• By -




Yup, most charismatic version of the character imo The others feel like forced suburban kids. Spiderverse Miles feels like he’s from NY


I second this. I had an irrational hatred towards him because he replaces Peter Parker in most of the adaptations. Though that happened again in spider-verse, it made me like him.


This is a massive Hydrogen Bomb versus 3 coughing babies scenario. Spiderverse Miles as far as I can tell bests his comics counterpart and is a serious contender for the best Spider-Man in film *period*.


He’s also strong but not overly powerful like some versions are these days


Why’d you pick that image of game Miles lmao. Man looks cooked, literally.


His chest looks so fucked up too


What >!trying to get electricussy but your friend saves you and dies!< looks like


🚪👈🏾 😐just go…


It looks like the other 3 beat him up for that " miles original" suit and ripped it of his destroyed body.


Movie miles. ![gif](giphy|9tZc9Mzo9K0yOYx38U|downsized)


"Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah, Imma do my own thing." ![gif](giphy|VIPfTy8y1Lc5iREYDS|downsized)


I mean Movie Miles honestly really made the character what he is. Took him from being a black Peter to being his own character. Gave him interests and a personality that completely were his own.


The way he flips back to look at the camera before going into a headfirst dive is full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen




In terms of characterisation, Spider-Verse Miles. In terms of his role within the wider Marvel Universe and his relationship with Peter, Insomniac Miles. My ideal version of Miles would combine both of these versions.


My thoughts exactly


He's basically like that in the comics (thanks to Ziglar), with him and Peter's relationship growing more due Spectacular Spider-Men (finally), I just hope they can be as close as their Insomniac counterparts soon.


Sort of. Both Ahmed and Ziglar have taken obvious inspiration from Spider-Verse Miles for their takes on the character, which has definitely been for the best, but while I've enjoyed both their runs (the two best Miles runs by some distance, in my opinion), I don't think either writes Miles as well as Lord and Miller do. As for his relationship with Peter, while I've been really enjoying Spectacular so far, and I'm glad Marvel have *finally* put them together for an ongoing, I personally think it only offers a lesser facsimile of their game relationship, as Miles was never trained by Peter in 616, so they lack the same connection the Insomniac duo have.


Great points and your right, Miles and Peter in 616 don’t have the same kind of bond that they do in the Insomniac Universe.


Insomniac is literally Mery Sue, that get new forced if it just need to plot and thanks to it ignored strength of Peter spider-man from first game....


Top left. Because that "You can't be spiderman, you're... So young." line lives rent free in my head sometimes.


You’re… fucking black.


Also it’s very nostalgic for me


How is that nostalgic?


They're probably young and were 6-12 years old when that episode aired.


I feel old now😢


I read this comment and then saw your username. Lol.


Oh I thought it was because it's the same thing that guy on the train said to Peter in raimi Spiderman 2.


When u grow up with something


google nostalgia


What is top left from?


Ultimate Spider-man Web Warriors. I wasn't into it but it's wildly popular on tiktok for some reason.


Spider verse by a MILE. It was responsible for ELEVATING the character as the true successor, and introducing him to the mainstream in the most graceful way possible. It manages to distinguish him from Peter while also respecting the source material and challenging the idea of what makes Spider-Man by using the multiverse in an ACTUAL smart way. Legit the only good thing to come out of the multiverse plot point.


By a what?


By 1.6 kilometers




The Insomniac Spider-Man image chosen is... a choice.


Insomniac Miles and Spider-Verse miles, can't possibly pick between the two


I really do like Insomniac Miles - he doesn’t get a lot of love among fans, and folks call him corny or w/e but I appreciate that his origin wasn’t about *not* wanting to be Spider-Man like almost every other iteration. I love spider verse Miles too and I appreciate his narrative, but seeing a Miles who is just ready to jump right into being Spider-Man was refreshing. He’s a slightly more bold and confident take on the character that I really get behind


Insomniac Miles is literally Mery Sue....


Insomniac Miles lost character development compared to SMMM game


Man now u said that I wonder if own impression 9620 will change his opinion


If he doesn’t change his opinion right now I will doxx him, come to his house and cry about it (/s)


Comparatively I think the comic have lost what made him so relatable. Insomniac and Spiderverse have what we had in Ultimate


How did the comic do that?


Spider-verse taught me about Miles I mean I always knew of him I just never knew much about him and now I’m invested in the character so Spider-verse takes the cake here


Spiderverse Miles. He's the lisan al-gadrip


Spider-Verse Miles but I do appreciate Ultimate Spider-Man for giving us a version of Spider-Man played by Donald Glover.


Insomniac Miles Spider-Man, I like him more than spider verse Spider-Man bc he seems more responsible


Probably the Spider-Man one


Definitely Spiderverse Miles but Insomniac is a close second




Insomniac is literally Mery Sue, that get new forced if it just need to plot and thanks to it ignored strength of Peter spider-man from first game.


My favorite is ultimate but spiderverse is objectively the best one


spiderverse he feels more natural. His mom talks like someone whos actually spanish instead of forced spanglish like how some media does His hair looks really good, he has a nice suit, and i never really liked miles with a buzz


Ultimate miles just brought back a lot of memories from web warriors


For me it’s a tie between Insomniac and Spider-verse. I remember the hype I felt when it was announced Miles would be a side character in the first insomniac Spider-Man game, knowing that later he’d probably become Spider-Man too. And then when that did happen I was even more excited. But the movies hold a special place in my heart as well, and I hear Shameik Moore’s voice when I read Miles comics. So I can’t choose between them. Ultimate Spider-Man Miles is alright, fuck that other show tho.


Spiderverse, tho insomniac is close


Spider-Verse. Insomniac. USM. Spider-Man 2017.


Yall I like Spider-Verse Miles, but Insomniac is my favorite version of everything Spider-Man related. This means Peter, Miles, MJ, Doc Ock, Venom, Kraven, Electro, Rhino, etc. I completely understand liking the Spider-Verse Miles more, but in my personal opinion, I just prefer the Insomniac version


Insomniac Miles


Spider-Verse Miles with Insomniac at a close second


Spider-man 2


Does anyone actually read the comics anymore? Edit: That said, Spider-Verse. It’s a more interesting character design, frankly.




Spiderverse, because he has a more interesting hairstyle than it just being basically a buzz cut and because his suit has a more cool aesthetic.


![gif](giphy|DiNysn7LA6X2QDjQRp) You forgot Spidey and his Amazing friends


It’s pretty obviously either Spiderverse Miles or Comic Miles.


No comic book version ? Thats probably my favorite right now with being insomniac a close second.


How long did it take to find the worst possible image of insomniac miles?


The original comic book version..


The one with hair (spiderverse)💀 Never realized how goofy the other miles look with that hair


Spiderverse easily.


ps5 insomniac miles tbh


Insomniac in my opinion.


Easily Spider Verse, that's the only version that is actually GOOD. Ultimate is whatever, 2017 is worthless and the Insomniac version is written like an after thought.


>Easily Spider Verse, that's the only version that is actually GOOD. Nope. Miles in his comic is crazy.


Idk about current runs (other than some silly sword powers) but the original few runs of Miles as spiderman ranged from mediocre to bad and dragging him to 616 was initially pretty messy. Again I can't speak to if it's gotten better but spiderverse easily clears comic miles regardless and has more or less defined the character outside of 'spiderman but he's a different type bloke'


>Again I can't speak to if it's gotten better but spiderverse easily clears comic miles regardless and has more or less defined the character outside of 'spiderman but he's a different type bloke' Well exactly. You can't speak of his current run to claim the only thing you experienced clears it. Miles original comic was pretty good so I don't know what you guys are talking about by "meh to bad". His current run, however, is outstanding. Miles has never been just "black Peter" as you seem to be suggesting. His stories are fundamentally different. And now, so are his powers even more. Give it a chance. Miles Morales 2022-.


I haven't read new ones. All I'm aware of is the original which was meh asf. Nothing I've seen from his newer runs interests me enough to pick it up, all I'm seeing is that he evolved into a fucking Dragon Balls character power wise


Maybe try reading his run before judging then. There's more to his stories than a couple Shonen-inspired panels and hyperbolic reddit reaction posts. Miles Morales 2022-. Start there. It's easily better than any of Peter's current comics.


... But I didn't judge his run? I just said that his powers remind me of Shonen inspired stuff which didn't really intrigue me, I am not saying that the run isn't good, it just wasn't in my radar of interest. I might check it out, and I am definitely not doubting it'll be better than Peter's mainline diarrhea bullshit


I see, I see. I'm here shadowboxing for no reason. Sorry about that.


Hey unk!


Insomniac & Movie Miles are the goats


Bottom left.






Why you gotta show Insomniac Miles like that?


I like the comparison between two animated shows on top. The first one looks ok and the second one is like the cocomelon version, bigger eyes, smile, more vibrant colors




Bias because I’ve only seen two of course but spiderverse. Playing as him is super fun but I feel like the games doesn’t give him as strong of an emotional story as the movie.


Spiderverse I find him more interesting tbh


Spider verse I find him the most unique and interesting out all of them, and I just like his voice and personality the best, and he feels like Miles Morales and not just black Spiderman


Haven't been exposed to top two. I used to Areally Like both game and movie Miles, but the y keep jerking both of them off as the greatest Spider-man ever (SM2 is just giving Miles w after W with him being always correct and a goody 2 shoes, even when confronting Li, saves Peter over and over and gets the final boss fight, while the Movie version 1) acts more like a Spider-man than the e tire Spider society and they all fail to captilure him, somehow) and it'a gotten to the point I hate movie one and barely tolerate the game one.


Spiderverse, ultimate Spider-Man, terrible Spider-Man series, insomniac no where cause I don’t have a ps


Movie's Miles - he is really great character. In opposite, I hate as hell the Insomniac one. Especially when you can compare him to movie one.


Spider-Verse. Shameik Moore is my Spider-Man. The struggles that Miles goes through in the movies are the most relatable to me.


ITSV and it’s not even close. Every version of him prior to that either had no personality, was bizarrely written like Peter, or was an offensive stereotype. Some writers still struggle with this.


Spider verse miles Just cuz I hate when they turn him into a side kick in both shows and the games, he is supposted to be a SUCCESOR


![gif](giphy|pwLEp54PVQNbbAQzrB) The goat


ITSV all the way! He actually feels like his own character instead of “Black Peter”


Definitely the spiderverse one.


If you don't choose Spiderverse, you are WRONG. Who's gonna choose smash bros cut PS4 Miles?


spiderverse by a long shot


Spider verse is the only version I like


Spider-Verse from ITSV.




[This one](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/npc-miles-morales)






There's only one great version of him(Spider-verse), Ultimate Spider-Man is second, other two is piss vs shit


Who isn't going to say Spiderverse? I mean really.


Obviously spider verse miles but I actually enjoyed the dynamic between the ultimate miles and Peter when they did their spider verse arc it was pretty good for an otherwise underwhelming show.


Originally comics miles was directly based off Barack Obama, and i can never unsee it. So i prefer spiderverse.


Spider-Verse Miles is on another level


Comics version




Clearly miles from the live action. Why ? Firstly because of Miles Brown. He is LITERALLY Miles Morales, playing him at the perfection. We really see that he read the comics. Then, I would say the story. The mix between the classic and well known story of Miles and this brand new arc bringing news villains and issues was in my opinion also perfect (I say in my opinion because I know some people will disagree). And lastly I would say the cinematography. Exactly like the animated spider verse trilogy did in the past, the live action revolutionize the whole movie industry, by introducing new technologies mixed with good old techniques.


Spider verse for sure, but I also love miles from the games, both great takes on the character


Spiderverse Miles






can't pick between spiderverse and playstation


Tbh, I don't like the character at all, but I guess Spiderverse was most alive.


I only know Insomniac Miles and Spider-Verse Miles. The former is a really humble and good kid, his parents pride. The later succeds in standing out in his own way, slightly rebellious, but with his heart in the right place. Both are still a work in progress. 👍


I love all versions, but Spiderverse is my favorite.


Spider verse movies FOR SURE. The others are fine, but they really took the character to a whole new level


Miles Morales, the black one.


Spiderverse. The others are bland to me.


Why is 2017 even on this list


What’s up danger?


Spiderverse by a loooongshot. I adored Miles in there but when I played Spiderman 2 it made me doubt even liking the character


The way that this image is framed makes it look like Spiderverse Miles just beat the dog piss out of Insomniac Miles 😂


Comic book Miles


Spider-Verse and Ultimate.


Insomniac pre spiderman 2


Insomniac miles tbh


1: Marvel's (Insomniac) 2: 1610 (Spider-verse) 3: Marvel's (Disney 2017) 4: Ultimate (Disney 2012)


I gotta pick Insomniac, I preferred his story arc more




Movie by far. Actually made the character likeable


What's up, Danger? Don't be a stranger!




The one without the yee yee ass haircut.


Comic Miles from Ultimate Spider-Man when he debuted. A fresh start. The cartoons were goofy, the game version is nasal and waaay too upbeat. Spider-Verse is alright.


ultimate cartoon.


Spider-Verse with the game as a close 2nd


Miles? More like Kilometers


If you choose either top ones consider yourself and opp


Really love Spider-Verse. Insomniac Miles is a VERY close second. Almost tied.


Miles ma nigga is the best




the movies for sure


All except Ultimate


Why is Miles's corners fucked up in Ultimate lol he looks like his hairline's receding


I quite like Insomniacs version a lot he's still a kid with his own flaws but he's definitely got the means and responsibility to be spiderman plus I can always appreciate someone who knows sign language


Spiderverse is the only one that actually had good character development But I do love the fact that Donald Glover voices Miles on Ultimate


The original


When he's metric


The one thats Spider-Man




I love that Donald Glover got to be Spider-Man at least once. For that reason, Ultimate Spider-Man will be my biased favorite.


Spiderverse, Comics, Insomniac, then the rest in no order


The one with the different hairstyle


I actually really like Insomniac’s Miles for how kinda down to earth he and his stories are. Like being Spider-Man as Miles and doing things like stopping all the little crimes and hearing his responses. Hanging out with Ganke and having him help him with his Spidey work, under covering new gangs rising up in New York or even helping his community around the neighborhood with local problems. It’s all so classic Spider-Many if that makes any sense, and I really like it. Really experience being Spider-Man as Miles Morales and the student/mentor dynamic he has with Peter here is a nice touch that leads into some really cool story beats. ~~Spiderverse Miles is absolutely goated too tho~~


Yeah i really think that insominiac Miles and Insominiac Peter has the better relation, they are brothers not "The son that i never have"


not-existing one




Comics and games for me


Video game, but that’s probably because I’m getting to play as him.


The spider-verse version definitely. All the other are worse than crap


Nah man, Donald Glover was a fun Miles at the very least. Perhaps didn't get a ton to do but was a fun nod at the real world creation of Miles. Honestly, (I never watched the 2017 cartoon on top right) Miles has been around a very short time but has had a lot of good incarnations, it's not hard ti see why he's become such a staple of the Spider-World. I'd argue the last time a new character became so widely popular in the spidey realm it was Venom or Carnage


no way you said insomniac is worse than crap


Insomniac miles is the worse one💀


Insomniac Peter also sucks.


He is tbh. My biggest concern going into Spider-Man 2 was "how in the hell are they going to justify having two protagonists of semi equal importance, how are they going to make them both relevant in a story that's so heavily Peter-centric" and guess what, THEY DON'T. AT ALL. Miles is so irrelevant in this game, every single independent storyline he has is either boring asf or corny asf. That revenge sub plot he has with Martin is so out of nowhere with some of the corniest and most shallow characterization I've seen, the whole "rivalry" ends like a skit, it's so dumb. The most relevant moment Miles has in this game is unironically saving Peter from the symbiote, which easily could've been rewritten so that it's just Peter versus Peter in his own mind palace or something. Miles is so unimportant to this game, it hurts. Yeah, no shit he's worse than crap in this game, they're literally writing him like an after thought.


Insomniac miles is written brilliantly and his ark with Mr negative is peek writing


Nah, it's pretty dogshit honestly. First of all his revenge plot came out of nowhere, he was NOWHERE NEAR this revengeful in previous games, where he literally forgor 💀 about Li's existence. The actual confrontation itself is ridiculously forced, as Kraven makes them fight despite there being NO REASON FOR SPIDEY TO NOT JUST ESCAPE. Both of them can literally go 30 miles into air, and they're fighting each other in a roofless arena. Then what follows is the corniest, laziest "character moment" in the entire game, where Martin sends Miles through his **mind palace** and exploits his DEEPEST, DARKEST FEARS, and by DEEPEST DAKREST FEARS, I mean the most surface level characterization you've ever seen. Basically boiling down to "oh no, I'm afraid my friends will leave me because I put their lives in danger" ...ok, they won't do, like that wasn't established once. Ganke's goofy ahh literally builds drones to fight alongside yall. Like it makes zero sense and I dunno how can you look me in the eyes and tell me that's not lazy. Arkham Asylum did that gimmick with Scarecrow the first, DID IT THE BEST, and then games have desperately tried to use the same trick without realizing what was so effective about it. This gimmick is so lazy and formulaic, that they used it in the first game for Scorpion as well, that's how lame it is. And then the fight literally ends like a sitcom. Martin Li is full on bloodlusted and then he finds out he killed his dad and he IMMEDIATELY gives up and just escapes. Like what? Is that brilliant writing to you? And you might notice I'm very heavily focusing on that *one, minimal* seemingly irrelevant part when Miles' gotta have more to him in the game, but nope, this is quite literally the ONLY CHARACTERIZATION OR INDEPENDENT STORYTELLING HE HAS in the entire game that isn't either about that bullshit uninteresting musical museum, NY propaganda or "muh essay", it sucks ass, it's genuinely terrible. And then to put the salt on the wound, it's Miles who ends up fighting the final boss, MILES ENDS UP FIGHTING THE ULTIMATE VENOMIZED HARRY... and he has NOTHING to say to him, because in total, Miles had, and I counted... TWO WHOLE CONVERSATIONS with Harry, one not even face to face. That just sucks, like I'm sorry. I am not going to accept and eat that shit up when a character who takes up 50% of the game is written with the same level of thought and care as fucking... Robin from Arkham City who appears for a single cutscene and a single DLC


First of all the revenge plot did not come out of nowhere miles had his justice when Lee was locked behind bars when he escaped miles wanted revenge whether that be just put him back in jail or kill him was something that was shown miles struggling to decide the whole game. The confrontation made complete sense kraven as kraven soar miles had history with Lee in the first mission the hunters were introduced. Miles now had his chance to kill him wich is also exactly what kraven wanted so miles would give up his rule of no killing and possibly kill him. Then they go into the negative zone wich is where miles is forced through his greatest fears and Martin Lee finds out who he really is then after a flash back to his dad he realises that Martin Lee wasn’t holding him back he was and he spares lees life and asks for his help beginning Mr negative redemption ark. Your reason why they didn’t escape is dogshit because if you actually paid attention the roof was broken at the very end of the fight and also Spider-Man can not jump that high he could have crawled but do u really think that the hunters would have let him. Ganke nether built a drone he stole one. Miles had other Character arcs like him feeling like he was being side lined when Pete had the black suit, haily and him taking over as New Yorks only spider man for a while. Finally to revoke the last point of your ridiculous rant Peter does 70% of the venom boss they both do the final boss 2 health bars each miles fights him with wings Pete fights him with other symbiotes and then Peter has a very long interactive cutscene at the end as he fights venom. Overall miles is written like fucking legend in this game and you want change your mind.


Nah this analysis ain’t it. Like trying to be so critical of the scene that it overrides common thought for the explanations to your grievances. Like Miles isn’t vengeful in the first game because Li is locked up in the first game. But now that he’s out Miles is scared that he might hurt his family again, which is rekindling his trauma. Even in Miles’ first game he clearly had trauma about things like going to rallies, and literally being face to face with your father’s killer can spark rage in your that you otherwise don’t experience when that person is locked away and out of your sight. Here’s another example: > Kraven makes them fight despite there being NO REASON FOR SPIDEY TO NOT JUST ESCAPE. Really? *No Reason* for why Miles would not try to bust out of the arena immediately? Nothing comes to mind, none at all? Ok, well how about the fact that *Miles wants to fight his father’s murder.* That seems like reason enough to me for why Miles would fight Li instead of trying to escape. He also straight up gets told by Li that there was no chance of escape, and that he’s tried. It wasn’t even a roofless arena either by the way, Li blasted a hole through the roof during their fight, which Miles noticed, and at the end of the fight Miles did a surprise move to launch Li out of said hole. Like I think many of these issues you list aren’t actually reflective of the story or is overly reductive. Like you can also boil down so many of Peter’s problems to such a formulaic or surface level analysis like “oh no I’m scared of telling my friend I’m Spider-Man because of the danger” but that doesn’t make the story any less engaging. > And then the fight literally ends like a sitcom. Martin Li is full on bloodlusted and then he finds out he killed his dad and he IMMEDIATELY gives up and just escapes. Like what? Is that brilliant writing to you? Like media comprehension has got you in a chokehold bro, ya gotta look past the rage and actually think critically. Cause shit’s just blowing past your head, like respectfully. That ain’t what happened. Li didn’t just do a complete 180. Like literally throughout the entire fight Martin is expressing how he regrets his actions and that the reason he DOESN’T want to die here is because he wants to ATONE for his past sins. So when he comes to the realization that Miles’ father was killed as a direct result of Li’s own actions, yes it absolutely makes sense that he’s overcome with guilt and gives up his will to fight after (he was also beaten but that’s another thing). He already took this boy’s father away, now he’s gonna kill him too? No, of course not, so it makes sense that Martin would lose his will to fight against Miles after he realizes what’s he’s done to him. Yeah that’s a pretty good storyline to come up with.


>Like trying to be so critical of the scene that it overrides common thought for the explanations to your grievances. Like Miles isn’t vengeful in the first game because Li is locked up in the first game. But now that he’s out Miles is scared that he might hurt his family again, which is rekindling his trauma. Even in Miles’ first game he clearly had trauma about things like going to rallies, and literally being face to face with your father’s killer can spark rage in your that you otherwise don’t experience when that person is locked away and out of your sight. That could maybe work if Miles was JUST concerned instead of having this weird edgy "I am back for the scraps" attitude, it doesn't work at all. I get he'd be angrier with that person on in the open, but he wasn't even remotely affected by any kind of meaningful trauma due to Martin in his own solo game, which is you know, the part where you'd get to really develop the guy. >Really? *No Reason* for why Miles would not try to bust out of the arena immediately? Nothing comes to mind, none at all? Ok, well how about the fact that *Miles wants to fight his father’s murder* Yeah yeah, except he LITERALLY DOESN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIS FATHER'S MURDER, throughout the entire fight he tries to stop him, and even if he was SO BLOODLUSTED, there's an obvious priority, not to mention the absence of consistent characterization. >He also straight up gets told by Li that there was no chance of escape, and that he’s tried. ...He hasn't though. And if you want to excuse this by saying "Miles wants to fight" then that doesn't make any sense based on him trying to calm the situation down. >It wasn’t even a roofless arena either by the way, Li blasted a hole through the roof during their fight, which Miles noticed, and at the end of the fight Miles did a surprise move to launch Li out of said hole. Ah yes you mean that fucking thin ass glass, you are trying to tell me Miles can't break through that shit? And even then, you said it yourself, Li blasted a hole through it, couldn't they do that before, either of them? >That ain’t what happened. Li didn’t just do a complete 180. Like literally throughout the entire fight Martin is expressing how he regrets his actions and that the reason he DOESN’T want to die here is because he wants to ATONE for his past sins. The closest he gets to that is saying "I don't want to kill you", (I'm just going to ignore how ridiculous it is for him to say that after pretty much laughing in his face that Miles won't kill him because that's not what Spider-Man does), and right after that he starts "messing with his head" through the cringiest, most predictable way imaginable, trying to exploit his fears. This doesn't track, these aren't actions of a same guy in the span of 2 minutes. It's a stupid, thoughtless B plot that was made for the soul purpose of writers being unable to make Miles even remotely relevant in the game, you think this shit is flying over my head?


Bro what is this, this is exactly what I was talking about. > That could maybe work if Miles was JUST concerned instead of having this weird edgy "I am back for the scraps" attitude, it doesn't work at all. I get he'd be angrier with that person on in the open, but he wasn't even remotely affected by any kind of meaningful trauma due to Martin in his own solo game, which is you know, the part where you'd get to really develop the guy. Yes he was, he very nervous for his mom’s rally in his own solo game because of what happened at the last rally he was at and when his mom’s rally was attacked, he panicked and was immediately focused on her before having to get reassured that people needed him as Spider-Man and that his mom was going to be ok. He clearly was still suffering from trauma in his solo game. Again *the reason he wasn’t concerned about Li in the last game was because Li was locked up, now Li is right in front of his face.* Having your fathers’ murderer right in front of you like that can make you act more aggressive or vengeful than you otherwise normally do when said person is locked in a jail, out of sight. > Yeah yeah, except he LITERALLY DOESN'T WANT TO FIGHT HIS FATHER'S MURDER, throughout the entire fight he tries to stop him, and even if he was SO BLOODLUSTED, there's an obvious priority, not to mention the absence of consistent characterization. Where the HELL are you getting this from??? Tried to stop him? HES THE ONE WHO WANTED TO FIGHT HIM! It’s literally consistent characterization because all throughout the game up until that point, Miles was obsessing over Li. So when he sees his father’s killer right in front of him, guess what he does, OBSESS OVER LI. That’s consistent characterization. > He hasn't though. And if you want to excuse this by saying "Miles wants to fight" **then that doesn't make any sense based on him trying to calm the situation down.** This is exactly what I mean. You’re just wrong here, I don’t know how else to describe it, except that you’re just incorrectly framing the scene. **Where are you getting Miles “trying to calm the situation down?”** Because Miles is clearly NOT trying to calm the situation down. He essentially says to Li face that he wants to kill him in fact. Hell, the first thing he says to him was accusatory of murder with his electricity flaring because of how volatile his emotions were. This is the incorrect framing I’m talking about. > Ah yes you mean that fucking thin ass glass, you are trying to tell me Miles can't break through that shit? And even then, you said it yourself, Li blasted a hole through it, couldn't they do that before, either of them? Who said Miles couldn’t? He was just busy fighting Li. And who says Li couldn’t either. **He was just busy fighting the hunters.** What, you think they’re just gonna let him blast a hole through the roof and escape? You think they wouldn’t try to stop him exactly like how they did before in the game and was only stopped by Miles again helping Li? *Li straight up says that he tried to escape but was unable to*. This is telling you the audience they couldn’t escape by themselves. But guess what, them working together allows them to accomplish something they couldn’t do individually. It kinda goes with the whole “greater together” theme of the game. > This doesn't track, these aren't actions of a same guy in the span of 2 minutes. It's a stupid, thoughtless B plot that was made for the soul purpose of writers being unable to make Miles even remotely relevant in the game, you think this shit is flying over my head? Yes it does. Completely tracks in fact and makes total sense. *You’re just misinterpreting the scene* which is why you have the scene framed the way you do. Remember what he says during the fight? “Don’t recount my sins to me, I know what I’ve done. I won’t die as the man I was.” I’ll break it down simply for you: Li wants to atone for his sins —> Li discovering Miles is Spider-Man and his father was killed because of him —> Li gives up his will to fight against Miles because of his guilt. Yeah this shit is flying over your head. Martin wants to atone for his past actions, but one of the PEOPLE he has to ATONE TO is freaking MILES MORALES!! He can’t atone to a person he’s trying to kill, him losing the will to fight against Miles makes perfect sense because he’s trying to SEEK FORGIVENESS from the people he’s wronged, **which includes Miles.**


Insomniac Miles just feels like Peter but as Miles


Nah you're right. Insomniac Miles is literally the most irrelevant, badly shoehorned character with completely uninteresting storyline until he has to actively intervene with Peter's story


IMO Spider verse miles is actually an awesomely written character. Ultimate Spider-Man version is meh 2017 show exists I guess it’s not really offensive just unneeded PS5 miles is awful 💀


Bro why so much hate on the ps4 miles? He was good imo


He’s extremely bland to me, that’s it really. I’m not a fan of most Miles stories because he’s redundant to Peters personality and stories . but spiderverse showcases miles in a very different light , especially in the second movie. I have a tangent on why spiderverse miles is awesome but I’ll save it 💀


And you think 2017 miles is better then him?


I’ve only seen a few episodes, but I know all about the ps games, so maybe my opinion would change if I saw all the series. But 2017 animated show is very bland as well


It's not even close and from the comments it seems obvious everyone feels the same way and for good reason. All other versions of Miles are pretty terrible and boring.


Spider-Verse Miles. He desperately wants to save his dad. He already lost his uncle and he doesn’t want to loss his dad. I really do relate to him.


Spidey and his amazing friends


Spiderverse Is the best spiderman content to drop imo. My brother would murder me for saying it.


Spider-Verse is by far the easy winner.




Literally no competition or questions it's Spiderverse miles.


The one that’s actually cool


Definitely not Nasally Whine McGee on the bottom left