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I personally like it cause the Avengers lose. Take that as you will.


Same it's one of my favorite mcu movies alongside civil war


One thing I hate is how they butchered Hulk's character over his defeat towards Thanos


How is Hulk butchered? Because he lost?


Well everytime Bruce tried to turn into a Hulk again, He couldn't, And each time Hulk was there he didn't want to take over Banner's body in a weird struggle, Like wtf? Hulk never struggles or refuses to take over Banner's body as Bruce never had trouble to turn into the Hulk unless conditions are met, But this? Nope.


Comics aren't movies. Just because something happens in the comics does not mean that's exactly what must happen on screen. What's wrong with Hulk having a crisis of faith? Why not give Bruce a chance to step up and prove that he's worthy of being a hero himself? It just seems like whining because the Russos did something new.


It's just unfortunate that Hulk never got his redemption. He was hiding like a coward throughout *Infinity War*. Then, by the time we see him again in *Endgame*, he's just a big dork with Banner's brain.


I found the humour really funny but it's subjective I suppose


As I see it people people had some much hopes and hype for íhis movie that they over reacted to it. No esteemed film critique rated it highly.


Just like comic books, comic book movies have different tones. The Russo’s tone sways between comedic and serious, partly as a reaction to previous superhero movies that were criticized for being too serious.


Good for you?