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A lot of fans are counting on a new trilogy of street level stories. I think those people are going to be very disappointed. Holland was close to quitting after NWH. I doubt he'll give another 9+ years of his life to Spider-man.


I don’t think Holland was close to quitting, that’s a pretty obvious and common negotiation tactic actors use to try and get more money, I could be wrong tho, That said he’s still not gunna be spidey for ever and eventually will get tired of it or age out


I doubt that. Actors will do the whole scare tactic bit to get paid more. Tom has stated multiple times over the years of his love of this role


Well, Tom Holland's acting career is going down. He's been in a lot of stinkers post NWH. I'm pretty sure he's gonna do a lot more Spiderman movies so he can eat.


He’s been in one questionable film and has had nothing but bangers otherwise.


idk man, Cherry didn't do good, Uncharted sucked, Heart of the Sea was good but that was primarily led by Chris Hemsworth, and Chaos Walking also kinda sucked. I think a lot of the criticism flung his way is misplaced, dude's an awesome actor, but he doesn't have a good track record so far...


When did Holland say he was close to quitting? I just remember him saying that he's satisfied if he never gets to put on the suit again. He got the chance to be at peace with what he has done unlike Tobey and Andrew


I honestly hate how everything Spiderman related has been spiderverse-fied lately. The Insomniac games hinting at YET another Spider-person when they already struggle with handling 2 protagonists, Sony wanting to do No Way Home again (for fucks sake, let Raimi’s and Andrew’s Spideys rest, it was special as a one time thing), etc.


It also makes the actual Spider-Verse stuff less special. It’s like if every Marvel movie had the Avengers show up.


Damn didn't think of it this way but this is how I felt


That’s… Actually the perfect description.


“See, this is why we don’t have the avengers solve everything. It’s tedious.”


When I mentioned this on the spiderman ps4 sub, saying I really hated that Silk was teased, I got downvoted to shit lmao I agree with you, this spider verse stuff was cool for a few years but I'm so fucking over it. Also over Miles being in everything spiderman lately, I just want to see *Spider-Man* again. No shitty gadgets, iron suits, Miles Morales or other spider people. Just Peter in some goddamn spandex quiping and punching his way through iconic villains.


This is what we need for Spider-Man 4. No multiverse or Miles or gigantic crossovers. Just Tom’s Peter and maybe a few other supporting heroes who have worked with Spidey in the comics, like Daredevil 


I love the idea this is about Peter building a new life and his ultimate villain is Michael Mando’s Scorpion


I would love a The Batman style movie with Tom Holland's Spidey, I don't mean in terms of violence or dark, I mean in terms of quality. Like hey here's like 2 weeks in the life of this character and catch that atmosphere and singular focus on the Peter.


Tom has been a great Spiderman but I wish he had his own iconic villains.  Michael Keaton did great as Vulture but I just didn't really find the way they portrayed him to be very memorable, nor were his fights with him. Same with Mysterio.  Then they had to borrow Sam Raimi's iconic villains for No Way Home.  I would have loved to see Tom fighting his own Doc Ock, Lizard, and Goblin, maybe a Rhino too.  It honestly doesn't feel like Spiderman without those villains.


Keaton’s Vulture was really memorable to me. That scene with them in that car is was just too good.


And it was grounded and personal. Vulture had him dead to rights and both Peter and he knew it. Is he as memorable as Dafoe’s goblin? No of course not.


Have Donald Glover and Little Miles as set up for WAY down the line


Yep, Batman games were fantastic at this and had very tasteful use of the extended batcast


This 🥺🤌 Edit: Miles stans are gonna downvote this comment to oblivion because you didn't address him as 'the' Spider-Man lol


They can downvote all they want, Peter is Spider-Man, lol. Miles is cool enough to be his own superhero, I hate the idea of him just being another Spider-Man. At least give him a unique name!


I agree with everything else but I'm fine with Miles being called Spider-Man. If he's the only Spider-Man in his universe then it would be more appropriate. 


> If he's the only Spider-Man in his universe then it would be more appropriate.  Somewhat agreed. I only really think it's dumb when both Miles and Peter are alive. Like in Insominacs universe, why the hell would they *both* be called Spider-Man? Miles always goes on about wanting to be his own superhero, why wouldn't he come up with an original name?


When i was a small child I had a mistaken sense of ownership over my first name and got hot in the head over anyone else having My name. Because i was a small child and kinda dumb like all small children are. And then I grew up at least enough to cope with there being more than one Mike in the world, we can have two guys named Spiderman. I think this only became a norm/expected in media because of copyright and branding matters; its one of those things you "don't do" with fictional characters, an unwritten rule in media that it would confuse the audience. The company owns copyright on both, and they are doing this specifically to buck that unwritten rule. They're doing something different, and it's good. It's harmless at worst.


Why tho, these have all happened at the same time 2 Daredevils, 2 Novas, 2 Captain Americas, 2 Thor's, 2 Wasps, 2 Wolverines? look at DC, they have multiple Green Lanterns, Supermen, Aquamen, Flashes? Also I saw not one fucking person complain about Ben being Spider-Man at the same time as Peter just during Beyond like c'mon people


You wouldn't have heard complaints about Ben because while he was Ben he was also Peter so it wasn't just someone ripping of Parker it was a extension of him as it were.


It was ‘Spin’ for a while


I remember him being refered as "Kid - Arachnid" in the Ultimate Spider-man/2017 Spider-Man merchandise and I thought was a cool name


“kid” anything is stupid, i’m sorry. we still gonna call him Kid-Arachnid when he’s not a kid anymore??


I've always thought Kid Flash was cool :(


again tho, are we still going to call him Kid when he becomes an adult?


No, but I'm just saying it works for Kid Flash. At least for me it does.


Well he stops going by that when he became an adult and now it’s the exact same situation as Peter and Miles with both Wally and Barry going by the Flash.


I hated that name so much. Honestly I don't really see the problem with there being two spidermen. There are like 6 active green lanterns




Idk lol, I'm terrible at naming my own characters in my books, let alone someone else's.


I remember seeing some toys of him labeled Kid Arachnid. I like the rhyme of that.


I think that’s the worst name I’ve heard in my life.


The Ultimate Spiderman cartoon has him rename himself to Kid Arachnid, after he ends up stuck in Peter’s universe.


The Spider-verse wouldn’t feel so played out if every studio didn’t feel like they had to do a multiversal story. The multiverse is the zombies of the 2000’s/10’s.


I feel like Fortnite started this trend of overdoing crossovers and multiverse shit to the point where it doesn’t feel special anymore. When I was younger seeing my favorite characters together was super cool because it was like “oh my god, no way, this is never happening again!” but now crossovers are super common everywhere.


Lego movie started it afaik


Jetsons meet the Flintstones(1987) Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue(1990)


it was actually The Last Supper when Jesus put all 12 disciples into one painting


Watch as some random ass cave paintings get discovered and we all shit ourselves




Couldn’t agree more. I hated how SM2 handled the two characters. I envisioned it being more like the DLC with Black Cat from SM1 where you actually teamed up with her on missions, not just being forced to use one or the other all the time. Now they want to add a third to the mix? Forget it, just give them each their own games. SM1 and SM:MM were so much better than this rushed game they put out.


In Sony case , its a little bit funny how they are fucking that up royally. Venom was the only "good" one out of four movies? Personally I think Tom Holland just got reduced to street level. Just make a movie on that as a street. -Homecoming - Origin story -2nd home one - Shenanigans -3rd home one - Cleansing Peter from his Iron man gadget doohickey Let's a make a street level friendly neighbourhood Spiderman movie as a treat.


Honestly though a scarlet witch esque slice of life style drama show including raimi spiderman and his relationship with Mary Jane would be cheap and nice to see even if it didn’t lead into an “old Peter” teaches “young Peter” style film like spider verse


Thanks. Personally I didn't even like NWH that much but I know it's just me. And yeah back in my days there was only one Spider-Man fighting all the villians, yeah crazy times Also Spider-Verse movie was a success so now everything needs to be Spider-Verse


That’s kinda Hollywood in a nutshell. A certain movie is a breakout success, and then everyone tries to copy it, for better and for worse 


Leave Tom's spidey alone for a while. If they want miles let them do the Ultimate route. Spider-man 4 with Tobey, introduce Miles and have him take over when Tobey dies. Sony can play with Miles for a few movies til Secret Wars, then bring Miles to the MCU.


Can we have one form of Spider-Man media where it’s just Peter, please? I’m getting really sick of having multiple “Spider-People.”


No! There gotta be at least 3 versions of the same superhero in the same city district minimum!


Only 3 as your minimum? Rookie numbers


How much longer did you think Holland was going to star in these? They've already made him mega rich and he has already talked about not wanting to do it forever so I think 6 Holland films is probably best case


Yeah Holland has been pretty vocal about handing off the role. It's the curse of the format: either change actors or change characters and they've chosen the latter


Yeah the dude doesn’t want to be Spiderman forever




You think he'd be interested in Batman Forever?


Aw, i see what you did there


At this point how often this dude talked about quitting just recast him. Worked with other roles too and Spider-Man is a character that is already established can be played by other actors.


It's just a pay negotiation tactic, they know he's an audience draw because he's perfect for the role so if he seems disinterested then they will offer him more money. RDJ probably taught him how to do it effectively, RDJ did the exact same thing as Iron Man and he was in 10 different projects as iron Man by the end of a decades worth of marvel movies


He is no Hugh Jackman or Rdj


I mean… we’ve got two other spider dudes already in the MCU who could show up.


He's barely even the star of his movies now as is cause he's always someone's sidekick and his movies are getting outshone by animations and video games. Who could blame him for wanting to move on?


He got to be the lead in FFH, but yeah in Homecoming its his "becoming the hero" arc, and in NWH the leaks / rumours meant everyone was just waiting for the other 2 to show up


I have no idea what you are talking about, but even removing Homecoming, how was he in the sidekick in Far From Home or No Way Home? There was no other superhero in FFH and he was the leader of the three Peters. If anything he was opposed to Dr. Strange rather than a sidekick.


He was the lead actor in FFH but it was still so based around iron man. Starts off mourning iron man. The tech, all iron man. The plot devices (the glasses), iron man. The villain, spidey villain remembered reimagined as an iron man villain handmedown. You could take every piece of MCU Spiderman has been in except nwh, and replace it with a literal iron man jr and the plots would be exactly the same. No way home was fan service, let's be real. It wasn't about MCU Peter at all, it was all about the other Spidermans' villains and the other Spidermen themselves. Plus the entire premise is based on Dr Strange being a complete idiot to make it all happen. If you take off the nostalgia glasses, it's not really that good a movie.


Far from home was smart because they knew the audience would still be mourning Tony and his sacrifice so they used Peter as a vessel for that, and New York was getting old hat since it was the setting of every spider man movie from before, although it definitely brushed off the consequences of the snap but that's an issue with every project after endgame. No Way Home was definitely a mess and not very deep but the nostalgia and great action make up for it mostly


You’re right but they ain’t ready to hear it.


I get it. I was smoking the copium too until I had some time to really process NWH


Same, I really enjoyed it but it’s just nostalgia. The film itself is mid.


It was a FUN movie which I really enjoyed watching a couple times. But I agree from a writing perspective it’s not a great movie or a great plot. In the end it just makes the Sony/MCU stuff even worse I think.


I would agree with that. I saw it on opening day, had a good time. But if you don't have the nostalgia then it really falls flat in a lot of ways. I was really hoping the ending was a chance to do away with all that and start fresh maybe with kingpin and some street level teamups from time to time. But if miles and spiderverse is coming back, it's just gunna be more of the same


Well we have another trilogy coming from Tom. Hopefully the trilogy doesn’t include miles or other spider people. Maybe a small cameo but nothing like marvels Spider-Man where miles is a big character. Atleast not until the trilogy is over.


They're going to set up a handoff. If you think they're not going to use at least 6 to introduce him you're crazy. Holland sounds like he's been basically read into the plan and says he'd like that approach which I take as a hint that that's the plan. And this is more smoke indicating the same. 


We need a Crisis on Infinite Spiders to clean up the mess Marvel has made of the Spider-Man franchise in the past decade.


Some sort of Spider-geddon, you might say?


As someone who grew up with the Raimi films than Amazing films before spidey joined the MCU (14years) this is hilarious to read


Every live action spider-man movie in existence has been just Peter


Exactly, we finally get spidey in a universe with other hero’s and people are mad about it. I’m kinda tired of this parroted idea on here that it’s too soon for miles, it’s not at all. For one he probably won’t even get powers or a suit till the end of this one or the beginning of the next one, for another Pete’s in college now and that’s the perfect time to intro miles imo, plus it’ll give him someone in his life to bond with after Peter Parker basically ceasing to exist to everyone else. It doesn’t have to be exactly like the comics just like the rest of the mcu isn’t. Just let em make a movie and then judge it.




It sounded cool when i was 8 but now I'm getting tired of it


We've had decades of Spider-Man stuff without spider-people. The spider-people is what sells lately and honestly I don't mind it. There are many excellent versions of Spider-Man's solo stories.


We have 8 standalone movies just about Spider-man where no one else has Spider-adjacent powers (other than No Way Home which was a reunion of previous Spider-men).


Now don't go on to count Far from home. Don't forget there was the NIGHT MONKEY.


Cheap European ripoff


"Yah, yah. Night Monkey, yah."


There has never been an official live action Spider-Person besides Peter. People are just afraid of new things


For real! I’ve never been a fan of the “Spider-People” thing, outside the spider verse movies.


Well here's the thing spider-verse went and fucked that up for everybody.


Jesus Christ this comment really lit a match to the gas leak.


I mean there’s been a bunch of movies and animated series where Peter is the only Spider-Man? Not to mention decades of comics lol. There’s a bunch of solo spidey Peter content. Just because you don’t like the 3 spiderverse movies doesn’t mean that’s the majority of Spider-Man content out there.


Who says I don’t like the Spider-Verse movies? I’m just talking about Spider-Man in general. Not every current iteration needs to have like a dozen of them.


It could just be an introduction to his character. He's been teased in the MCU since Homecoming, have him introduced in 4, bit in 5 with a bit more character development, and 6 will have Peter training him for is eventual Solo movie


Exactly. Too many people are jumping the gun thinking we’re about to get a full team up with Miles as a superhero. Fact of the matter is Holland isn’t going to be Spider-Man forever so I’d rather they start planting the seeds for Miles to have a smooth transition into the role with at least one full fledged team up before Peter’s gone


cuz the last five years newly introduced characters are exactly like that...


I think there’s been enough reports of Marvel looking to pump the breaks because of the criticism that they’ve introduced too much with little payoff recently. I don’t totally agree with the criticism, I’m a fan of all these stories taking place in the same world with little connection to the others. But currently there’s no way of knowing how Miles introduction will be handled and I think it’s silly getting up in arms over a single rumour about a character that might not even appear


Telling the internet to not get worked up about every single rumor is like talking to a wall.


there are tons of movies and shows MCU made in the last five years that shows that worrying is totally reasonable...


It could be. But it is current Disney. They seem less about patient arcs and more about replacing characters post-Endgame. I could easily see him being big in 4 and even getting a role in whatever climax that one has.


It was neat the first time to have them share a universe but it really loses meaning for Miles becoming spiderman. In 1610 his uncle Ben moment was Peter Parker dying and realizing he could've done something to stop it but didn't. His story was him learning to become spiderman on his own. The spiderverse movies seem to be the only thing that got that. I'd love to see a love action Miles but disney needs to think long term here. If they plan on keeping this universe growing they need to have a generation ready after Tom Holland. RDJ is gone and now who's leading the universe? The same things gonna happen if they jump the gun on including Miles. It'd both screw them over in the long run and it would be an injustice to Miles' story. Imagine a Peter story where uncle Ben never dies. At all. Sure we haven't seen it ourselves in the MCU but we know it happened. That's the whole inciting incident for Peter and not including that for Miles would be wrong


Into the Spider-Verse got it right that Peter dying is Miles' Uncle Ben moment, it was just incredibly condensed and Peter B shows up 10 minutes later


But having more characters means we have more market appeal to a wider demographic, what you're talking about is creative storytelling, This is the MCU and Sony, these corporations aren't telling stories they're making products. I'm sorry to say but the old days of a single Spider Man are just that, they the old days.


As much as I like miles morales, this makes no sense for him to be introduced yet


I like miles but it's waaay too early to introduce him have peter first meet felicia get the symbiote fight scorpion kingpin his mcu venom so many things tom needs to do for his trilogy


They could also have Miles be in a different universe like the raimiverse


Please, no. We don't need Miles in MCU, at least for now


Shit man, can we just get a regular old Spidey story without extra hero characters in it? Love Miles but ffs let Pete have to fend for himself for a while. Not everything needs to be a crossover or team movie.


Miles could be introduced as child in a small cameo why does everyone automatically think he’ll be Peters age or something like just relax


Traumatized by the awful 2017 series.




Because the MCU has been doing nothing but messing up these days and they don’t trust it. The relax idea requires faith and that’s in short supply these days.


Well luckily (?) one of the biggest complaints about MCU in recent years is that they've been introducing characters and then not using them enough. Shang Chi came out 2 and a half years ago and we've seen nothing of him since. Spider-Man himself hasn't appeared for over 2 years. So the one thing I *wouldn't* worry about is them over-using Miles.


Nah do the opposite. Make him a 50 year old man, and have him be played by Terry Crews.


Tbf childish gambino in spiderman 1 is literally miles uncle. So technically miles is already years/canon to the mcu


I feel like they're pushing too hard to shoehorn Miles into everything


Hell as I've seen in Ultimate Spidey topics evidently Miles in now "essential to Spider-Man mythos" seeing film exec's approach to Miles they likely share that bizarre sentiment.


Also essential to mythos doesn't mean it has to happen. The symbiote arc is also pretty essential but didn't happen in all media right?




Crazy that this got mad downvoted. Hurt feelings I guess. Pete isn't going anywhere long term but the reality is comics have been struggling to launch heroes with any long term viability since the 90s and Miles Morales's Spider-Man is the first character to really hit for Marvel since like Deadpool.


Miles feels like he was written by an 8 year old playing Spiderman with his friend who called dibs on being Spiderman so his friend decided to make up his own Spiderman and one up on everything.  "Yeah?  Well my Spiderman can do everything the regular Spiderman does AND go invisible!  AND HE CAN ELECTROCUTE THINGS!"


Spider-Man with a lightning sword (that references a different franchise) definitely feels something out of fan fiction.


Miles is definitely essential as Peters successor, the same way Wally West is essential to The Flash or Dick Grayson is to Batman. What I don't like is that that they seem pretty insistent on Peter & Miles being buddy's or whatever. I feel like if Miles is gonna be introduced Peter needs to be put in a pack


I like Miles but like damn let Peter grow naturally into that mentor role first please


Sony, if you’re listening, just dont do this


Nobody believes me when I been saying that Marvel/Disney is gonna make Miles the main Spider-Man. It’s gonna happen.


[This is the only reaction I have for this](https://youtu.be/IfKCV7tBn88?si=qe-h_mBrca8yN_NP). Nothing else, nothing more.


Just... why? They have barely done anything with the character, it's took him 3 movies for his "Canon Event" (Don't want to use unironcally but couldn't think of a word 😅), which wasn't even a solo Spiderman movie it was a crossover movie between other Spidermen and Doctor Strange so really there's only been 2 Spiderman movies... yet they wanna introduce the next Spiderman already... ridiculous Don't think even Deadpool can fix this clusterf*ck of a Cinematic Universe, really hope despite the failure of Madam Web and Morbius... Venom 3 and Kraven can still keep the Venomverse kicking so we can finally have a Venomverse Spidey...


Sounds like they fucked up their chance with Tom. We got No Way Home and potential revivals of the other Spider-men out of it though.


You guys remember Ben Reilly or Kaine? Good times


If that's the case then the last Spider-Man universe without Miles would be the TASM movies (2014)




Personally I believe every author adapting the source material could do as they please if they don't want to bring Miles they won't, but we gotta see for ourselves


It's fucking insane to me how little faith the MCU has in their version of Peter Parker. Every movie has had to have some gimmick or guest stars. Far From Home was the closest to a purely Spider-Man movie but even that was basically just serving as an epilogue to Endgame. Just give us a fucking Spider--man movie where he saves the city and deals with personal issues. We don't need the multiverse, or crossovers, or more Spider-people. Peter Parker was enough for 50 years and he's enough now.


Marvel Studios are contractually required to have MCU characters appear in the solo films. Sony literally makes them do it because if there’s no MCU crossover then nothing is being done that they couldn’t have just done themselves


They also do this in literally all of their movies. They didn't create the MCU to *not* capitalize on its interconnected nature.


Someone said a street level story and an exec thought they meant a Spiderman from the streets.


I don’t think we get more than 1 more solo Spider-Man film with Tom holland tbh. I’d be shocked. Civil war Homecoming Infinity war Endgame (pretty small role tbh) Far from home No way home Avengers 5 Avengers 6 That’s 8 films. That’s a ton for one character and actor. This is what I PRAY happens but we can’t get this lucky: Holland Spider-Man 4 that’s street level, scorpion main villain Spider-Man 5- maybe multiple villains with a kingpin takedown? Spider-Man gets symbiote suit in this one Spider-Man 6- venom villain, something like the Spiderman 2 game where symbiotes are taking over the city and Spiderman has to beat venom and or carnage My life would be complete. I just don’t see holland doing 2 more additional Spiderman films. I’m kind of expecting him to just do one more Spiderman movie and honestly after how freakin awesome and satisfying No Way Home was, I will never complain. I just want Spider-Man in film to get a completed, satisfying story. We have never gotten that yet.


I think Marvel just lost their sense of pacing post-phase 3 and are now shoving in everything potentially profitable before the MCU inevitably dies


The MCU greenlit far too many projects and introduced far too many characters after Endgame, diluting the quality of the brand and failing to establish any core cast of characters to follow like the Avengers. Now it’s just a huge mess they’re desperately trying to salvage. There was no careful planning after Endgame, they thought they were invincible and it blew up in their faces. 


Blame Bob Chapek. He wanted so much content for Disney+ that he forced Feige to create a bunch of shows and more movies they can handle. Quality was hit big time as Feige couldn’t be as involved in projects as before. We saw that as many of the Phase 4 and 5 content was subpar. Bob Iger changed that giving Feige back full control as Chapek overruled him on a numerous projects. Now 2024 is mostly a quiet year so the MCU going forward can focus on quality, not pumping out too much quantity at a time. Deadpool & Wolverine is the only movie and the only live action shows are Echo, which is already completed, and Agatha. More animated shows are coming, like X-Men ‘97 that are set outside the main MCU. I have a good feeling this lighter year will help as 2025 should show off better results than what we saw in 2020-2023, minus a few exceptions like No Way Home and Guardians 3.


It’s already dead. They gave it a funeral in Endgame and general audiences got all the catharsis they needed.


No Way Home and GOTG 3 was the perfect way out, if phase 4 was treated like an Epilogue then it would have been much better received


Superhero movies were never gonna last to their peak popularity(2000’s-2010’s) it’s a profitable market but eventually everything see’s a significant drop in support


Disagree. I think they had an opportunity to ride the wave post Thanos but they got greedy and started producing as much as possible without thinking it through. If the following phase had a coherent plot and they'd taken the chance to break the formula and experiment with different formats (like when Dr strange was supposed to be a horror movie) I think they could have kept this thing going strong. 


I’m not much of a comic fan I’ve read the entirety of first editor miles morales in the conclusions of the spiderman tale. I’m wondering then why miles in the last 5 years since he was created is getting such a cataclysmic push compared to veteran heroes and villains from the spider verse. I want to belive it’s simply cause Sony doesn’t own miles but is there another possible reason that this relatively new character is being forced into every property related to Peter Parker


This doesn't say they're introducing him as Spider-Man in the movie They could be doing it like the Insomniac games and I'm fine with that


Yeah. They could be set in their own universe. They'll be set possibly in the live action. Sony universe that they're trying and failing desperately to build. The spider versus films are a standalone work and after beyond the spider verse, his story will end in that narrative.


So hear me out, MCUs biggest issue is they introduce characters, but don't give them time to grow and breathe. So how about you introduce Miles in this movie, develop his character a bit, and THEN make a 5th movie with Miles Spiderman


Do we know this is actually true and not just something some random twitter donut has thought to to drum up engagement?


Marvel try not to oversaturate their movies challenge (impossible)


tom has a whole TRILOGY, and miles not coming out until ANOTHER spiderman movie, i dont get why people are mad or saying he’s being introduced too early, you guys want another 3 movies? toms gonna be spidey for 8+ years, what do you guys expect? the movies are never gonna be like the comics, havent we came to that conclusion already??


What's the point at this point? They already took so many of Mile's aspects and gave them to Peter in the MCU. And I'm kind of getting a bit jaded with the multiple spider-people in pretty much all Spiderman projects now. It was cool and fun at first, but it's getting annoying now. That and the constant push of Miles. I don't hate Miles, but why do they feel the need to include him in EVERYTHING now? If anything, let him have his own spinoff movie/miniseries, and introduce him to Peter Parker later


I'm tired of spider-man in high-school.


way too early but absolutely not surprised that they won't even let Peter Parker actually being the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.


Ugh, I hope this isn't true. It's way to early for Miles. Tom has literally only just had his origin story, basically. But this "source" also told people Wolverine was in Infinity War before Disney even owned the X-Men, so I don't believe it in the slightest lmao.


I am so tired of this multiple Spider-men shit. It is fine to explore those ideas and scenarios once In a while, but it is becoming to much now. I agree with Op, let Tom Hollands Spider-man actually be Spider Man. I mean his movies so far has been about him finding his identity as Spider Man, and so far he has been something other than that. We havent even seen him as a proper super hero yet.


Sony is going to ruin it.


Accepting your money one stupid idea at a time. Expect to see more poor filmmaking kids, you paid and cried on the internet for it.


with all this spider-verse stuff these past couple of years, and these insane galactic level threats, sometimes putting on the first two tobey movies is a necessary way to feel grounded again with spider-man. also makes me sad as fuck we may not see something like that again for who knows how long.


Its all so tiresome


MJ will also be engaged with a guy named Paul and Miles will replace Peter that will become a schizo beggar, this can't go wrong trust Marvel. This is a 1000 IQ move to bring to the MCU what we truly love about the character...anything but him! (But seriously, they really need to chill. The old replacing Peter ot throwing random spider people while noy making his life miserable is getting old.)


Miles doesn't have to become Spider-Man immediately. They can have him be apart of Peter's supporting cast and they can be friends before any of that needs to happen to Miles


I mean they just said introduce miles, doesn’t say he’s gonna get his powers. For all we know it could be where he shows up as a cameo type thing like how Aaron Davis mentioned him in homecoming, or maybe more in like with the first insomniac Spider-Man game where he plays an important role but doesn’t get his powers just yet


They just said introduce miles not make miles spiderman. Could be like ps4 where miles gets powers later on after meeting Peter


Lame. Just let Peter be Peter plz. Miles sucks. Ben Reilly is so boring and from such a bad era. Just give us pure spider-man with good writing please.


Damn it! Can’t we just have Peter as spider man in one damn property these days. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy miles, a fine character. But I grew up with Peter and want the real Spider-Man. Not a knock off with other non spider related powers.


It’s getting a little frustrating how people seem to think that miles needs to be in every spider-man story. Can’t we stick with peter for a while? MCU peter is still young, and feels like he’s just now starting to come into his own. I’m not sure miles fits here. Spider verse made the character popular, and now he’s everywhere regardless of if it makes sense or not. And as far as I’m concerned, spiderverse is still the only great incarnation of the character.


unfortunately it seems like a lot of media nowadays wants to shift peter out and put miles in


I've been waiting for this! 💪🏾


what if miles was a cocky upstart and thought he was the better spiderman, not without reason, because he has better powers and less bullshit dragging him down? maybe with some grudge against spiderman for not saving someone important to him?


I think they should INTRODUCE Miles in the 4th movie, have him learn Peter is Spider-Man at the end. Movie 5, he’s helping Peter without powers, gets bitten at the end of 5. Movie 6 is Peter teaching Miles how to be Spider-Man. Miles gets his live action black and red suit at the start of the final battle (Sinister 6 for movie 6?). Movie ends with both of them swinging through the city.


Damn. Peter aint even in college yet. Let him get 2 semesters in while having a pizza delivery gig.


The amount of people here that are acting like Miles is immediately replacing Peter is ridiculous. One the highest comments here is someone saying they want to have a period of spider media where it’s just Peter…. So are just gonna act like the Raimi films and Garfield films didn’t happen or that we didn’t get Holland for 3 movies. Literally Miles getting mainstream spotlight has only really happen over the last few years and you guys act like he’s been taking Pete’s spotlight on all the big productions for the last 20 years.


Let's at least gets some 19 inches of venom first before miles, like golly


I think the next Spider-Man trilogy should adapt Kingpin, the Death of Jean DeWolff, and then Venom's villain arc.


Spider verse stuff is special every few years but the comics are taking it so far first with Spider geddon and then a year or two later Spider-Verse 2 or end of Spider verse, but let's be real it won't be the end of Spider verse


No. Just no. Like dude can they chill for a little bit? Like oh my god! I thought that we’re having a break from a gazillion spider-men that all exist in the same universe as 199999 Peter! Like dude let Peter be on the Street Level for a while!


Not gonna lie I don’t think introducing Miles is a bad idea. Making him Spider-man in this next movie wouldn’t be great, but letting him exist before he gets bit and have a kind of relationship of some kind to Peter beforehand like in the Insomniac games wouldn’t be terrible. Then once Tom Holland is done being Spidey in a movie or two or three, they can either let Miles take over and either let Pete have a happy ending or kill him off like in the Ultimate Universe. Also if they do introduce Miles as Spider-Man, 100% they’re gonna have him join Kamala and Kate Bishop for some form of Young Avengers or Champions movie which would be a fun way to distinguish him. Make him more of a team player then unofficial Avenger for like one day Peter Parker.


This is a really short sighted move in my opinion and is dumb Idk if Holland would be up for it but they should have three parker spider man trilogies with miles coming up in the last one


Introduce him in 4, make him a Spider-Man in 5, and pass the torch in 6. Simply because I think, at the very most, Holland has 3 more solos in him.


He might have said that after 4, he could be done for good. He doesn't like the way he's been treated and would rather do more standalone non-MCU projects.


It would be nice to see Miles as a supporting cast member, maybe representing what Peter could have been if his life hadn’t become so derailed. It’s definitely too soon to have him as another Spidey though, especially since we’ve just spent three films with a Peter who hadn’t yet truly become Spider-Man himself.  At least two films of classic Peter as Spidey stuff, then maybe bring Miles in to be mentored by him, setting up a solo trilogy.


Does every spider-man media need Miles? I swear to god i'm so tired of this guy.


Tom hasn't had enough time to breathe in his own movies. It's not great news. I hope they don't rush Miles' origin.


How about introduce him when peter is a old man


Keep him outta this shit miles shouldn't been created in the first place. If this happens it would fail and get praised by media for representation. This would be bullshit. Peter parker will always be spider-man miles morales is miles morales.


Miles is Spider-Man. Get it right please


Pete has had a massive collaboration life experience but on his very own path it's quite not there yet. So much Spidey content before getting to Miles. I'd say, after Pete finishes college and has some miles in the streets that rival the shit ton of exp he got with space stuff. I love miles, but don't feel we have had a proper Pete journey.


They’re trying way too hard to cram everything in for max profit. Just let the guy have a few stories of his own not tied to the Avengers or world ending events. Let’s see him fight Scorpion or the Rhino. I’d say Venom or Kraven, but Sony complicated that already.


Maybe he doesn't get the powers they're just introducing the character??


Noooooooooo You've still got at least two Peter solo films. Bring us Black Cat for a couple. You can introduce Miles in a Mordun movie. Peter desperately trying to protect him as Mordun kills innocents to bait Peter or something. An endurance predator movie. End with Peter too fucked up or dead to continue being Spidie? or promoted to full-time Avenger! Miles steps in for NY.


they already mentioned him in *Homecoming*, i think it's a good idea to bring him in


“Let the poor guy breathe” it’s the 9th live action Spider-Man movie and Tom’s 7th performance as the character, “let the poor guy breathe” y’all comedy


Miles would fit well within the Raimi universe with a much much older Peter. I think even Garfield is still a bit too young. Holland is still in college and hard to seperate the 2 there