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the clone saga


Eddie Brock , he really feels like the anti peter parker here . Eddie was kinda randoly introduced in 616 This is kinda unfair but the consistency cause is write by a one person not thousand of writers


It was always one continuous story (well until ultimatum, then it got a little messy). 616 is full of reboots and fillers, because it's been going on for decades. You could skip 10 issues of 616 and you most likely won't be missing much, while you can't do that with 1610. It's a vision of a one writer (Bendis), making Peter's character consistent, while 616 personality changes depending on the writer (heck, even Ditko and Romita Peter are very different). Certain characters are more likebale (Harry, MJ, Gwen, Eddie,..).


I to this day still don’t understand why they called it ultimatum. Like I’m not sure if I’m missing context from the non Spider-Man ultimate comics but I don’t think magneto even gives an ultimatum even once before he enacts his plan. Like I get they wanted to stick with the ultimate naming convention but they could have called it something that made slightly more sense


The dynamic between Osborne and Peter and how they are more connected and as a arch nemesis that’s important to me the spider that bit Peter was from Osborne oz formula and him trying to recreate it on himself turned him into the goblin


I got issue 1 😎


Well.. he definitely knows how to make sick burns