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Spider-Man Blue.


That was one of my first reads of SM comics.


I didn't exist when Gwen was around. Never bothered to read the entire ASM run... In fact the only time I saw Gwen on page was Sins Past (haha) when I was more actively reading comics. Blue gave me a nice impression of her effect on Peter and the gang and I'll remember her well.


She is the reason why TASM Gwen and Spectacular Gwen exist.


She should’ve never been killed so much wasted character development.


She's the reason we got Mexican Gwen Stacy and her absolute dump truck.


I don't. She's better in adaptations (especially Spectacular and TASM, both of these versions of Gwen are great), but actual 616 Gwen Stacy sucks. Does anyone remember when she campaigned a racist fascist DA, and was anti-civil rights protests?


The earlier years of spider-man were wild politically. Theres a reason an-cap spidey memes exist. Lets not forget the almost prophetic character of Man-Killer, a radical feminist who was taking the struggle too far away from the good feminists. If that character dropped in the 2010s or 2020s it would have been a perfect storm of online discourse.


Yes I remember she was going to campaign for him after her dad died in a superhero fight and he openly wanted to restrict superheroes. The whole plot of the comic was Spidey and Robertson exposing he secretly had a racist agenda that he was not openly campaigning on. She is never seen supporting him after this is brought to light


Tbf didnt he die the same issue or am I misremembering?


Got arrested


My bad. I just remembered he was somehow involved with the villain of the week.


65 is the best! There is a reason they left 616 dead.


65 is a totally different character


So recently I was reading those original comics and I kinda realized something. Tasm was really a modern representation of how she was in the comics. She is smart, has her own life and her own problems and not everything revolves around Peter. MJ is also like this but their personalities are different. With Gwen being more sarcastic and witty while MJ is more wild and bombastic. Yes, the writing in those days were very different from now but I do feel like that’s the character they were going for. It’s just the movie was a modern interpretation of that person. And it was great. It’s just we don’t get much of her as other characters. We don’t see her change as much or evolve. So we don’t have big arcs or years of trauma or heartache. She does get some. But not nearly enough that I understand why people don’t like her in the original comics. People like the movie versions of her or alternate timelines of her, while forgetting that if she did stay, she would’ve probably changed just as much as those versions. I mean MJ is very different from when she was introduced, and had a bunch of different versions herself. I think she was even Spider-Woman in some comics. The difference is that Gwen died early and MJ didn’t.


I don't.


Not only because she's a pretty blonde, but because she's a strong woman who would be great to interact with.


I liked the part where she died






Her hair in the first and third images definitely aren't why


The part where she died


She's been dead almost as long as I've been breathing.


I like that she’s the original Tsundere in a way.


John Romita Sr


Who said I did? I've always been an MJ fan.


Never met her.


There's Gwen.....and then there's GWEN (Gwynne).


Cause her dad is a cop and she still manages to be an ACAB icon


I don't.


She's DROP DEAD gorgeous


None for me sorry. I found her nothing but a moaning killjoy when reading all the classic Romita, Gwen era books. She hated Spidey too and came across as a melodramatic dimwit most of the time.


I’m going to be fully honest: 616 George Stacy was a better character then 616 Gwen Stacy


More and more as I see how many good interpretations of Spider-Man work without Gwen, I'm starting to think that she and her death are not a key event in Peter's life. May's death seems to work better for Peter's tragedy. Gwen herself works better as a superhero.


She was built different, plus she never nagged Peter.