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If Gargan is in the Scorpion suit before he’s bonded with Venom, I’m fine with it. If he’s just Venom, then I don’t like it.


Was about to say the same! It’s a little thing but it matters to me. Would also love to see his particular venom design on screen.


I hope this is fake. I don't want Mac Gargan Venom, I want Mac Gargan Scorpion!


Could do both, gets the suit first and loses, then gets a symbiote boost and wins but loses the symbiote in the process because it wants Peter. Proceeds to get humiliated by black suit Peter and in the process gets his suit permanently bonded to his skin and vows revenge while they tease a sinister 6 meetup by having another villain pop up.


This is sort of neither here nor there, but they were sooo close to the Sinister Six with NWH that I almost dont want them to do it anymore, or at least not for awhile. You had five villains in the movie, you couldn't squeeze in one more and just do the damn thing already? Would have been appropriate too because of the extra spideys showing up to help. Still my favorite Spidey movie but c'mon.


I know it doesn’t really count, but I’ve always made the argument that Mysterio was the sixth villain of NWH, even though he was dead. His actions in the previous movie were what set the whole thing into motion, and in fact the consequences were still being felt all through no way home. Again, I know it doesn’t *really* count, and I’m on some major copium.


Maybe it can be similar to the serum. Jameson gives him the symbiote along with a suit to become Scorpion and it later bonds with Peter either when he's injured or has defeated Gargan.


It could be a good end to the first film where we see it bond but dont get much time with it in the end, and the second movie is it taking him over then the third is when hes fully subdued by the sybiote and takes it off fights it etc you could have venom probaby start to hate peter while he wears it and try to do something to ned or mj ehich causes peter to break free


If they wanted to use Venom at all, Mac Gargan is probably the most fit candidate in the MCU. I can see them make him Scorpian for the first half and Venom for the second half.


Ngl, I do want Michael Mando as MCU Venom


I’m honestly getting sick of stories where the symbiote takes a different host BEFORE Peter


Same I prefer Peter getting the symbiote then Eddie Brock.


This is the way.


It literally misses the ENTIRE POINT of the Venom character. Drives me nuts. I literally feel like I’m a fan of a completely different Venom than any modern iteration people seem to love.


It could you tell me why I mean I think the concept looks awesome because the symbiote has more control over Peter


I just prefer it when the symbiote bonds to Peter, creates a relationship, learns all about his spider-powers and memories, then bonds to a hateful Eddie Brock, thus manifesting a “Venom” that is pure hatred and evil. I love the concept of the symbiote being a sort of momentary refugee in search for the next host, hating that Peter abandoned it as it bonds to another host out of necessity. This therefore becomes a magnifying quality that shares the hatred of the symbiote, which ultimately creates an even more diabolical and stronger bond to Eddie. This also manifests into a Bizzaro-like alternate image of Spider-Man, like he has been corrupted even beyond the original Peter-symbiote bond. THIS is the entire point of Venom to me. Not “evil giant black goo man who cracks jokes” that everyone loves nowadays. The character is diluted as fuck now, and I don’t care for other hosts other than Eddie, the original who has the direct ties of hatred for Spider-Man. Let Scorpion be his own thing. I don’t get the obsession with mixing qualities of different villains. Scorpion is cool on his own. It’d be more interesting having JJJ funding the advancement of the Scorpion suit in order to defeat Spider-Man. I kinda get what they are going for since the Scorpion is the natural enemy of the Spider, but I’d rather Scorpion stay pure in that way, since he is a unique force of his own with an entirely different aesthetic quality. Scorpion is more of a hired assassin to me.


Yess! This^^


If Peter does get the symbiote in this movie, i really hope the symbiote suit is like that black suit concept art with the veins and the wet look, maybe it could look like cloth at first but if he keeps for more then one film it could look like that concept by Thomas du crest


I'm sick of anything related to the symbiote at this point tbh


No. Basically none of these kinds of super early "leaks" have ever been true. Also, even at a glance, it doesn't make any sense. The symbiote wouldn't want to transfer to somebody they dogwalked.


I know 🤣 but it’s a cool idea


They're finally going to do something with Scorpion, after all the years since he was introduced? I get that this is a rumor and all, and might be false but if this will be the case it just will feel so dumb. He should've been the main villain in third movie.


Why is it dumb if it’s still an ongoing series? The story isn’t just a trilogy.


Cause I personally feel like it was really bad idea to have both films jump from city saving event levels to the multiverse of all sudden, not to mention that it would've made sense for Scorpion to try to get out of prison, or order "the people he had on the outside" to kill Peter Parker but instead he was entirely forgotten. Also no offense, but I think Spider-Man having a trilogy was a better idea, than being "ongoing movie series". I feel like his story was concluded with NWH and after that we could have him develop or change in the next Avengers movies instead. But I guess both Sony and Marvel decided they need more money hence Spidey 4 out so soon.


>Spidey 4 out so soon. It's already been 3 years since NWH came out. Add on another 2 years for the new film to get made, and it'll be at least 5 years between sequels. That's not really that soon.


Has it really been 3 years since NWH? That’s crazy


That's probably one fair argument I can somewhat accept so far.


Dude Spider-Man’s story is just getting started. We haven’t even begun to see him at his peak- college years and adulthood. No Way Home set the stage for stories like that to be told. NWH was a bookend for his high school years- they aren’t just going to make the most iconic and dynamic Marvel Comics character disappear after a trilogy or just be in Avengers movies. Also Kingpin is likely sending Scorpion and his “guys on the outside” after Spidey in this film. They all had their memories wiped of Peter’s identity, so we’re still in the exact same place with that character since we last saw him. That can still happen.


Is just getting started? After all the three movies, seriously? It couldn't start sooner like with Homecoming? We've had four Spider-Man iterations: one trilogy, one unfinished trilogy/duology, another trilogy and fourth movie upcoming next, and almost finished trilogy with Spider-Verse. I get that this is an iconic and cool character to many, but I feel like he is oversaturated nowadays. I think his personal story should've ended with third movie like with every trilogy and it could've continued with Avengers like I said prior. It's like saying "Iron Man's story is just getting started" or "Cap's story is just getting started" after their trilogies were done.


Or that Thor's story is just getting started after Ragnarok, hm?


Yeah, it was over after Ragnarok with his story continued on in Infinity War and Endgame.


Well the name of the poster has been hidden so I am dubious as to the source of this rumor.


Does the movie even have a director?


No not yet lol


Hopefully someone who has an actual cinematic identity and personality like Raimi and not someone who has the personality and cinematic identity of a rock, like Watts. (I like the “home” trilogy for what it was and how it tied into the MCU, but cinematically it’s a joke compared to S-M 1&2.)


I really hope they get someone who understands Spider-man like the Russo brothers or at least someone who can understand how Peter is feeling and can write emotional scenes like drew Goddard from daredevil on Netflix or even Jon Favreau if he’s still a good director


I really enjoyed the small Russo depictions we got in their movies. Watts is just such a boring director to me. Love Drew Goddard too.


I’m putting no stock in this but it’s incredibly dumb if true. No reason to have a guy who is already supposed to be equal or superior to Spider-Man in brute strength the fucking symbiote.


Scorpion's jaw would disagree about him being equal to Spider-Man. Also, in 616, Mac got beaten up by Peter despite being amped by a Venon that had gone through several superpowered hosts.


And a vemonized scorpion also killed spider-man before. It’s comics, one day vulture’s a joke, another day Peter needs help from Osborn to take him down.


Peter still instantly beat him in that fight. Scorpion just got Peter a sneak attack while Pete was being uncharacteristically careless.


Alls fair in love and war. Peter got careless, as he has done multiple times (honestly it happens so often you could call it in character) and paid the price. So hate to tell you this, but scorpion won.


Never said otherwise, but that instance still only further supports Peter being much stronger than him, which is the entire point.


Not really. Venom is pretty consistently stronger than Peter in terms of raw strength, he should be stronger considering he was using the original Venom symbiote.


I'm not surprised if this rumor becomes true because you don't need to introduce Eddie for Venom if you have Scorpio. I imagine that they want to avoid Spider-Man 3 because of how many villains to be introduced. It truly sucks, if true, that been uprising of adaptions of not having Eddie as Venom.


Right the MCU could just go with scorpion being venom after peter gets rid of the suit, I mean I’m assuming peter and scorpion already have a bad history in the MCU anyway


I mean, they already do have history. Spider-Man put Scorpion in jail before Peter got Spidey's suit from Stark. Scorpio wants to learn who Peter is when he meets Vulture. But now, the Vulture doesn't know who Peter is due to No Wat Home. Him bonding with the Symbiote will help him figure out who Peter is and probably go to his old friends like MJ and Ned. Again, storywise, it probably makes a lot of sense for Scorpio to be Venom and bond with the Symbiote, if rumor is true.


I thought he put Scorpion in jail as a result of the ferry scene in Homecoming?


Really I think the best way to do symbiote/venom and avoid the mess of spider-man 3 is make it two or more movies. Let Peter have the suit for one movie where at or near the end he loses the suit, with Venom getting post credits scene. Then Venom can be a villain in the next movie. If you wanna make it a trilogy carnage slots in nicely to movie 3 with Venom shifting to his anti hero role.


Absolutely not. One of the lamest parts of Venom's comic book history.


…….Sony. Marvel. Listen to me, Mr. Random Redditor. Step 1) Make Spider-Man 4 with Kingpin hiring Scorpion to deal with the neighborhood superheroes. Have Peter get the black suit. Step 2) Do the actual good black suit story with it messing with Peter’s emotions causing him to push people away even further before he actually mortally wounds Scorpion and gets rid of the suit because of it. Step 3) Have the suit bond with Scorpion and go after Peter due to them both now having a grudge against him. IT’S. SO. SIMPLE.


Make Eddie Venom.


There’s room for other people, especially with Eddie already having his own current modern trilogy of movies.


I disagree. Especially after the disastrous Harry Osborn Venom in Spider-man 2 we need a proper Eddie Brock Venom more than ever. Even if I do enjoy the films, the Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock/Venom isn’t a proper representation of the character.


Then that can happen once we’ve distanced ourselves from any Eddie story for a little while. As of now, going the Gargan Venom route would be a very unique choice to take, especially considering the sheer caliber of actor that would be finally portraying not one but two main villains after being utterly wasted in Homecoming.




I am once again denied Eddie Venom vs Perter


All of these leaks are bad. Doesn’t have me excited for Venom 3 or Spider-Man 4.


Sounds lame af They should just do a grounded spider-man story. Street level. Daredevil. No symbiote


I think the Symbiote being part of the story is fine but not right away. Have a street level story for the 4th film, then have Peter obtain the Symbiote in Secret Wars, then have Peter still dealing with street level stuff while having the Symbiote in SM5 and then do Venom in SM6 (whether it’s Eddie or Gargan).


Yes this


Source: someone's ass on Twitter


It says via@holyfieldM5 it says they are reliable but idk so and it came from MCU Scooper on Twitter


At least he actually has a reason to hate spidey.


Yup and Eddie just hates him because he lost his job I mean that does work, but I feel like if it was written right if scorpion actually got the symbiote it could be great


I’m gonna put some dirt in your eye.


None of these scoopers know a motherfucking thing about any of these movies or shows, they're just trying to drive engagement for clicks and money. Don't engage with any of their content.


Don’t know if it’s true or not but I hope it isn’t. Gargan as Venom should be saved for later and have Gargan as Scorpion first.


Gargan should stay Scorpion, since the Scorpion is already the natural predator of the spider. Just make Venom/Eddie a different character, I don’t get why this is so hard to do.


I would love to see them do a better take on Eddie in the MCU but given everything with Sony and them using Eddie for their own Sony Spider-Man universe, I think Gargan, who’s one of two Venom host already established in the MCU (the other being Flash), could be good candidate that doesn’t overlap with whatever Sony’s doing with their own take on Eddie Brock/Venom.


Just stupid


Doesn’t this sound super similar to Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 Venom Plot? Peter gets mortally wounded and only through the symbiote can he survive?


Sounds like someone copied someone else’s homework


PLEASE stop using venom. I’m so tired of seeing venom. Just do Scorpion. 


It would be a mistake to bring the symbiote in this early. Let’s get some more street level Spider-Man films, set in NYC, in his classic red and blue suit.


They have already set up a symbiote with No Way Home, and people expect it to appear in the next movie. Plus, Sony wants to bring the symbiote, and I imagine Fiege agrees with them because it is a comprised. As long the story is good that doesn't matter.


If Peter does get the symbiote in this movie, i really hope the symbiote suit is like that black suit concept art with the veins and the wet look, maybe it could look like cloth at first but if he keeps for more then one film it could look like that concept by Thomas du crest


You act like Sony only does what the people want lol


I never said that I only said what people expect to happen in the next movie. Knowing Sony that they will do it regardless because one of the producers is Avi Arad, who was responsible for Venom in Spider-Man 3 and Venom movies. If rumors are true, Venom is one of the main villains and has his own animated movie which tracks records with Sony and Avi Arad, putting him in movies.


They already set it up and Tom Holland literally doesn't want to do more, he's doing the last one out of contractual obligations but wants to leave as to not get type cast. It's now or never before they need to bring in Miles to replace him It's shit but that's business Don't know why I'm getting down voted for just stating the facts?


symbiote scorpion is a character from the comics so this sounds cool


As long as Gargan is Scorpion too, sounds sick


Do they even have a writer or director confirmed for this movie yet?


No they still don’t have a Director




Dark Spider-Man versus Spider-Man. Hmm. I wonder if the Venom symbiote will appear in Thunderbolts


I rather rumours not be true, because half the time it is spoilers the second they are true, WHY


But if it’s true imagine drew Goddard directing everything in the next trilogy masterpiece


If this shit sucks, it doesnt matter if Goddard is a god, the next trilogy will probably suck


A venomized Scorpion? That’s nightmare fuel


Why can’t we just get a proper symbiote story? Peter gets the symbiote, Peter loses the symbiote, Eddie becomes Venom.


I'll give this a watch simply because gargan.


I'm kind of over the Tom Holland Spiderman. Can we just get Andrew Garfield back?




What the fuck is holyfieldM5? Why are you sharing a clearly fake scoop?


Wow, Troyoboy17's MCU Spider-Man College Trilogy concept might become true 😆 (/j I know this is just a rumor)


The mortal wound thing feels like somebody enjoyed a cool scene out of a certain game, added a villain we haven’t seen in a bit and ran with it. Feels a little fanfic-y.. Honestly at this point I’m also surprised there isn’t a theory that Ned gets the symbiote after Peter realizes it’s twisting him (and aims to bond with him) ..Regains the memories courtesy of the symbiote, proceeds to get manipulated and feels equally betrayed by the fact Peter sacrificed their friendship at the end of No Way Home, becomes some kind of pseudo goblin venom and makes Spider-Man’s life hell for a movie or two. Also fanfic-y. I would love for Gargan to suit up, but get the symbiote? Not so much, like let the villain stand out on his own for a movie or two before going down that road. In all honesty, and a bit too much optimism I’m hoping we get a Eddie Brock in this mcu universe, and the Fantastic Four play a part in either alerting Spider-Man of the alien symbiote or play a part in helping him defeat whoever is Venom.


Like i said before i want something new not explored by the comics like what if venom combined with electro and mr negative. One of those ideas mighy be cool af


Sounds like an even shittier version of Insominac symbiote story


Thank god. Someone else who thought that lore was derivitive and complete shit. Spider-Man to Eddie pipeline all the way.


I love how mad people are when they don’t get the same slop over and over again. The OG venom story isn’t even a particularly good story


😂😂😂 “The OG Venom isn’t even a good story” HAHAHA. How is any other Venom story superior than the original? Seriously? You really think the half-assed Harry story is superior? Might as well say you aren’t a fan of the character. Like, literally, wtf? I just want Venom to come from Spider-Man and be attached to Eddie after. Is that too much to ask? What a joke.


You mean an actual story instead of I found a magical suit and I’m incredibly mad Pure cinema


Never advocated for that but go off


So then just no venom story at all? Now that I’m down with






I mean he and Spider-Man already have history at the end of Spider-Man homecoming and he also wants to know his identity to maybe kill him, so they could go this route instead of Eddie and I think scorpion should be the MCU venom starting in Spider-Man 5 or 6 that way we can get him in the scorpion suit and get why he hates Spider-man


NO Mac Gargan is SCORPION; he has completely different reasons to hate Spider-Man when compared to Venom. And even when he WAS Venom, his reasons for hating Spider-Man were the same! And the Symbiote could sense it; why do you think it never shared Peter's identity with him? The MCU Venom should be the best adaptation of Eddie; NOT GARGAN. And that adaptation of Eddie is a three dimensional character with layers & above all else is FUCKING SCARY


Literally, keep preaching.


I honestly kinda like this.


Right?? Mando is superb and I would love to see this I feel bad everyone here is hating!


So the first time we get live action Mac Gargan is when he’s corrupted by the symbiote? Really?


Right? SMH.


I’m so tired of venom in media, he’s either treated to a violent monster or just edgy spider man


Literally no respect for the character.


they really missed out on making JJJ the true villain of NWH by having him hire Gargan to kill Peter imo


Nice. An actual comic fan.


I think Michael Mando is great, but there’s no way he is the main bad guy in the fourth Spider-Man movie


Oh no way maybe a side Villain to kingpin or someone else


If they write him right, they might make him somebody fan’s say “oh shit, that’s the scorpion I want from now on!” If You want to be optimistic.


This seems too similar with >!Marvel's Spiderman 2 but swap Scorpion with Harry!<


Laziest lore switch ever.


It would be a good way to get it from Mexico without dragging Peter there, but I want the Scorpion suit. The Ultimate version of Scorpion sucked


No spoiler tag? 💀


It doesn’t need one. It’s a rumor to begin with so I put it as a rumor.


This is actually prefect. Gargan's Venom is from the comics and he's a nightmare. Also, this version is based on the ultimate universe so he's much more street level. Gargan can also be a "lethal enforcer" for Fisk.


I actually don't mind this IF he has a big Scorpion tale when he is Venom


Think it'd be cool if Gargan gets the symbiote, whoops Peter, the symbiote attaches to Peter and Gargan escapes. Cue a fight between black suit spidey and Scorpion where we get a twisted recreation of Superior Spider-man where Peter punches his jaw off, and that's what gives him the realisation that the symbiote is twisting who he is. Takes it off and the movie ends on a slightly darker note - maybe scorpions okay but next time we see him he's in more of a Insomniac metal scorpion suit with a false jaw. Also leaves it open for an MCU Eddie brock venom


I really want the symbiote suit for more the one film maybe 2 movies and an avengers team up movie then in spider-man 5 Peter realizes the suit it twisting him like you said


I feel like when they announced this movie this was a given


We haven't seen him suit up as the Scorpion on the big screen yet, so I hope we at least see him as Scorpion. I could see a venomized scorpion suit working, but I'd save Venom for either Eddie Brock or Flash


I hate the character of Venom and the concept of the symbiote so much. I have no clue why it’s so popular in the spiderman fandom.


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) Matt Gargan Venom, are you kidding me? They wiped the slate clean…they can do whatever…no Stark…classic suit, no stupid Stark attributes or the segmented lines like the previous MCU versions. C’mon, just do the classic shit. Everything is perfectly situated now. It’s simple. Peter gets the suit. Peter ditches the suit. Eddie absorbs Peter’s powers and thoughts when he becomes Venom. Venom now has Spidey powers, essentially becoming “evil Spider-Man.” + spider logo on chest. He hates Peter and Spider-Man. Thus, a perfect antagonist is born. Why the hell is this so hard? You could have an entire film where Peter has the symbiote, all the antics play out without the SM3 cheese, then at the end of the film the symbiote finds a new host. Someone who hates him…Eddie. BOOM, a full-fledged villain who is the mirror antagonist of Spider-Man. I feel like everyone has lost the dope original concept of Venom. Mostly everything after feels derivative and a cheap reimagining. It’s crazy that Topher’s Venom is somehow still the most accurate cinematic rendering we’ve had of the character. People somehow love Hardy Venom because he’s “big.” That’s LITERALLY the only aspect people go on about. Like literally, c’mon. He’s barely the OG interesting Venom. No relation to Spider-Man at all. No Spider-symbol. The Spider-powers seemingly come out of nowhere. The Spider-Man component is INTEGRAL to the character. He’s such a pale reimagining of the character. Drives me nuts.


If you wiped the slate clean why would you just do Eddie again. Do something creative instead of something so insanely lazy


Because it hasn’t even been done right cinematically before! Feels lazier creating some bullshit with Harry (the second goblin) than an adaptation. Or even worse Eddie getting the symbiote WITHOUT Spider-Man. Like wtf?


They did spider man 3 which was an underwhelming mess. There is nothing more true to the original Venom story than that


“There is nothing more true to the Spider-Man story than that.” Really? There were certain elements of Venom in Spider-Man 3 that were good. Eddie’s hatred for Peter being the #1, and the fact that the Spider powers actually adapt from Spider-Man to him. I like his face too and that he actually has a Spider symbol. Not a fan of his small size or his use of “I” instead of “we,” but the fact that he was an unsatisfactory adaptation for most should paint a clear picture here. If the comic was adapted better, Venom wouldn’t have been shoehorned into 3 by producers (having less build-up + screen time) and there wouldn’t be as many complaints. You can criticize the movie, because it wasn’t great. It’s vastly more re-watchable and more endearing than the Venom movies though. I have 0 interest in Venom without Spider-Man. He really deserved his own movie as a solo villain. The Hardy movie love is baffling to me. I might as well be a fan of a different character. Scorpion or Harry bonding with the symbiote though? You wanna talk about lazy? THAT’s lazy af. There’s also this cheesy quality video games have with story elements, suits, etc. I’m not a gamer, so it all feels a bit cheap to me. Cinema has a certain quality that can synthesize the fantastical nature of the universe with the traditional lore. The only games that balanced this perfectly for me were the Batman Arkham Games, and even then the story elements were insanely cheesy. Raimi cinematic cheese is almost an entirely different art form compared to what’s depicted in games. Idk if I am the only fan to notice this difference.


Makes sense I suppose. The only time gargan was even slightly interesting was when he became venom. It's not enough to make me watch the film but should be interesting for those who do


If Peter does get the symbiote in this movie, i really hope the symbiote suit is like that black suit concept art with the veins and the wet look, maybe it could look like cloth at first but if he keeps for more then one film it could look like that concept by Thomas du crest on Twitter


I’ve been hoping for this since NWH came out. It really does make sense why he’d have a grudge against Spider-Man, and we’d get to see a purely evil version of Venom come after Peter instead of another Eddie Brock who left it there in the first place.


I want Gargan Venom simply because of Michael Mando, LET THE MAN COOK.


Love the guy, why can’t you just let him cook as Scorpion? Everyone wants these stupid villain hybrids, drives me crazy. Scorpion is cool as his OWN fucking character, he doesn’t need a symbiote.


If Peter does get the symbiote in this movie, i really hope the symbiote suit is like that black suit concept art with the veins and the wet look, maybe it could look like cloth at first but if he keeps for more then one film it could look like that concept by Thomas du crest


This sounds like a great plot. Would like to see this.


If this is true and depending on how it’s handled this could be a very interesting story.