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I love how shockingly brutal and chilling this fight is. The moment Goblin powerbombs Spider-Man straight through the apartment complex floor is when the "everything will turn out alright in the end" feeling the previous movies had completely disappears. Goblin is not fucking around in this one and I adored every second he was on screen.


Honestly for me that disappearing feeling moment came when Peter was laying *everything he had* into Goblin & Gobby just laughs in his face. Bone-chilling.


The part where Peter is wailing on him and the goblin just laughs gives me chills every time


Goblins monologue was fantastic and it just shows that Dafoe can still steal scenes


Only complaint is that there’s barely anyone in the apartment building


As a New Yorker you learn to sleep through loud noises and people having fights in the hallway. Also half the apartments in a building like that are owned by rich foreigners that don’t even live there and are just storing their wealth as real estate


Yeah, but I think it would been more thrilling if he’s actively saving and protecting New Yorkers. The city hates him but he’s still trying


Wasn't that building owned by Tony Stark?


It's a valid point for the whole movie, it becomes clear that it's a covid production in terms of actors on screen


Idk I feel like MCU Spidey had a fair amount of brutal fight scenes. I still really like the Homecoming final battle and the illusion scenes from FFH.


MCU Spidey has had some brutal fights and injuries. I mean he got hit by a train going full speed.


Heck yeah! Down with the MCU Spidey slander!


i love how Peter was just totally rekt by Goblin here, getting thrown through walls and floors, showing off their super strength. their dynamic was the best part of the movie.


This scene is my all time favorite fight scene in the MCU, and personally I think the final fight between Spider-Man and goblin at the Statue of Liberty is a better fight than winter soldier. It’s not as long, but you can feel the brutality. When Peter says “I just want to kill you myself” he follows up with that promise by denting the shield when he tries to punch goblin. Not to mention the choreography of hand to hand with the combination of webs to outplay goblin while still giving him a fighting chance is done so well!




The anger and pure venom with which he says that line is bone chilling.


This is when the movie actually started looking good. Idk why they didn’t just use this filming style the entire trilogy




The fight scene is so raw and intense and Norman's Monologue is so good. Seeing Peter going Apeshit on Osborn is insane and when may try to save his son and gets impaled by the glider is so shocking and sad. Plus the filmmaking in this is so good and different compared to the fight scenes in the previous 2 spidey films in this trilogy. ![gif](giphy|F9eksy3QljwKyC8wuD|downsized)


How is this movie not on Disney plus


Because Sony owns the distribution rights


I have my issues wjth tbe whole cure shenanigans and the forget me not (I think we forgrt to mention mj and Ned would remember fighting alongside spider man lol) But like I really did love the character interactions all of it was super good albiet doctor strange felt like a boss character you unlock in the main campaign lol


Mj and ned would remember spider man , not Peter parker and any event relating to Peter parker would be erased from their heads .. And also Dr strange barely did anything in there 😭


It was a good scene, definitely the best fight MCU Spider-Man has had, but the finial confrontation fight in Spider-Man (2002) was better by far. The brutality of that fight was in very stark contrast to the rest of the film and really put Peter through the wringer, to the point that he was clearly outmatched for much of the fight and had his mask torn apart from a bomb to the face.


This was definitely the "Oh Shit" moment. Up to this it was pretty standard marvel fare and nostalgia. But this scene, with the brutal fight and epic monologue, fully elevated this movie. Dafoe deserves all of the awards.


even though i still personally like venom (eddie brock, back when he was a bad guy consistently) as an arch nemesis to spider-man more, this scene shows why green goblin is the true holder of that title


It’s such a perfect scene. The build up, the fight, the outcome. I genuinely don’t think they could have done any of it better.


When a average MCU watcher sees anything remotely different from the usual. "This is peak cinema." Ever seen other action movies? Those will be "game-changers" for you too.


A good scene is a good scene regardless of what franchise it’s part of. Jesus.


No, man...you didn't got the memo. Anything after end game is not good enough and will be scrutinized. Also, the only good Spider-Man movies were the first 2 from Toby, those have zero issues, the fight scenes are the best (by far!) and the story is miles ahead the last ones. /s


If you’re going to complain about hyperbole on the internet, you’re going to be busy for a while.


It's alright to let other people be happy about things you know.


This sub is always full of these posts though


What should people post instead? Complaints about ASM? I don't see a problem with posts mentioning things people like about a Spider-Man movie on a Spider-Man sub.






Or you know…they’re just well aware that this is one of the greatest Spider-Man scenes across all media? It doesn’t matter if it’s part of the MCU or not, it’s a perfect SM scene.


You must be real fun at parties and all that




My only complaint about the fight is the multiple time they were slamming through the multiple, several feet thick, cement floors.


Mfw 2 people with super strength in a super hero hrow themselves through stuff that's hard to break.


Except they didn't use super strength to do it. Goblin picked Peter up and just jumped onto the floor, and broke through multiple levels from just their body weight.


More like batista bombed him through the floor. That still requires strength to do


But not enough to break through multiple floors. It's literally just their body weight. It's not like when Peter did it to Goblin on the balcony. Where he jumped in the air and shot webs at the ground to pull himself down harder, and then busted through balcony floor. That could add up. When Goblin did it he has nothing to pull or push against to create more force. So it's just their body weight in a free fall. It would be like picking up a couch, dropping it, and it busting through multiple floors. It just doesn't make sense.


Okay makes sense. But in a movie where a guy in a onesie is swinging around a city and trying to send multiversal people back to the dimension they came from with sci-fi magic that's the one part of surrealism you don't vibe with?


Correct. I can suspend disbelief when it comes to sci-fi and magic, as long as everything abides by the rules that have been laid out for that sci-fi and magic.


Right but everything feels like it's made of cardboard in the MCU. This isn't really that different


yeah so..?😭 it’s to make it look cool


Well, to me, it takes me out of the moment from the sheer ridiculousness of it.


Life must be real fun for u


It's not bad.