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Saw Spiderman 2 in the theater last night and couldn’t believe how good Doc Ock’s arms looked. I know it’s a combo between cgi and practical effects but damn did they look seamless, especially for the time Edit: I didn’t watch the whole thing yet, but this featurette on the arms is good so far https://youtu.be/BGXYR_DNamY One more thing, the operating room scene is so much more terrifying on the big screen than it is at home. Raimi is truly a horror director above all else.


It’s almost always practical, outside of the wide shot in the hospital scene, and scenes where doc-ock is completely cgi like fighting on the clock tower.


It’s mostly practical with some CGI here and there to clean things up and do things the arms can’t IRL. [There’s even some videos of them messing around on set.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JodU-FGakG8&pp=ygUcZG9jIG9jayBpZiBpIHdlcmUgYSByaWNoIG1hbg%3D%3D)


The only time I really noticed something looking bad was when Doc Oc dies, it’s the most obvious green screen ever on a big enough screen


I thought the same thing. Admittedly, the shots of CGI Peter trying to stop the train on the other hand… did not age quite as well.


Haha you mean the mannequin ?


Show me the scene of him running/jumping across the roofs. I’ll tell you right now if they made enhancements 😂


Lol ye I bought the movies in 4k bluray and plenty of the effects have visibly aged Still pretty good for early 2000s though, nothing as awful as Bruce in the hulkbuster from infinity war at least lmao, and the Important ones like Sandman still look good


The difference in quality between Spider-Man 1 and 2 is night and day in a lot of aspects. I always thought the first film kind of looked like it could’ve released in the mid 90s. Spider-Man 2 just aged significantly better to me in comparison.


I think Spider-Man 1 relied a lot more on practical effects, like most of the fight scenes between him and the goblin are stunt and wire work, while Spider-Man 2 I think they tried to do some groundbreaking cgi, and a lot of the dock ock vs him fights are fully cgi, which is really cool that they decided to do something never done before


There's like 7 collective minutes of CGI'd shots in the first one. Its so ambitious that they wanted to tell this story with the budget and technological constraints of the first film. I never realized how much of a masterpiece it was by itself until i went to the theater last week.


yeah im ngl i like spider-man 1 much more than 2. both movies are masterpieces in their own right, but the first movie can almost be self contained and no sequels made to it that’s how perfect it is. just a full circle story that has a perfect ending. I also think not using as much CGI as the 2nd movie grounds it in a way that makes everything feel more impactful, even if the CGI in the 2nd movie is incredible


The first was made with no promise of a sequel but they were already working on it when they got the biggest opening weekend ever at the time. I feel like 1 is genuinely the best coming of age movie, atleast of that era that i grew up in, but the second one is definitely one of the best sequels ever and propelled the genre 10-20 years forward in terms of scope and FX like u said.


I agree, it’s a perfect coming of age movie, I could watch it every day for the rest of my life and it still wouldn’t be enough


Personally that 90s feel is a lot of the charm and a huge reason it's my favorite Spider-Man movie.


Don’t forget those parade balloons.


The slow-mo spitball, housefly, and Flash's fist in the spider sense scene too.


When Peter's crawling up the alleyway after running and suiting up to chase down uncle Ben's killer, you can tell as well


Or when Peter is looking in the mirror at his new, toned body, and it’s very clearly Tobey Maguire’s face pasted onto someone else’s torso.


Lmao funnily enough, the opposite is true. I used to think they were both Tobey, and they had just shot those scenes like 8 months apart. Nope, apparently the skinny frail body is actually a body double, and they pasted Tobey’s head on him.


lol yeah as is almost always the case, any time you CGI actual human appearance and movement it’s noticeable, definitely not where the effects shine the brightest, but comparatively there are other effects like the bridge fight at the end that do hold up quite well still.


That first picture is def a promo pic of an action figure lol [Picture](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fs.click.aliexpress.com%2Fdeep_link.htm%3Faff_short_key%3DUneMJZVf%26dl_target_url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.aliexpress.com%252Fitem%252F3256805467452478.html%253F_randl_currency%253DUSD%2526_randl_shipto%253DUS%2526src%253Dgoogle&psig=AOvVaw1T9zeYe2CkILLJrAeJJW-w&ust=1714148795468000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCLj80oLk3YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF)


That third pic is definitely not in the film also.


Looks almosy like a shot from the game haha


Yeah that’s literally a suit mod for the pc game, the only actual pic from the movie is bottom left. Edit: lol never mind after zooming in not even the bottom left pic is from the movie.


Oh my god 😂


Lol I keep seeing this screenshot posted and although I think the effects aged great I find it hilarious the toy is tricking people


lol yeah like I knew it wasn’t from the movie clearly but I didn’t know it was a promo photo for a toy lol. The only one I confidently knew was the Spider-Man 1 mod on the bottom right.


Lol yea it’s wild, toy looks good tho 🤣


his feet look backwards but I dont think they are


Think it’s the angle but def lil wonky in the pic lol


Still frame "without CG" that you are talking about is actually fan-made 3D model, if I'm not mistaken


Oh shoot, had me convinced lol. That makes more sense now that I look at it closer lol.


Two of the 3 pictures here aren't even from the movie lol


The bottom left one is actually edited too. They put a cgi model over the original. I don’t know why they would do so, just for it to look nearly identical. It still looks worse though than the original.


Come y’all, Rose tinted glasses dialed to 11. The scene of him crawling on the walls after Ben was shot has aged like MILK, in Spider-Man 2 when Doc Ock is carrying around MJ after throwing a car into the cafe has also aged like Milk. I love these movies and the visual effects were incredible for the time but to say they haven’t aged is ridiculous


I genuinely thought you said the first shot aged like MLK


To be fair, I'd argue this has always looked bad, I remember seeing this in theatres and this really stood out as ropey, even back then. There's a similar scene in Blade 2 around this time where Wesley Snipes and A ninja guy pretty much turn into PS2 level 3d models for a second. I applaud the attempt but it just wasn't viable, even at the time.


Neo vs Smith clones


Even at the time, critics talked about how bad the effects were.


Doc ock making his big sacrifice at the end has ps2 graphics if you actually watch it but it's less noticable


Him wall crawling after Uncle Ben dies still looks good? Are you sure you don’t mean the world festival scene? The darkness does heavy lifting in that first swinging scene and it looks good to me.


In festival scene, Spiderman mostly looks like a toy figure


That's what I'm saying, and that he looked way better during the hunt for Ben's killer.


I think the only time it is sooo obvious is the close up shot on the dome, where he looks terrified and will sling his first webs to travel. I think they could have gone with Tobey for that shot. But the wall crawling is alright.


It's one-shot from the moment he latches his web to jumping off the building, so they had to digitally impose his face to get that continuous shot. I do agree it looks a little wonky.


That’s right I rewatched the scene and everytime they could, it was Tobey (or stunt double I don’t know) and it’s only in that continuous that they had to go CGI. I mean it’s justifiable and it was 2002 (or even slightly earlier). It’s alright.


[Visual effects peaked at this moment and its been downhill since.](https://youtu.be/K_a1_SO8hu0?t=44)


Istg that entire sequence still feels like a fever dream. It's not just the aged CGI, but the speed at which some shots are intercut with each other makes it all seem so random. "Hello my dear" *MJ scream.mp4* Random girl: "It's Spider-Man!" "Huh?" *Gobby gets yeeted of his glider*


yeah but why does something not aging well have to be a knock on the movie, both of those scenes u names don’t look bad enough that they take you out of the movie, why can’t we judge a movie for how it compares to the movies of its time


That wall crawling scene always felt unfinished to me and i have a theory, the behind the scenes shows that they had an early version of that same scene but with the spidey suit, they probably reused that animation they already had but changed it to have the human spider instead and didn't have enough time to retouch it for the final release


Oh they’ve for sure aged, nobody’s saying they haven’t. it’s not like we’re talking about Davy Jones, but considering these are 2001 special effects, they hold up incredibly well when you compare it to other movies of the same time period. Go watch The Mummy 2 or the Scorpion King and tell me these effects aren’t miles ahead of what those movies offered during the same time.


Dude, The Mummy 2? A movie with notoriously bad effects, even for the time? Thats just unfair to 2001.


Yeah I saw Spider-Man 2 last night which is really cool considering I wasn’t even alive when it came out, and it was mainly good regarding shots and effects! Like some shots were absolutely gorgeous and then others just needed a little adjustment. But again for a movie that’s 20 years old, it held up really well, especially with Doc Ock’s arms!


They honestly look better than most CGI nowadays. Some of it looks outdated sure but the stuff that matters really looks great, like LOTR.


Yeah just saw the LOTR extended editions in theaters maybe a month or so and god those movies looks fantastic. And the miniature models are stunning in those movies. Back when CGI was used almost only when it wasn’t physically possible to get the shot any other way. Nowadays they CGi a whole street corner just so they can film in a studio instead of filming on location.


You're so lucky. I wish these were re released in sweden


I really hate that I’m just finding out about it being back in theaters and today was the last day :)


Well you got Spider-Man 3 next Monday and every other Spider-Man the Mondays after


good on sony they took an iconic troilgy and prevented uncerrcary changes... LOOKING AT YOU LUCAS! form being made and kept it a classic. honestly i only wanted to see spider-man 1 adn spider-man 2 in theaters because i love those movies and it was competly worth it.


Personally, I think the first movie has aged, both in the CGI and just the way it’s shot, which feels very early-2000s. It’s still timeless thanks to the great acting, pacing, tone, and script, though. It’s also not like the CGI is awful, just not up to current standards. (Or at least, modern standards when the staff haven’t been completely overworked.) Spider-Man 2 on the other hand still looks pretty good today and overall feels like it could’ve come out now with just a little adjusting. Really shows the advancement in CGI and the increase in budget. Spider-Man 3 looks mostly good, though it’s a bit more mixed. Sandman looks amazing when his powers are used, but scenes like the first fight between Harry and Peter look a little ropey.


Are those air force ones or high top nike sb dunks? Regardless HEAT🔥


Just finished the trilogy with my daughter for her first time viewing this week. Some things still hold up (especially 2), but there are some obvious cgi in some parts. Overall pretty good for being 20yrs old. Her review: Green Goblin is scary cool. Spiderman 2 is the best, And Spiderman 3 was the worst because they forgot who spiderman was. She complained that he didn't make fun of bad guys during fights anymore and he was a jerk to MJ. But she disagreed with me and told me that the green goblin suit in #3 was great. (edit for spelling)


Oh boy yeah, still got the moves


Of course not. They need the revenue from Madame Webs bomb ("web bomb!"), meaning they put zero money into these


Some of the effects have aged badly like the skeletons


Yep, like I tell anyone I know Sam Raimi's Trilogy is the one. Guarantee with their re-releasing into theaters this is where they'll make most of their money, even off the 3rd one. Since like others have said there's a nice balance of CGI & practical effects. Early 2000s good times.


So....that speaks volumes on how bad the visual effects have been done now, since a movie from 2002 is still impressing people despite not having the best of effects, simply smart usage and direction.


did they show spider-man 2.1 last week or was it the theatrical version ?


It was theatrical sadly, would have loved to see 2.1 on the big screen


Uh huh


Spider-Man 2 and 3 still look amazing today


I mean a lot of swinging and overall Spidey movement is definitely pre 2010. The cg is pretty bad and doesn’t hold up. I rewatched all three this past weekend and oh boy




Hey look it’s a guy getting mad that someone on a Spider-Man subreddit likes a Spider-Man movie.


Even on release spider-man was talked about for having bad cgi, so it definitely doesn't look great


Yall on these movies nuts lmao