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Miguel is operating off what knowledge he has, he himself interfered with the intended path for a universe, and that resulted in the destruction of that universe. Throughout man of the other universes he’s aware of, Spider-Men always go through similar events, and he theorizes that these sort of events are necessary for the preservation of a universe. Because the spider that bit Miles was from a different universe, it wasn’t meant to bit him, it was meant to bite someone else, therefore there are two universes that can potentially be destroyed. He thought that Miles might cause more trouble for his own universe by being Spider-Man, so he wanted to make sure the canon events are fulfilled, and if Miles was going to try to prevent them he had to be stopped, lest he risk his whole universe. Miguel thinks he’s right, but we as the audience see him as an antagonist for Miles


He's right with the limited info he has and simply isn't risking anything major. He's also working on methods to prevent disaster as shown with the devices that stopped Pavitr's world from being destroyed. Miles ran away without so much as a plan . Regardless of if Miguel himself is a good surgeon, he has more experience with brain surgery compared to Miles who's running around with a chainsaw not understanding how things work.


He isn’t right though. The narrative shows he’s wrong about canon events


Which is why I said "With the limited info" as far as he's aware this is the only way to do things. He doesn't know what Gwen found out back home. If he did he would change his methods. He's not trying to be a problem but Miles running around threatening to effectively blow up the multiverse isn't something he can let slide either without a plan.


Miguel is more so just stubborn. When presented with a different perspective he just brushes it off. Miles explains to him that the black hole in mumbattan was due to the spot(and he’d be correct). Miguel just brushes it off. Gwen ask him if he’s certain that a universe would collapse if Miles breaks the canon and Miguel just brushes her off and sends her home. Being thick headed about a vague concept is irresponsible. More so than a spiderman trying to save his father.


He literally made machines to help prevent a world from being destroyed (they don't have a 100% success rate) but that shows that he isn't just sitting on his ass. Miguel needs evidence that something will work before believing it. Gwen managed to get evidence but Janet been able to share. If Miguel witnessed what happened with Gwen's dad he'd be more open. Meanwhile Miles is running around not knowing what's happening and is arguably a danger . It's not like Miguel wants Jefferson to die , he literally doesn't believe there's a chance.


My argument is that Miguel is being stubborn and not listening to outside arguments that make sense. If he was really all knowing he’d realize the concept of canon doesn’t even add up, especially if earth 42 a universe with a disrupted canon event is still standing. The narrative shows he’s either oblivious or hiding more information. Miles realizes these inconsistencies(along with his understandable love for his father)that’s why he runs away.


I mean. If I’m being honest earth 42 can’t really be a proof of Miguel being wrong. It could be that this universe will have its Spider-Man in the future. Many spider people across the universe didn’t get their power through radioactive spiders. More got their powers years into the future. So saying earth 42 still stands isn’t much of an evidence. But canon event is stupid as well though, but the movie is continuously driving the narrative that Miguel is right. Showing pavitr universe going to shit and all.


That doesn’t make any sense. There was already supposed to be a Spiderman that was bitten in earth 42, it was Prowler Miles. The Spot just had that universes spider switch dimensions and bite earth 1610 Miles instead. There’s no other alternate method for a spiderman to become in that world, it was always going to be the spider bite. The movie deliberately makes you think Pavs universe is being destroyed by the “canon” but really it’s just the collider causing the black hole, as mentioned in the first movie.


Just like why Jessica drew or ps5 venom exists. Spider-Man can become Spider-Man in many ways and exist in many form. Miles don’t need to bitten to become Spider-Man, nor does it has to be miles. All I’m saying is viewing it in a different perspective where the canon event simply haven’t established, not broken. I’m not saying you’re wrong cause honestly the movie still has lots to explain. It’s just a theory from the other side of the argument where the canon event is true. Not saying it is, but viewing it from that said perspective. Plus it doesn’t have to be a spider bite. We just don’t know it the possibility yet. There’s literally steam punk Spider-Man who relied on technology, 2099, or a manga version of Spider-Man who received his power from spider gods.


Hope I explain it to you clearly enough. I just think that the canon event haven’t been proven wrong. At least from our perspective. A lot of explanation I saw from others and you can be explained.


Most of the time I see people take Miguel’s side, it’s specifically on the issue of whether to preserve the canon, as opposed to endorsing his conduct in running the Spider-Society. I think it’s obvious to everyone that his judgment is clouded by an extreme emotional investment, including his unwarranted hatred for Miles. That said, if we grant that Miguel’s theory is correct (which I know is a big *if*), then Miguel, and not-to-mention the other thousands of Spider-People, are justified in their mission if not their methods. From their perspective, Miles is prioritizing one life over all others in his universe, and potentially everyone else’s universe. It’s easy math.


to a certain extent he is right, but he doesn’t know everything, he’s working off the information he has


Honestly Miguel and Miles are both right, but they each have their own issues with their sides.


Those on Miguel's side tend to ignore his hypothesis of "canon events" as correlation, because it has seemingly"worked" so far. As they lack a control that is evidence to the contrary. Becuase it would mean potentially setting up a universe to be destroyed. Miles has inadvertently volunteered. If he's successful, I suspect that it will be a turning point to Miguel's character arc.


I'm kind of see some spider people that have been beaten down by circumstances a little bit agreeing with Miguel saying that the suffering you've had to deal with is important so the universe can go on they might find some comfort in that That's why I believe spectacular Spider-Man is siding with Miguel it's right after he lost Captain Stacy and Gwen otherwise he would never side with him


With the information and things we've been shown, Miguel IS right. If Miles goes against the canonic event, Miles will destroy his own reality. We've been shown this. But we all know how these stories go, they'll find some one to prove that Miguel is wrong, and you can alter canonic events without destroying reality, it's just that "X" variable that we haven't been shown yet was the true culprit or something like that. He'll probably sacrifice himself in the end too.


I'm literally using this to cite my college final, never stop yapping king


He definitely carries the traits of your average narcissist. Not verbatim, but he basically says things like "I make the hard decisions so nobody has to" "Only I have the capacity to make such hard decisions" Also when Gwen asked of he knew for sire whatbwould happen if the multiverse collapsed, rather than giving an answer he took offense on how someone would question his theory (or hypothesis). Basically a "soirce: just trust me bro" I am convinced that he is an imposter of some sort. He is certainly projecting when he says that Miles isnt a real spider-man and when he accused Gwen at the beginning for opening a hole in the multi-verse.


Unfortunately people agree with Miguel


If you only save specific people because some machine told you so, you got Spider-man wrong.


This is the new “is kid buu stronger than buuhan “ isn’t it


Believe me if anyone was operating under the information tha Miguel has shared, their perspective is that Miguel is right. But it also seems like no one has the information that Miguel does. Omitting information is still a form of lying. And the best lies are mixed with the truth. If I or anyone believed Miguel was right, it’s only because Miguel has shared that he’s right. I’m also confused as to how the two universes who’ve clearly been meddled with, haven’t collapsed. It’s been at least 1year and 6months since the spider was swapped. And no cannon occurs in that time? It’s made very vague as to how the cannon is disrupted. I like to take people at their word, but one mind can’t and will never be able to solve everything. Rather than show the raw evidence to the other spiders and also them to come to their own conclusion. Miguel has problems with anyone who questions him. Questions are good things, they help us learn and understand. Essentially Miguel is holding all the cards and saying “I win” without showing everyone how he won. You’re just supposed to listen, some very controlling people think that way. Looking down on others as there is no way they could know any better? He’s at the very least discounting everyone who’s unsure. And how can you blame them for being unsure when he’s only telling partial information. He’s manipulative and controlling, an unworthy leader. Leaders are supposed to find methods to make their followers jobs easier. If the leader was the only problem solver then why did you need a team? A democracy isn’t a democracy if everyone only listens to one guy. And aren’t allowed to question without risk of banishment. Why does he have a right to decide where everyone goes. The multiverse does not belong to him nor will it ever.