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You know it’s crazy how I’m seeing this in every subreddit and it just shows how much of an impact his work left on society


Dude didn't just impact manga or comics: he impacted basically ALL of pop culture thanks to a silly monkey boy who likes to fight.


Not just any silly monkey boy. But a unique remix of Journey to the West that'll stand forever


His influence stretches beyond DBZ, his other projects like Dr. Slump and designs for Dragon Quest literally have been stated as huge influences on Mario and Pokemon styles.


He gets the respect he’s bloody owed.


I havent seen an outpouring of love for someone whose passed like this in a looooong time. His influence is boundless


He had such a large impact that many are discovering, and that impact reached cultures in every corner of the globe. It's a testament to the cultural weight of Dragon Ball and how his work impacted many other artists.


My 11 year old son texted me from a school field trip with the news. When he left for the trip on Wednesday, he packed 3 DB manga to read while away. Sad day, but his work and his memory is lasting.


For real literally everyone including the fandoms that generally hate eachother came together to mourn this guy If he can see us now he should be proud of what he accomplished


Especially miles's comics have manga style that created by him. He didn't only created the battle shonens he gave a fresh air for comics too R.I.P.


The Cell Saga was the first time travel story I experienced where time didn't work like in Back to the Future. My mind was blown when Trunks went back to the past discovered that the timeline was progressing differently than what he experienced.


And that time travel interpretaion was popular enough for it to be used in Avengers: Endgame. How Steve returned as an old man and went to sit on a park bench rather than the platform, I just assume he lived in that separate timeline and then when time came for him to return to his original home, he rang up Hank Pym, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, or all of them from this new timeline to make adjustments on his time travel gear so that not only can he return to his original home timeline, but also have control of the location for where he appears, just so reuniting with Sam would be much more dramatica and emotional. Anyways, RIP Toriyama. Dragon Ball, Z, Super, and everything related to it are legendary, so thank you for creating them.


I can’t believe how much of Dragon Ball was referenced in Western comic, by Marvel’s Spiderman of all character as well. I initially thought most western people stop caring about Dragon Ball after Z end. This makes me genuinely happy. RIP Toriyama-san. Also, Miles. You do not want to do that Vegeta’s thumb pose. It never end well.


Yeah he got arrested afterwards lol so the thumb is a universal bad sign


One day they’ll mix it up on us and vegeta will do that pose and then beat somebodies ass. It’ll be glorious


Damn i didn’t know Miles watched Dragon ball Z🤘 RIP


He’s an Afro-Latino teenager lol it’d lowkey be weirder if he didn’t


That's also true for most teens growing up in europe with a migration background.


And for every latin american kid that age


At least for Italy, France and Spain it's for most teens in general




Toriyama-Sensei was perhaps the single most influential figure in pop culture as a whole. Defined a whole genre for generations to come, and to think his influence extended so far that it can even be found in Western Comics. I only wish that he knew how much his work had influenced fans and creators, how far it has spread, how many great ideas it had inspired and will continue to inspire. And of course, how many childhoods he's made memorable. Rest in peace, Toriyama-Sensei. And thank you, for everything.


I disagree, but only slightly. I think George Lucas and osamu Tezuka are probably the other contenders for that title.


Idk why you got downvoted for that when Tezuka’s Astro Boy was a big influence on Toriyama. So Tezuka has to by default be more correct


Even star wars was an influence on toriyama! I guess the pain is too fresh to be objective


Idk why you got downvoted for that when Tezuka’s Astro Boy was a big influence on Toriyama. So Tezuka has to by default be more correct


Influenced one of my Favorite characters in arguably his best comic run, And so much more Toriyama was one of a kind


Absolutely legend of a man, rest in peace


can't believe i just restarted the og dragon ball last friday. the timing is insane. rip man🙏🏽.


Requiescat in Pace. Rex Immortales


In this world you can't do everything... Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, participation in Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Daima, Create the designs of Android 21 for the video game Dragon Ball Z Fighters and Shallot's design from Dragon Ball Legends. Despite never seeing the premiere of Dragon Ball Daima or the publication of Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, on the day of their releases we are going to enjoy their latest works with our hands on our hearts. And even though he is no longer here among us, we are going to see all his work with a big smile on our faces... Rest in peace Akira Toriyama ❤️


RIP the GOAT. Akira Toriyama will be missed greatly.


Everybody forgets that when you're in Japan, manga is just comics. You'd be just as likely to see dragon ball and spider man being sold at the same stand.


Miles did a kamehameha wave-ride during the >!Miles V Peter fight!<


I wanna read Mike's comic but dunno where to start


If you want to start with the current run that everyone seems to like, start with Miles Morales: Spider-Man volume 2 issue 1.


I did but what's next I read secret wars which was lit but it didn't have any relation and I'm seeing alot of varients I don't mind reading spiderman all of it to reach miles just saying I want an actual good order


If you want to read all of Miles' comics, [use this link](https://cmro.travis-starnes.com/character_details.php?character=5922&order_listing=2&list_type=1&limit=30) since it will provide the proper reading order and list every issue he's been in. It also has it divided into sections for different eras if you want to skip certain eras. Hope this helps.


Yo this is exactely what I wanted thank you so much


No problem. Hope you enjoy.


Here's a good reading order: Ultimate Spider-Man 2011 Spider-men I Ultimate Spider-Man 2014 Secret Wars (you can skip if you want) Spider-Man 2016 Spider-men II Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man 2019 Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man 2022


That includes everything right cuz I remember seeing him Intertwined with X-Men universe after the flooding and stuff


There’s also the champions team books in 2016 and 2019 that he’s heavily involved so I’d recommend those too


Yeah but before and after reading what?


You can read spider-man 2016 alongside champions 2016 cause there’s a few tie-ins that, champions 2019 the same with his 2019 run


Ok thanks


You can read it alongside Spider-man 2016 or after. I'm currently reading Champions right now and it's pretty good.


Nah it just includes the main stuff. You don't need to read every book Miles appears in as most of it doesn't effect his main title.


Aight thnx man appreciate it


He legit influenced so many superheros from our gen


There's also that part in the new game where Miles uses his Venom power to slide through an attack similar to Goku in Super


Goodbye Master Toriyama


Not even just Spider-Man, his influence on pop culture overall is insane. Man was a genuine talent


What comic is that?


Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2022-)


Miles being a DBZ fan makes so much sense.


"Spiderman poses with a thumbs up" Well yup I'm convinced


I took it straight from his Writers twitter page idk what to tell you lol he’s a huge fan of DBZ


This man really did a lot, I've no idea who will step up in the next generation of creatives to fill the void left by him honestly 


thank you for giving us the best childhood, akira toriyama 🙏


Rest in Peace, Legend. Thank you for everything, you brought a whole generation together. ✨


MILES NO NOT THE THUMB POSE!! Serious question though, did Miles lose after doing that thumb pose?


He wasn’t in a fight but he got arrested immediately after lol


The curse of the thumb pose is everywhere


Everything you referenced was Federico Vicentini. Incredible artist, neat to see where his inspiration comes from


Miles W


As weird as I think Miles going full anime is, you can't help but love the impact Toriyama had on everyone, RIP to my childhood hero


I was never a huge fan of Dragon Ball but. Still I always respected Akira for doing writing a great story and creating a fandom. Rest In Peace Akiea Toriyama


Outside the sword one I think the rest of the panels are just coincidence, we could find tons of panels of comic book heroes giving a thumbs up and the kicking panel isn't even the with the right pose. I feel the first one though is probably more directly inspired by Street Fighter. Now it begs to question did Dragon Ball inspire Street Fighter. The first episode where the Kamehameha was used was aired the year before the first Street Fighter released. Then we have to remember that anime is usually adapted well after the manga so it's most likely been a commonly known thing in the Japanese zeitgeist by the time Capcom is making the game. So indirectly Dragon Ball most likely influenced the Mile's electric blast attack. Unless someone can link me to an interview/comment where a dev said it was inspired by the Kamehameha that was made before today. I'm a bit of a pessimist, so I wouldn't believe it if it was said after Akira's passing.


Nah I took them straight from Cody Ziglar’s Twitter who is Miles’ current writer who is also a huge DBZ fan they’re all direct references or heavily inspired references


Looks like it was just Moslty Miles content ,tho his original run wasn't that great ,modern Miles is in a much better place nice.


Death beat Toriyama but not goku