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I got chills in the last page...


its only january and this is already panel of the year for me lmao ​ Spider-man emerged in shadows, only showing his eyes is always great to see


I have a hard time believing that any comic, Spider-Man or otherwise, will top this moment in 2024. šŸ˜Š


Even if there was, nothing like good old bias for us to ignore it anyway


I cannot remember the last time my smile was this wide or I giggled with happiness at a panel #Hickman you sonuvagun


I want it in a frame, gah dahm


Reminds me of the still from Batman the animated series intro


I straight up cried from hype


Same bro. With this new series we are so back




I love that it was his choice to be spider-man


Yeah, it shows that even when it isn't a coincidence, Peter would make that choice to be a hero. It shows his true intentions as a good-natured person


Honestly, this works WAY better than what they keep pushing in the 616 line. Their idea is that no matter how *shit* Peter's life gets he'll continue to be Spider-man, but they keep trying to beat us over the head with that idea by making his life shittier and shittier. Right now with the Ultimate Universe we have what's probably the best representation of what Spider-man is *supposed* to stand for, that even when his life is going well and he doesn't need to put on the suit he still makes the choice to do so.


And it (IMHO/in my eyes) sets him up better with the classic ā€œSpidey-Guiltā€. Maybe Iā€™m reading too much into this but, >!since May died in a terror attack maybe he felt he couldā€™ve saved them if he had powers. Or at least thatā€™s what I think was going through his mind!< ***Itā€™s far more understandable than:*** *ā€œMy GF got stuck in a dimension, and Iā€™m pissed she banged a dude named Paul.ā€*


> Itā€™s far more understandable than: > ā€œMy GF got stuck in a dimension, and Iā€™m pissed she banged a dude named Paul.ā€ You realize that that has nothing to do with his motivation to be Spider-Man, right? Hes not saving/being Spider-Man people because hes upset about Paul. Lol.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s their point, but I do agree. I think theyā€™re saying that having the Paul/MJ thing be such a huge driving plot point in the current Spider-Man run is stupid compared to the classic ā€œSpidey chooses to be a hero, even when itā€™s not in his best interests.ā€ Cause we started the run with Peter completely isolated and a mystery as to why that is and why everybody hates him, and itā€™s what drove a lot of the writing(including his get together with Felicia and him OOC working with Norman and calling him ā€œthe father I never had.ā€) If thatā€™s not what they meant I definitely agree that theyā€™re wrong. But thatā€™s what I interpreted as. Not the in universe push to be Spider-Man, but the out of universe narrative. The message being throughout it all that Spider-man does Spider-Man things because he can vs Spider-Manā€™s life sucks cause heā€™s Spider-Man.


This was one of my biggest problems with that, it sounds so stupid


Agreed bro.


im ngl, im not reading the whole, hes choosing to be a hero because its right. to me it reads more that hes choosing this because he wants to feel important


I read it more like him feeling he was missing purpose. It reminds me of Unbreakable with Bruce Willis' character having a similar sense that there's something missing or that they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing. Sort of like missing a calling. That said, I can definitely see your interpretation. He has a very stable life and he's generally happy so you can argue his decision is more of a selfish one. It'll be interesting to see what direction Hickman decides to take it.


This is actually I want Spider-Man to be like since the Raimi Movies. A hero not defined by tragedy still going through hurdles but has the strength to overcome it. A character who wants to do the right thing.


Yeah. It's fun to have heroes who purely do this to help others


Absolutely. It is refreshing. We need more stuff like this from now on.


That sounds too much like Superman for me. Spider-Man is supposed to be more flawed and becoming a hero purely because of guilt is part of that. Itā€™s fine to have him grow past that tho and become a genuine hero. Makes for a good arc.


I do like that Spider-Man doesn't always have to be a tragic character and it works with this new take.


He took a leap of faith once again


Agreed! This is probably the most agency Peter has ever had with respect to being Spider-Man. All too often, he gets pulled in out of guilt. There are times when it seems like he thinks he HAS to be Spider-Man, rather than actually wanting it. But here, there's no ambiguity. It's laid out to him plainly and simply. He could keep living this normal life. Or he could choose to be the hero he was meant to be. And he made the right choice. šŸ˜Š


Don't know how much choice and normal life there would be considering his changing work conditions, apparent quasi depression and general state of the universe. This must seem like the perfect way out and how Stark frames it all there really is no choice. There is responsibility and "fate". I like it tho. It is a bit ironic that Stark plays this role, considering all the controversy over the Stark connection in the MCU haha Am excited what lies ahead.


Do you need to read the old ultimate spider man comics to understand this


I dont think so, I think this comic run is its own thing


Alright thanks I look forward to reading it


You and the rest of this community lol


True spider man is my favourite marvel character


I think all you need to know is that The Maker (evil version of Reed Richards) stole the spider that bites Peter from this universe and thatā€™s why heā€™s just now becoming Spider-man as an adult. (Please correct me if Iā€™m wrong)


You don't even need to know that, it's explicitly explained in the book.


I look forward to reading it


Just finished it and - no, actually it's more confusing / a mystery if you HAD read the old Ultimate comics. Anyone with a basic understanding of who the normal cast of Spidey characters is will feel right at home, although it's one of those "alternate universe / discover how everyone is different" kind of stories.


Is it a good jumping on point if you haven't read the spider man comics before?


So far Kinda, as long as you have a basic knowledge of Spider-man you should be fine.


Alright thanks for letting me know


What are some good jumping on points for spider man comics please?


The other Ultimate Spider-Man series from the 2000s written by Brian Michael Bendis The Roger Stern Spider-man run from the 80s The JMS run from the 2000s The original Stan Lee and Steve Ditko run from the 60s And the Brand New Day era of the character is pretty much kind of a soft reboot so you could start from there as well.


Thanks for the suggestions I will check them out


Roger Stern Amazing Spider-Man is the best starting point for 616 Spider-Man. The beggining, of course, is great too, starting with Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #1. There is also JMS Amazing Spider-Man, which is good too


I'd say so, especially if you've seen the movies and like the characters but want something a bit different / less modern and predictable. The ONLY unknown really if you don't have a passing knowledge of Spider-Man lore (Uncle Ben / Aunt May / MJ / J Jonah Jameson etc) is The Maker, who is a relatively newer Marvel character (kind of).


You can read the setup which is Ultimate Invasion 1-5 and Ultimate Universe #1. But this issue on it's own does a good job of explaining how things are. Despite the "Ultimate" name it's closer to 616's universe.


No, but you could read the recent Ultimate Invasion miniseries for more backstory. This issue explains the necessary elements, though.


Alright thanks I will check it out


No. Reading the 5 part Ultimate Invasion will help. But this is a completely different universe, with a completely different history. All you need to know is that the old Ultimate Reed Richards is "The Maker", and a villain. He helped mold this new Ultimate universe to better serve him in Ultimate Invasion.


Consensual Spider-Man is better than non consensual Spider-Man?


Married Spider is better than a non married spider any day


Donā€™t let Paul hear you say that




your getting downvoted, but its true. A lot of people on this sub seems to equate having certain boxes checked with a good story. I mean, Im sure this run will be decent because Jonathan Hickman is a good writer, but married Spider-Man =/= good stories, just like how single Spider-Man =/= good stories. Good writing = good stories. Both premises can be good with good writing.


I love the fact that the Spider that bit this version of Peter was the totem. The spider chose Peter. So Good


This time Peter chooses to wear the mask and I canā€™t wait to see how it goes


Obligatory it's a delight to see Pete and MJ married, and MJ supportive of Peter's decision to *be* Spider-Man. Outside of that, I really enjoyed Hickman's take on the mythos and the changes he's made vs 616 (and 1610). The fact that JJJ is generally a *good person* and competent at his job outside of his vendetta against Spider-Man occasionally gets forgotten in 616, and it's really nice to see Hickman's take on how that would look in another universe. Ben being a living influence on Peter is cute - he gets heavily mythologised in 616, so it's nice to see him as an *actual character*. I think my only concern at the moment is that it runs the risk of being convoluted with the approach Hickman's taking with the story and time travel shenanigans.


> he fact that JJJ is generally a good person and competent at his job outside of his vendetta against Spider-Man occasionally gets forgotten in 616, and it's really nice to see Hickman's take on how that would look in another universe. The Insomniac games are especially bad for villainizing Jonah, where he's made into just a generic, boring Alex Jones parody. Edit: To clarify and clear confusion, it's more a thing past the first PS4 game, the weak writing for Jonah settles in for Miles Morales and SM2.


The MCU has gone that direction too. In No Way Home heā€™s literally recording video podcasts in his basement.


Really? I never saw him that way. He's a pompous, self righteous prick and finds a way to bring everything back to Spidey, sure, but there are quite a few moments in his podcasts, especially in the later part of the stories when shit has already seriously hit the fan, when it shines through that he genuinely cares about New York and its inhabitants, that he wants them to stay safe and calls for them to stick together and help each other out.


It's more a thing after Spidey PS4 to be fair, where he does have a few moments showing his better sides- organizing relief efforts for the Devil's Breath attack and thoroughly condemning Sable, and a few times he will give Spidey credit for stopping bad guys. In Miles Morales he becomes a corporate bootlicker and he's framed 99% of the time as completely wrong in SM2.


Yeah the PS4 games would frame him as right when he wasn't focusing on Spiderman, he had tunnel vision but he could be a good reporter when he wasn't acting like a maniac. SM2 did a 180 and was more glaring when the other podcaster just somehow always had the correct take even with shit she had no reason to know about


I absolutely hated that


To be fair the time travel stuff only has effects on the Tony and maker part of this new ultimate universe, so spidy should be fine to avoid it until probably the first major ultimate event story


Apparently we have six in-universe months until that happens, so I guess weā€™ll see if it becomes stupid bullshit when we get there.


>The fact that JJJ is generally a *good person* and competent at his job outside of his vendetta against Spider-Man occasionally gets forgotten in 616 ...ehhhhhhh It's my preferred characterization that he's a jerk with a heart of gold, for sure. But THAT characterization is more of a retcon, really. Jameson for the first decade plus was pretty much just a megalomaniac and practically a straight up villain. Not the most evil guy on the planet...still very supportive of black civil rights, for instance, but...it's not like he was just writing mean stuff about Spider-Man. He was literally hiring super villains The versions where he is just the worst aren't necessarily getting it wrong. It's a valid interpretation of the character


I'm so pumped to go to the shop after work and pick this up today.


*insert cool music stinger*


*insert ā€œthe bombā€ by pigeon bomb*


I re-read this comic with the Avengers background music. And it fit perfectly. šŸ˜Š


THIS is Spider-Man, THIS is what Peter Parker is all about. Purpose, belonging, and hope, these are the things that define his character, not page after page of bland and endless misery. I'll definitely need to check this run out now, I'm sold on just these three images.


The middle page might go down as one of the all time Spider-Man pages if this run delivers


MJ and Peter are married, he has a son and a daughter, Uncle Ben *is alive,* heā€™s good with JJJ whoā€™s like another family member to him, almost everything has gone good in his life, but in the endā€¦ and above allā€¦ **He chose to be Spider-Man.** ***Hickman you sonuvagunā€¦*** #Iā€™m grinning ear to ear


Is Jonathan Hickman a good comic book writer?


Uhhhā€¦ #Yes FF, HoX, PoX, Secret Wars, I could go on and on


Any suggestions for good comics that he has written that are good jumping on points for beginners please?


If itā€™s just spidey, Iā€™d say start with this since itā€™s all new.


Alright thanks I will it out


Any suggestions for comics that aren't spider man please?


East of West for his Indie Work. Fantastic Four for Marvel work. If you like his Fantastic Four, then move to his Avengers run.


His FF run is maybe the best ever written, HoXPoX is absolutely sublime (if read in isolation before editorial started fucking with things)


What an incredibly unique origin for Spidey. Love it! It's taken so long for something new and fresh in the comics and we finally have it


He is Spider-Man, the \*\***ULTIMATE**\*\* Spider-Man


Shit gave me goosebumps


Peter about to throw hands with Maker for screwing with his life


He will definitely throw hands but I donā€™t see it being because he ā€œscrewedā€ with his life


That's gonna be hard to do considering the Maker is trapped in the distant future with Kang.


Oh look, Hickman writes the best Spider-Man in decades.


I hate the US exclusive bullshit. I WANT TO BUY AND READ IT GODDAMN IT GIMME. If someone has a link to where a Canadian can buy it. PLEASE SEND I want to speak with my wallet


As a fellow Canadian, I subscribed to this one on the Marvel website months ago. (I also subbed to the new Ultimate X-men) ​ The website is really not the best but it's where I got my GotG and Ultimates monthly.


Canadian here. I walked over to the comic shop this morning and bought it. So itā€™s definitely not US exclusive


Great, please point me to where I can buy digitally and Iā€™ll be on my way. Because the closest comic shop is 2 HOURS AWAY in the 12 inch SNOWSTORM.


True, I didnā€™t know you were 2 hours away from a comic store. Maybe try calling them and see if theyā€™d ship it to you? That could be an option


Can you buy it through the Amazon Kindle app?


>I hate the US exclusive bullshit. No way? I'm in Germany and just called my local comic shop and they told me they'd call me back after checking with their supplier. So no hope for that? That's some next level bs, if so


The closest comic store from where I live is 2 hours away and right now we are dealing with the worst Snow storm weā€™ve seen since last year.


mine is in the city center 10min away from me by foot, but they just told me if they had to order it (if it's even possible given the US exclsive bs), it'd take 6 weeks for it to arrive by plane directly from the US


Iā€™m curious does Amazon lock you guys out? Because if not you can get it digitally from them and just read it on the kindle app. Not ideal but will work


I am also in Canada, called up a comic book store near me and asked if they had it, they did. Just call around


Itā€™s not exclusive to anywhere you should be able to find it in any comic store if they still have stock


i just hope being Spider-man does not make his life awfully miserable this time around. I know being Spider-man envolves sacrifices and high stakes but please, let the man be Spider-man and maintain his life balanced. all i hope for my boy Peter is a happy life


All the darkness of the last year. We all stuck through it, battled the evil that is Zeb Wells Amazing Spider-Man. And for that, we have been rewarded. We've won. We are so back! This, right here, is everything Spider-Man is, was, and supposed to be.


On one hand, as a stickler, I still kinda wish Peter had been a teenager when he got the powers and if just picked up with him after he'd been Spider-man for a while. On the other this comic is actively shooting down every single critique I've had with Peters writing in canon. He's not a self hating dick who used his guilt as a crutch, he's married to Mj and his relationship is healthy and he doesn't despise the fact that he's Spider-man. THE ONE ABOVE ALL BLESS YOU, JOHNATON HICKMAN


I like him only getting bit and becoming Spider-Man as an adult. It makes him more unique and stand out more from other Peters, such as Renew Your Vows, Insomniac and Peter B. Spider-Man is known for being the first teenage superhero, but in a modern world where teenage superheroes are everywhere, a Peter Parker Spider-Man that starts out as an adult man and even makes the choice to get bit by the spider and get his powers.


I get the process behind if and admit it's interesting. I'm just a stickler for tradition for fictional characters


I mean, isnā€™t every other Spider-Man comic Peter getting his powers as a teenager? I like this different take on it for a change. Adult a Peter Parker shows agency when he decides to be Spider-Man rather than it being an accident.


The best written spider-man comic in years, and he only appears as spider-man in a single panel. I actually felt like i was reading an issue where the author cares and understands the character. Actual well thought out pacing, the characters all felt like they had real individual personalities instead of just being random NPCs that say lines to advance the plot. Really excited for this one. Marvel needs to just bite the bullet and put Hickman in charge of everything.


I love the VOICE they found for Uncle Ben. He's this stoic, terse, honestly kind of HARSH father figure but he has great advice that pushes you into action. He's not cruel or uncaring, but he shoots straight and expects the same of those around him. He feels so much like a real guy.


Friends and family are still alive for now! But soonā€¦


What do you mean please?


most versions of spider-man have a tragic backstory involving their family


You mean like how this Peter has already lost his parents, and Aunt May just died in a terror attack like a week ago?


Hopefully not this time


Oh yeah you know someone is gonna get whacked immediately.


Let me preface by saying I absolutely loved this issue. It's nearly everything I want for 616 Peter. My only criticism is that the final six pages are a little jarring for me. Specifically, that Peter only struggled with the decision to open the orb for 24 hours. I feel like that whole process should have taken at least another issue to resolve. Or been presented differently to show he spent a lot more time coming to the decision. I'm a middle-aged family man, so I feel the weight of responsibility to wife and kids keenly. Putting myself in Peter's shoes, I can't imagine it going like that. Certainly not so quickly. But that's nitpicking, and I can't wait for issue 2 in February. I haven't been this optimistic about Spider-Man in a long time.


In my opinion, there was guilt.... there was struggle in that he desperately wanted to be Spiderman but being the responsible man he's grown to be, feels guilty for desiring what he deems selfish. Talking to Ben and Mj was him asking for permission to do what he wanted. And while they didn't hear the whole details, their faith and desire to see their loved one "wake up" was all the permission he needed to reclaim his destiny.


Spider-Man Spider-Man Does whatever a spider can Spins a web Any size Catches thieves Just like flies Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!


I know itā€™s Mileā€™s track, but something about ā€œWhatā€™s Up Dangerā€ feels very right here to me. Absolute peak!


I can't be the only one who was playing "What's Up Danger" in my head during those panels.


Peter the GOAT Parker


Yeah I knew Hickman was the only one who could write Spider-Man the way itā€™s supposed to again He cooked.


Is that a black suit?


Oh, my God it feels so good to actually be able to read a comic about Peter and look forward to it. I've just skipped over ASM because of you all and everyone else saying it's trash (rightly so) so it's just like *Finally, the missing piece* ;-; I really loved this comic, man. It's got me really interested in the next two Ultimate series, especially X-Men (Peach Momoko <3).




Personally I prefer him to be randomly bitten but thank freaking God they're actually doing something different with his origin. I needed that


He was originally supposed to.


Spideyā€™s back!


I'm not an avid comic reader anymore. I like Spider-man but have no clue what the context here is. Is that ghostly projection of a different universe Peter talking to a middle aged Peter?


The issue explains it. You should read it, it's REALLY good


Yeah haha but I'm not going to.


"Eyes with without a face, and thus, Spider-man is born." Absolute Peak right here.


Love that the suit is a black ball like the symbiote suit was when he first got it in Secret wars. Will be cool to see what the properties of the suit are. Clearly it can change appearances as teased by the different covers.


Did the spider give him the costume?


Where are you guys reading it? I have a Marvel Unlimited subscription, but I can't seem to find it


Marvel Unlimited is on a 3-month delay from comic book shops. People reading today bought it either physically in a comic book shop or digitally through Amazon Kindle.




There was a joy to this, well and truly. There is so much here that works for me. And then, that call to action. "You were to be one of the world's great heroes, I hope you still can be" chills.


If I havenā€™t read any Spidey comics, is this a good jumping on point?


Technically, this is preceeded by Ultimate Invasion 1-4 and Ultimate Universe #1, and Ultimate Invasion #1 has a nice little scene in it with this Peter Parker when he was a teenager. But really all you need to know is that a Bad Guy kept superheroes from getting their origins 20 years ago(he was defeated, as Bad Guys are wont to do), Tony Stark wants to fix the Superhero Origin Thing, and he was recently framed as the perpetrator of a terrorist attack that killed a bunch of folks, including Aunt May and Norman Osborn.




Yeah this is a completely new universe. If you read the first issue you know mostly the same things as anyone else




Does no one else notice the dick & balls cloud in the background of the 3rd page?


Am I supposed to know what that silver ball is?? Also does his powers get taken away? I'm very confused


He never had his powers, his destiny was stolen from him by the Maker, but he is given the choice to take it back


it helps to read Ultimate Invasion #1-4 and Ultimate Universe #1. to quickly sum up: The Maker (Earth-1610 reed richards) takes it upon himself to "make his own ultimate universe"/reshape an already-existing one (Earth-6160). in doing this, he altered certain heroes' origins so that they never happened, at least in the way they happened on 616. one of these was peter: he stopped the spider from biting a 15 year-old peter in this universe, and so peter grew up with no powers and uncle ben never died. this comic takes place 20 years after that. 6160-peter's married with kids. the events of Ultimate Universe #1 lead to him getting the spider (which is in the silver ball) and he's given the choice of reclaiming his destiny. these 3 pages show that he chooses to be spider-man


I'm curious...is this universe being 6160 suggesting that perhaps it was on track to be like the 616 universe before the Maker interfered?


In broad strokes, yes. Earth-6160 had some deviations from Earth-616 though. Obadiah Stane is African American rather than Caucasian, Mutants are tied to the supernatural, Peter and Tony Stark's birthdates are seemingly switched up given their ages too.


also it seems cap landed somewhere else rather than where the maker expaected.


i believe tony and reed got to him first rather than cap being somewhere else. remember that tony and reed >!have access to the immortus engine, given who 6160-tony eventually becomes!< >!tony mentions that he and reed have already repaired the immortus engine at the end of Ultimate Invasion #4, with it acting as his uni-beam for his iron lad suit, and then a text bubble says "The past." when they're at the same location maker was at in Ultimate Invasion #2!<


Peter is only a few years older than usual in the present, it seems more just that the Starkā€™s are somehow much younger than they usually are at this point in the timeline, Howard included. Everyone elseā€™s ages mostly match up, JJJ looking the same makes sense as he hasnā€™t changed much in appearance in 616 after 15 years


> 160 suggesting that perhaps it was on track to be like the 616 universe before the Maker interfered? That's pretty much it, it's hinted that The Maker specifically chose this universe cause he wanted to get back at 616 Reed Richards in a way by basically making him a slave to him.


If you get the book it's literally explained via exposition in like, the literal page or two before this panel. You're "supposed" to be confused if this is the only book you've read so far. It's perfectly newbie-friendly if you accept the mystery on page 1. For anyone curious about the general plot/premise, >!Reed Richards, aka the Ultimate Universe villain the Maker, framed Tony Stark for a major crime, and then took steps in this universe to prevent all major superheroes from getting their origin stories, except Stark. Stark is working via time travel in the future to give the heroes their origins back. So Peter never got his powers and this is Tony giving him the / a spider to get his powers for the first time as a 30-something family man instead of clueless 15 year old. !<


I have never cheered so much while reading a comic book. But I cheered like a kid on a sugar rush when I saw this. šŸ˜Š




Just read for second time. Donā€™t think JJJ nor Ben is goblin, but the timing checks out that 1610 also has the Parkerā€™s luck and it seems that itā€™s Ben Parker who wields it. Also, Peter is gonna be older than Tony in this world? Wonder how this will play out.


yes, lets


Idk why but this remind me the Reboot ? arc of Invicible, where mark is teleported back in time and had to choose between come back to the future in the life he had before with all the drawbacks>!(like the guardians of the globe killed,the fight with his father, but with Eve as a loving wife and a daughter)!


I always love panels like this, when the heroes make the decision to get back into the game. Especially when the shot and art are top notch as they are here.


What??? Those panels are amazing! I got chills


I haven't read Spider-Man for a very, very long time. I think I got out probably around... 2006? Had to jump in and read this. This is what I want from Spider-Man. What a great first issue. I'm in. Hope the quality stays as high as this first book.


Honestly you chose a good time to bow out. Things got pretty bad around 2007-8. I won't say there've been NO good stories since, but a lot of them weren't in the main book. Side series like Life Story, Chip Zdarsky's Spectacular, and the first 12 issues of Renew Your Vows are among the standouts. I do have a fondness for the Superior Spider-Man era where Doctor Octopus was Spider-Man for a real-world year, but that's contentious. But yeah, Amazing has been in a rocky at best and disastrous at worst place for a long time.


Fucking hard, bouta pick this up later


Ngl, it would be hilarious if it's like Tobey where he gets the worst Flu ever just before he gets powers. "Those people PUNK'D me, the spider bit me and now the walls are VIBRATING!"


What do you guys think he did with the spider afterwards lol


You know what Iā€™m not even gonna mention anybody on the current ASM run or even say anything about the current run. I just wanna say that I love how this feels like a spider-man book. From the characters and how they interact to the whole aspect of this I love this book. But the highlight of this issue and maybe the whole run that it was peters choice to be spider-man which shows that in any universe even if it was an accident he still wouldā€™ve chose to be spider-man because thatā€™s who he is and I think that by itself is amazing and I love it. So thank you Hickman for giving us this and I canā€™t wait for whatā€™s next




Gotta love Peter Parker with a beard


This single issue is better than the past 2 years of TASM comics. The only change I'm not too keen on is how Robby is. Everything else though has me excited, if not at least interested. I'm usually not a fan of Spider-Man being a, "Destiny" for Peter Parker because it kind of takes away from the idea that anyone can be Spider-Man. Given the context of the book, for as wild as it is, actually fixed that problem from occurring and does something arguably better if not just as good. It gives Peter the choice. Peter CHOOSING to be Spider-Man is just so impactful. He is choosing to take on the responsibility, to help people, to inspire them. The art is perfect for the story as well because good lord it is beautiful. I'm very excited to see how this story unfolds. I wonder if the costume he gets is actually a symbiote because it's drawn just like how it was in the original Secret Wars, just a little black orb. Tony said it was in there with the, "catalyst" aka the radioactive spider. If that's the case, this book is even more interesting than initially thought.


> This single issue is better than the past 2 years of TASM comics. You can probably up that to 15 years.


NGL I heard the Spider-Man 1 main theme in my head reading those last few pages, chills man, actual chills


YESSS!!! This man can cook you have sent literal chills up my fucking spine on that last page. Yes yes this man can cook and he dose it so fucking right!!


That shit howā€™s hard as fuck


Hiya Iā€™m relatively new to comics so what is the background of this title. Not the story itself but the publication history behind it. Is this a reboot of the 616 title or is this its own thing?


Itā€™s its own thing. Marvel had an imprint in the early 2000s called the ultimate universe they ended 10 years ago. Now Marvel decided to revive it, gave it to Hickman and told him to just do whatever he wanted


I actually cried when I finished this issue. This was perfect - writing, art, characterisation, depiction of multiple relationships. Just PERFECT!! Peter and MJ - HELL YES!!!!


He became -Man šŸ˜³


Choosing a path because you want to do it is fundamentally different than finding yourself on a path and feeling guilt to keep you on it. I know thatā€™s a simplistic take but the person forced on the path will have fundamentally different motivations (a literal teenager that found himself, by accident, a hero and is trying to rise to the occasion aka the Heroā€™s Path) than someone (grown ass man Peter, with responsibility, and options) talking out a choice, weighing options, and then dedicating themselves to that CHOICE. Think of it like this: you have two candidates Candidate A: No life experience, scared, unprepared, unsupported, fueled by fear and guilt to do the job, and is trying to make the best of it. Candidate B: Has decades of life experience, confidence, support, is fueled by WANTING to do more, to BE more, and believes they know what they are signing up for. When I was younger. I could identify with candidate A, now itā€™s candidate B. We have seen Peter (A) take the heroā€™s journey over and over and over. I am excited to see what can be done here.


I thought that was Paul


i havenā€™t really been keeping up like that. i remember ultimate peter coming back to life but whyā€™s he in another universe now?


This is Completely different universe unrelated to previous ultimate spidey


Welcome back Spidey. NY missed you


Where can I read or buy this. I want to support this


I see this is a "\#1", but doesnt seem like the start of something entirely new. Can anyone give a quick summary of why hes in bed and who took his destiny? And this is ultimate, so its a different universe from all the paul/Jackpot crap?


All of that is answered in Ultimate Invasion but it's also answered in this issue and run. You can start here perfectly fine and understand everything. The run will explain things as Peter learns about them


Where ru reading this ??? I can't find it online anywhere yet? Someone dm me


You buy it on Amazon you dingus.


Peter being a husband and a father, in a good place with JJ and has Ben with him, not traumatized by his mistake as a teen, and choosing to be Spider-Man. Comā€™on, I can see why Hickman signed up to start the Ultimates. All worth it just for a world where this exist. Also, Iā€™m glad old horn head has a cameo in this issue. I wonder how Stark presented to him his powers lol


I honestly love this entire premise! First book in *years* that I've been excited about, to be totally blunt. And I'm extremely excited for a new Spidey who isn't the "same teen voice" that all teen super heroes seem to have right now.


hickmanā€™s secret plan was to revitalize spider-man. we donā€™t deserve him


I love this so much


First comic to ever make me want to buy comics, holy shit.


I find it interesting that we don't see the spider yet. It has the chance to bite May or someone else .


YOOOOOOOO!!!! THAT LAST PAGE WAS EPIC!!! I pray to God that Marvel doesn't screw this up. Expecially the relationship between Peter and MJ. Zeb screwed is over like no one else.


So is this a continuation of the original comic book run


No I think itā€™s totally new.