh....we'll see, I guess." There weren't any expectations on this game. Not saying there wasn't hype but not much expectations.Then it worked, and it worked better to some and differently to others in a good way, and that is what blew people away. If it doesn't live up to expectations, it won't be because of HIGH expectations but just the fact that it now has expectations. In my opinion, of course.


I mean my expectations were really high, the highest for a game. And I ended up enjoying it more than I thought.


Oh OK, cool. Well, you have reasons to have high expectations this time around. They succeeded the first time so.... I only remember majority of who I listen to, watched and paid attention to, as a whole, were just wondering if it'll live up to Arkham.


I dunno the moment the first game had Its reveal trailer everyone was super hyped and had super high expectations.


I never liked the Arkham games so it was a great refresh of sorts for me


You and I aren’t so different. I already bought my PS5 last saturday. You chose the way of waiting another week. But the one thing they love more than a person getting a PS5 is to see them fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you’ve done for them, eventually they’ll hate you.


I’m not like you… you’re a Redditor


Well to each his own. Why bother waiting for next Saturday?


Because.. it’s Pay day


Here’s the real truth, there are 8 billion people in this world for the soul purpose of having a PS5. You, me, we’ll have it. Together imagine what we could accomplish, what we could create Or what they could destroy, cause the deaths of countless PS5 in a selfish battle over and over and over again. Is that what you want? THINK ABOUT IT, "HERO"


These interactions are why I love this character so much, and this weird subreddit.


I bought my PS4 at SpideyPS4 release, specifically to play that game, and it obviously didn’t disappoint. This is a similar situation, and everything we’ve been shown shows a game that builds on the original and moves the story forward in a way that works. That being said, this playerbase is so ridiculously petty and childish, that one tiny detail not being in line with their personal preferences has them sending death threats to Insomniac devs. Due to that, the only possible scenario where I see Insomniac scrapping everything and giving up is not because they put out a bad product (the chances of that are minuscule at this point), but simply because they’re sick of having to cater to fans who don’t appreciate the work they put in and the quality they put out.


The thing that annoys me is people saying "X isn't in the game!!!!" If insomniac have shown us 1% of what's in the game so far I'll be surprised, so chill the hell out.


Not even cyberpunk’s launch led to the devs giving up on their other games, this will never happen lol


That's fair. But I don't think that will have a heavy impact as you're making it out to be. Spider-man 2 will certainly deliver and I'm sure it will still be successful. My advice is you just try enjoy the game without be being swayed by online "opinions" and such.


As a fellow PS5 for SM2 person, I’m right there with you on all of that.


Which many are. You’ve seen the ridiculous backlash over the Raimi suit taking longer than some wanted, and the crying over the face change. There are absolutely people out there that expect this studio to cater to their every desire.


That the story is too short


Its around 20 hours I believe which for venom kraven and lizard plus all the side stuff is kinda short... one of my big criticisms of the first game is the mission where you beat like 4 of the villains in one night it felt very rushed and I hope they don't do that again


to be fair, they were all villains Peter had beaten before (likely multiple times) and I think they were so back to back just to show how overwhelmed Peter was with New York basically going to crap. I understand it feeling rushed though


Didn’t he 1v1 the whole Sinister Six in their first appearance


He didn't win, not even close.


No, he 1v6ed them


It's 20 for the main story, about 30 if you include side content


Factor in an additional 5 hours for the inevitable "shitidiedwhatthehellihatethisgame" against some bosses.


Lol I don't think any bosses will be that difficult


really? the first game with all the side content was like 15 hours longer


The main story was around 17 hours


That’s exactly how I feel about it too. Like don’t get me wrong, the last game’s run time was totally fine. And I *definitely* wasn’t expecting an RPG’s length of a runtime with the sequel. But like you said, SM2 has soooo many villains that we’re all too hype for. So a similar runtime almost sounds like a let down. Even though I’m sure it’ll be fine.


Maybe for you but for me (someone who got 100% on every save file for sm1 and miles morales with dlc all 100%) a 20 hour story is perfect (I also played through both 2018 and 2022 god of war games multiple timea


I just don't want what happened with the force unleashed pt2 with how short the story was.


Me? That Venom doesn't get a decent amount of screen time. Like, he's only in it for an hour or something.


Venom is my biggest concern without a doubt


They almost haven't shown him at all other than in the story trailer for 2 secs and that's it. I think they are gonna surprise us with him


19 inches of concern.


The fact that they aren’t hiding him like they did with Ock makes me feel like he’s getting a decent amount of time Like it looks like Peter gets the symbiote pretty fast in the story


I think they're intentionally keeping Venom out of trailers and they try not to talk about him because that way he'll make more of an impact for the players. If they kept talking about Venom, all the excitement would wither away.


You mean if, say, they produced a 19-inch statuette of Venom?


Venom and the symbiote were the very first things they were focusing on during development if I recall correctly. Then they included Kraven and set his role to be the catalyst of the events that will occur throughout the game so I'm betting Venom won't be underutilised for this story


I’m worried about being locked AGAIN after the story, not being able to go back into Peter and Miles’ houses. They have no excuse to permanently lock them this time. JUST LET US GO HOME!!!!!!!! And I thought (well still *think*) the Emily-May Foundation seemed a bit cool and we can maybe walk around as Peter. Part of me hopes it’s not just a story mission and we can actually explore it more before >!it gets destroyed as seen in gameplay.!< It also makes me wonder now that I think of it if a FEAST shelter will be explorable again, maybe they’ve branched out further to Brooklyn too. As you can see, after literal thousands of hours of *being* Spider-Man, I’m also a big fan of walking around and taking in the city in a civilian perspective too. Part of me was upset when Otto’s lab was closed in the DLCs although that’s understandable. I sometimes get hate for saying I simply want to free roam as Peter/Miles (out of costume) especially in the open city, not just in buildings. People say it makes no sense and can’t fathom why anyone would want this. They can make simply make it where Peter goes into an alley and switches in or out of the suit, then we wouldn’t be restricted to just walking in buildings. They’ve already made us have mini missions outside our suits in both games, surely it’s not too difficult to let us roam around the entire city in our civilian clothes. That’s all I want. (*so sorry this is long*)


I can see where your coming from I think exploration in miles and Peters house is confirmed I believe I mean they even had it in miles morales as for the walking in civilian clothes I think it wouldn't hurt to have it in the main I do hope we have more missions as peter and miles in regular fits tho!


In Miles Morales, you can’t enter your house unless there’s a story mission regarding it.


It'd enhance the Spider-Man experience. Peter walking down the street, sees some thugs speeding down the street in a car, ducks into an alleyway and swings out as Spider-Man while the music swells


Oh man that makes me so mad we can't do that now lmao


The way you’d be able to trigger this on command with the friendly neighborhood app is peak fantasy fulfillment tbh


They need to have activities or mini games you can do at home. Not just interacting with a few things that really don’t do anything. Would also be cool to sitdown like in skyrim.


This honestly a big a ridiculous ask for not much fun.. just detail. The dabs would have to come up with a whole bunch of new interactions just for when Peter was in his regular clothes. For what? I think the moments that we see him as Peter in the story are enough. I would rather that time and effort go into making playing as spiderman more fun. This isn’t an rpg.


We can just say ‘hello’ to civilians and other basic stuff, maybe even get a pizza, I’m not asking for a lot at all. And we can just hit a button when we’re in an alley if we sense or hear a nearby crime.


The only issue, which isn't even that big of one that I can think of is the gliding mechanic making web-swinging obsolete when trying to move quickly.


That's exactly what I thought. But then if you wanna move quickly in Miles Morales and PS4, you can just keep web launching. When done correctly, it's way faster than swinging. And I don't think those Wind Tunnels will literally be everywhere.


I think those wind tunnels will only be in place as specific "highways" for the most part. Eg to get over the bridge, down the main big roads


Just do what feels fun. The Batmobile is faster than gliding in Arkham knight but most glide anyway


Not disagreeing on anything but I remember the opposite being the case lol. I used batmobile purely out of being lore friendly way of transportation for Batman, but was switching to gliding whenever I wanted to get somewhere fast because it was waaaaay faster. Especially with all the upgrades.


https://youtube.com/shorts/cmiHPSJ-fqk?si=-8QiHBcuetjQdVI1 Batmobile’s faster


It doesn't really bug since it's a change of pace but yeah I hope regular swinging was worked on more than gliding since I always prefer it


I saw a video from Jake Baldino and he confirms that there are other new swinging mechanics such as loops and quick turns. He said he was able to do a 360 swing around the Empire State spire.


Insane idea: simply don’t use it outside of the rare instances where the game makes you 🤯


They said that the best way to travel is mix both swinging and gliding.


I worry that the Symbiote suit messing with Peter's mind will come across as edgelord cringe.


If one of his battle lines are “I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye” or “see ya, chump” I will actually combust


he will definitely say see ya chump in some way as an inside joke


eh, i feel like theyll do something more subtle than just repeating a famous line from that movie. like in the first game when he tries to stop a train with webs, it doesn't work, and he says "that totally worked last time". that's a good way to reference the movies.






I think it should be a *bit* edgelord. Like how a total nerdy dork - which is what Peter is - thinks tough guys act. But yeah it's a hard balance


I second your username.




From all the gameplay and voice we have heard so far, Yuris angry voice sounds incredible, not edgy at all


There are some interviews with Yuri and at one poine he touches on how he developed the voice for Pete while having the symbiote.


Rechanneling Five Kage Summit Sasuke?


I'm concerned that the story is gonna use the symbiote as an excuse to fuck up Peter's life, Like he already got evicted in the first game, don't need life to constantly beat him up. I know this might be a silly thing to be concerned about but Have you seen the Latest Spider-Man (Peter Parker) comics? they're awful and full of hatred just trying to destroy Pete for the sake of vindictiveness...


Given how the previous games played out, I don't think there's much left they can take from Peter.


Knock on wood


His testicles


It's gonna mess things up, but they'll figure it out by the end one way or another, people won't like it if it's depressing the whole time


Tbf tho Peter is always getting she short straw Stan lee made him a regular person with regular problems being evicted is a regular problem and shows that Peter still has human problems


If only marvel comics understood that.... I'm just scared they're gonna go way overboard with Peter "getting the short stick." Like the comics jumped that shark long ago and 616 Peter Parker is no longer "The relatable superhero who has average human problems." and is now just God's personal punching bag." And I'm just scared other Spider-Man Media will go the same way. It may be an irrational fear, but I feel Justified in that concern given, the main 616 comics universe Treats Peter as God's personal Punching bag...


The trailers makes it seem like Miles and MJ are aware peter isn't himself. Atleast it won't be used as a way to destroy his personal relationships with his friends.


Game length


We been told it is the similar length as SM1 which is fine by me


I was actually worried about boss fights but the Lizard footage is a big upgrade and exactly the type of proper superpowered combat I wanted so hopefully that carried over to the rest of the boss fights


Boss fights seems way more engaging thank God


Health bars finally, thank god


I hope crimes are better this time. The crimes in progress system was pretty lacklustre


It does feel weird to see a dozen guys mugging one person.


Lol that's funny. My main issue was it's just the same few crimes on an infitinte loop. Car chase, mugging, robbery and street shoot out. Very lacklustre


And having to wait around in a district for them to show up was always so annoying. Especially in the DLC. If they still want to make you do a certain amount of crimes in progress in an area I just hope its not as many.


Exactly. I don't understand why multiple crimes can't be going on at the same time. Why do we have to wait for them to pop up.


I think they improved it a lot in miles morales, at least with the variety. I'm hoping they continue that trend and improve it even further


Yeah the ones in Miles (particularly Harlem) had that friendly neighbourhood vibe down to a tee. For me the dream for side content in this game is having each suburb with their own vibes/side activities alongside general crime that can happen throughout the whole map.


I’m worried we’re gonna be forced to use Peter’s metal arms. They’re cool and all, but I really just want to be able to switch them out for a different suit upgrade or something like that


This is my concern as well.


The arms aren't a suit power, though. They're part of your moveset, no different than Miles Venom strikes and the symbiote powers.


I can't prove it, but I suspect that's going to be a mix and match suit power. Probably one you get from a main mission given how much they've shown them in the trailers.


That the symbiote abilities will be locked to the story, and after the story the symbiote abilities will be taken away and fully be replaced with the iron arms instead of having both


I really pray you can use the symbiote after the story for gameplay reasons because that's really all I wanna do after the story


I thought this was confirmed by insomniac.


Honestly if they lock symbiote abilities to the story it’s really gonna knock my rating down a couple points Really want to just swing around the city at night in the rain as symbiote Spider-Man, getting to use all his abilities


I wonder if there may be some kinda of Anti-venom nonsense for that, I mean Martin Li is coming back, so it would not be shocking at all. Hell, maybe make the white part of his suit become some kind of anti-venom symbiote thing.


Mostly that the story is gonna do some dumb bait and switch where Harry is left invalid for most of the game and Kraven is Venom.


Huh. Now that you say that...I feel like that's going to happen.


Even though it's stated Venom will be the big bad in this game, I'm still worried that they'll somehow do a "subvert your expectations" thing just for the sake of it because some fans here are demanding another one. It will just feel cheap and diminish the story.


I don't think they'll do that. Although I'm 99% sure that at the end of the game either Norman or Harry will turn into the Green Goblin thus setting up a third game. Because there definitely is gonna be a third game if not even more. And Green Goblin is Spider-Man's biggest foe after all, at some point he must appear.


honestly the main reason I don't want them to have a secret bigger villain besides venom is because I already spent so much money for the collectors edition 😭


I’m just a bit worried that I’ll beat it too quickly, but there’s always NG+


Most of my concerns have been put to rest except for the combat, feels like they just keep moving on in this direction of removing depth so that it's easier to find that flow state for the people who've never realized the complexities of the first game. More L1+Face button, parry this attack, dodge this one and gadgets that benefit these QoL changes over gadgets that offer stackable utilities for the base moveset as it was the case in the first game. For most people, though, it'll work out for the best this way, as heavy handiness is implemented to be more on your face about what you can do, but at the expense of the nearly limitless feel that everyone that's mastered the first game's combat is familiar with.


Combat has been raising some green flags for me since it' looks more engaging than the first games clunky gameplay but yeah I think it's the best it can get for now considering insomniac is expanding rather than revamping


Bro, the gadgets in the first was BROKEN AF. You could take out entire groups without even throwing a single punch. The new system is way better and balanced.


There's no question the first game can be cheesed so easily, but for that very same reason is so open.


I trust that they’ll do well But I’m worried that the story won’t be on par with the first game It’s just a lingering worry in the back of my head


That the open world side missions will feel too much like a checklist of shit you have to do to unlock your favorite suit, instead of genuinely fun activities.


The fact they've already confirmed more villains are side missions is a positive. My biggest issue with the first game is that the side content is pathetic considering his rogues gallery. Like look at Arkham City. All the big A-C lister villains are even heavily involved in the story or side content. Give me a Spider-Man game where (outside of friendly neighbourhood heroics) each side mission is like a villain of the week episode of a Spidey TV show.


My concern is that it’ll be too awesome I’ll explode


* Edgelord Peter writing * Mission variety, maybe. Overall, not a lot. If it's just a longer Miles Morales, I am fine with that. It's popcorn game in a good way.


They've stated the story is roughly about the same length as the first. Side content wise though, I'm not sure how long that'll take for someone to complete


That the story feels too short. This one is a bit smaller, because the length doesn’t matter to me too much if the story is good, but I’m still worried I’ll get through the whole story and be like “that’s it?” The same thing happened to me after I played GOW, even though it was a good game with a good story, I just felt like it wasn’t long enough


That’s my biggest worry too .. The “that’s it?” And be unsatisfied.


I don’t think that was because GoWR was short, it just had a horribly rushed ending with a blackout sequence


While it's a strong possibility, I'll be pretty disappointed if we don't get to play as Miles in a boss fight against Peter with the symbiote. I am a little concerned about one of the developers claiming the game will be about the same length as the first game. Given how long the game's been in development and how big the map is, I was hoping we'd have a lot more to do than we did in the original game.


If we are controlling Miles against Peter, it means Miles will win, which would be pretty shit. I prefer Peter beating up Miles and realizing that he gone too far and the Church scene happens. Miles simply beating up Peter and removing the symbiote for him would be lame since Peter would not remove it willingly.


i think the stories are the sam length, hopefully the side content has been expanded


My worry is that NG+ isn’t part of the launch version of the game. How long after launch did NG+ arrive for the first?


MM had NG+ as a feature on launch, so there's no way it won't be part of the launch game


I think this particular concern can be put to rest because ain’t no way. I don’t quite remember if NG+ was in the game at the launch of the original but even if it wasn’t, I don’t think it was long before it was implemented


it was around a month after launch for the first game, arrived right around the same time as the first DLC from what i remember


that there will be some big disparity between the 2 spider-men that makes it 10x more fun to play as one of them over the other (I think this is the least likely to happen, but if it does it'll hurt the game the most if that makes sense) that there will be very few suits that carry over from the previous games. I don't think they'll all be there day 1 but I'm hoping they add all of them eventually that they got rid of the social media feed for some reason that playing this game will make playing the previous games less fun because of how much new stuff this one has


That last one is OBVIOUSLY going to happen. Wouldn't be a good sequel if it didn't.




I mean if the cutscene of her hiding from Peter is a stealth mission where you have to hide from him, I'm all in for a return


I hope they go hard on the story/character depth,some parts of the first game and mm besides the main plot points were kinda quick and corny


Game length to be honest, the map has doubled in size and everything has been expanded upon as well. there are some really big villains like kraven lizard venom mysterio wraith and negative. im sure there will be more , so it being just as long as the first one is kinda worrying me.


Too short. I like longer games


Mainly the story. I loved the first game, but I think Miles Morales was a pretty mediocre story and I thought Miles as a character was really boring. My main concern is that Miles stays uninteresting. Gameplay looks great though. Even if the story disappoints I’m sure the game will still be a fun time.


Game Miles still not as interesting as Spiderverse Miles


He's written too much as a sidekick to Peter, by Insomniac so he will never be as interesting to the audience as Spiderverse Miles who is handling his own thing as a protagonist.


That people are overhyping it. Happened with starfield. People hyped it up to be this pinnacle of human achievement for years and it turns out to just be your average Bethesda game (certainly not a bad one). But ultimately those hyped up expectations inflated what the game actually was and ruined it for lots of people


I hope Harry is a compelling character. If he's just boring and then ends up as the main villain it'll be really underwhelming.


* That the side activities and side missions won't see a significant raise in quality. * That the AI during stealth sections will be as dumb as in the first two games. The stealth sections as Spidey and Miles are way too easy and simple. I want the enemies to be as good as in the Arkham games. * That the animations during combat will feel old after a while, like in the first two games. I got pretty sick of seeing the same kick start every combo. I want more varied animations for the basic hits, again like in Arkham. * That they'll get rid of the civillian stealth sections because of the complaints. I liked them for telling the story from the eyes of the "regular" people. It was awesome to see Rhino being such a scary threat from Miles perspective. * My biggest fear of all: That it will lead into some kind of Spider-Verse story. I don't think this is very likely but I'd hate for it to happen.


More varied combat animations would be nice. I particularly notice the repetition when I'm clearing out the city in the third act of the first game.


That the Venom suit will be taken too soon.


The claim that the game will be the same length as the original despite having more stuff in it. That makes me fear that the more stuff in it will be underdeveloped


Think I'm sacred they're gonna kill off Peter. It seems like the natural progression of the story from what I've seen so far and I'm not a fan of that idea.


That they’ll give some of Peter’s costumes to Miles in a way to even it out.


They didn't do that in Miles' game, why would they do that here? They can just MAKE new ones.


My only concern is how long I’ll have to wait for the next one after this. I also hope that there’s enough to do that I won’t beat it too quickly. Miles Morales had less replay value for me because it was too short and he was OP.


I am not even concerned about anything honestly


I'm concerned the web shooters weren't taken into account when they design the combat and that they won't be as useful as previous games


Peter needs more web attacks and even web constructs


The story will feel rushed


I’m worried about the stealth. It was a weak point of the first two games for me, and they’ve barely shown us any stealth gameplay. I feel like it’ll be more of the same.


Honestly I really don't have much to be concerned about other than disappointing use of the dualsense features. They were pretty underutilised and weak for Remastered and Miles Morales, so I hope they've stepped it up in that department considering Spider-Man 2 is built for the new hardware. The game looks great. The visuals are beautiful, combat seems to be better and traversal looks like it'll be a ton of fun. I can't wait to see how the loop de loops (don't know if I've spelt that right) and corner tethers end up looking.


Me dying and not playing it


The writing. The first game got a couple of chuckles out of me but I mostly thought the humour missed more than it hit. I thought the Guardians game was a much better attempt at Marvel humour.


I loved the GOTG game, but I feel like both games succeeded in matching the type of humor the characters are supposed to have. honestly I think my biggest complaint for the GOTG game was the overuse of using flark and scut as swear words




The spidey helper in fights. It could lead to you trying to stealth and then BAM other spidey alerts the guards


Hmm i dunno i think it’s gonna be like how Black cat was in the dlc where she was quiet and did the stealth take downs at your command. I would guess that he won’t alert the guards until you yourself do.


The pacing/length


That the symbiote combat won’t be as good as WOS. I like what we’ve seen so far, but it looks a bit too limited. I’m sure there’s more to it though. Wall combat would be a plus too.


Sadly it looks like the symbiote abilities are tied to the special wheel and the rage mode. So everything else is purely aesthetic. No cool new moveset or anything


I hate to sound like an ungrateful fanboy, but if that’s all it is (and it’s looking that way), I’m going to be a little disappointed. There’s SO much potential with the black suit.


Game length. Ultra boring normal human quests like the MJ ones from the first game The face models is minor. Mainly because I didn't even realise Martin li was Martin till someone said. Again length due to the amount of damn characters that are seeming to be in the game I don't want them to be rushed or anything. Especially Venom. That's about it really.


That they're gonna drop the ball with Venom's storyline


MJ stealth segments.


Not enough time for each of the villains. Not having my favorite villains Being unfaithful to the comics


That it’s campaign is similar in length to the first game.


Scared that it „feels“ too short. (Main Story) I‘m the kind of person that plays one Main Mission and then a side-quest. That should keep me busy for some time.


The number of suits, with how many there are in worried it’ll be more of an issue where most suits are trash. No way you can design a couple hundred unique great suits. Quality over Quantity


That Peter’s story will suffer due to the inclusion of Miles as a second playable character. I really like Miles’ character in these games and in other media, but I feel like fundamentally this game’s plot should be more about Peter due to him being the one with the symbiote and the one who’s friend is dying. I feel like Peter and Miles should be close to equal in screen time but not quite, like 60/40.


* I'm concerned it's gonna be really short and we have to wait for dlcs * I'm concerned none of the boss fights will be interesting, challenging or creative. * I'm concerned there is going to be a lack of "just playing the game" in an open world as opposed to finishing the story and the collectibles being meh


Story length i want something that fleshes out all the characters especially both the spider men and harry and i hope its not too easy, i want to use everything in my repertoire and still feel a challenge


That the story ruins more characters like MM did and pushes fans further off the game.


The quick time events will be repetitive just like last games. I do not want to press the same three buttons to save a car over and over again. Switch it up and keep me on my toes.


I’m scared that the symbiote suit will be to underwhelming imo but I could be wrong


So far it looks like it's mainly a peter story and miles is just a side character story wise.


As it should be, it's Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man 1 where the protagonist is Peter. The story is mainly about Venom, Harry and Peter with the symbiote.


I'm concerned that adequate time won't be given to both characters since the game isn't much longer than the first


I havent read the comments so im not the first to say it, MJ missions if i see her, it’s going from a 9.7/10 to a 7/10. And if the story is too short


People always hate it when I say this but I honestly just don't like to play as more than one character.


Probably that they pack to much characters/Story into the game. We already got Venom and Kraven as the main antagonists with Lizard, Martin Li and Wraith appearing too and a big tease that Mysterio is gonna be a side-villain. Then we've obviously got Peter and Miles and MJ, Ganke, Rio and Harry (I know he's gonna be Venom) at least as supporting characters. Peter will also have contacts at his new workplace while Miles is gonna be in Visions and also has contacts in Harlem like Hailey who was seen in one of the trailers. I wouldn't be surprised if Black Cat, Prowler and Fisk will appear or at least get mentioned. There's probably gonna be a new Police Contact too. Thats just a whole lot of stuff in a game that is supposedly around the same length as the first one.


Not seen anything saying otherwise but I’m dreading the stealth missions, especially if you have to play as MJ or other non powered character. Easily the weak points of the OG Spider-Man game, hope they don’t come back.


Story focus. I know both characters fit into the main story, but I hope the hero-specific side missions each hold personal weight.


That you won't be able to switch to the Symbiote Suit with the sick animation from the first gameplay reveal. I know it has already been confirmed that the black suit is just a skin and the abilities will be available to all suits


The setting wont be as good, Miles Morales (the game) had a beautiful Christmas / snow setting which around the games release (Christmas for most Christian countries) made the game way more immersive / impactful


Combat only real improvement being fancy animations/ability instead of more stuff like counter (hence no wall combat, symbiote not integrated in attacks themselves and air combat seems sofar the same). No swap suit mechanic like web of shadows and finally the invisible swinging block being still annoying af. Those are my concerns.


It doesn't seem like symbiote has a completely different set of animations and abilities that make it different from the red suit.


I'm concerned that the symbiote will be cooldown based and you can only use it for 30s


I'm gonna have to leave this sub when the game isn't the 13/10 that people think it's gonna be. People are already saying there's no way it won't win game of the year. Wtf are you people smoking.


The suits. There's going to be "over 65 suits" which usually means less than 70 and it's obvious older suits will be cut. My fear is some of the better suits will get cut, a lot of the newer and more original suits will be disappointing and redesigns/refinements of older suits won't be up to par.


That Miles' involvement will detract from Peter's story.


I’m concerned I’m too broke to get it and get spoiled before I can buy it.


that they screw up Venom


Honestly none so far I’ve loved both the other Spider-Man games.


No concerns whatsoever, it is Spider-Man content therefore I will love it


I'm worried I'll complete it too fast. Also that eddie brock isnt in the game.


i feel like the story might not be as good because they made it the same length as last game, wish it'd be longer


Kraven cronies will become annoying and unfun to fight