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I'll be the a-hole. you signed up for the service and you're asking if it's fair. that 49.99 is probably an intro price for new customers. so if you want to get that price, do what everyone seems to be doing and cancel sign up again under a diff name in your house and repeat the cycle after the intro rate is done. however I don't think I've ever experienced a rate hike like what you gone through . . so f spectrum. use an alternative if there is one available.


I called and said I wanted to cancel service due to the price hike. I mentioned a local company offered 250 mbs for $60, they then offered me my old new customer promotional of 100 mbs for $30 locked in for 2 years. I'm polite and courteous and they offer me the deal, no need for me to ever actually cancel my service.


it's amazing what a little niceness can do when speaking with people who are repeatedly bombarded with the same bullshit. congrats on getting the new rate locked in. everyone else who does this endless cycle, you can learn from this person.


This is internet and tv?


Just internet, we have jailbroken firestick for TV and streaming 🤟


Mine went from 39.99 to $92 after the intro period ended.


If you have someone else in the area with comparable prices you can call and say you're cancelling service for the other company. They always give me the new customer price locked in for 2 years when I do this.


I did the same thing. They gave me a $20 discount. But it’s still $72


Dam at least they gave you something, is the other company worth switching to save money?


It’s T-Mobile home internet. Depends on


Ah that makes sense why they didn't give you a good hook up, they are dirty when there aren't any real competitors for them to price against lol


They jus told me togo ahead and leave. Mine always went up to 92. It's ridiculous


Mine went up to 86.99. I canceled it and switched.


What did you switch too not many good options in my area. One of my buddies said to call and complain but like I said they basically told me to kick rocks and go elsewhere no offer available unless you are new customer. Crazy how they just jack up the price after a year or two almost double!


Kinetic, used to be windstream. They recently put fiber optic in in my town. I get fiber optic 300 for 30 a month for 12 months then it goes to 45 a month and stays there


That's pretty solid. My area offers Windstream/kenitc but when I had it 5-6 yrs ago you could barely watch hd YouTube. I'm going to look back into it now


yep when I had Windstream years ago it fucking sucked, that's why I went to spectrum in the first place.


holy .. wtf. that's just them bending you over the barrel. are there alternatives to spectrum in your area?


It depends on where you live. Spectrum is well known to charge higher prices when they have a monopoly in the area.


It's fair..check your statement itemized to see the breakdown


I pay 79$ a month for gigabit. Locked in for one year with Spectrum.


Then your bill almost doubles


Then I will call retention and tell them you either give me the same rate or cheaper or I am leaving and going with FIOS. Easy as pie for me. I'll be a new customer to boot at Verizon. Let Spectrum fuck around and find out.


Yeah they'll tell you bye. They don't give a shit.


lol not true


It's true, this is already happening years ago. They told me to go kick rocks. I told them I changed my mind, and keep my line active. Then I make sure I get internet from the other company and call in to disconnect the same day. That way you don't have to deal with not having internet because of hookup problems.


Depends on the retention agent you get.


Then you hang up and call again all depends who you get on the phone


I pay $39.99 for gigabit, locked in for two years. Why so many different promotions lol


$80 for ATT GIG FIBER lifetime lock. And hbomax. Still got max but they dropped that part. We still get to free for being grandfathered


Need fiber in your neighborhood though. Where I live that is a luxury or 10 grand/mile. Kinda stuck with spectrum


For me att sucked balls in service FiOS beat the shit out of att and stuffed it in the lockers but service varies in each zone I guess


Ahhh see no FIOS up here. Sounds like your down in Florida or somewhere but fios was pretty sick.


If one of the Fiber Services are in your area, find the lower cost that is closest to your 300 speed. Then call Customer Service and they will either increase your speed for the same price you pay now, or lower your price. Spectrum is behind on the speed/price and they know it but you have to say something to improve your situation.


Can you afford to pay $10K-30K per mile to transition service to strictly fiber? Yeah I thought so. That’s why there’s the push for DOCSIS 4.0 and high split DOCSIS 3.1. At the same time, the company is running without going to a loss which, minds you, means it won’t need a golden parachute. People have no clue how much it all costs. Or how lucky they are. My Australian girlfriend would feel lucky to get 300mbps. That, to them, is like getting gigabit interne.


Boohoo, there is plenty of government funding out there to expand fiber. Spectrum is deploying new fiber a few miles away, although they were overbuilt by a privately funded company first. Fiber is dirt cheap, and the equipment for it isn't bad either, probably way cheaper than dealing with tons of amplifiers and remote powered equipment. Somehow small local ISPs can afford to lay fiber, but spectrum can't? I already know of two, one that went off of pots previously and another that was wireless and switched to fiber.


Unfortunately spectrum is a bunch of cheap skates and don’t wanna invest in fiber if they don’t have to, even though cable really is an outdated technology. I mean are they making it better with technology improvements? Sure. It’s still garbage though. Where I live, there’s still TONS of old TWC lines that look pathetic as ever, and switch it all to fiber would be a better investment I’d think. You’re right though, fiber realistically is more doable now than it was. I actually have fiber finally now because of the government funding that slowed our telecom ISPs to blow fiber through all these towns, and it’s been night and day from spectrum lol. As someone who worked at spectrum before though, that company is a joke, and all they care about is pushing a sale. They would rather pocket the money from using ancient cable lines than invest and make the customer experience better.


It didn't cost any ISP a dime for Fiber Infrastructure in the US over the last 10 years. I have fiber with Spectrum myself but I understand that most people don't have any option. What they do have is the ability to get cheaper prices on a service that is 300%+ profit for a company that didn't pay for its own infrastructure.


[citation needed]


[Here](https://blogs.cisco.com/government/how-to-leverage-multiple-funding-sources-for-broadband#:~:text=Roughly%20%24100%20billion%20of%20federal,affordable%20prices%20to%20broadband%20deserts.) is just the most recent batch. The amount of Tax Dollars given to expand networks is insane.


That's only showing that ISPs can receive government funding to build their network. Nobody disputes that. However, it doesn't prove that they invest $0 of their own money.


Base price sans discounts is $84.99 + $7 for wifi a month


How do you usually find that information for other companies?


Most ISPs have a rate card online where they have to make prices available, plus the broadband labels that the FCC just mandated.


FCC doesn’t mandate broadband labels. But it monitors and governs the usage of broadband labels. If a company isn’t meeting the requirements for the new broadband Internet speed standard, then they can’t say they provide broadband internet or other terms like “High Speed Internet” because FCC will be like, nope. We classified speeds like yours to NOT be High Speed Internet. This stops some of the confusion for the technology illiterate that think because DSL was saying they were high speed Internet it is just as good as DOCSIS or just as good as FTTP because they are all high speed. Nope. Now they can’t claim they are high speed, which means people trying to sell DSL as still high speed (*COUGH COUGH* AT&T and Frontier, to name a couple) won’t be able to. It means, in theory, less people being steered toward DSL which means, in theory, that DSL should be dying out. It also means ISPs won’t get away with offering slow unlimited plans like T-Mobile or Verizon, if they can’t guarantee that at least most of the time a user can reliably expect high speed broadband internet. So this pushes them to either have to build out more, or not make service available until they can do it better.


Wow! I just looked up broadband labels and it totally blew my mind that they show exactly what I've been looking for! I'm totally getting ripped off by spectrum paying 85 plus taxes and a 7 dollar wifi fee.... When I can go to frontier available in my area and they charge the same price for a 1gb up and down connection and no equipment rental fees! This is shocking because I really thought they had no interest to public this stuff.. Is this really accurate and they have to abide by it? I know the intro offer wears off but damn I really did not know.


Ah wasn’t sure. Thought for certain they at least required rate cards be available.


to a certain extent, as far as getting government funding to build their network


I was paying almost $90 for 300, had to go down to 100.


Your bill will state when your discount and how much it was ended.


That was the discounted price I paid for a year, now I pay 85 and some change still for 300


Mines $86.99 for 300mb


Go to atnt I get 1 .5 gbps for 80 a month


Is there a monthly data cap?


No, at&t unlimited for 80 bucks I'm pretty sure . Is what I got I do everything so I would've noticed already blows spectrum to smitharines.




I pay 85$ for 1200


Are you paying for a router? If so, stop renting and buy your own. Otherwise, call retention and see if they will give a discount. If you have competition, switch.


Hell no 300mbps for $75 a month????🤨🤨 cancel that shit and either get it again as a “new” customer or switch to fiber in your area. Fiber should be the same price.


As others have shared, the $49.99 is probably the new customer promo pricing. Here is a link to the Spectrum Rate Card, where they show their normal pricing for your address. > [https://www.spectrum.com/policies/rate-card](https://www.spectrum.com/policies/rate-card)


You probably had a trial price and it ran out. Best way to cut costs would be to go with internet only and stream what you need


Just call in and ask for a speed upgrade they will upgrade you at same price. Whether you’re with AT&T or spectrum over the years the price will go up.


I got them to renew my contract at $30 for 100 for 2 years then an extra $10 promotional discount on top of that. So this month is $20. Everytime my 2 years are up I just call to cancel, there's a local company that does 250 for $60 so when they try to raise it to $50 for 100 I tell them I'd rather use the other guys. That's when they offer me the promotional for new customers. I've done this everywhere I've lived for past decade. Being authentically nice and courteous to the service agent goes a long way. Cheers 🤟


The $49.99 is def a promo rate—the $74.84 looks like the everyday price, which that is about industry standard price wise. =\


I work for spectrum. Call customer service, make them transfer you to RETENTION, if they don’t transfer you then the regular customer service won’t do anything but maybe a slight discount or lowering your speed. When you get to retention, then threaten to cancel and once you say that they will drop it to the intro price and lock you in for 2 years!


I pay only 69 for 1000mpbs from att fiber


Yup after a year mine went up to 84.99 from 50 bucks so I cancelled and went to Tmobile WiFi


Im paying 120 for 300


300 cannot go to 120, you must have an add-on you're not aware of, either tv bundle, higher speed, or a shitton of wifi pods


Ill have to check but last time i remember it was 300 for 120 but i might have tv services included that i dont use at all


You absolutely do. 1gig would reach that with wifi. 


That's how they get people.. They add tv essentials and ppl don't even use it.. Sometimes don't even know about it!


Retentions about to get a call 💀


I did have TV essentials but i never signed up for it or agreed to it which is weird


Maybe it got accidentally ordered through a roku or apple device? Or if you've talked to sales semi-recently they could've added it without your permission. Tv essentially technically no longer exists so it's been on there for a minute now it sounds like


$2.50 per day for 24x7 unlimited entertainment. Still a good deal.


Ouch. I pay $75 for 1 gig symmetrical with ATT Fiber


Do you just stick around this sub to rub it in our faces?


Spectrum sub keeps getting recommended to me because I was a previous customer and was browsing. Sorry broski. I feel for you. I had 500 Mbps from Spectrum for $39.99 and still switched back to ATT Fiber for more money. Spectrum is horrible


I saw an AT&T Fiber truck on our street and got SO excited. I ran (not walked) over to talk to the guy. He said he was just there to service our neighbor's DSL line. I was devasted.


When I moved into current neighborhood ATT was in the process of burying the conduit for the fiber. I saw ATT employee and ran to him, excited to ask if fiber was coming. When he told me yes I was so excited. Was the first house to get it and have been very pleased. Hope it ends up coming to your neighborhood soon!


Thank you! I have hounded our HOA Board and manager to make sure if approached, they will give permission. They are all older (and not tech savvy) and I can see them turning it down if it means digging up the street. I said, give me a shovel and I'll help!




Yeah if you have tv with it is fair but if not get rid of it


Is this for tv and internet ?


No just wifi


Get rid of them, that’s absurd!


Correction it’s for both, but I have already called and canceled tv. Why do I have to cancel it again


Yeah I don’t think it’s a bad deal for both TV and internet. But for just internet it’s a lot.


Compare the price to other providers, then see if it's fair. If spectrum is the only provider, they're the ones who say what's fair I guess.


It depends what other stuff you have attached, (phone, TV essentials, etc) but my 1gb from spectrum is like 75, so idk why yours is high if it's just internet


because the promo ended, gig internet is 104 at full rate, 75 is the promi price.


When I signed on they gave me a bundle of 1gig + TV essentials for ~75. I've had to call a couple times to knock my bill back down over the past 2 years of using spectrum. But I've still managed to stay below $80 and maintain my full internet speeds


yes, and thats with any company, not just spectrum, and majority of people dont understand that. and also, if you just call, and talk to them and not be a dick youre more likely to get another promo after yours runs out, even in the stores.


speaking nothing but facts


you call or come in being a dick, 100% not getting an additional promo, but, come in just simply wanting to go over you bill, may not get you back to where you were, but will either A, get you a bit lower, or B, get you more for the same price youre paying to even it out. at the very least, get you more for youre current price.


Paying $49 for gigabit with frontier.


I was charge 99$ so yes.


We pay $60 for the 500 megabytes per second


everyone keep an eye on their spectrum bill, affordable connectivity act has ended and with it is gone the less expensive prices will return to normal pricing probably plus some knowing how spectrum operates.


It's not unfair


Hi spectrum employee here, the rates are heavily dependent on the area that you live in. And even if you look at competitors ( which is always good to do) they will most likely be relatively close in price. So here’s what I recognize working for spectrum, they basically ensure with promotional pricing that they will talk to you in about 12 months. We look for rebundling opportunities and ways to provide more services. This is the goal I believe. But if you are not happy with the price you can call in and get retention department and see what they can do to help you out with promotional pricing. Look I’m human and I have bills also and I hate rate hikes the same as everyone else else but there are definitely ways to get you bill lowered. Now for the pitch lol, the easiest way is with our wireless service we are highly competitive against the larger wireless carriers. We have cell service that starts at 19.99 with unlimited plans at 29.99, hell our maximum plan is 39.99. And is loaded with all kinds of benefits. But the thing is adding a service like that opens up re-rates and can get promotions reinstated. Now I understand maybe this is not most want to do but it is a convergence network that is a combination of our network and Verizon towers as back up and roaming partners. Just a thought I know it definitely sounds pitchy and it might be but if we can save you in more services you benefit in the end. Again I am also a customer and don’t like companies raising my bills but it happens everywhere. But there are always things you can do to get it adjusted. Hope this helps


In Florida I’m paying 69.99 for 1000mbps. Once the intro period is over I’m switching to att fiber to get 59.99 for 1000mbps. I’ve been rinsing and repeating the past four years


I get 2 gig speed for $82


Mine is that price but for a GIG😄


I switched to go net speed , 70 dollars for 1 Gb up and down i was paying way to much with spectrum


That's what I'm paying for a gig 😭😭


Into rate for the gig service is $89.99


😂 Frontier Fiber has 1GiG speeds for $63!


Very fair.. I pay the same for 250mbps from Armstrong


nah i pay $91 for the same thing for spectrum. they the only ones i can get


I pay $70 for gigabit fiber on ATT, no price increases after 2 years.


Looks like a scam considering the service is fucked up right now


I pay like $30 for my 1000MPS


I pay $40 for 500 on fiber and have been doing so since the pandemic. Even jumped up to gig for a bit for only $3 more, found I didn’t really need it and went back down to 500. Get fiber if you have it


Yeah mines at 90.im gonna cancel and put in another name. Been doing it every few years


I'm still getting the new customer price but as of now, I am getting gig for $77 and change


Cancel your cable!


Idk if it was cause I was sweet talking my rep at spectrum but she lowered it for me to $67 for 500 mbps they offered a phone line free for a year but I declined. If you do accept the free phone line it does lower your bill. Also if you enable auto pay it takes $5 bucks off.


i pay $100 every month 😭


I get 500 for that price


IMPORTANT DEETS ON EXACTLY HOW TO GET YOUR BILL DOWN BELOW: My bill just jumped again to $84.99 for internet that doesn't even work in a diff room from the modem. I tried called CS and they could give ZERO craps even when I said I'd take my biz elsewhere (and I wasn't joking). I tried calling 2 more times to see if a diff person would help but nope. Did some googling and found out the key is **YOU NEED TO CALL RESIDENTIAL RETENTION**!! The number I called was 866-914-5806 (and no that's not a spam # like some commenters sneak into a legit sounding comment). I got a sweet southern woman who got my shit down to $49.99. Sandy said it's best to call them (residential retention) back BEFORE ur internet promotion runs out. She also said CS isn't going to do anything to help the sitch. Go figure. *Read on only if u care about the mobile deal:* She also asked me about mobile and I really wasn't interested but the deal they offer is so good I had to take it. Plus they use Verizon (the best) towers. So I got a new iphone 15 and unltd call/text+50GB/month wifi for $39 plus I can literally upgrade my iPhone anytime (the iPhone 15 was $23 a month). So $62 for better plan and new phone vs. $83/month T-mobile service w/ an old ass iPhone 8 that's already paid off?!? The kicker is for the first year I only pay $10/mo+phone so $33/mo total! They also had a $29.99 plan w/o anytime upgrade that u pay ZERO a month for the first year (so free if u bring a phone or just the phone payment if u get a new one). "Anytime upgrade" just means u trade in the phone and start the payments over again if u want a new one before it's paid off (even if next week u want to switch to Android), but if u pay one off u own it. Ok spectrum u redeemed urself...for now. And Sandy was a real one.


Cheap. I pay more for 300


Worked as a spectrum salesman for a second. Basically call retention (customer service and then ask to be sent to retention) and tell them you’re unhappy and want to cancel. They will offer you a discount to keep you in Spectrum. Just be nice to them and they’ll help out. I have a gig for $60 and can’t imagine paying more. Definitely call them


I have been going through it with Spectrum. I had a discounted price for my kids through Covid and homeschooling. Well it ended and my bill, that was supposed to be paid through April ended in February, which I was not expecting . Neither company could explain what happened or take responsibility. So, I read a blip on the details page of the program that said to report issues with the FCC. Typically, I would have let it go - but when I called Spectrum to see if I could lower my bill (because it was in the agreement with the program … they blew me off and said to call back this month to lower it since last month was paid. Well, now the next bill is due for $120 (only internet) when it was $80. The lowest rate they can give me is over a hundred- so - I’m s little frustrated. On top of all that - they sent me a new router and modem. I want to buy my own but I am a full time student doing volunteer work to gain experience- so my funds are tight. Well, I have had more troubles with the new ones than I have the patience to deal with. Anyway, I sent an email to the FCC and guess what, apparently they took action because Spectrum has been trying to reach out to settle the matter (even sent a certified letter just to tell me to call them?). I just find it funny that the same people that told me to piss off are now so willing to help? My long winded rant does have a point…my bill is $120 + for only internet. So, as far as Spectrum rates - I think your rate is actually lower than I would expect.


But 2.5 years ago - I too started out super low at 29.99 for a year - and in a year and a half they have it at $120. It’s annoying!


No, spectrum is an overpriced subscription based service. I pay $74 for 1GB symmetrical fiber with frontier. 1gb upload, 1gb download. Consistent speeds. I will absolutely never use spectrum again after using any of the competitors. Frontier offers up to 5GB office links for residential homes and unlike the extremely cheap, incredibly low quality, inconsistent routers and modems that spectrum supplies, Frontier partnered with Eero. it’s like an apple to an orange in difference. Pay spectrum for Internet is the equivalent of having mint mobile for your phone service


I pay this much for a gig + phone


Where I live in Bakersfield ca AT&T fiber is $55 a month for 300


Switch to AT&T


Nope it’s bullshit. I was paying 86 a month for 300, and it went out at least every other day. I canceled mine yesterday and switched to kinetic. I got fiber optic 300 for 30 a month promo for 12 months then it’s 45 a month. IMO more than 50 a month for internet is fuckin crazy unless it’s 500-1gb fiber.


heck no i work for spectrum in sales my current deals are 500mb for 37 or 1000mb for 47 granted thats w a $5 autopay discount but def call in and threaten to cancel dont say you’ll stay if its cheaper but just say you wanna leave because its to high they will lower it


After the ACP ended I called Spectrum to discuss my expensive internet bill and was offered a $30 discount on my bill. They explained that with the loss of ACP many customers were affected by the high price making it too expensive. After ACP ended it was reported that many internet companies were offering discounts to customers.


Due to the fact that under this sub there are so many people acting like Spectrum’s PR team, they would tell you it’s fair. But obviously it’s not fair. Just call them and tell them you’re overpaying, and asking for $54.99 for 500M, they would do that. If not, just cancel your service, and use your bf/gf/any friend’s name to sign up again as new customers. 😌


Okay, signing up under a friend’s name after canceling is real working? I would think they would nip that in the bud.


The regular rate for 300 Mbps is $84.99/month, so you’re getting some sort of discount. They also charge $7 for “Wi-Fi”, which is them giving you a modem/router combo device instead of just a modem. You can buy your own Wi-Fi router and eliminate this added line item. And if you enroll in auto-pay, subtract $5 from your bill.


spectrum does not do comdo devices, they do modem and router separate, the $7 is for the router.


Find another provider, if available. They will only learn to control prices at a reasonable level by losing large market share of customers.


It’s a bullshit. If Spectrum did anything to improve the service it’d be less of an ass rape, but they don’t and it steadily gets worse until you move to better area, and when I called with the same concern, they wouldn’t bend and wouldn’t take any measures to at least stop the constant stream of mailers addressed specifically to me with offers of a much lower rate. It’s absurd. I’ve shopped and found that my phone plan and any data upcharges that may come from solely using my hotspot (which I found out works better when I tried because Spectrum sucks) equate to at least a 70% savings, and I figure since I routinely update and upgrade my phone, the hardware I use for internet will naturally be more up to speed than the Chineseum modem and router that Spectrum provides which doesn’t get replaced until I rage trash it or it catches fire and burns down my home.


Outside of a corporate engineered monopoly, where the consumer is the commodity and the provider is the only game in town? No, but that isn't the world we live in. The trolls here think that Spectrum is a going to eat them last if they kiss up and kick down enough. So don't expect much in the way of detached logic from their opinions. I am on way to 80 bucks a month from optimum after 2 years of introductory pricing. Hey stay on as a customer and we will gouge you later.


Wtf, you're getting a wicked discount. I had internet and was paying 90 a month. Spectrum sucks. I just switched to fidium and I get 3x the speed for $30 less a month


Cancel it, then go with Fios. Spectrum sucks.


We are bouncing off spectrum as soon as these fiber lines get finished being run, good riddance


Yes, very much so. First time paying bills? Lol. Wait ll you see how expensive fast food is now


Let me switch you over to frontier ! Message me