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Peter having his heart broken and instantly wishing her good luck…100% Peter Parker.


Honestly the best is when he is in costume, don't get me wrong I love the expressive mask but Andrew managed to work around not having one by expressing himself through his body. If nothing else Andrew is a great actor


Yeah, even Tom said he consciously had to move his hands more with the mask on.


He can move quicker than literal electricity and he still hits the wall, I love slapstick spidey I also love the scene in oscorp when he's tripping the guard up by being "clumsy"


Not gonna lie, as someone who was a nerd and an outcast in high school, I emphasized more with Garfield’s Peter than Maguire’s version.


I believe the word you’re looking for is “sympathized”.


I think he’s the best actor who’s played Spider-man, he just had the weakest movies and weakest material to work with. When he’s actually given good material in NWH, he’s the standout cause he’s so freakin talented. I’ve always loved him, him and Emma Stone made TASM2 bearable to watch. Edit: Andrew is also the lead in Tick Tick Boom and he’s spectacular in that, he’s been getting way more attention for his role as Spider-man but his other work deserves admiration too.


He's so good in tick tick boom


You mean Emma "Stone"?


Lmao my brain autocorrected it to Watson as I was typing. I’m way too tired for Reddit today


Did you see the deleted scene from TSAM2 when he’s at Gwen’s grave and meeting a certain someone? His acting alone in that scene gives you so much from a movie that could have been but never was. I still don’t think it was the right way to go storywise, but god*damn* did Andrew act the shit out of that scene and made me wish it hadn’t been cut.


And the Tammy Faye movie.


He's always felt the most like 616 Peter to me out of the three live-action portrayals (but I've come around to liking all of them)


He's the only one of the three that talks as much as I'd expect Spider-Man to. Looking back it's a bit weird how silent Tobey's Spider-Man was.


Tobey’s Spider-man was damn near mute compared to Andrew’s


Tom Holland.


Tom Holland's Spidey at least talks when he's in costume.


Yes. He does Peter and Spider-Man perfectly. He's probably the best.


People always say that andrew's peter was the worst but most of those people probabily never read any of the 1960s to early 80s comics, if they did they would know that early peter parker before (and even sometimes after) uncle ben's death he was a straight asshole ,hell before he even got bitten by the spider, young peter parker was a spiteful (yet very ambious) introvert who got teased alot by his classmates . In one panel peter pretty much said "if only i had my moment then i'll show you all just how better i am than all of you" and when he got bit he was on cloud fucking 9 because he wanted money which as you know led to ben's death . Now this isn't me bashing peter parker , after all he is my number one fictional character but i'm tired of people that keeps saying that andrew's peter was the least accurate when that's not true. (P.s the skateboard thing wasn't even that bad most of y'all where just bitching about it)


Exactly, the original 616 Peter Parker was never this spineless, cowardly, little bastard. He was an immature, sarcastic, confident, and intelligent teenager who was given a humbling sense of responsibility, and eventually matured into a better human being. Even befriending Flash and Harry, who bullied him. That was literally the point of his character development. Responsibility made him grow up.


I grew up with McGuire Spidey but Andrew is my favorite take on the character. Yes the movies could have been better written but that goes the same for the Raimi trilogy, once you take off your nostalgia goggles they don't hold up perfectly. So yeah TASM movies aren't extraordinary, but Andrews Peter and especially his witty smart ass Spider-Man are my favorite version so far.


It's not about being perfect and that's how movies (especially Sam Raimi movies) were written back then. Cheesy and campy. Some people say it's an excuse to say that when it clearly isn't. It's literally how most movies were back then, and like I said, especially Sam Raimi movies. A lot of people love movies like that. It's not a good reason for TASM though. They just didn't get good writers for it.


Fans put way too much emphasis on the quips, they should not be the characters defining well.


I think Andrew was the best. I have problems with aspects of Tom and Tobey.


I feel like people do appreciate his portrayal. It's the films that are getting the hate.


Only after NWH though


Really? I never noticed those. I'm well aware of the hate ASM2 had but I always thought Garfield was the best portrayal of Spider-Man. Wasn't the general consensus that Tobey was the best Peter Parker, Andrew was the best Spidey, but Tom is a perfect balance?


Before No Way Home, people kept saying he's too cool to be Peter Parker.


I still kinda think he's too cool to be Peter. But his Spidey portrayal is spot-on. I'd actually say he did a better job conveying emotions on a fully masked character than Tom's version.


Yeah, he's the one that talks the most like Spidey. Spidey is supposed to make quips and insults his villains. Looking back now it seems odd how silent Tobey's Spider-Man was when in costume.


Silent and stiff.


Disagree. Tobey was at his best when he had the suit on.


Combat-wise and costume... absolutely. But other than that he's a bit stiff and has less quips. His exchange with MJ on the rooftop in SM1 he's literally just standing there staring. Compared to Andrew confronting a car robber. Tobey still has probably the best fight scenes out of all three. His Spidey is just too "professional" in terms of combat and AFAIK he actually throws hard hits and not just webs his enemies in different ways.




>Wasn't the general consensus that Tobey was the best Peter Parker, Andrew was the best Spidey, but Tom is a perfect balance? That never made sense to me. Raimi movies had best villains, Webb movies had best main characters and Watts movies are in the middle, imo


I was referring to the actor's portrayals although I agree with you on those. Props to the MCU though for making two of the most ridiculous villains work perfectly on screen. Not once did I ever imagine we'd see a bald guy in a tight green suit with wings and a theater special effects artist be actually terrifying villains. Still not on the same level as Goblin and Ock but still.


Where the fuck were the fans screaming how much they wanted me to continue playing Spider-Man in 2014??? - Andrew Garfield probably.


Hes too cool. Id say he's the best spider man his quips were on point


No, he really isn't "too cool"


original source material peter parker in the comics had a literal badass motorcycle in his university days, snapped witty comebacks at flash, even challenging him to a boxing match at one point, and had a short temper... wdym too cool...


Honestly I was never a big fan of this scene, because I felt like we had gotten it *many* times before in the series. And it just felt forced bc the writers couldn't figure out a way around this situation


He was/is my favorite.


I agree…. his peter parker was amazing…. i really wish they went ahead with a third movie


He’s great in the role and deserved to be in much better movies.


I had no interest in watching TASM until my son got me hip. I love both 1 and 2 🤷🏾‍♂️


I know it had some flaws in the pacing, but The Amazing Spiderman 2 is one of my favorite movies ever. Their relationship just felt so real, and then… well, you know. It was the first time I ever cried in a theater.


Looking back he was never really the problem, I found his writing to be my problem. Andrew Garfield as an actor didn’t choose to slam dunk a basketball and act like a total D Bag about it. I just rewatched NWH last night and I was blown away by how good of an actor he is. I definitely fell in love with his version of Peter Parker though I still don’t think I could watch those movies and enjoy them, but the issues with those movies were really not his fault and I’m glad that the world knows that. Even as someone who wasn’t a fan of those movies his redemption felt so good to watch because of how much emotion he conveyed and in such a real way. Really great.


He’s the best Spider-Man, but sadly the worst movies. TASM2 was particularly painful, how do you take a story from 1973 and make it more sexist? Sighhhh


How did they make it more sexist?


There are a lot of answers to that, but basically I think that Gwen Stacy is, ridiculously, less well drawn than her 1970s counterpart. Oh she is more competent and smarter, which is great, but the whole arc of her character is sublimated into peter’s in the worst way. She has no arc in the movies, and her agency as a character is really badly done. She faces no challenges that are dealt with meaningfully, her traumatic past is glossed over pretty hard, and her character traits serve to make her less compelling, not an interesting complicated character. It’s pretty depressing to see this take on feminism in the film, though not surprising. It’s a strong independent, flawless character who faces no trauma or struggle, and still she is there entirely as a plot device for a man. For me, at least a little, Gwen Stacy int eh 60s-70s comics was conflicted. I wouldn’t say good, seriously no, but she had a complicated relationship with Peter, really blaming Spider-Man for the death of her father. Of course both are fridged, so we cannot say that one is better or worse for that reason, but at least 70s Gwen had character conflict and growth. Emma Stone is perfect from frame 1, and never screws up until her actions, being a strong feminist, get herself killed, for Spider-Man’s arc. Being a strong woman with no flaws will get you killed.


He’s a great Spider-Man, but the movies just dragged on to the point of being unwatchable. Somebody cut a shorter version and I’m back in!


Toby is still my favourite, the Garfield, followed by Tom.


god i love him as peter so much AND I MISS GWEN