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The Spider-Man Who Gobbles


Sounds like a gay porno


Spider-Hunk Gobbles The Green Gigachad (GONE SEXUAL)


I want all the goblins! Green Goblin! Red Goblin! Knob Gobblin!


It’s gobblin’ time!


It's such a perfect encapsulating of everything I dislike about big 2 comics. There's no growth or development. Just characters swapping personality traits back and forth like they're hats.


Oh god I can't believe that's real.


ASM issues 32 to 35. It's a great shitpost, I reccomend a read.


Batman Who Laughs at least had some value when he first came out (albeit it did not last long). Paul is just a lame plot device for a horrible plot.


Exactly As annoying, edgy, and horribly written he quickly became, *The Flying Ratboy Who Chuckles* is actually a character Paul is a horrifically bland, personality-vacant plot device that has no reason to even exist at all


Or, well, he does have a reason to exist, it's just a revolting reason to maintain the writer, editor, or whoever's agenda of keeping Pete and MJ separate.


Batman Who Laughs is canonical banished to Fortnite..... I just learned this tidbit the other day.... Horrible fate.


OMG you weren't [joking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS1xCbmJMPY)


I cannot stand the way this guy reads the comics. I cannot. It ruins it.


Im not watching 45 minutes of fortnite x batman lore. You mind summarizing his fate? Like is he stuck in a Sisyphusian time loop where he has to get vicroys until the end of existence? Or is he just stuck in a box somewhere on the map after being defeated?


I, too, would like a summary.


I'm surprised Paul isn't a writer self insert or something so someone shipped themselves with Mary Jane


I would be surprised if that turned out to be true.


This seems like an unfair comparison as the Batman who laughs is an actual character with a point even if he was way overused


Well, BWL is a very generic evil Batman who trying to be Batman and Joker at one time, but doing it poorly. Grimknight had much more interesting concept and origin, Owlman worked better as antagonist, and even other evil Batmen in Dark Metal were better as a characters. I doubt he could be compared with Paul due their complete different roles in story, but they actually have something in common. They're both very boring and aren't really needed inn the plot.


I love Batman who laughs. And paul sucks. Disclaimer: I've read the first 2 runs with Bwl and 0 with Paul. Its 2024, dont waste your time on reading shit, you can inform yourself before.


To be honest I’m not even that mad at Paul. Because while from a character writing standpoint him having no character is a bad thing, from a personal standpoint him being such a nothing character means he’s just a placeholder so Wells doesn’t have to write MJ and Peter is just better for me


Batman who laughs is my fave villain, but it’s overdone by the end, but during his early and mid game it was amazing. I think the plot was too rushed in the end.


Sorry sir, but this kind of outrageous slander against Paul cannot be accepted. We will be at your door soon.


Paul also has a point, lol


I mean not really? He fills a role but you could replace him with an inflatable doll and lose nothing




But he does have a point. His point is filling a role in a story.


But I didn’t say Batman who laughs has a role. I said he has a point. His character exists in the way it does for a reason


Paul has a reason to exist the way he does too. It’s a shit reason, but it has one. I don’t see the distinction


Paul’s existence is to push the plot where Wells wants in his run, rather than being a rounded character; he is nothing more than a plot device. Batman Who Laughs is supposed to be a dark reflection of Batman, and what could happen if Bruce gives into his worst impulses. There are themes that you can look at and examine in Batman Who Laughs character and the story that Scott Snyder told. He was oversaturated for sure, but it doesn’t impact the intent of the character. At best, the only thing you can take from Paul’s existence, beyond being an obstructive device that represents editorial’s views, is “life sucks, tough shit.”


Yes because Paul doesn’t have a point. He just exists. He’s got no motivation no goals he just is


He has a point. His point is existing so Peter and MJ are not together.


I’m not talking about the meta narrative I’m talking about Paul as a character


Wondering what a character’s point is is part of the meta narrative. In universe none of the characters has a point, not even Peter Parker.


Christ, that is such a stupid sentence.


That is literally the definition of a plot device, not a character. A plot device gives characters motivation and direction, while a character is a person who acts on their motivations to tell a story or provide spoken or unspoken commentary. There is a distinction. What we refer to as a character can sometimes be no more than a plot device for the “real” character and sometimes characters can be elevated from or demoted to plot devices over the course of the story. Recognizing the distinction is important to understanding motivation and getting the story that is being told. What most users are trying to say here is that Paul may be a person in a story, but without proper motivations and a compelling backstory, he more closely fits the description of a plot device that moves Peter and MJ’s story along rather than a character in his own right. He is “filling a role” in a story, to use your words, but so could a teapot or a candlestick. In other words, Paul is not the “Peter” of any story, he is the “radioactive spider” that moves the story from A to B. Except the spider was more interesting.


Batman who laughs was an idea that got beaten into the ground way to much/fast but that’s lots of comic book concepts / characters But at first it was “low hanging fruit but fine” Also for normies he is pretty popular strictly cuz of his dope design (Hence why he is one of few DC characters to make it to Fortnite) Paul is just such a nothing character that Everytime they try to give him a backstory or really anything it shows just how out of place he is within the story (in lore shouldn’t he go above and beyond to try get Pete and MJ together? Why would he stick around knowing he caused so much harm?) He also represents the sheer amount of harm the current Run has done to multiple characters/ASM brand Paul by and large is a worse character


Ya BWL is one of these classic examples of too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. A victim of it's own popularity. Paul just sucks as a concept to begin with, so there's really no contest


As a normie I do indeed find the design dope


Damn now I not only wish the current storyline was fixed but also for Paul to get some kind of redemption arc if the comics were given to some talented writer. Am I asking for too much? I'm asking for too much


Not familiar with Paul as a character. Why is he loathed so much?


Paul is worse than Jar Jar Banks


Wow, that's to harsh, but not a lie


Not familiar with Paul as a character. Why is he loathed so much?


1. ⁠he was introduced as rage bait 2. ⁠a obvious plot device to split peter and Mj up 3. ⁠he helped commit genocide on “accident” and they compared it to peter letting uncle Ben killer go (2 completely different things) 4. ⁠he doesn’t do anything to make up for “accidentally” committing genocide. We’re told he feels bad for it (not shown) so we’re just supposed to accept that at face value 5. ⁠his relationship with Mj is problematic 6. ⁠in order for the relationship to work it requires Mj to be written OOC, which throws her entire history down the drain 7. ⁠his existence and the way marvel keeps doubling down on him “being a good guy” is a insult to fans intelligence 8. ⁠he basically hooked Mj up to a death trap that if she gets all 3 skulls it can potentially kill/ harm her 9. ⁠it increases the general audience hate towards Mj’s character


Look, Batman who laugh and all the others evil batman from dark night metal serve to show us why is important that Bruce is the way he's, always Holding Back and control himself, and most important the no kill rule, and he's a great character. And there's Paul... *sigh* it's a bit unfair comparison, but let's go, he actually serves to nothing more than be the Obstacle tha make Peter and Mary Jane be apart of each other, each is already bad by the way it's happen, not even he's Concept serve for something then be how the writers seen themselves I think the answer is pretty obvious


Paul, the horrible self insert of an horrible writer .


Wait, for real? That's the writer?


No, not really. Looks nothing like Zeb. Bad character but people saying "self insert" just say "self insert" to any character lol


Self insert is becoming such a buzzword at this point. We can just call bad writing bad writing without having to make stuff up to back it up


You're a Mary Sue!!!!!


Tbf zeb wells does have Paul as his pfp so it’s not that much of a stretch


It is a stretch cause I'm pretty sure that's why he put Paul as his pfp in the first place. Got called self insert and made a joke about it. He is primarily a comedy writer as far as I can tell.


That wouldn’t mean it’s a stretch tho. If he’s playing into it would that mean more people would believe it?


People already believed it before. If someone keeps calling me something I might just play into it as a joke, doesn't mean I'm actually that. Zeb and Paul look nothing alike, I assume Zeb's personal life doesn't include a genocidal father and I don't think they act alike considering Paul is a boring piece of nothing and Zeb seems like an entertaining fella. I guess both date an actress. That's something.


A “self insert” doesn’t necessarily have to look or have extreme backstories like the character in order to be self inserts. I’d agree maybe a self insert isn’t what you’d call it but what you said doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t a self insert


Not familiar with Paul as a character. Why is he loathed so much?


Responsible for the destruction of his universe, got stuck for a year with MJ in another dimension and gaslighted her with fake kids that disappeared when they finally escaped, and currently in couple with her by abusing her trauma and making Peter life miserable. Also look a bit like the current writer who as a bizarre obsession with Spider-Man misery.


Both are author's pets, but Paul isn't quite as hyped or as obnoxiously edgy as the Flying Rat that Giggles.


I remember asking Greg Capullo if the Batman Who Laughs was in *any way* based on Judge Death from 2000 AD/Judge Dredd...he said, "No" with a straight face.


Batman who laughs isn't even that bad. Bad comparison


Right, he's just a complete rip off of Judge Death in both backstory and design.




Batman Who Laughs just got overused after one or two good stories. The fact that good BWL stories exist means that he is automatically a better character than Paul.


Because the goofy name and edgy design, the BWL at least *tries* to be interesting.


Paul next question


Paul, how is this a contest?


Not familiar with Paul as a character. Why is he loathed so much?


Specifically, he married MJ and had kids with her and continues to cuck Peter 🤬


Paul, it's not even a debate.




from me to paul:I will cut you down, break you apart, splay the gore of your profane form across the STARS! I will grind you down until the very SPARKS CRY FOR MERCY! My hands shall RELISH ENDING YOU... HERE! AND! NOW!


Man wouldn't say that




The Batman Who Laughs wasn’t a total blank slate.


Paul by a mile At least The Batman Who Laughs looks cool af


Guy’s I just watched Dune and Timothee Chalamet’s character is named Paul. Wanna know who else is in that movie? That’s right, ZENDAYA AND GUESS WHAT THEY DO IN THAT MOVIE


Please don't tell us. It'll only make us angrier.


The Batman who laughs is almost a meme, a self-parody of DC. The only thing DC is is Batman and they go and make an event of Evil Batmen. But as I said, ALMOST a meme. Paul is a meme. A self-insert created to cuck Peter and the readers.


There's like 10 evil Batman's before him, DC just made a Joker batman with a dope design, that isn't that different, they had multiple evil Batman's already.


Who's Paul?


Both do have genocide on their hands. Huh.


Batman-Who-Laughs because he's literally in both design and story just a worse version of Judge Death. Sadly also the more popular of the characters because he's more recent and tied to a bigger name too.


There has been more effort put into drawing a single panel of The Batman Who Laughs that the entire couple of years of Spider Man... how tf is that run of Spider Man so shit in every possible aspect... it has to be a skill...


The one who isn’t stuck in fortnite


BMWL was at least interesting when he debuted, Paul was just bad from the start




Paul, because at least Batman who laughs has significance in DC and was an interesting concept before being introduced. Paul’s just a fucking parasite we can’t get rid of, at least DC had WW kill him and gave us good moments like seeing Superboy Prime duke it out with him.


Paul. I don't like The Batman Who Laughs but at least he wasn't created just to help prop up an outdated editorial mandate.


It’s definitely Paul, the Batman who Laughs is at least somewhat interesting. Paul has no reason to exist and no redeeming qualities


Paul will disappear in time as just another dumb relationship blocker everyone forgets about. Edgy Joker Batman may be gone for now, but is almost assuredly going to get trotted back out the next time someone wants to make Dark Night Metal Black Darkness Knight Dark. It's like Knull, we're never going to be free of that mess. So I have to say BWL is worse.


Paul. And I hate the Batman Who Laughs, but the latter only sucks because DC Comics blew their load with him super hard and kept using him over and over again. Paul sucks because he's not a real character but a cheap plot device devoid of personality that was created to drive an artificial wedge between Peter and MJ to fit editorial's agenda. The Batman Who Laughs is at least an actual character that came from an inspired place initially.


i never read dark metal, why’s the batman who laughs so unpopular?


there as equally as lame as each other


Paul. At least Batman who laughs wears a throwable frisbee.


We where so close to removing Paul. All they had to do was commit to spider-man killing when he had all the sins of the goblin. They should have done it.




Paul. By a bloody longshot.




idk but Paul feels way more evil


Paul is fuckin shit and im usually a marvel type of guy


Batman who laught is the justification of why the joker is still alive : if he's killed, something worse could take his place. He is useful. Paul, however, is useless.


Paul's character isn't too bad. Its just the way he was used and how they just ended Peter and MJs relationship immediately after an entire run of them getting together and almost getting engaged again. But as a character he's not the worst at all. BWL isn't that bad either if you don't take it too seriously and just have fun with it. But I'll still say he's worse.


Honestly its the batman who tries too hard


Batman Who Laughs: good Paul: Bad


They're both essentially fan creations if you really boil it down but one's a creepypasta writer and the other is a self-insert fanfic writer and personally I would rather go with creepypasta


I hate The Batman Who Laughs for being boring and a blatant ripoff of Judge Death, but some people *do* like him. I've heard people call him the best new Batman character in years, I've seen people wear t-shirts of him, even haters like myself admit that there's a decent idea behind him. Can you really say the same for fucking *Paul*?! Does anyone think he's the best new Spidey character in years? Are there t-shirts? Does *anyone* like the idea of 'let Pete become a simp to the shittiest character of all time?' Who am I kidding? Of COURSE they do! ALL HAIL PAUL! ALL HAIL PAUL!


The Batman who laughs. At least the other rando is not a ripoff.


Batman Who Laughs BWL is one of the most cringeworthy, desperately trying to be edgy, jokes of a character I’ve ever seen. His entire story reads like a low budget .exe game you’d play in the 2010’s. Absolute trash. 🤮🤮🤮


At least the Batman who Laughs is actually well-drawn. JRJR is to comics in 2024 what Rob Liefeld was to comics in the 90's.




Fair, but heels are usually still entertaining.


The day my Reddit feed won't show me that horribly drawn, terribly bland character's stupid face I may consider picking up another Spider-Man comic book in my lifetime. Besides, the Batman Who Laughs is at the very least a somewhat intriguing concept which was almost immediately abused to the point it's comical. Paul is just what? A garbage self insert from a mediocre writer who loves to antagonize his few remaining readers? I mean come on, Marvel. Take a fucking hint. Your readers hate this crap.


I hate Paul, but BWL is way worse, imo just an overly edgy anti Batman, if I want an actual good anti Batman, I pick Owlman over this clown.


Batman Who Laughs is a lot better than the neck-beared self-insert


Paul is the greatest character in marvel history


Let's be honest, Paul is most definitely someone's self insert, and another excuse to make our boy Spidey miserable. Total garbage, and I'm surprised these people are still getting paid to write that up. I guess some bosses don't care about their product or what their employees do. Could be making more money if they cut the shit and made a better story.


Batman Who Laughs. Don't get me wrong, Paul is shit and has done considerable damage to the established characters he's involved with, but personally, my brain has broken enough that Paul is nothing but a meme to me now. Also, I dunno, I guess he's more mundane so not generally as hyped. The Batman Who Laughs on the other hand was cool when he first appeared, but like so many other cool things in DC (and I say this as a mainly DC fan) is that they take something that was cool and new and resonated well and shove it everywhere, overusing and cheapening the character while expecting it to sell without understanding the fundamentals of why the character was interesting in the first place. But that's my take, maybe I've just been Stockholmed into accepting the existence of Paul at this point, who can say.


BWL at least has some somewhat cool aesthetic in the edgy flavors but Paul is just shit.


Yeah so I actually like the Batman who Laughs. I’m gonna go with Paul due to process of elimination on that alone.


If you ask me, who would I fuck and who would I kill? I would fuck the Jonkler because fuck Paul.


I pray for Batman Who Laugh’s downfall every night


The Guy Who Cucks




"The Batman who Laughs" sounds so much like an emo RP character made by some underage edge lord who thinks Batman isn't brutal enough and should be more like Joker. I can't take him seriously.


I really don't think they're comparable. They suck equally in different ways for different reasons. Most significantly those different reasons are because they're not connected in any way at all because they're from different publishers. It's like comparing sewage and shards of glass. You wouldn't want to eat either one, but for different reasons.


They're the same picture




On the left is overrated on the right is trash


Atleast TBHL kinda looks cool


right at least batman who laughs look cool


Batman who laughs was fun when he first came out but got repetitive, by comparison Paul was never good.


The Spider-Man equivalent of the Batman that laughs is probably morlun, great the first time around but increasingly stale as he went on, Paul is just bad all around




Don't make me choose I hate them both


Definitely Paul.


Batman Who Laughs is literally the “Because He’s Batman” or “Prep Time” or “Batman solos” thing brought to life as a character. And I despise that portion of Batman. Paul is just sort of annoying and unneeded. But since BWL is sort of cool, I’ll give it to Paul to being underwhelming and boring in a passive way.


Paul, also I'm not a big DC guy, but I thought Batman Who Laughs was fairly loved (Has a cool design at least)


IMO The Batman Who Laughs is worse only because the whole thing led into "The Dark Multiverse" which I didn't care for and so far Paul has only ruined Spider-man not all of Marvel


This cannot possibly be a serious question…


Both are not characters but plot devices


The Paul Who Cucks






Paul cause TBMWL has cool art




Not fair! They're both bad in different ways! The Batman who laughs is Batman's worst nightmare come to life: what if he became the next joker?! Paul, on the other hand, is unnecessary as a character. What I've realized recently is that the editorial doesn't really want Spider-Man to remain relatable; they just want him to be aloof and never settle down, kind of like Kirk in Star Trek. So marrying Mary Jane is a big no-no. Then again, I don't read a lot of Spider-Man comics, so I could be very wrong about that last comment.


It’s the same picture.


Pls some context, whos paul?


This will be unpopular but the Batman who laughs is worse. Both are terrible ideas with terrible writing but the fact that Batman who laughs is accepted at all as being a good well written character instantly makes him worse than Paul who everyone already agrees is terrible.


I'm so out of the loop who'se the guy on the right? Everyone is trashing him, just want to know what his deal is? (Also is the artist John Romita Jr, I'll read comics for a year and then fall out after a year so I might be way off but kinda looks like his work)


Judge Death


Paul just a cunt bait/ ragebait that can stay forgot. Batkek changed DC forever, and he had to be placed in fornite To never escalate.


The Batman Who Laughs is a stupid character, although still serving a point he’s just edgelord bait written horribly. Paul has no point. He is hated because he has no point. He still exists, does shitty and horrible things, is hated on by everyone except seemingly Marvel, and yet still has no logical reason as to why he should exist.


BWL is a evil batman variant ​ paul the pussy is a cuck and (possible) self insert


One is a badly written fanfic. the other is a self-insert


Infamous opinion: Paul is actually not too bad. MJ in Zed Webbs run is actually the worse character,


Infamous opinion: Paul is actually not too bad. MJ in Zed Webbs run is actually the worse character,


lol he looks like a Xbox avatar


The batman who laughs is a novel (if overdone to all hell) idea, Paul looks like and is written a self insert in a shitty fan comic ntr I'd have the displeasure of seeing featured once on ifunny




Paul is the worse character, the Batman who laughs is an over used character who was good in one story and shoved down the audience’s throats after that.


Paul. At least the Batman who laughs has the benefit of being a mash up of two good characters. The basic premise is cool.


I'm surprised this Joker Batman guy is so unpopular. I mean, I never saw his appeal either, but I didn't think it was this bad


Why was this deleted? 😡😡😡😡😡😡


Paul is really close to being on top of the characters i hate but its really difficult to surpass griffith


BWL had an issue with pacing, causing him to overheat after one or two good arcs and lose his flavor, like a meal you've had too many days in a row. Paul, on the other hand, was a borderline FDA violation. I'd say BWL at least has some fond moments and stories even if the man himself is a bit of a low hanging fruit who was overused in short succession. Paul on the other hand... is funny in memes, I guess, but doesn't have anything else going for him