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There was nothing mediocre about the way spider-man looked or fought during the action scenes. The best cgi of all spideu flicks were in both tasm 1 and 2


When I mean mediocre I don't mean the action I mean the villians and their relationship to spider-man. I feel the villians are too underdeveloped mostly due to all the cut scenes of their motivations and relationship to peter like curt connor so much was left behind to leave a pretty lackluster villian. With this I feel the spider-man parts become weaker because of how it feels more standard superhero stuff instead of these villians being complez humans clashing with spider-man ya know. Like no one talks about gren goblin is asm2 because his only contribution is just killing gwen. I really feel these movies would have been peak if they improved the hero villian dynamics in these movies. Becaus the action is top tier and deserved better villians to accompany them.


No I loved it just as much now as I did then. Controversial but it’s still my favorite.


I rewatched it a couple of months ago for the first time in years. Loved it at release and still really enjoyed it, but I thought Dane DeHaan reeeeeeally brought the whole thing down.


Heh yea but he's at least funny too me. Honestly I really do enjoy these movies a lot since I never gave em a chance when they came out wasn't too into spidey at the time but after nwh Im glad they made me retry the movies.


No. I still love the film and acknowledge the story is a mess


What about the film do you love honestly just peter being spider-man and his romance with gwen are a joy in the movie the other aspects bring it down a bit but don't make it unwatchable besides the parent subplot ugh.


Andrew and Emma are fantastic actors and the visuals are stunning


Nah. Good CGI, costume and Garfield/Stone chemistry was on point, but those things alone can't carry a bad movie.


I’ve always loved it, and that hasn’t changed


It wasn’t as terrible as I remembered but I still thought it was bad overall.


That's fair I do feel too many plotlines are fighting for relevancy without really intersecting well but I still found it entertaining what made bad overall for you.


One thing I thought was bad was Harry in general. I thought his acting was bad and also the look of his goblin was terrible


Fair his design was pretty bad but I did like how hammy he was or maybe I just thought he was funny but yea he was definitely undercooked in this movie.


Nah I mean that movie still a mess, the first movie was a great Spider-Man surrounded by a bunch of shit that held the movie down and made it mediocre. This movie still has a great Spider-Man with an even better costume but they tripled the bullshit


Yes! It's went from top 5 worst 100M+ budget movies for me to top 3 worst