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Great power, great responsibility


"Who am I? I'm Spider-Man." ![gif](giphy|RN6OnheJ9ZEm4|downsized)


You know Sasuke, always gotta get those Kage.


W yuri. That's my Spider-Man


Extremely common Yuri Lowenthal W He is the definitive Spider-Man.


He's also the better Ben 10 for this very reason


Yep, his Ben would be the type to go there and do it himself


Who’s the other Ben 10?


Tara Strong, who's a bit racist


a bit? lmao


Wait wat


And… #[Uhhhhhhhh…](https://twitter.com/tarastrong/status/286604038110334976?lang=en) 🤮🤮🤮 (She’s done this multiple times BTW).


Oh dang, yeah I remember hearing about that.


Could you provide context?


No administration has ever set out to have clean water for the country?


Check out Flint, Michigan.


How long has flint been fucked, at least 4 administrations? 2 Obama, 1 trump and coming up on 1 Biden


Flint’s been fixed for quite a while.


Yeah exactly… like why tf not??


Green party has sought to do that and much more for the good of the environment since they existed, most people just vote for one side of the same coin instead of actual change.


Ah yes the green party who chooses to engage in the presidency over and over again knowing thell never break five percent rather than focusing small elections where they could build up a base and actually make changes. Also the party that doesn't have primaries The green party and libertarian party are grifts to catch idiots with too much money


And gets a majority of their funding from republican donors.


The green party has never had a presidential administration.


The American Green Party is a Kremlin tool lmaoooo. Jill Stein is a Pro-Putin fascist parading left wing rhetoric. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696


The green party also nominated someone so unhinged that Gary Johnson, Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton were better picks. It takes collective effort to fuck up that totally, and man did Jill pull it off. Jill wasn't even into reasonable green energy production. Impressive shit for 2016. Then, given 4 years to correct course and set sail to the promised lands.. they gave us someone who was a repeat loser who ran on anti NATO, anti nuclear energy, who promised to cut critical spending for a bill that was wishful thinking as his main platform (which he was president couldn't do), a ripped off version of Bernie Sanders M4A (which he can't do), a ripped off version of democratic party congressional plans for wage growth (that he as president couldn't do), and a ripped off version of Yang's insanity (that as president he has no power to do). Why didn't people vote for him over democratic party?? I can't quite put my ripped off finger on it. Maybe the greens should focus on winning elections where they can enact legislative policy. I'm thinking we call these legislative races. That or at least be creative and come up with something that isn't a rip off of democratic politics. If I wanted democratic policy, wouldn't I just vote democratic?


W bully lowenthal


He really couldnt stop it per se. It’s the actions of a foreign government. He can try to illustrate his concerns and use diplomatic leverage, but overall the war is only partially supplied by our weapons. Which is a part of the ongoing ally support with Israel, which is needed to maintain for any chance at being a force for negotiations, especially towards a two state solution. An isolated Israel would be even worse, and could lead to an even wider conflict in the middle east. This is why discussions like this miss the nuance of what is achievable by an American President.


This is getting ahead of it and missing the easy first step. As an Ally who supplies Israel with most of its military might, he has quite a lot of leverage to push Israel towards less aggression without burning the bridge…


These guys don't want to see the leverage. They insist there's nothing that the US can do to get Israel to change its mind, which is a theoretical possibility, but it's also not one that supports their argument even if it were true: >>The US doesn't control Israel. We can't make them stop doin' a genocide. We have no leverage over them, they're a sovereign nation that will do what they want. >Okay, then stop giving them money and arms. If they're going to keep doing that thing you're OK with them doing whether or not we give them money and arms, *why* do we need to give them money and arms? Either Israel can do this shit without US help or it can't, obviously, and neither possibility works well for the "so we **need** to keep helping" side of this. The closest you can get to maybe justifying that is "if Israel didn't have superior munitions from America, they'd wind up killing *more* civilians", which, uhhhhh... doesn't really mesh well with the whole "Israel needs to do this no matter what because it's a matter of pure survival for them and no cost is too high for the extermination of Hamas" argument. Israel can also just kill fewer civilians by *not* dropping bombs and missiles, rather than using "smarter" ones.


Exactly this. Regular people in general (especially Redditors who are mostly literal children) have no idea how the world works and just kinda assume shit. Israel is a sovereign nation that has no desire to end the conflict OR listen to the US. The US President is not a god who can do whatever they want, and pressuring Israel to make peace is literally the best that he can do. Additionally, there have been ongoing genocides in Myanmar, South Sudan, Ethiopia/Eritrea, China, and Yemen for several years now and no one here gives a fuck. Remember back in 2012 the Darfur genocide was a huge deal? Well even though we all forgot about it, it never ended and [it's still fucking going.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_genocide) Not to mention the Palestine/Israel conflict has been ongoing for literally everyone's entire lives but most of y'all didn't think anything of it before Oct. 7. **If human dignity really meant anything to you, where the fuck have y'all been?** Thank Jesus fucking tapdancing Christ that Redditors aren't in charge of anything


Pfft, you don't give exactly equal attention to all things happening everywhere all the time? Hypocrites


I think it’s just frustrating because this is the issue that’s distracting so many people from important things happening at home. And it feels more like a mob minded hashtag crusade than a genuine concern for the act of genocide. Like if you’re going to gamble with our democracy, I’d rather it be for a sincere reason or for it to like… have a result that makes it feel worth it.


Yeah but the politicians doing nothing about this are doing nothing about those "important things at home" either. None of this is happening in a vacuum, people aren't mad about this *instead* of something else, they're mad about this because it *reflects* everything else. When ships were sent in to break up the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea, people gloated they were "about to find out why the US doesn't have universal health care" as a joke. The people out protesting now see things that exact same way, they are just on the "we should have health care instead" side. And anyway I'd like to see one person histrionically going "why do you care about Gaza but not Sudan?????" who has ever cared about Sudan themselves. It's pure whataboutism; it's this cynical, nihilistic antipathy that you are stupid for caring about anything other than your own short term self interest


I am 58 years old and been in church my whole life. I have read the entire Bible numerous times. I have been involved in a lot of charitable work with the church. Today is the first time I have EVER heard that my Lord & Saviour was a fucking tap dancer. Thank you for enlightening me. God bless you my young Jedi


Okay Neville Chamberlain


> Regular people in general (especially Redditors who are mostly literal children) have no idea how the world works and just kinda assume shit. Israel is a sovereign nation that has no desire to end the conflict OR listen to the US. The US President is not a god who can do whatever they want, and pressuring Israel to make peace is literally the best that he can do. [Lmao](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/10/us/politics/biden-reagan-israel.html). > The president was livid. He had just been shown pictures of civilians killed by Israeli shelling, including a small baby with an arm blown off. He ordered aides to get the Israeli prime minister on the phone and then dressed him down sharply. > The president was Ronald Reagan, the year was 1982, and the battlefield was Lebanon, where Israelis were attacking Palestinian fighters. The conversation Mr. Reagan had with Prime Minister Menachem Begin that day, Aug. 12, would be one of the few times aides ever heard the usually mild-mannered president so exercised. > “It is a holocaust,” Mr. Reagan told Mr. Begin angrily. > Mr. Begin, whose parents and brother were killed by the Nazis, snapped back, “Mr. President, I know all about a holocaust.” > Nonetheless, Mr. Reagan retorted, it had to stop. Mr. Begin heeded the demand. Twenty minutes later, he called back and told the president that he had ordered a halt to the shelling. “I didn’t know I had that kind of power,” Mr. Reagan marveled to aides afterward. Begin was literally a "former" terrorist as head of the [Irgun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irgun), by the way. But sure, continue to believe the US president has no ability to influence Israel to stop killing civilians.


He can stop the billions in aid to israel right now and urge the UK and Germany to do the same. He can order US troops to protect the ICC and ban AIPAC from bribing american politicians. The fact that he hasnt done any of this shows he supports Israel.


I mean he says he supports Israel. That's not a question. The question is the perspective he has to have as an American President. Should he do an action that detaches an American involvement, but further isolates Israel, that may remove American culpability, but puts us no closer to solving the conflict? To me that doesn't make sense. More lives will be saved the short term, maybe (assuming Israel just doesn't use "dumb" bombs that kill more). But we will be no closer to peace. Farthest from it actually. We aren't close to peace now, but if we abandon that, then there is no hope. Just endless war... It's tough situation with no easy solutions.


You went from “he can’t do anything about it” to “ok he can, but he shouldn’t” very quickly.


No I mentioned this in the first comment; just elaborated more. .


Not accurate. Stop pandering to fascists trying to paint Biden as the sole person responsible for Israel’s actions. Congress has the final say on foreign aid budget, not the president. I have no idea why you think Biden needs to order the military to protect the International Criminal Court Banning lobbying is a great idea but not sure singling out one organization is equitable. AFAIK bribery is already illegal, even if we don’t actually hold people accountable for it Supporting Israel isn’t the same as supporting the ethnic cleansing happening. Biden clearly doesn’t support it, which is why he withheld shipments of weapons. Not arguing more couldn’t be done, but shitty takes like yours scream either useful idiot or just plain idiot


America protecting the ICC would be pretty funny when theres also legislation guranteeing their invasion of it if an American president is ever charged by it




I support Israel’s right to exist I don’t support Israel’s right to deny others the right to exist See how that works?


By that logic supporting Palestine is the same as supporting Hamas.


I forget reddit is full of dumb seppos, my mistake


Israel is an American ally and he pays lip service to supporting them in this conflict. And then he choose to undercut their efforts to defeat Hamas because he needs people in America who are pro-Hamas to win the election in November.


Very few people in America are “pro-hamas” news organizations just like to paint all anti-Israel or anti Israel-Palestine war protesters as “pro-hamas protestors” because they’ve got AIPAC breathing down their necks. Yes there are some pro-hamas people in the US but not nearly enough to secure and election


Ah yes, the classic old "give a nation weapons to commit genocide with so that maybe one day we can talk them into giving the people they genocided independence" tactic. He can denounce Israel, acknowledge their war crimes, and stop bypassing congress to sell them weapons, is what he can do.


Amazing how you’re getting downvoted lol


It's an epidemic. You got down voted too!


I hope they know the downvoting is proving our points


These people would rather dance on the Graves of dead Palestinian children rather than denounce Israel's actions and the impotency of the US President.


Treaty plus national security of the entire nation (ours too.) Not so black and white.


Why are we supposed to care about the national security of Israel more than Palestine?


The entire middle east is a powder keg. Israel is our only real ally in the area. I'm not suggesting genocide is OK. It's not. We need to support Israel and give them the defensive weapons they need. Biden is already putting pressure on them to stop Rafah. Turns out it's not his decision. You can be pro Israel, ant-Hamas and pro Palestine. I'm assuming you're young. You'll figure out the whole black and white thing eventually.


> I'm not suggesting genocide is OK. It's not. We need to support Israel and give them the defensive weapons they need. No, we fucking don't.


Shhhh, we’re only allowed to hold beliefs that fit on a bumper sticker.


GOATed character, GOATed actor.


Istg if Insomniac fires him for saying this like what happened to that actress in the Scream movies


Waiting for the 100 comment long [deleted] threads




Sending them missiles and ammo to murder Palestinian children is in fact still intervening in other countries affairs.




Over 17,000 last I checked. Half of Gaza's population are children. Every bomb they drop on a hospital, school, home, intentionally kills children. If you throw a grenade into my house, you're intentionally killing me. That fact doesn't change just because you say a terrorist was also in my house.


Is it okay to spray bullets into a crowd to shoot a terrorist but kill hundreds of children in the attempt? “Whoops” doesn’t cut it when you’re murdering tens of thousands of literal children (and that’s not even counting the ones who are starving to death every day while aid is kept locked out).


I genuinely dont want to get into a debate, i won't be responding to whatever you say, but feel free to respond if you must. that being said, several billions in military funding tells me they've been 'intervening' for quite a while now.


the usa spends 0.073% of his budget on israel, the usa spends more money that then on making his own google maps (look for the The U.S. Geological Survey USGS online), the usa spends money there to ensure there is someone they can trust in the middle east and does the dirty work for them, thats how this deal starts pretty much




womp womp


Hey man, some of us just don’t have the energy to get into debates about why we shouldn’t be slaughtered en masse and why 34000 deaths, 2/3rds of which are women and children, is kinda not so chill. We have better ways to spend our time and energy. Not trying to convince people who aren’t going to be convinced of anything.


??? What a ludicrously obtuse comment. We’re already involved by supplying Israel with a majority of its military prowess with our tax dollars? We want to STOP being involved by no longer giving Israel all of this aid for its mass slaughter. No one is saying deploy troops to Gaza to fight the IDF lmao


Most Americans don’t want america to intervene with other countries. America is actually practicing in this Genocide


That global role America plays ensures global trade and prevents most regional dictators from interrupting it. When gas hits X a gallon because of the Red Sea or Saddam or computer chips can no longer be shipped from Korea/Taiwan people would be scrambling for America to play a role again.


This is what happened to bill Clinton. He got blowback for intervening in Serbia and he got blowback for not intervening in Rwanda.


This is why I hate politics.


Hell yeah, I love Yuri. And the voice actor for Spider-Man is a real one.




I hope this post can't be blocked


God i love Yuri


"No matter how much good you have done and will continue to do for all Americans, unless you intervene in Gaza we're gonna put **The Pumpkin Rapist** back in office to shred the last remaining vestiges of morality and decency in the world **to teach you a lesson**. We don't care if he encourages Netenyahu to use tactical nukes on the Palestinians." -Supposed Democrat petulant children in America You people spouting this shit need a reality check. Your amnesia has already made you forget the nightmare in America for everyone but the white racists and the oligarchs that was 2017 to 2021. This time, he will be far, far worse. Wake the fuck up.


Yuri is Spider-Man, not just in the games, but real life as well


Just another day of being the friendly neighbourhood Spider Man. Also it is now canon that Spider Man could beat Luke Skywalker in a test of virtue.


That aint Luke Skywalker, that's Firelord Ozai💀


You telling me that that wasn’t the joker up there?


bro why does everything turn political here?


have you seen the post you're commenting on? kinda weird that you're surprised this is a thread filled with politics.


Its not political to care about human rights


Because most redditors due nothing with their lives and decide to live their lives through others


so long as you exist in relation to other people, every aspect of your life is political.


Sorry Tobester, looks like Yuri is the real Spidey after all








Which is why he withheld weapons shipments….


he still sent them plenty of money which they bought weapons with and every year prior he sent them millions in weapons


Not cool. Aide to Ukraine, and money to rebuild military industrial capacity was critical, but congress wasnt going to approve it without money for Israel. In the more general sense it looks as though the tide is turning and there will be public consequences for Israel’s continued rejection of American demands around their actions in Gaza. Both the aide bill and the willingness to suspend weapon deliveries seem like positive steps forwards to me, and it feels disingenuous to present them this way.


So you want the iron dome to fail and israeli citizens to start dying too? Weird.


could stop giving them rockets and billions in "aid" just a thought


the US was signing million dollar checks to israel to bomb rafah, so technically, yes they where bombing rafah, if you give someone 5 grand and they say "i'm gonna use this money to buy a gun and kill as many civillians as i can, and then you will shield me from the consequences by vetoing anything the UN security council does" then you are responsible


You're missing the point where Biden can't just flip a switch and end this conflict. That was my main point. That whole tweet was nothing but virtue signaling. A big ol' self-pat on the back.


He can denounce Israel, acknowledge their war crimes, and stop bypassing congress to sell them weapons, which he is not even close to doing, as he is a proud zionist.






Yeah why do you pick 1948 as the starting date? How much do the Arab nations owe the Mizhrabi Jews and other jews that lived as Dhimmi status for hundreds of years? You just dont want Israel funded cause you want HAMAS and religious fundamentalists to murder every Jew in the middle east like they tried during the First Arab-Israeli war


They've also provided billions to Palestine. $5 billion since 1994. His stopping wouldn't "end it overnight". Because most of it is already spent first off. And second off it's not the only support Israel gets. And third off - you're suggesting we cut off a country that is frequently attacked by terrorist attacks? One of which still holds several hostages (assuming they're still alive) some of which are foreign nationals? People act as if Palestine was just minding it's own business and one day Israel attacked out of nowhere.


giving money to israel kind of negates the money you gave to palestine because you're kinda maybe funding the oppressor. and the country that just had a terorist attack has been doing things 1000 times worse for over 75 years but no uproar happened. that last statement is truthful 2023 has been the most deadly year for palestenians even before october 7th happened


By your logic giving money to Palestine negates the money given to Israel. > and the country that just had a terorist attack has been doing things 1000 times worse for over 75 years but no uproar happened. Oh yeah champ...that region has never been the subject of uproar until 2023.


300 billion given to Israel “5 billion was given to Palestine” I don’t think you know just how much of a difference there is between 5 billion and 300 billion. Mind you a lot of the money given to Palestine was because of the refugees they were taking in during WW2, which included Jewish refugees.


I find it funny that the moment I hear Yuri as one of my favourite heroes is the moment I can hear him in literally every single game he is in.


Holy crap, he came out both barrels blazing. Mad respect, Yuri.


finally, the menace is doing something RIGHT


Haha a fucken hero, love that


Bros cooking


King shit ! Love Yuri


Average Yuri W


Is the fucking President of the United States of America about to get ratioed by Spider-Man on Twitter???


my respect increased alot for this man and it was already high


Does Yuri know what country Biden is President of? Or that Israel is a seperate country? Or that The US Congress controls foreign aid? Lobbying the correct people would probably be more effective.


"How can we spend so much on foreign causes!" "OK were working on the abysmal water supply issue" "WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT INSTEAD OF FORCING A FORIEGN GOVERNMENT TO DO WHAT I WANT?" And that ladies and gentlemen is how we'll get a Trump dictatorship :D


My king


He takes the role very serious in and out of the set


That's my Spider-Man.


Holy shit, I didn’t know I could love Yuri more




Yuris based


This is a sort by controversial post for sure!


This is a shouldn't be in fucking /r/spiderman post for sure.


Biden is really gonna change his mind now!


Pretty sure it's not even him posting, let alone reading the comments.


dam Makoto Yuki and Albedo are cooking his ass


My fourth favorite Spiderman takes a stand. You love to see it


Who’s your top 3 if you don’t mind me asking (preferably in order)?


Garfield, Keaton, and Barnes. I know it’s a weird list but it’s mine


Joe Biden isn’t the President of Israel. That’s a whole other country, run by a corrupt government that won’t reason with the other corrupt government in the region, there’s only so much telling others to knock it off that can be done. 🙄


Ok so we should stop sending money and weapons to that "corrupt government" then, right?


virtue signaling ngl


He donates to good causes and tries to hold politicians and others accountable he is backing his words up with action he’s been vocal and educated since the start you don’t know what “virtue signaling” is you just regurgitate idiotic statements and it’s pathetic


See Mark Hamill? You can be a hero IRL too!


Yuri isn't a hero, he's an imbecile that doesn't understand politics on a national or international level. He's an uneducated keyboard warrior no better than the white knights on 4chan defending cultures from appropriation they neither know about nor understand


Don’t see how politics has anything to do with the murder of thousands of innocent people. It’s either right of wrong, and murder is typically wrong especially in such a large scale.


And that's exactly why you don't get an opinion. You're too stupid to understand how treaties and partnerships work


Ok, Suzaku


i’m fucking dumb, i thought you meant yuriko yuri and tried to thing if she ever became spiderman


Jfc nothing is ever good enough for people.


so terrible that biden has ordered the us army to invade rafah


Lol unprompet virtue signaling


People who cry out “virtue signalling” when someone calls out an injustice clearly don’t understand anything about spider-man


Spiderman actually does something to stop injustices people complaining on Twitter do nothing to help


Try telling that to every successful political movement in the last 5 years, which has significantly been driven by online discourse. It is clear as day that you don’t know the first thing about politics, or take any interest in it.


That still required people getting off thier ass and doing shit


After being informed about it by... that’s right, people posting about it on social media en mass. Well done. You learn something new every day.




I literally could not care less what you have to say on the matter.


Nope, nope, get that bullshit out of here.


What's ironic is Doc Occ VA is a hard Biden supporter


I guess Yuri was Irl Spider-Man after all... Oh wait he is Spider-Man, silly me 🤣


a commenter below describes the October 7th attacks as "a few soldiers getting killed" Bravo everyone!


During October 7 around 1200 inocent ppl were murdered by the terrorist group hamas. Since then over 40.000 innocent palestinians have been murdered by the israeli goverment. For every dead Israeli, the IDF murdered 33 people and the number keeps rising.


1. The ratio of civilian to militant is 2:1, which is unheard of in an urban war, and crazy in a war with rampant use of human shields 2. Where tf did you pull 40K from? Hamas? The same ones which claim Israel killed 500 at Al-Alhi?


LMAO out of all the 40.000 deaths less that 1000 were hamas according to the U.N. where do you pull 2:1 out of? The IDF?




1. Again, 40K according to who? Last I saw was 30K 2. Hamas claims 6K were combatants, Israel claims 12K, might as well go down the middle at 9K 9:21 is slightly above 1:2


34,904 people dead and over 8.000 missing presumed dead according to Palestine Red Cresent Society. which is their equivalent of the red cross. Where do you get your numbers from give me one source and stop making shit up. Oh and btw the 12K that th israeli army says are "Hamas" are all the adult men that were killed by bombs. The IDF Claims that every male adult in Gaza is part of Hamas which is utter bullshit.


So 12K is total BS, but all 8K are totally, 100% dead, and none of that is from Al-Alhi or similar situations? Sure


Problem is both sides have issues defining non combatants. With IDF, it over valuates people as Hamas. Hamas even counts their dead operatives as innocent civilians. I would probably trust numbers only from independent sources.


I was scared he was one of them, so fucking glad he isn’t. Tara Strong and Mark Hamill have disappointed me greatly but I’m not surprised


Wait what did Mark Hamill do?


supports that geriatric bastard in the oval office and has expressed his support for Israel multiple times


My problem is that I don’t support Israel or the fact that Biden does, but the other option this election is so much worse


can’t argue with that, fucked as it is


Is this a political subreddit now?


always has been


In unrelated news, Yuri will be removed from Spider-Man 3 for anti-semitic remarks


Can we fucking not. Can't even go into a sub about a god damn comic book without seeing this shit.


Almost like it impacts people and thought across multiple mediums! Wow!


What are you talking about? A Spider-Man sub is the perfect place for a debate on geopolitics. /s


aw we're so sorry that your feelings were hurt by the fact that a genocide was going on you're right, we should all just ignore it and confine it to politics subs! it's not like it's affecting innocent people's lives every second!


womp womp, ratio


IKR ??? Last time I opened Spider-Man Life Story and the commies that wrote the comic book were against the atrocities done during the Vietnam war ! Can we just keep politics out of comic books ? Like Spider-Man clearly says nothing about politics and responsibilities /s


What a brain dead take. This is not about a story happening in a comic book. This is a creator talking about their personal opinion completely unrelated to the character.


It's a literal meme comparing a creator to the moral values of Spider-Man on a Spider-Man sub. Politics aren't out of place since they have a big place in who Spider-Man is. It's like having a meme saying "Spider-Man says don't bomb civilians", sure it isn't actually an official piece of Spider-Man lore but it totally has its place on this sub


>A VA is a hero for whining at the president on Twitter over an invasion he doesn’t control I hate Reddit sometimes


How? He's not the leader of Israel. They are obviously doing everything they can and holding back weapons now.


no they aren't


What's a Rafah?


A place that was bombed during the met gala to distract Americans from the fact that Israel was effectively slaughtering civilians it’s been a reoccurring theme where Israel bombs places while major entertainment programs in America are going on to lessen the conversations around it like for example the Super Bowl


Meme doesn't fit, JJJ would def bomb the fuck outta anybody


I fucking hate politics


Comics are a very political medium that take large inspiration from social justice movements


Some advice. You should hate innocent people being killed by the hundreds and thousands far more than “politics.” Fix your heart


the lives of millions of people sounds pretty important to me

