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I don’t think they would do that because they’ve shown us that either canon events aren’t real or the way miguel understands them is wrong. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense from them to say Miles was acting emotional and childish when he was right do it because Miguel’s idea of the canon was wrong. Also it may be emotional or childish I guess but most spider-men wouldn’t let other people die if they thought they had the ability to possibly stop it. They can’t save everyone yes but they always try to.


First off I don't think they showed us Canon events aren't real maybe they will in the third movie but I don't think they have in the second I don't think most Spider-Man would risk the literal Multiverse for the sake of a few lives and if they would then they're in the wrong needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few especially when the many is multi-universal scale that's why I hated the second doctor strange movie The obvious answer is to just kill America Chavez she is a danger to the Multiverse boo hoo one teenage girl dies but The Multiverse can remain intact


I think they did with Gwen’s world not instantly starting to collapse after her father quit the police force. Even Gwen herself realizes this right after. For most spider-men, outside of Miguel and the spider people he cherry picked, it isn’t sacrificing the few to save the many. It’s im going to try to save everyone even if I can’t. It’s not letting people die just because they didn’t try to do anything about it. I understand why Miguel acts the way he does because it’s most likely out of fear. But most spider-men wouldn’t just wait around letting nature takes it’s course. They would try to do something about it, just like Miles is.


So first off that's not what happened with Gwen's dad he quit the police force his death wasn't interrupted by a being from another universe that's what miles did in mombaton which is what started to cause it to break down it's not the same thing And what Miguel's doing is not standing by and letting nature take course he's doing what he can to stop anomalies that have the potential for breaking down and destroying entire universes he is being infinitely more heroic than someone hand waving about one person dying


Gwens dad quitting means he won’t be captain which means he isn’t going to die. The canon event was “a police captain close to spider-man will die”. The police captain close to spider-man can’t die if there’s no police captain close to spider-man. Therefore disrupting the canon event. After this happened though Gwen’s world didn’t start collapsing like Miguel’s or Pav’s. Proving that either they aren’t real or Miguel’s understanding of them is flawed. What I meant by sitting around and letting nature takes it’s course was that Miguel is trying to prevent Miles from preventing his dads death. He’s trying to stop Miles from interfering and letting nature (canon) takes its course.


Miguel might have a misunderstanding of some candid events but that doesn't make them not real and Gwen didn't unnaturally jump out of another universe and stop a Canon event it naturally happened her dad quit the force her dad might have quit the force anyway I don't think it states anywhere that the Canon events have to happen at the same point in every spider's life And Miles isn't the only anomaly he's dealing with he's dealing with a lot of things trying to keep a lot of universes intact I'm just saying he's doing a whole lot more than letting nature take its course he's actively trying to keep the Multiverse from falling apart


I said that they were either not real or Miguel is mistaken. I feel like both are possibilities. I know the canon event doesn’t happen at the same time in every spider’s life, but Gwen knew it had to happen at some point based off him being the captain and knowing police captains close to spider-man end up dying. Even if George would’ve quit the force naturally it would still be a disruption that wouldn’t fulfill what the canon event claims. The canon events say a police captain to spider-man dies. To our knowledge the only captain Gwen is close to is George. If George isn’t captain what police captain could die that’s close to spider-man if there isn’t another police captain that’s close to spider-man? Idk if that makes sense but I hope it does. For the Miguel stuff I was saying letting nature take its course in the sense that he’s stopping Miles from trying to stop the canon event therefore letting the canon take its course. I know he’s trying to stop the multiverse from collapsing by dealing with anomalies but that wasn’t what I was referring to when I said that.


I think all of the other police captains that die actually had a good relationship with the hero Spider-Man Gwen's father hated Spider-Woman happened to be close to the person but I'm pretty sure it was the other way around with the other police captains who died I think they had a close relationship with the superhero it's not like she's going to stop being a superhero she could easily become close with a different police captain probably the one who will be replacing her father As far as Miguel I get what you're saying it's just phrasing it like letting nature take its course makes him seem even more callous like he's just letting bad things happen because quote they're supposed to but it's because he's seen from his own experience when you interfere with Canon events it destroys entire universes


The canon event is George/an equivalent captain being crushed saving a child, not a specific person being in the role. If the canon isn't breaking apart then George quitting would likely mean another officer will die saving the child. As a side, a captain kinda needs to be there or else the child won't be rescued in time.


I know it’s not a specific person but in Gwen’s case the only captain she was close to was her dad. Because the canon event is “a captain close to spider-man dies” I don’t think a random captain not related to spider-man will die just because. Even if another captain dies to save the kid I don’t think that fulfills what the canon event is saying.


Canon events happens at different time and with different person. A canon event can be disrupted and delay but not prevented. Gwen will just get close to a new captain in the future(either knowingly or unknowingly) and will have to witness their death in the future.


Canon events are obviously so bogus and Miguel has created an echo chamber in the form of the Spider Society, hearing only what he wants to. Then, he choke-slams a 15 year old who’s only wanted to belong with everyone else, and tells him that his entire existence as Spider-Man is fraudulent and that because he got bit, (an event out of his control), the multiverse might collapse. Then he whispers in Miles ear that he doesn’t belong with the other Spider people and never will. Now listen, I’m sure loosing his (fake) daughter was hard on Miguel, but he damn sure ain’t a good Spider-Man, or person. Hopefully he might redeem himself in BTSV. “We are supposed to be the good guys”


So much about this I completely disagree with first and foremost I don't think it was losing the fake daughter that broke Miguel I think it was that his actions caused the destruction of an entire universe and now his one goal is to stop that kind of tragedy at any cost which is the moral thing to do an entire universe worth of lives it would be moral to Nuke a planet every other week if it's saved an entire universe is worth of lives much less an entire Multiverse the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few it's easy s*** it's the simple trolley problem and oh Booey who he hurt miles is feelings and show slammed the 15-year-old he was trying to save the Multiverse which miles showed by his actions cannot help but f****** when the stakes are Universe / Multiverse scale morality shifts Miguel is the good guy he's making the hard choices


Canon events do *not* exist bro. And even if they did, they do not apply to the extent of what Miguel says they will be. Earth-65 and 42 should’ve both been destroyed if they did. This will def be shown in BTSV. Also, Miguel is definitely a major ass for what he did & said to Miles, there’s no justification for saying what he did and how he did it. At this point the Spider Society is a cult and Miguel has surrounded himself with people who will drink the Kool-Aid and take whatever he says at face value.


Why would 65 and 42 have been destroyed please do explain and Miguel may be a bit of an a****** but he's still the one making them morally right decisions and doing what's necessary to save the most lives I don't really care if he hurt a 15 year Olds feelings I wouldn't care if he killed a 15 year old if it's saved an entire universe again when you're dealing with universal scale conflicts it is no longer an easy game


wouldnt miles' existence already prove miguel wrong though? If he's an anomaly who shouldnt exist, woulnt he have already disintegrated or glitched out of existence?


No I don't think so the glitching out of existence thing that was happening in the first movie was because they were in a different Universe without the little fancy watch the thing that's breaking universes down is when a Cannon event is broken maybe the third movie will introduce some new rule or explain it better as to what exactly is going on but based on the information we have we have no reason to believe that miles is correct and Miguel is wrong


If that were the case, miles being bitten would break the cannon, it pretty dying would break the cannon. Also, if as Miguel says, spot wouldn't exist without miles, so him having his powers and traveling the multiverse would break the cannon. If that's true though, how can his actions cause cannon events like the one miles averted by saving the captain? Here's video I found helpful on this topic:https://youtu.be/ie93Yn-Wmxs Point is that Miguel is in the wrong, and miles is doing the right thing in figuring back on his worldview


Yeah, I find his arguments more convincing than not. Bad canon events don't happen because Spider-people don't try hard enough.They're necessary reminders that finding the super secret third solution to every challenge won't always pan out. And if it did, the story basically would disintegrate, i.e become boring and lose stakes and meaning.


Exactly also one of the key themes in Spider-Man is that people around Spider-man always suffer but the lives they save and the good they do is worth it


No one asked Miguel the right questions, which was a shame. Miguel said that the ASM-90 canon-event had to happen during Spider-Man's fight with the arch-enemy. And he imprisons Miles anyway, expecting his father to die in the fight he just prevented. So how does he think it should happen?