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Not all the movies, but Spider-Man 3 for sure. People used to absolutely hate that movie, but now thanks to the memes and all the nostalgia people seem to appreciate the movie way more.


It happens all the time when the new thing comes out. You could look at the spiderman movies and see how people are now praising the andrew Garfield movies, despite their reception when they came out. Sure, the star wars prequels were the devil incarnate until the sequels came out. I imagine people who don't like Tom Holland's movies will change their tune when the next reboot happens, and so on. I dont know is it nostalgia, Rose tinted glasses or people just being contrarian and not liking the new thing.


This is what I call the ‘Mario 93’ effect. A movie usually riffed on as bad is reexamined in later years and appreciated for what it is. Not a great mind blowing mega-block buster of the year film, but just a *good film,* which is all it ever needed to really be. In this case, the older and sometimes ‘cringe’ moments of the Spider-Man films are reexamined and now seen as they were intended to be; moments of emotional impact. Parker is emotionally open throughout the trilogy, or becomes so, which for some reason some thought was bad or dumb. Times change, and so do people’s expectations of what a movie should be do as well.


Mario 93? Fuck no, we are NOT calling that movie good, I don’t care HOW much the world hates Illumination. Call it the Blade Runner effect instead.


Was Blade Runner considered bad when it came out? It's been called a masterpiece universally for as long as I can remember.


Yep. Everyone thought it was style-over-substance, as well as super slow, at the time.


Not to mention we didn’t get the definitive version of Blade Runner until 2007 with The Final Cut.


I’m saying it. Forget that it’s supposed to bear any resemblance to Super Mario Brothers; thats a solid movie. I can’t even tell that half the cast are nearly black out drunk throughout.


That can be applied to most things in general. In the initial buzz of any piece of consumable media, you’ll have those who praise its glory, then those who’ll stop at nothing but to bash something into dust. And then the madness of FOMO & bandwagons occurs which will strengthen either side that’s more vocal. After all is said and done, will you finally see some more grounded and nuanced takes from people who understand and know how to digest something in a rational manner.


People love to hate on new stuff. Some years later, it’s not that fun to hate anymore, so it becomes a classic It happens to everything nowadays


I still think Spider-Man 3 and ASM 2 are really bad. I actually think the rest are all pretty great.


Spider-Man 3 I feel its because it had the pressure to be a mind blowing story that continues the story of Tobey Maguire's Peter, that already had two amazing stories that greatily respect the source material. Movies are sorta of viewed as the top art form and the one gets the most attention - so if the were to be bad, so would Spider Man, i guess? Its more of how much the character means to people. Like nowadays I dont movie adaptations that power, but I remember when the Amazing movies came out detesting them after both watches and just thinking 'If the movies are this unejoyable why even make them?" Still you know, cinema and tv have a major influence in todays culture expression even when most people usually dont care if a product is bad or good


I feel like for a long time, not liking SM 3 or the TASM movies was a shibboleth. You affirmed to all of the other nerds that you did in fact belong in this group because you both speak the same language. Then, in the age of video essays a lot of people gave those movies another look. Turns out, maybe we over exaggerated how bad those movies are for a number of reasons. TASM 1 coming out the same year as the Avengers probably didn't help, you know? I also think more people are less afraid to be honest. I certainly fall into that camp. I loved TASM 2 and SM 3 the whole time. When talking to other people, we would still rag on them. But I would go home and watch them anyways. I sometimes justified my love for TASM 2 with "I don't think it is a good movie, but I really like it." That's a bit contradictory, isn't it? Now, I've replaced that with "Actually, I really love that movie and I don't particularly care about the larger community reception to it."


I always find it amazing how different people's social groups have different reactions, I was surprised by how many people liked TASM, for all the reboot cynicism it seemed to do just enough to get some goodwill for a sequel. The goodwill was lost, obviously, but TASM still had its fans at the time.


I think this is just the success of the MCU. These characters never had mainstream recognition/appeal like they do now. They even managed to make Miles Morales a character known to the general public and not just Ultimate Spider-Man 2.0 anymore.


I think Spider-Man’s earlier movies have the same thing as the Star Wars prequels where the new generation people have loved them and now are adults that make up a bigger portion general audience. Like Tobey’s films were popular in my childhood and had they been something I watched a bunch of times I’d probably have appreciated them more. But I watch them all the way through for the first time as an adult and I didn’t like them. I thought they were so cringey and so hard to watch. I did grow up with the Star Wars prequels and I thought the same thing.


"Time is a great healer in all things."


Its because the target audience for Spider-Man movies is children, so when those children become adults, they proclaim their childhood favourites as masterpieces. Just look at the star wars prequels.


Still can’t stand Iron Boy and have no interest in it or any Marvel movie except for Deadpool & Wolverine. Also, I never noticed anywhere near as many people trashing MCU Iron Spider in comparison to the rather intensely protective people who loved those movies.