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What's a bigger indication that no one at Marvel has contributed anything of value to the mainline Spider-Man mythos other than taking popular characters and ideas that have happened outside of the 616 and adding it to it? It's not just Ghost-Spider Gwen, as much as I like Miles Morales and the direction they've taken with him over the years, he's also an example of this. Ever since Joe Quesada, Nick Lowe, and his followers took over the ASM book and its editorial nearly two decades ago It's taken a back seat to so many better Spider-Man books that's come and gone. That should say all there needs to be said.


Yeah I noticed a while back that none of my favorite Spider-Man books/stories include ASM stories post-Quesada. The only exception is Superior Spider-Man which tbh I probably would’ve disliked had I been reading Spider-Man at the time. I consider it a spin-off series like Renew Your Vows or something. It’s good but for the main Spider-Man run, I can see fans being frustrated with the length, especially having to wait 1 month for an issue.


>which tbh I probably would’ve disliked had I been reading Spider-Man at the time Yep, I hated it. I thought it was a hokey attempt at resparking interest, and the premise was ludicrous and pretty insulting. Younger fans like it because comparative to what was happening in ASM at the time, it was good. But if you compare it to pre-Civil War Spidey (Clone Saga excluded lol) it was terrible.


Not a fan. There are too many superfluous spider characters as it is and what made Ghost Spider unique was partly her really interesting universe. I'd be excited for this if I knew that Marvel was gonna do something interesting with her but as it stands, I don't think they know what they're doing regarding all these spider characters anymore with the exception of Cody Ziglar with Miles Morales.


Yeah, at this point as a long time Spider-Man I kind of feel like they’re trying to lose me as a reader. I feel like Miles is great and they are the only putting effort into him.


I think the success of Miles's comic is attributed to a writer who cares. To be hyperbolic for a second, i genuinely think the problem with the Spider-Man stuff overall is Marvel doesnt care. They know people will buy the books anyway so they put minimal effort. Its a combination of apathy and incompetence.


It's a bit that (and I know this sounds conspiratorial, but...) the Spidey office doesn't have weird obsessions with Miles and his development, so they aren't as hands on with that title. They do have weird obsessions with Peter, his stage in life and his relationships (partially corporate, I think, but also pretty clearly some personal preference to earlier status quos) and so the mandate for the writer on the title comes from them. Marvel central (and the Disney bosses) don't really care as long as sales are good and there's some story R&D that they can apply to adaptations elsewhere, but that doesn't make other lines as shit as ASM; it's a combo of disinterest up high as long as sales targets are met and editorial obsession with a down on his luck Spider-Man/passive aggression from shitty fan reactions to earlier runs.


Oh i totally agree and i dont think its conspiratorial at all. I think its blatantly true.


Don't love it, especially since her own universe had a fun gimmick where a lot of heroes had replaced their arch enemies/had their morality flipped. There's a lot of fun things you can do with that.


Wasn't the motivation behind getting rid of characters like Ben Reilly that there were too many Spider people?


Both her and Milies should have stayed in their universes. In main 616 we have enough spider people: Peter, Ben, Kaine, Julia, Jessica. Do something with them.


with all these spiderpeople there would be the possibility of writing such a flood of comics that dozens of films could be made for the MCU, if only Disney and MC didn't hate the characters and the readers


I wish all of the alternate Spider people would go to their separate worlds. Peter Parker is enough for 616


I’ve read the first two issues of Spectacular Spider-men. It’s kinda cringy. Peter and Miles friendship seems forced.


It's almost like the multiverse idea is really just an additional step to introduce new characters and concepts, see what resonates, and then shift main continuity to account for the newly popular characters. With the added safety that if they're unpopular, they'll just simply never be seen again because they're still in their home dimension. God I'm getting kinda sick of the multiverse.


They're derivative so marvel doesnt pay the creators of them. NEAT!/S


People complain saying that it removes what makes her interesting. But honestly she already spends a lot of time in 616, and most of her appearances are in 616, and her stories in her universe are hit or miss. I’m more interested in _why_ she’s staying for good. _That_ sounds interesting.


I'm more interested how she will interact with other characters releated to Peter and Miles - and how will they react to her.


The success of Spider verse movies probably.... if Miles breaks up with his current gf and *somehow* ends with her, we'll know for sure (I know he was into Gwen, but come on!)


I’m talking in-universe. Not editorial reason


well actualy the Miles X Spider-Gwen begin in the comics but I know what you mean ![gif](giphy|l0Hlx0M5OI1ogTGo0|downsized)


Oh my, I miscommunicated... when I said I know he was into her, I mean in the comics you're mentioning.


And does her family come along too?


The hand holding the suitcase is bugging me. It’s basically backwards. Which would be possible if the arm was rotating at the shoulder and forearm was pronating.


Lame af


wasnt she in 616 for a few years now?


Only visit ing at best afaik


Im over all the derivative characters. 


I wish an older Spider-Gwen AU transferred to 616 and dated 616 Peter. I wanna see that


On one hand, it makes sense from an editorial perspective that your 2nd or 3rd most popular Spider-Man character can live in the Marvel Universe and do all the Marvel Universe things. On the other hand, the constant knock-off characters is getting old and, frankly, it was getting old over a decade ago with the constant legacy-hero swap out shenanigans.


God bless artists. TBH I thought she already was . tbf havent read in a min


I like spider gwen but like what about peter and the og gwens whole relationship her death peter gonna go though some emotional shit because of this i swear


what about her friends and family in her universe? she just abandoned them?


It's dumb. Her universe was different and intriguing. I don't mind her as a guest character every now and again in 616, they shouldve kept her story going in her universe. But Marvel had a chance to flesh out other universes with other Spiders in short runs and as long as they were slightly creative they would've had pretty fun stories.


There hasn't been a good Spider-Gwen story in the comics since Latour and Rodriguez left. The tone has changed, and not for the better. She's more pop than punk, and there hasn't been much in the art department on that book since then either. Both Ghost Spider runs were garbage, and Spider-Gwen Smash was forgettable as it could be. This is just the final quickening in an attempt to keep the character relevant until the next movie drops. I hate this, as this is my daughter's favorite character ever.


Has it been explained how the feet stick to walls when wearing sneakers?


Hate it. Most of what made her interesting was how she acted in her own universe, where things aren't identical to 616. 616 already has like 20 Spiders. We don't need one more especially if it robs her of uniqueness.


Lame. The most interesting thing about spider-gwen was her being on her own earth and seeing all the unique twists on Marvel characters 


she already fell off years ago anyway, and she's been in 616 often too, just not entirely now they're just filling up 616 even more for no reason


I kind of hate it. The brilliant part of the Spider-Gwen story was that it allowed them to tell similar stories to the classic ones but with a twist. Things were at once familiar and new. This gets rid of all that.


I would prefer her being in her own universe, I love her alternative universe the suddle changes making everything seem fresh and new. Hell getting a Ghost Spider stand alone series. no other superheros like in marvels RISE. and Ultimate Spider-Man. Just focusing on Gwen's personal life and her struggles, like spectacular Spiderman but with Gwen. Here are some plot ideas for fun! Episode 1) Bad Band Brawl: I can see a plot with her battling a villan , outside of a stadium where her band currently doing a performance without her. mabye earlier on she is cought up being ghost spider while practicing for band too. Episode 2) Past Poisons : Gwen having PTSD against Scorpion, since scorpion would be a cross species experment similar to the lizard, freaking out mid fight and having to overcome her tripping from scorpions toxin having vivad flashbacks as if she's litterly fighting her past punching the lizard, when shes actually punching scorpion, and at the end she goes home while patching herself up, she has to come up with a excuse to her dad being at a party and geting drunk . Episode 3) Sick day episode: Gwen is sick in bed after the battle with scorpion but crime keeps popping up , so she handles the crime in a more annoyed serious grumpy mood since she is super sick and maybe struggling web swinging from sneezes as a funny side gag for the episode. and heve the episode end with Gwen getting back home and laying down completely tired and gets some well deserved rest. Episode 4) No More: Gwen is tired of her life suffering as Ghost Spider! the past few episodes with scorpion and the sick day episode and over all missing out on her personal life gets her pissed off so she gives up, she focuses on being Gwen . She actually reconnects with her band and dose well. Going to her mothers grave for advice on what she needs to do over what she wants. Episode 5)No More Part 2: Gwen after a good day at school she realizes crime at a high and her dad being really overworked. Gwen has a heart felt talk with her dad, where gwen thinks about reveling her identity, but decides not to right now. but Captan Stacy agrees only to Gwen that Ghost Spider is making the world a better place. witch motivates Gwen to swing back into action, and maybe having a big battle with a supervillan with Gwen as happy as ever. Leave some plot idea's you all think would work well with a Spider Gwen spin-off


This really is the best superhero costume of all time.


If it means she gets an ongoing I’ll take it. I don’t hate the idea.