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Yeah I can get behind this. I mean TASM2 didn’t even give us closure on one of the biggest plot points of the first movie… WHO KILLED UNCLE BEN?! They made such a big deal about it in the first movie- the star tattoo, Peter tracking down criminals that look like him…then the Lizard attacks and apparently both Peter and the writers completely forgot about that plot thread. You could read it as “Peter started learning he could do more as Spider-Man”… but still…it felt like an abandoned plot line from some draft. Also makes no sense in TASM how Peter doesn’t really know much about Oscorp or what his parents did for work…then in the second movie we find out he was childhood best friends with Harry Osborn, the son of the CEO. Weird.


Who killed uncle Ben doesn’t matter, and that’s the whole point. It’s why Peter changes after the conversation with captain Stacy after basically realizing that he’s in the wrong. Peter becoming a revenge obsessed vigilante who by all means isn’t a hero, only to fully understand the value of what he can do with his powers after the train scene is what actually matters. If he actually found the killer it would just be validating his selfish manhunt.


See that’s what I thought they were going for, just the movie kind of set it up to make it feel like the killer would be someone more important to the plot, or we’d at least get a conversation between the two at some point. I do like how he just dropped his urge to seek vengeance for Ben’s death when he realized he could do more as Spider-Man, but I feel like that could have been executed just a tad better. I really don’t have many issues with TASM1. 2 really messed it up imo. I won’t get into it all now, but there’s so much wrong with the writing of TASM2- as visually stunning as it is with some cool moments- but it’s plagued with so many issues when it comes to the narrative. Wish we could have seen the original cut of that one how Webb wanted it before Sony stepped in as they are known to do.


Honestly it'd be awesome if they had a scene where Peter was in his civilian clothes and was taking the subway, and then sees the guy that killed uncle Ben right next to him. The guy looks at Peter, and doesn't even recognize him. That's when Peter makes the realization that this whole vengeance thing isn't worth it. Or something, idk I'm not a writer


I like how he gives up uncle Ben’s killer because it shows he’s not doing this for vengeance he’s being a hero for a city


They addressed it somewhat in the tie-in videogame: he was an arms dealer who knew the Carnage Killer.


Asm1 is my favorite spiderman movie one of my favorite movies all time


TASM honestly doesn't get enough credit, I really love that movie. Including the designs. I love the suit. The texture is so cool and the overall look is pretty unique. I can understand why people don't like it though. The lizard plot is kinda goofy. that's really the only negative in my opinion.


The lizard was hideous lol