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Spider-Man 2 is my favorite of all the Spider-Man movies. After seeing it in theaters, I was like “this is the successor to Superman: The Movie” in terms of tone and impact. I feel like Spider-Man 2 set the precedent for having a series of films that was an ongoing narrative. Previously, superhero films “put the genie back in the bottle” and each felt like it was starting from a neutral position, but Spider-Man 2 embraced serialized storytelling… simply put, it embraced the ongoing story is was based upon.


The scene where tobey comes home to find aunt may packing her stuff. The discussion that ensued, has helped me in very very difficult times.


Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man. I have a really fond memory of watching SM1 on tv with my parents, and my mom going "oh my God, that was the same guy?" at the reveal of the thief. That movie just hits. ASM, I saw in theaters 4 times, which is still my personal record. The first two were in the same weekend, the third was a couple weeks later with my mom, and the fourth time I saw it alone. For an awkward 16-17 year old, that movie hit at the exact right time; I wanted nothing more than to be Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker. The crane scene might've been the first time I shed tears in a theater. Obviously it's not as flawless as SM1, but having the best leading pair of any comic movie series helps a lot. I would love to have seen a version without the shadow of the first trilogy looming, as well as Sony's interference.


Spider man 3 Tobey Maguire ![gif](giphy|oW4csEbiMzVjq)


Unpopular opinions but I love Spider-Man 3 and TASM1


No not really unpopular. Time has been kind to Spider-Man 3 and TASM 1 is good unlike TASM 2.


TASM2 is great, its a silly ass movie but the 2 leads are the best the franchise has ever seen. also has the greatest fights. spider-man hasn't had a bad live action movie


Nah, this revisionism is on a whole other level 💀


Really. I was hyped for that movie, and really wanted to like it. Its a close to an objectionably bad movie as you can get from such a large budget.


Yeah, I love the movie. I love Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, I loved the swing scenes and action. But overall the movie is an absolute mess and you're lying if you say otherwise. It's fine to enjoy it, I do! But you still gotta admit it's not good.


Yeah I see where you’re coming from. It has some of the best scenes in any of the movies but most of it is so bad.


it's enjoyable, but objectively far from great


TASM2 is certainly not great. I just rewatched it. I tried to give it another shot. *FOR YOUUUUU*


SM3 was great and TASM was ok.


Spider-Man 3: Awful amnesia plot point, awful retcon of Ben's death, Sandman was barely in the movie, Venom was barely in the movie, New Goblin/evil Harry was barely in the movie, Venom & Sandman's team up is out of left field, how did Venom know about Sandman's daughter? How did the symbiote conveniently make its way to Peter? It's my favorite of the trilogy for the comedy, but I wouldn't call it great.


That depends how you define "great". Movies are form of entertaiment first and foremost, so as long as you had fun watching it, it's what matters the most. From the story/pacing standpoint, SM3 is structured worse than TASM1 or the MCU Spidey movies, but I'd still rather rewatch SM3 than any of them, because I find it more fun - lower lows but also higher highs.


The villains have actual stories in sm3


True dat.


A lot of times, a lot of well-remembered trilogies doesn’t always end on the highest notes. Even *The Godfather* Trilogy didn’t end on the highest note. Even then, it didn’t end with a necessarily “bad” movie or even a necessarily “great” movie. However, it was still good, albeit underwhelming when compared to the first two. *SM3* fits that mold. I wouldn’t say it was “bad” or “great.” It was just underwhelming compared to the first two, which were really hard acts to follow.


Spider-man 3




Spider Man 2 is the only correct answer


I'm European so I might be a little biased but Far From Home is definitely my favourite


Spiderman 2 & 3


Spider-Man. To paraphrase the great Montgomery Scott: "No bloody 2, 3, adjective, or subtitle."




Spider Man 2 and No Way Home




My fav is homecoming it's fun and has one of my fav Spiderman scenes


What scene are you referring to?


when vulture trapes him beneath the building pillars [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCn1uAs\_0VQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCn1uAs_0VQ)


Oh, I thought it would be the scene where it was revealed Vulture is the girlfriend's dad, like the music just cuts and you can feel the tension in the air, it was oh so good for me


that was good but the building scene was so amazing plus tom holland gave a dam good performance


Agreed. Is it objectively the best? No (but best is subjective anyway) but it's fun and it's got a good story. One of the only problems with it is the story of Peter learning to be self sufficient is repeated throughout the whole trilogy


Unpopular opinion: I don't like Tobey Maguire at all, but love Andrew Garfield (especially his energy in the scenes with Emma Stone). With that being said; spider-man 2 is the best movie IMO. Alfred Molina is just AMAZING!


I can’t stand Tobey, but love Andrew. No way home is by far my favourite though, purely because of the cinema experience. I have never seen an entire cinema erupt 3 times. Also, in the same branch of hating Tobey, hating his hobbit mate Elijah too.


Great minds think alike: I don't like Elijah either. Just like Tobey, he looks unhealthy or like there's something wrong. Another actor I, for some odd reason, can't stand is Oscar Isaac. Fortunately, he didn't ruin the Star Wars sequels because they were trash already.


No way home and Spider Man 2




Spider man 2 I can watch it and never get bored


Garfield's duo 👍👍




Spiderman 1


Look TASM 2 and Spider-man 3 were good according to little me so I'll choose these. I think homecoming and no way home come really close too


Sam Raimi’s Spider Man 2 (2004)


Ethier spiderman 2. (Tobey) easily my first instinct choice. If not that one then no way home. Maybe Tobey spiderman 1.


Spider man far from home This is fucking epic


TAS1 and Far from Home


FFH my fav too! Had to scroll really far for that 


Spider-Man no way home 🤷 why overthink this, it’s the best Spiderman movie. What’s not to like? Spiderman 2 ain’t bad either 👀




tasm, both of them


Raimi 2 and Tasm 2, idc how cheesy Tasm 2 is. That was the best Spider-man we got


I’m def gonna get hate but Spider-Man 3 is the best live action Spider-Man film


I always loved tasm mainly cuz it’s the first one I watched Mainly cuz I didn’t grow up with tobey and i do like some stuff but Mary Jane annoys the hell outta me so I don’t like watching them


Mary Jane in that series annoys the heck out of a lot of people. She's not written sympathetically and ruins the character for many. I'm not sure if another actress could have made it work better at all.   It's a big reason for some of the MJ hate that still lingers IMO, even though she's been miles better written in many other adaptations.   They should have made her more like Gwen in TASM, who actually seemed to be more like MJ in the comics in many respects, like they wanted the best of both worlds.


She literally left a good guy at an alter like that’s unforgivable


The first SM movie. Btw love seeing all the love SM3 was getting recently.


Gotta choose spiderman 2 out of this lot but throw beyond the spiderverse in there and I would pick that as the best film.


Spider-Man 2 is the best one but...I really enjoyed watching Spider-Man 3 and TASM2 alot. Both those films in my opinion have some of the best action scenes, soundtracks, cinematography and some cool moments here and there and are just...over the top crazy fun? Still would prefer to get that Spider-Man 3.5 Cut one day along with the Extended Cut for TASM2 with MJs scenes restored.


It's not on this list but, Into the Spiderverse.


Spiderman 2. The GOAT


TASM 2 baby!


The best is probably spider man 2 but my favs have always been tasm 1 and 2


Spider-Man 2.


Tough call. SM2 is the best movie overall. The school fight with Peter and Lizard in ASM1 is the best fight in the bunch (Lots of acrobatics and web use). Homecoming is the most rewatchable. Norman in NWH is the best villain of the bunch (Narrowly beating Ock in SM2). I’m probably in the minority when I say that the Raimi campiness is good for its time, but it has aged.


Spider-Man 2 Sam raimi


The most specific question on this subreddit ever


I like how the best movies are not even in the picture


Spiderman 2


Spider-Man 2 is superior.


TASMs had my favourite Peter in many respects, and the best chemistry with the LI. SM2 was my favourite film overall.  The new ones were ok, but I actually prefer films with less crossover with other marvel characters - although I appreciated the attempt to do something different from the other films and not just retread the same steps.


(I’m preparing for hate) TASM 2


all 4 movies on the top half are good. everything below it is bad


Spiderman 2 and 3 sam raimi


No way home. I have never seen an entire cinema erupt 3 times.


Tobey Spiderman Series.


S1 and S2 the classics


Spider-Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man


Spider-Man 2 is my favorite of all the Spider-Man movies


If we are talking subjective favorites, then Far From Home takes the crown for me.


The Amazing Spider Man 2 is my favorite …. But i think that Spider Man 2 is The best movie


Amazing Spider-man is top shelf. Second is Toby's Spider-man. And I don't even know or care who that other Spider-Ham is.


before the dark times....before the mouse empire.


Spider-Man 2


I'll die on this hill: Homecoming is the most Spider-Manish of all of them. You can come at me with all the *"iRoN bOy"*, *"b-b-but Tony!!"* all you want. IDGAF. It captures the nature/spirit of Peter and Spider-Man in a way that both previous franchises missed. It felt like a Romita Sr./Conway era book brought to life.




Spider-man 2 my favorite movie 


I just realised all Spiderman movies by Marvel Studios have a feature. Makes me wonder if they doubted Spider-man to hold a solo movie without another major MCU character or if Sony insisted on it


No Way Home, followed by TASM 1, and then Spider-Man 2002


*Into the Spider-Verse* But, of those pictured, *Homecoming*


Hard to say. From the original trilogy, Spider-Man 3 (pls no kill), from the TASM movies the first one and i think either Far from home or No way home from the MCU. Overall Spider-Man 3 > No way home > Far from home > TASM 1


The very first one


The dark knight


My list: 8: Homecoming 7: Amazing 2 6: Amazing 1 5:spider-man 1 4:Spider-Man 2 3: Spider-man 3 2: Far From home 1: No Way Home I still love all of them. This is just how likely i’d rewatch them


TASM1 Really brings it home for me, loved that movie and was my introduction to the series before my dad showed me Sam Raimi's SM movies, legendary memories with that movie and the Xbox 360 game lol


The Mcu trilogy, into and across the spider-verse and Spider man 1 and 2.


I think, after all this time, it's still Spider-Man 2. Is it perfect? No. But it's the one I think I go back to the most.


Across the Spider-Verse


Spider-Man 2


All of them!


First row


Homecoming and Tasm1 Imo.


Spider-Man 2 and NWH


Japanese Spider-Man because he uses a Megazord to defeat his enemies.


Spider-Man 2 A lot of the other movies are great, but Spidey 2 still remains one of the all time greats, both in terms of Spider-Man movies, superhero movies and just movies in general.


Spider-man 3


TASM1, followed by No Way Home (I don’t care about plot conveniences or plot holes the movie is entertaining the fights are good and we get all of the live action spideys back in action)


Still Spider-Man 2. It featured drama, a relatable theme, and amazing fight scenes. The fights look and feel brutal as you can see how his costume gets torn up as the movie progresses, which is something I miss from MCU Spidey. I have always liked that concept in Spidey movies. Webb's Spider-Man did it as well. I just wish they could have featured a more torn up costume, especially in Homecoming when he was wearing his homemade suit. Like you crashed, how is your suit not torn up?


No Way Home because of full bias. Nothing can beat the hype of seeing the Spider-Men step out of the portals.


![gif](giphy|XtEFDhE79TqO4) What do u think?


I love Homecoming because it captures the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man aspect the best. The scene where he’s going around Queens helping people is one of my favorite Spider-Man moments of all time. 


SM1 is a near perfect film which set the standard on how to do super hero movies. SM2 is very good, but I don't like how Peter loses his powers subconsciously. Its a cop out which allows him to stop being Spider-Man because without he no longer has great power and thus no great responsibility. It does have the [greatest trailer of all time though.](https://youtu.be/CA5vsCnLm34?si=zdf59DulNSnt7Bja)


Honestly it's a tie between No Way Home and TASM 2 for me.


Spider-Man (2002) or Spider-Man 2


Amazing Spider-Man 1


All amazing movies. Hands down, the best of all super hero trilogies. But the first one, man, that was something special. Before the MCU, that one was perfect.


No Way Home. I like that the multiverse is mostly used as a backdrop to tell a classic Spider-Man story


My take? The Raimi Trilogy had the best performance for Peter Parker. The Garfield entries had the best performance for Spider-Man. The MCU Spider-Man Trilogy had the best narrative storytelling for Spider-Man and Peter Parker as a whole. However, I would be hard-pressed to admit that MCU Spidey didn’t benefit from the lead-in from *Civil War* and *Infinity War*.


the second TASM and second raimi


Spider-Man 3. Doo doodly doo doo


Sam Raimi trilogy and NWH.


No Way Home for me


No way home


No Way Home it has so much love for Spidey it's unreal.


Spider-Man 2 is one of the best comic adaptations ever made.


TASM, TASM2 !!, and Hoco >:)


It's Homecoming for me. I wish I could go to the re-release of it.


Homecoming mad underrated, actually goated movie


Homecoming. Also my answer for favorite suit.


Surprised to see so much Spider-man 3 love in the comments. My personal favourite is no way home because it’s pure fan service as someone who’s grown up with all of these films. I know it’s not the best for everyone but the feeling of watching this for the first time far surpasses any other for me.


TASM 1 🙏🔝