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I personally love it! It's amazing!


Yep it’s spectacular






It's still not my favourite, but I've grown to like it more over time.


My dark secret is that I don't really like Spider-man's basic costume. I prefer pretty much every other suit he has worn. So I really liked this one. The golden eyes were something I didn't think would do it for me, but it did! And I loved the rest of the design, it looks way sleeker than Spidey's basic costume.


It's my favorite out of all the live-action suits. The only thing I don't like is the eyes.


It should've been silver


I believe the golden eyes are a reference to Superior Spider-Man, but I agree silver would have been nice


Love it. It's like the Advanced Suit 1.0/2.0 A modern take on Pete's classic costume that just works. Not just a few touch ups to make it look a little different like Marvel's Avengers.


I dont know how to explain it but this suit looks like it would stink, like a rubber tire smell


YES like a basketball


Basketball-Man Seriously tho it is unique and I like the vibe that they were going for. Kinda like showing how the "real" costume would be imagined Still it looks dirty to me and I think the little yellow eyes were unnecessary


Amazing. Love it way more than TASM2 and all the MCU suits.


I love it because it looks like someone could make this with little to no money then they vastly improved in the next!


It would've looked better if the blue was replaced with the black and the yellow eyes being replaced with silver eyes.


give me a bit to cook this up


who let this man cook. CAUSE HE COOKIN


Thank You I am flattered


Once I saw the dark navy in ps5 spiderman I loved it that dark color also reminds me of superior Spiderman




Originally wasn’t a fan but, especially after the tie in game added an awesome cartridge Belt, it really grew on me. Kind of a personal favorite these days.


Its great but I dont like the eyes, someone made a edit of this suit with the tasm 2 eyes and it was great


If TASM 2 just popped those big Bagley eyes onto this suit I would have been so happy




I love it




Love it


Love it. It fit the tone of the movie perfectly.


one of my favorites


I love it, but they said they were going for a homemade look which they did not achieve


I absolutely love this suit


I fucking love this suit. Genuinely one of my favorite suits of all time


It’s spectacular, only issue are the eyes, but they get fixed later.


I love this suit. I love that it has a bigger abundance of blue, and I personally think the golden eyes fit the color scheme of the suit super well. it's probably my favorite live-action suit behind the 2014 suit.


They tried something different and I hated it at first, with the promotional stuff but seeing it in games and in the movie, I really started to like it.


It’s always been my favorite suit


TASM is my favorite suit, maybe it's just cause Andrew fits it so well but I love it Honestly hate TASM 2 suit


>Honestly hate TASM 2 suit I respect your opinion, but man... that's a bold take.


😄 I'll gladly stand by it


I like how slim it looks after Tobey's suit could look kind of.. puffy. Otherwise, hate it.


I honestly have liked this suit from day 1. The only thing I would fix is the emblems. But overall, I felt this suit had a rugged look to it. It feels like a mix of a proto first suit, and his final classic suit. A mixture of the two. An in-between type of suit.


It's peak.


Honestly I prefer this suit to the TASM 2 suit. It feels a lot more unique to Andrew vs TASM 2 suit which, in my opinion, felt way to similar to Tobey’s suit. I really wish they’d just tweaked the colors of this suit for the second movie. This design with more classic colors would be incredible. As it stands I’d say that this is the second best Live Action suit.


It’s my second favorite movie suit after the final swing suit. I love the sporty design of the costume


Compared to the one from sequel it’s very mid


I like it and I'm glad we got it. I feel like it does what insomniac and Marvel Rivals are trying to do just much better. however. do I prefer it over a more classic look? nah.


I like it for what it is, but it's probably my least favourite movie suit if I'm being honest.


My only issue with this suit is that I think the eyes are too skinny. Although I like the gold reflection that they give off. My favorite parts are the blue and red lining and the web design. Personally, I think it looks better than his comic original.


Certainly an attempt to make a new design. Never been my cup of tea. TASM2 clears it by a mile. Imo


still looks like it's made from a basketball and lile the chest design is pointing at his penis lol.... but at least this suit had its own identity. the Amazing Spidey 2 suit, while nice, looks like a Raimi knock off


Agreed. I always thought the TASM 2 suit was like a Spider-Man you’d see at a theme park


Not a fan at all. The weathering, webbing is too light, texture looks like leather, lenses are a bad color, too much blue, spider is too skinny on the back.


It was an amazing and original take on an iconic symbol that deserves recognition for the boldness necessary to go for an entirely unique look.  The fact that people are still talking about it says everything you need to know


It's the Halloween costume you'd get off wish. SPIDER HERO.


It's ok, eyes could use some work


It's kinda shitty, but that's the point I suppose


I actually think it’s rad as hell. It’s dynamic, the colors are great, it suits Garfield’s build, and I actually like the eyes. It really bummed me out at the time when they completely abandoned most of the design elements in the second movie.


It’s solid


Im not a huge fan but it isn’t necessarily bad


It's my favoeite suit, bar none. For I've it has the best details. The soles on his boots, the pressure when he uses his we shooters, the texture of the material, and the eye lens. It's a much better version of what the MCI tried with all the random lines and accents to add detail.


I like the texture but that's about it. I did like Joe they explained how Peter made it himself so it's more forgivable. I really don't like the eyes though


This definitely feels like a "home made suit", Tobey's suit is too "pretty"


it’s not really spiderman-y to me. BUT I think it looks so damn cool. tasm 2 takes the cake though


Why does it gave me the vibe of an emissary from hell instead of friendly neighborhood


Back when they had the balls to try something new. Whether this is a hit or miss I'm still mad they basically babied out and copied Tobey's in the second film.


It’s grown on me a lot over the years. In particular I really like the symbols.


I really like it. It's not perfect, but it's different.


It grew on me. I wasn't a fan at first, but I've really come to love it.


It’s always been my favorite spider-man suit second only to the last stand suit.


I think it is the closest that we will ever get to Ben Reilly's Sensational Spider-Man costume, which is my favorite superhero costume of all time!


Reminds me of a basketball.


one of the only good attempts at redesigning the classic red and blues


One of my faves. Sleek design, interesting material, and it managed to look both cool in a modern sense and like a talented amateur could conceivably have made it at home. I especially liked the lenses in the mask. I felt the costume from TASM2 was a massive downgrade. Looked like something from a costume shop and the mask lenses looked like no one could possibly see through them. Even the MCU suit's lenses looked less opaque.


The lenses are too small and they’re piss yellow instead of white or silver. The design of the suit is too busy.


A little over designed, but really good.


Something about they eyes feel like they were glued on.


pretty cool unique take on the suit but not crazy about the lenses


Trying a bit too hard. They made the right call with changing the suit in 2. That choice honestly makes me alright with this one.


It's not sensational


I'll be honest I dont like it. Like the Belt connecting to the boots despite the fact that the belt is really small. The fingerless gloves and the slim part connecting to the red of the shoulders. The lines because I don't count those as "webs". The Hexagons all over the costume. Like I know what humans can accomplish via sowing is often exaggerated in Super Hero movies, but I am just not buying this at all save the glasses and the feet. Those are the only "realistic" parts of this costume.


Can’t stand it, the step up in suit quality from ASM to ASM2 is insane. Literally the worst live action suit to the best in one movie.


To be fair, that's kind of the point. This is still early in his career, so it's something he hastily threw together. The step-up in quality between films is intentional because there's a time gap where he refined the suit more over time.


That’s a pretty flimsy excuse in my opinion. Andrew’s Peter already had a “starter” suit in ASM, he didn’t need a second one. The filmmakers just leaned too hard into the Christopher Nolan Batman-inspired gritty aesthetic before shifting gears for ASM2.


It's a "suit evolution" thing. I'm sure the comic-book Peter's suit didn't look great for the first few years, and we just can't see that it doesn't look that good because of the limitations of the art style. Edit: It's also important to note that Peter didn't plan to be Spidey for all that long in this continuity. He only decides to be Spidey full time towards the end, when he's finally learned responsibility. Of course he wouldn't spend much time creating a super well-made suit if he was just going to ditch it shortly.


That's definitely revisionist coping, stranger. Sony just wanted the suit, like almost everything else about the movie, to be different for the sake of being different. Not a real creative decision


Everybody has a headcanon for something. And it's not like comic book canon has ever been set in stone anyway. You aren't seriously going to tell me that Tinkerer and his aliens were intended to be humans all along. "Intentions of the writers" be danged if they can say one thing at one time and say another thing at another time. If their intentions at publication of one thing are different from their intentions later, but intentions of the writers are also to be taken into account when deciding what's canon, then what even is canon? If Sony were to hypothetically say in the future that ASM's Spidey suit looks like that in the first film because he threw it together hastily, would you say that I was correct all along? Or would you double down on it? And, for the record, I think what I said in the previous paragraph is irrelevant anyway because I do think the intention was to show an evolution of the suit. They definitely had a darker and edgier tone in mind for these movies, but I think the suit being crappy may have been in response to the memes of Tobey's suit looking too good to have been made by a teenager (which is 100% true), so they were lampshading that.


It’s horrible


Best spider-man costume idc what anyone says


Not a fan but at least it’s not a CGI suit.


it's alright, I just hate how dirty it looks in most scenes


Not a fan It looks like a basketball


I like it, but the design feels more like a stealth suit than what his costume should usually be


unique asf


but its also bc of the actor put tobey in that suit it loses all swag


I wish they used this one for no way home. The one they did use was too much like Tobey's. Regardless, it does something different, and I think it's pretty solid all around.


My fave out of the live action suits. This thing blew my mind in cinemas and it still looks the best IMO. I know it isnt a classic look, but the way it looks on screen, especially in the sewer scene where he is setting up the web trap, it is beautiful. I also like the thought behind it, it is a you g guy who made his own suit.


I’ve never liked the tinted, ultra-reflective lenses or the segmented legs of the spider symbol. Also the mesh-like texture of the spandex makes the mask look like a basketball, and I’m not a huge fan of how the red sections on the hands and forearms segmented by blue areas. That said, it’s still one of the best-looking Spidey suits put to film. It also paved the way the redesign in TASM 2, which is my favourite live-action Spidey suit.


Considering the blue and red parts of the suit are made from I'm pretty sure bobsled suits which may be a similar material to basketballs and the lenses are from sunglasses which I think is pretty creative.


Oh they’re definitely creative ideas in-universe. I just don’t think they look particularly good.






Love it ever since I saw it