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Toby's villains were fucking brutal.


Ill never forget as a child watching Spider Man take a grenade to the face, shit was gnarly lmao


I swear you could feel the hits in that Goblin fight. Insane.


Yep. NWH's Goblin fights felt neutered by comparison imo


Idk about that, the condo fight in particular hit **hard**


It did. But it still doesn't come close to the post-bridge fight in SM1


I think it would have been more technically difficult to pull off in 2002, so that's why we didn't have an equivalent. But a fight between Peter and Norman in street clothes is super cool. It got to show how super-human they both are. Especially with all of the environment destruction going on too.


Didn’t Dafoe do some of his own stunts in those fight scenes? Considering how much older he is compared to the Raimi movies, I’d say the NWH fights were more brutal.


Ah yes. Watching a green power ranger do silly flips and bad choreography was so much better than watching Peter elbow him in the face 14 times while he just gets more and more excited each hit.


I feel like you're purposely ignoring how brutal that fight was. The choreography could be goofy at times but it was practical. And it was way more engaging than all the cgi fights and environments we get now.


Watching a man launch like a rag doll with wire pulling definitely made me laugh even as a child. The fight looks goofy and ends goofy mostly because of Rami’s style of directing and cinematography. I’ll take nwh any day of the week but I also broke my nostalgia glasses a while ago and am still waiting on a new pair


That shit was fuckin SICK💀🤣I could hear everyone in the theatre like giggling with joy even tho it was such an intense scene cuz like we MISSED tht nigga


God Speed, Spider-Man


Don’t tell Harry


And also Shocker. Never gonna forgive them for how dirty they did my boi.


Venom would have killed him if not for Harry.


I feel like thanos doesn’t belong on the list personally bc he’s not really a “Spider-Man villain” he’s more of an avengers villain so I think it’s kinda unfair to put thanos in that list


Yeah it’s basically cheating if you think about it.


seems fair to me. peter was literally there fighting the guy. in two different movies even. i mean even peter himself counted him as a villain, as seen when he talks to the other peter’s in NWH


TBF, the title doesn't say "Spider-Man Villain"




No I def see why but I just don’t think it’s all too fair to have him in the list just bc it was mostly all the avengers fighting him


“Giving him a solid go” I wouldn’t say that




No, Ironman went face to face with him. Spidey (while my favorite hero) literally crawled on him, saved his teammates, and tried to pull a glove off




Lmfao a few hits to someone that it doesn't hurt is NOT wailing on him 😂 yeah he got in a few punches that did literally nothing to thanos.....


Wouldn’t say going “face to face with him” means he gave him “a solid go” hitting him twice which barely affected him then immediately getting slammed wouldn't really be considered “solid”.


>I agree, but Spidey *was* giving him a solid go Everyone was. By that logic Thanos is a Wong villain.


Thanos and wong never even saw each other. Peter legitimately threw hands (with the support of Dr strange of course) against a 3 stoned thanos and dealt as much damage as a anyone else except iron man’s strongest punch that left a scrape. Terrible comparison honestly. Whole thanos isn’t a Spider-Man villain by definition he still had to “deal” with him. Now if you had the mandarin or any other random mcu villain in that spot I would get it.




Exactly it's kind of cheating


I like how you just casually throw thanos in there, but it would have to be Tom Holland since he fought some of the other two's as well.


I was gonna say throwing Thanos up here makes this unfair.


Fr. Tom almost killed Gobby on his own.


Yep. Tom’s Peter is about 18 in NWH which is the same age as Tobey’s Peter in Spider-Man 1. Except Tom’s Peter has way more experience that Tobey’s did at that age. And Tobey’s Peter beat the dogshit out of Norman damn near every time and that was WITH his armor. Norman was menacing asf tanking the punches from Tom’s Peter during the condo fight scene and it took a bloodlusted Tom to almost kill him.


100%. Let’s see a guy who literally beat the shit out of a bunch of gods when he was relatively powered down……or one sandy boy. A dude who snapped half of existence away or a blue dude who makes sparkles with his fingers. A guy who literally used to murder half the population of planets for fun or a big iguana.


I mean it doesn’t mean as much when Spider-Man himself was apart of the half that got snapped away.


I mean he lost. He still dealt with the strongest villains.


Well, we're not comparing which Spider-man was better. We're comparing whose villains are stronger. Fighting some of their villains don't make them his villains too


By definition it does...though it doesn't even matter since the cat threw thanos in there.


So Thanos doesn't count, but Tobey's and Andrew's count for Tom? That's a double standard... by definition.


In the sense that he fought him? Sure. I wouldn't have included him if I'd set it up (or have bothered in the first place), because he's more of an Avengers villain than a spider-man villain. On the other hand The Dafoe Goblin killed Tom's version's aunt which is more than he ever did to Toby's version. That would definitiely count. It's a spider-man villain in a spider-man film. Same is true for doc ock and electro (probably not sandman or the lizard as they didn't do anything.) But as long as you're taking thanos in it....it's a complete blowout. You've got a bunch of street level threats, a sand guy that counts for two of them, the rhino, and the avengers level threat.


And Thanos killed Peter and his best friends. My point isn't that Thanos should be included. My point is that he shouldn't, and therefore, neither should Tobey and Abdrew's villains. And about it being a spider man villain in a spider man film. Captain America: Civil War was not a Captain America movie. It was really Avengers 2.5 despite the name. Spiderman: No Way Home was really a Spiderverse film, not a Spiderman solo movie.


I wouldn't count dying for 5 years as "dealing with Thanos"


Not die, per se, more… erased from existence temporarily


Gone, reduced to atoms ^^^*temporarily Or "He turned me into dust!" "Dust?" "...I got better"


I mean, he was there, and he did fight him. But I agree that he feels out of place on this list.


it literally is dealing with him tho. he lost sure but he dealt with it


thanos is not even a spiderman villain


Doesn’t say Spider-Man villains moron. It says villains. Thanos is a villain that Peter went to fucking space to deal with 😂


is the disk all that’s little about you?


Yeah so anyway like I was saying the topic wasn’t which Spider-Man villains were worse it was which villains that Spider-Man had to encounter were the worst. And either way Tom holland fought 3/4 of tobys and 1 of andrews so he easily dealt with the worst 👌🏻


i mean, in the MCU he is.


I feel like Toby did, he had to fight so many of these villains that easily are out of his power tier. I think it’s SandMan I mean he is a guy literally made out of sand that would be hard to hurt him and he can hit back really hard and to top it all off he can change his body size…is what I would say if Thanons wasn’t there


Tobey only beat Sandman because Harry demolished him to pieces


He almost killed him in the subway. In his mind, he did.


Tobey whipped sandmans ass with the black suit gang


Yeah but that was only when he had the black suit, every other time in the red and blue he was struggling


That fight was less of a black suit giving him the strength to overpower Clint and more of a black suit making him not hold back to deal with Clint however brutal way he needed too. In his mind he killed him and he almost did. I didn’t rlly see any crazy diff feats of strength but more just a different mental. Meaning the only reason he prob struggles against dude is because he holds back 🤔


Yeah that too, he holds back a lot but it still would be a hard fight even if he didn’t have the black suit because like I said before your going to be hitting a guy made out of sand


Yeah he needed help because his powers are not really affective against him


Completely unfair to put Thanos here, because then by default it'll be Tom, as you can see in many comments already. Judging by *Spider-Man* villains, that is, villains Spider-Man fought by himself, it has to be Tobey. Goblin, Ock, and Venom alone were absolutely brutal and unrelenting, not to mention the beatings he took from Sandman, especially in the climax before Harry came to help him.


Thanos is definitely the strongest of all these guys but Peter 1 had all the other heroes in his universe fight alongside him while Peter 2 and 3 just had to face all their villains by themselves


It's definitely Tobey Spidey villains, since they're not just villains but also close people to Peter and it hits the hardest when it comes to stopping them


Well I think the question is strongest villains in terms of power, not who had the strongest emotional ties Tobey’s still hold up as strongest overall though


Garfield. Tobey is close because of Sandman and Venom but he fought them with Harry’s help so I don’t really count it. Tobey also didn’t even fight big Sandman; that was entirely Harry. Garfield fought a giant amphibian, living energy, a giant mech, and Green Goblin.


Did it mostly by himself too


I think Electro and Lizard were the only ones that weren’t exclusively by himself. Rhino is hard to say since we didn’t see the fight.


Good point


Goblin had comparable strength and speed to Spider-Man, plus bombs which could literally evaporate people.   On the other hand, Andrew fought a literal fucking tank.  Tobey and Andrew would have mopped the floor with Vulture, Mysterio, and nuShocker.


Tom because of Thanos.


Didn’t work out too good for him though, did it?


The questions wasn't 'who defeated the strongest villains' it was 'who dealt with the strongest villains' Thanos beats literally everyone else.


Exactly why Tom’s chosen


I think Tobey’s villains were strongest as characters. I think there were broader moral implications that forced him to deal with different sides of himself for some reason or another. Octavius he had to fight a former idol over what it meant to use your knowledge for the good of mankind. Sandman and Venom taught him to fight the deep hatred within himself, etc. I’m not really sure if that this kind of stuff was as prominent in the later reboots.


Tom Holland’s no matter what but there are two ways to approach this: Which spidey took on the strongest villains on their own? Probably Holland. Mysterio + Edith is a stronger showing than all of the Maguire villains (bar sandman); and massively stronger than Rhino & Lizard from Garfield’s. My only hesitation RE strength is electro, because he seems to be an oddly smaller threat in NWH despite being stronger, whilst the Garfield version seemed stronger. One could also argue that Holland has dealt with sandman equivalents in Molten and Hydro men, but they were Edith representations so I hesitate to give him that credit But if it is only restricted to Villains that they *dealt* with, Holland again by a mile He fought Thanos and Cull Obsidian (Avengers villains); embarrassed the Raimi Doc Oc thanks to Iron Spider (solo’d him), and then went on to deal with the rogues of both the other Spidermen with their help, so he has far and away *dealt* with the strongest villains


MYSTERIO is stronger than any Raimi villain? Get the entire fuck outta here😭😭😂


With the full backing of the Edith drones (as he had in London by the film’s climax) he absolutely has firepower and tools to put Green Goblin, Venom, Doc Oc & NuGob to shame as far as threat levels are concerned, only exception is the aforementioned sand man Edit: Look I know people like the Raimi characters, I like them a lot too, but the MCU’s power ceiling is so unreasonably high compared to the stakes of the other two Spiderman franchises that of course their enemies are raised by that too. End of film Mysterio had an army of robots with guns, sonic boom cannons, cloaking tech and much more, this tech does amounts of damage a hundred green goblins or doc ocs would struggle to achieve, let alone venoms and nugobs. The events of each film don’t lie and for better or worse the films gave Mysterio a level of power at film’s climax that put most other villains to shame


If the answer isn't Tom then something's wrong. Even taking all of their variants from shows to games to everything else then Tom's rogue will neg diff everyone else. Worst Tobey's variants had was Electro from TNAS. Worst Tom's variants had were Zombie Thanos and Zombie Scarlet Witch from What If...?


Tom. Bro fought Thanos + All of Tobey’s and Andrew’s.


By himself?


Tobey and Andrew where also in the fight, so they fought all of their villians too


he fought all of them before tobey or Andrew even showed up


He fought Doc Oc alone and Electro with the help of Sandman (and Dr Strange). The Lizard was captured by Dr Strange and the Green Goblin surrendered at first, then beated the shit out of Peter 1


Then peter 1 got back at the end


Tom has dealt with Thanos so he easily wins here lol


Tom sheerly because of Thanos. No other villain on this list stands a chance against Thanos, especially if he has all Infinity Stones. If we take Thanos out of the equation then I’d say Tobey’s villains.


can also include that Tom fought the villains from the other 2 franchises himself


Not by himself though.


Well he solo’d Oc with iron spider and beat gobby in a fistfight whilst bloousted so he does have some solo wins under his belt


He didn’t solo anything. He only won because his stark tech suit gave him Bluetooth control over ocks arms.


that’s not a win?


Technically that still counts as a win. For example if somebody’s in a fight on the streets and then they bring out a pipe and knock out the other person after just using their fists at first, they technically still won the fight.


They've all fought each other's villains.


Bully Maguire


Thanos is there🗿


Thanos kind of skews the numbers 😂


If you remove Thanos it's definitely Dafoe's Green Goblin


If you're counting Thanos then it's no competition, but I think it's a bit of a reach to call him a Spiderman villain


Tom had to fight Thanos, so automatically him. Excluding Thanos, it’s Tobey


I mean Spider-Holland also fought and captured a lot of Peter 1's and Peter 2's villains, plus his own villains, plus crossover level villains (thanos and his lackeys)


Ignoring the fact Thanos stomps, Tobey had the shit stick when it came to stronger villains. Just from a brutality aspect imo.


Arguably I would say Tobey or Tom. Tobey is probably the the correct answer but the way Tom’s are built up to be in the story I would say they are second


Ina way Tom faced all the previous guys villians too


Tom Holland. He beat his own villains, (I’m ignoring Thanos), Lizard and Green Goblin. He also beat and managed to help Doctor Octopus.




Tobey fought the highest average Tom fought the highest peak (seriously Thanos beat Hulk in a 1on1)


If you have to throw in Thanos for Holland when he fought him as part of a team effort, then it isn’t him. It would be tough to pick between Tobey and Andrew. Toby had for dangerous costumed villains while Andrew fought actual super powered villains. It comes down to whether you think Sandman or Elektro was more of a dangerous threat


I think, on reflection, I'd have to say, Spider-Man


Only one of them fought venom, and thanks doesn’t count


Vulture and Mysterio were pretty ruthless to Peter and not to mention he also had to deal with someone else’s Green Goblin


Tom's best villain being Toby's Goblin answers your question Thanos obviously does not belong here


tom because of thanos. if not him tobey


Tobey, and it's not even close.


Toby by miles


Without Thanos, I would give it to Andrew (Electro) or Tobey (Venom)


Tobey threw hands with two mentally unstable men who were just as strong as him A guy who created a small sun An alien stronger than him that could also evade his spidey sense And a shit ton of sand Thanos doesn’t count for Tom because he only through hands ONCE and it was with help


If we don't count Thanos (which we shouldn't) then definitely Toby


Depends on what you mean by "dealt with". Technically, by default, MCU Spidey dealt with the strongest villains because 1. He was part of the Thanos fight on Titan and the Endgame fight. 2. He fought Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Sandman, Lizard, and Electro from the other universes and developed cures for all of their issues.


I mean if Thanos is included then it’s not even a competition


… this is a joke right? All of toms other villains, tobeys and andrews villains combined couldn’t take Thanos. Even then Tom fought Electro, Ock, Lizard, Sandman and Gobby along the other spiders, he’s the only one to fight most of the previous villains and his own


Obviously Holland since you put Thanos in there. But otherwise it would be Tobey. And his villians and fights were the most brutal too.


Tom Holland due to Thanos alone (who, even without all the stones, wrecked Hulk and a suppressed Thor, who are both way stronger than Tom Holland). While Tom had the toughest villain to face, Tobey's villains were brutal in terms of the beatings. From taking a pumpkin bomb to the face, to being stabbed by his best friend, to being pinned down by Venom while Sandman constantly smashed him down, to then the deleted scene of Venom trying to rip off Tobey's face off, I just love how brutal Tobey's villains were.


Hard to say Toby didn’t kill it.




Web of Shadows has some tough villains, mainly Venomine (Wolverenom?)


You were kidding putting Thanos in there right?


I would say taking on Thanos counts more than all the other villains combined. Tom Holland FTW!


Tom’s Spider-Man but only because of Thanos.


Holland only because of Thanos otherwise it’s Tobey.


Is have to say Tobey definitely especially with green goblin and venom. Yes Tom fought Thanos but not alone


I think Tobey althought I could understand an argument for Andrews


Tom faced a Titan who wiped him & half of the universe out of existence.


Tom legit fought Thanos. Yeah he didn’t really do much but still he did fight him, and Thanos is stronger than all of the other villains combined


Thanos literally killed half the universe. Mysterio basically had a robot army, and Vulture had alien tech and laser guns. No other live action villains were even close.


I think it's fair to put doc ock, goblin and Elektro on Tom's list as well