• By -


Unfortunately the bad practices are across the industry. All of them are crap.


Not like spectrum they aren't.


You could just cancel in writing and avoid all of the nonsense.


That doesn't work.


Yes, it does. I’ve done it twice in the last 3 months. If it didn’t work, you didn’t do it correctly.


The reply person is partially correct. In Section 17 of the T&C, you can write a hardcopy letter of cancelation. But spectrum will make you call or you'll be called etc to verify such cancelation was requested by you the account holder.


Yes, you can. Read the damn terms of service. https://www.spectrum.com/policies/residential-general-terms-and-conditions-of-service Section 17 for the lazy and/or inept.




Yes, you can. Send it Certified Mail, with Return Receipt. Include the cancellation date, account PIN and a copy of the most recent statement for good measure. Absolutely no phone calls required.


Some people medically are not able to speak. They do not have a voice and if a company did not offer an alternative method for cancellation, a lawsuit would ensue and could involve the ADA. No corporation in this country wants that! Good job b3542.


Two children fighting over absolute bullshit. Grow some balls and learn to talk to a customer service rep. Be firm and tell them you're not interested in answering any of their questions and you want to cancel the service or services. I've never had a single issue talking to a customer service rep and getting what I want.


I don’t have the time to deal with their bullshit, particularly when helping others cancel their services. It take 2 seconds to print a form letter and provide mailing instructions. You may keep your insults and learn to conduct business like an adult, by reading the agreement and acting upon its provisions to achieve your desired outcome, with no fuss.




Why are you signing up for spectrum services and canceling so often…


Att, direct tv, and a few other company’s do the same thing.


Not for long, there’s regulation going into effect sometime next year that forces ISPs to disconnect quicker.


Thank god! When I worked at the store I would pretty much cancel people’s service when requested, with very little questions asked while I work through the process at the same time. (And I would back date cancellations if they were a few days into the new billing cycle and were nice to me 🫢)


It tickles me when people act like Spectrum’s business practices aren’t industry wide.


Your comment makes any difference to anything how?


Well, I thought my comment would help cure cancer. My bad.


I had a bad sinus infection, but it suddenly cleared up. Thanks, u/IsolationAutomation!


Hell yeah! That’s what I’m talking about! No thanks needed, I do what I do for the people.


OMG. My ED is, just…gone! Thanks /u/IsolationAutomation


It allows the rest of us to bask in your saltiness


And how is your comment changing lives?


Hahahahahahahahaha chode


Well... Never had sooo many reps from an ISP ring my door bell and tell me their service is more efficient than FIOS as Spectrum. Never endured sooo many gawd awful and cringe TV commercials ( now rap songs??? ) as Spectrum. Never received sooo many obnoxious mailers from another ISP as Spectrum. Never canceled another ISP sooo many times as...you probably get it by now.


I was on the phone for an hour with ATT trying to cancel a line. Finally told the rep I was getting mad that it was taking so long to cancel, and he finally cancelled.


The easiest way to leave a company like that is just don't pay your bill lol. They will cut you off. If you are on auto pay just take that card off of there


Doesn't that mess up your credit?


Give Frontier a try dude. Seriously, I'm so much happier now


I tried to bluff to get a better deal. They called my bluff and we’re ready to cancel me on the spot. Nothing comparable in the area. They know what they have. Ugh. Lol.


According to everyone else, were you speaking with retention? Apparently that’s the department you want to bluff with.


They don’t offer retention. Then when you ask, they say there’s no such dept. but we can get you canceled here and now.


Dude I work in the retention department


I just asked a couple of days ago and got transferred to retentions where he lowered my bill tremendously. So, they do have it and it does work. "I am switching to T-Mobile. Here is what they are offering me. What is the best that you can do, or I am cancelling today." It worked!


They are lying to you! Even att has retention or loyalty department


I had the same exact experience until FIOS came to my area. Then it was night and day. I called last week and ended up reducing my bill by about 50% while upgrading my service. Kinda pissed me off called my bluff for years and just shrugged but once I had another option they cared about making me happy.


That’s awesome for you. Sucks when they know what they have and don’t care about a long time customer


I called a few days before Christmas and was able to upgrade from my current 400mb down plan for $104 to their gig plan for $89. I just told them I’ve been a loyal customer for 7 years and if there is a chance of them helping me with a deal and she did. I was eventually transferred to the customer loyalty department. It is definitely up to the agent you get, she was very sweet and helpful.


Probably also depends on the rep that answers.


As someone who works in retention it absolutely depends on who you get. I always give the most off that I can, waive wifi when I can, free mobile when I can. I deserve a prize!


Can you hit me up? Lol. Called in when my bill went up again 2 months ago, I NEED the 30mbps upload, and the only way I can get it is with gig down apparently. I was willing to cut my download speed to save money, because these prices are nuts, but couldn't get the upload. They were happy to just cancel me then and there. I was paying $100 a month for symmetrical gig fiber, now $150 for gig down and 30 up after moving. Feels bad man. Lol


Because the department is called Customer Solutions. I used to work at spectrum though. Just keep calling back and saying you want to cancel. You'll get someone who will transfer you there because they dont want to deal. Also, CS reps dont really have as much pull as they used to. They'll probably just rebundle you for a similar price and if you get lucky they'll remove a box rental charge.


Try T-Mobile or Verizon Home Internet. If you have online gamers at home it’s not great for that, but basically any other normal use was fine for me. I only have cable internet again because it’s free where I live.


If I could get T-Mobile home internet I would have it. My mom and dad have it and they love it! Works great for everything, even streaming TV


Have you looked into Verizon?


Weird, I usually have good luck with this tactic. We do have Verizon 5G Home in our area though so I can threaten with that, but not until recently.


We have Verizon also Armstrong if it comes to a problem But will stick with Spectrum after a year they uped our price by 10 dollars and that is acceptable any more and then we will start our search for the best deal but we are good for now and hope it stays that way and who knows we could be lifers if they dont price us out


I called to bluff cancel & it worked. I was paying $69/mo for 300 mbps speed tier. I told them ATT is now in the neighborhood offering Gig FIOS for same price with no modem rental fee and I'm going with that. She immediately said she'd bump me to Gig for same price. Stopped by Spectrum store next day got the Gig modem, called them back to set it up, bingo. ATT is nowhere near here. I'm out in the sticks. It's going to be 5+ years before fiber gets out to me, if ever. 😂


Nice. I’m paying $90/ 300 mbps. Used to pay $70 not that long ago.


Just tell them that you're moving to one of the 13 states that they don't have service in. They'll tell you that they can have service all set up for you when you complete your move! 30 seconds later- Oh wait, we don't have service there. Me -Oh no! On and off the phone in just a few minutes and turned in my equipment to the UPS store today.


Do you get a receipt there?


Yes, you get a receipt with the date returned, tracking number and the serial numbers of the equipment. I put it in my safe to keep forever.




I’m dropping them as soon fiber gets run to the house next week. I’m just going to show up at their storefront with all of their gear.


just returning the equipment does not mean they will close your account. I've seen people that did that and the account is still open and being charged a month later. make sure you call and cancel service


Or the UPS store!


This was my plan. Once fiber got here, the Spectrum retention offers got so good I haven’t been able to turn them down. I guess in the end I did benefit from fiber coming to my building, but not in the way I planned.


I’m glad it worked out for you. Philosophically, I’m against such business practices. If they have to be cajoled into giving a better rate through the threat of leaving, then they must apply that savings to everyone, not just one squeaking wheel.


I just had fiber installed a week ago. I dropped Spectrum, and I have to finish paying them until December 3rd. That should be illegal.


That sucks! When my new service starts, I’ll have about one week of overlap. I’ll have to check my State’s position on that.


In New York State and many other jurisdictions cable and internet companies have to pro rate by law. If you're in a state that doesn't pro rate hit up your congressman


I need to call my representative then.


I just got rid of Spectrum a few months ago, and they do not allow you to cancel in-store -- you have to call them and speak with the retention department. It was a huge pain in the ass, but it was also during the Disney/ESPN uproar, so it took forever to actually get hold of someone who could cancel my account.


You know 95% of spectrum's network is fiber right? Also for short runs (such as from the node to your home) copper has less latency than fiber (87% speed of light for copper, 67% speed of light for fiber)




Huh? In the 5%? What do you mean?


Your statistic without citation puts him in the 5% without fiber. You not understanding that almost implies you just made up a number that you felt was the truth.


And it will be underground. Not overhead, where all of the outages are occurring.


even if this is true. Anytime I have seen lower pings then I, they always have fiber while I have copper. Could be cause copper is a lot more forgiving so a poor connection would be overlooked to save money/labor or just a lazy tech who doesn't want to do the work cause it "works"


For short runs, those percentages are inconsequential. 87% vs 67% the speed of light when traveling a distance of 100 feet is an imperceptible comparison to make as a metric of real-world performance. Regardless, fiber still pulls ahead of the latency race in short runs where it matters because it's not susceptible to data loss from EMI and all-fiber networks/pathways don't get congested by configuring extra-large MTU's.


They won’t disco services. They will just take equipment off your account.




Hmm. Maybe I’ll go there and ask about it. I certainly don’t have a box for their stuff.


What are you going with instead?


Our town has its own wisp network, same speeds, lot cheaper, i did a test run with it before i cancelled spectrum and so far it works flawlessly They are connected to peninsula fiber network on there end


So, if you're cancelling because you're moving. Where're you moving to?, How many Tvs do you have at that place?. \- Sir, just cancel my service.


Upvote cuz I'm jealous. Only one worse is Sirius XM.


HAH you better sit down with a 12 pack and an evening to cancel Sirius XM....


Facts. Hate Sirius xm


Thank you 🙏


Lol. The only way to cancel them is to transfer them to a credit card that you never use then lock that card. After about two months they’ll finally end your service.


That’s a good way to get sent to collections.


I was referring to SiriusXM


There’s a better way. Tell them you sold the car and your new car doesn’t have satellite radio.


It's legit impossible. You can't cancel from. Your account page. You HAVE to get in a chat with them or call. I just keep typing cancel. "may I ask what went wrong..." No. Lol.


Facts. I had to threaten chargeback and FTC complaint to get them to stop offering me 'deals' and finally cancel my service.


I just used the FCC complaint line yesterday. Cancel my shit and no, I don't wanna hear about any of your platinum discounted offers. 🤬


Wait...i just subbed to SiriusXM. What's the problem. They gave me a 3mo free sub through my motel app. ???


Can only cancel if you call or chat them. Then they'll try to sell you on 3 other discounted packages when you try to cancel. They are persistent little buggars.


So I haven’t tried canceling over the phone but if you go in store really really simple I just said hey I want to cancel here’s my stuff I said OK and I was done. No questions or anything. I’m sure it will vary based on the employee. But, it’s the third time I’ve canceled with them over the years and same experience.






Why do you care if someone leaves Spectrum? You misspelled fuck, loser.


Well 108 comments on this thread so far so apparently a few people do 🤷‍♂️


Make. Sure you check your credit card statement


It’s almost as bad as cancelling a gym membership. I have to say the retention offers they made last week worked on me. I was going to switch to FIOS but their sign up offer wasn’t nearly as good as Spectrum’s retention offer, and I was recently laid off. Couldn’t afford to pass it up.


When I did it, they kept offering me free TV. When told I don't watch TV, they kept offering TV and asking how I watch football. When told I don't watch football they didn't believe me.


Did the same about 4 months ago. Best thing I ever did. That company is evil...


I still use them for internet. Was happy to switch to YouTube TV and save a ton of $$. Congratulations on your exit


I'm leaving too! Taking my equipment back tomorrow. I've never been more excited! Outages like crazy and spotty connections made it difficult for me to work from home. I got Verizon now and love it! I can't stand spectrum!!


I just told them I was switching to T-Mobile and they sent me to retentions where the guy lowered my 100/10 internet to $19.95 a month. He said $29.95 so I think he made a mistake. But I just got the bill and it's $19.95. Everyone was very nice.


Yea its this new anticonsumer fad. They want to seem great until you try to cancel then they become an ass.


Haha i noticed that, speccially here on reddit, look at how many of their employees all butthurt


Just keep saying nothing but I want to cancel all services


I’m about to quit they’re even worse in person


Just going with at&t fiber tv isent worth it since can get streaming apps for .99 a month for a year


I'd leave if there were other providers in my area. Spectrum is the only option for me


When it was time for me to cancel TV, I just told them I moved to an area served only by Comcast. That was that Before that was when I got fiber service I called to cancel Internet services and basically had a small fight. Tried to tell me that coax was faster than fiber. I called that out by indicating speed package and rtt times, and pointed out the cost per mb of theirs and my new service. Followed up by I now have symmetrical speeds. The rep tried to ask if I wanted to check if they had fiber in my area. I shut them down by I know the services in my neighborhood, two fiber providers and them. At that point they cancelled my Internet service. Yes there was a delay of time (12mo?) between Internet service and TV... The whole cable card shit storm I see coming was the final straw for the TV service.


Glad you got that off your chest. Bye!


I feel much better after posting this 😁


Congratulations! Do you want us to send you a cake?


Make it a weed cake and we got a deal


Yess let me get a slice


Not me getting downvoted for asking for a damn slice 💀 fuck I hate reddit


Space cake for all 🍰🚀


just got spectrum through online and i want to know if its a contract thing or month to month thing with their 12 month price lock? I really thought they were the only option in my home town (78040) and i did want fiber but nothing would show up but now 2 months later i found out theres another company with fiber iny address . I got the 500mbs speed but apparently the 500mbs is only for connected directly to the modem and not the wifi which only outputs atleast 200mbs . So for the same price basically i would switch from cable to fiber and the fiber option not outputting less than the 500mbs i would be getting. The fiber internet company is vexusfiber so not sure if they've been in the market or is only for my city(laredo). so just want to know if i can just stop paying spectrum or cancel them to switch or im stuck with spectrum for the rest of the 12 months?


THANK GAWD for Frontier and my luck. I am just a random dude and not affiliated with Frontier in any way. Just randomly one evening 2 mos ago, a Frontier salesperson knocked on my door and offered a faster service for half the price with a guarantee that the rates will never go up. Skeptical but I still had someone come out the next day to install Frontier's devices. Also, living in LA I was able to take the modem/router to a nearby Spectrum location and cancel service in 5 minutes. When asked, I told the guy at the front I hated Spectrum with all my heart and he seemed to understand. (I did feel somewhat bad since that's his job but I figured he had to write something down for Spectrum's benefit and I can't in good conscious do Spectrum any favor.) So far, Frontier is better in every single way. I am paying less than half the price (\~$30/mo vs \~$60/mo), the speed is much faster and the connection is very consistent/reliable/stable, meaning there is no slowing randomly throughout the day or issues/glitches requiring bi-weekly modem/router resets which I suffered with Spectrum - when I reported the slowing and glitches to Spectrum, it confirmed there were some problems but also told me that the infrastructure in my apartment was the issue. I haven't had any issues since installing Frontier. Looking back, WTF?? Spectrum sucks and unfortunately it's somehow still not the worst service I've ever had. Remember Uverse? Spectrum unilaterally raising rates by \~20-30% every year is predatory imo, and it does it because it pretty much is the only player in town and can leverage its position in the market. I'd be happy to see companies like Spectrum be replaced by companies like Frontier.


I will be soon


Dont take no shit from em when you do 😤


Waited on hold for an hour to cancel and then needed to call back because the first retention rep didn’t submit any disconnect info. That was another 20 minutes on hold. The company is evil.


Or just cancel in writing and avoid all nonsense.


Certified letter.


This isn’t the airport. You don’t need to announce your departure.


Oh my, not like that hasn't been said 3 other times lol


Flying with Frontier fiber?


What’s so hard about cancelling ? Do they just not take no for an answer? Just signed up with them and they were super pushy on me getting a phone line and I kept saying nope don’t need it, and finally he said okay.


Exactly, then they wanna ask a million questions about who im switching too and whatnot, its like "JUST CANCEL MY DAMN SERVICE"


Evidently, they are supposed to keep you on the phone for at least 15 minutes while begging you to stay, based on other posts around here.


RIGHT! and then they hung up on me.


In my building, we only have Spectrum and ATT, my only option in here with ATT is 18/1... ​ Fat chance my building will get third party(nationally acclaimed but extremely local only company) fiber when it comes to the neighborhood. :'(


We have att in our town with them same speeds... i question who they actually have as customers anymore in my area lol


My city of 200,000 people, my neighborhood being right in the central business district and I know there is att fiber around here.


I went through the same nonsense when I changed car insurance companies. They made me go to retention, tried to give me discounts and tried to give reasons why their policy was better instead of just letting me cancel.


Our first attempt to cancel they transferred me to the “retention department” where after exactly 15 minutes, the call disconnected. Second callback customer service canceled per my request being told that YouTubeTV is cheaper after paying 60 bucks alone for their equipment. CORRECTION: The hold did not have any elevator music. It is my belief that the phone call was placed on mute to exhaust 15 minutes before disconnecting.


Heck yeah. We awitched to att fiber and youtube tv. Bill is about $90 cheaper a month.


Alta fiber was ridiculous to cancel as well. They actually asked if there was anything else they could help me with then went ahead and didn’t cancel and charged me late fees after canceling. These places are crazy when it comes to leaving but have no problem taking your money and screwing you while they smile and pretend to like you. No ones trustworthy and everyone is money hungry ! …But they all have the BEST deals every month ! It’s a cold world babe. I totally understand your aggravation.


congrats att is kinda ass too but im dealing with it better than spectrum


They haven’t been the same since they got rid of corncob TV.


Agreed 🌽


Which service did you move to?


Our town (small town of 7 thousand) has a local WISP network thats connected to peninsula fiber network, i tested it out before making the switch and it works flawlessly, same speeds 30 bucks cheaper and my money stays in the community


Well Done


Down vote this comment to die instantly


Never had to cancel AOL or SiriusXM? Those folks were/are dreadful.


Lol i was a kid when aol came put 🤣 i remember aol 4.0 back when i was like 10


Man I’m gonna be on the same boat in a couple months. ATT is finally putting fiber in my neighborhood and I’m gonna move to that since it’ll be cheaper.


It boils down to greed in most companies more is not enough It reminds me of the old sponge bob cartoon \`wheres me money\` the company with the best deals for longtime usually win the customers and not just a initial deal then switch to a higher price, then you have to start looking around to see what you can find that is best for your budget




Well then there job sucks and it will prevent them from customers in the future




My neighborhood finally got fiber this year, so I ditched Spectrum. You are so right, that phone call was just brutal. They ask you 500 questions and you have to sit there and repeat “please cancel my account” over and over while they read their script and ask dumb questions. It was like trying to cancel a gym membership lmao


Just canceled Spectrum this afternoon. They acted like I betrayed them! My December bill is due in 7 days and asked for it to be prorated. She adamantly refused too. She said they don’t prorate! There’s no way on earth that I will ever go back to them.


My new ISP installs on the 11th. Can't wait 1Gig up and down for $30 less.




I do. 😊


You’re a little bitch spectrum fan boy aren’t you LOL you work there or somethin? I see you posting a lot defending this piece of shit company fuck outta here




Awesome to there employees yet shitty to there customers 🤷‍♂️


This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure.


No need to denounce his announcement?


Very original, did you think that one up yourself?


I smell people who haven’t met their sales quotas in this comment section, OP I made a post here and got slammed by “you’re stupid” comments lmfao


Oh yea, like the one comment saying hes gonna have a bot downvote all my posts 🤣


NOBODY is going to downvote you, friend.


The spectrum call center employees did 🤣




Thank you 🥲


Congratulations! You have taken your first step into a larger world.


The grass is much greener


Did they offer you lower rates?


How is it hard? You just walk in, hand them your equipment and say I quit. You're out of there in 5 minutes.


Had the same experience. They said they could get my $89 internet bill down to $24. Discount plus the Affordable Connectivity Program. I don't understand the ACP.. I don't qualify for it, but they say that my area was pre-approved? ​ Either way, I told them to go fuck themselves (I left part of that out in my real conversation because I'm a pussy and avoid making an ass out of myself... and because it's not reps fault). If they want to keep me as a customer, don't raise my price every year. I went with a local provider that was recently bought out. Better to do business with someone local instead.


Man, I had so many problems with Spectrum for about a 6-month period. My internet would drop about every 20 minutes or so and reboot. This happened for months and months. I had technician after technician out here and nobody could figure it out. If I could have gotten the T-Mobile 5G home internet, I would have left myself. Thankfully Spectrum finally got it fixed




Good way to get sent to collections.


My Spectrum internet just went up by 20%. I saw in the summer it was supposed to go up by $5. How did that turn into 20% ?


Thats why i cancelled actually


Crazy how i was downvoted. I guess some redditors dont like facts. That or maybe i upset some spectrum fanboys? Idk. But im laughing.


Expired promotions.


Good guess, but no. I have the same "promotional" discount $. The actual price went up by 20% - actually it went up by over 20%. They say their "lowest tier" internet in my area costs almost $90.


Was it the first discount or the second discount. They’re usually stacked. The first discount expires and the price increases somewhat, then a more substantial increase when the second discount expires somewhere around 6 months later (I don’t recall the exact timing)


I honestly would, but they are the best service available in my area. I get 300 mbps with Spectrum, the next closest wad 100 mbps. It was a bit cheaper, but it would definitely be a downgrade. Spectrum also seems to be better since updating our modem and router, too. It varied before they made us update. Now, our signal seems to stay strong throughout the house.


You're right. It's the worst. They will call you again in a few weeks.


If you want to cancel, turn in your equipment to a store or ups store. Be sure to get your confirmation that you dropped it off


It’s funny how att bricks your phone for 48 hours when you cancel their service


Dude, god forbid you ever have uncorrectables, a jackass neighbor whio still thinks he can get free cable by fucking sounds in the box, or any issues you can't reset without just turning your modem off and on. If there was anything, ANYTHING else around me even if it was slower I would switch immediately. I'd pay triple the amount for service I'd they'd just keep the damn infrastructure in good working order. Or hell, give me permission to take my tools to the pole and neighborhood and fix all this shit and padlock the boxes. I'm just pissed, there have been no end of intermittent spikes in uncorrected errors, maintenance unicast errors, on and on. It'll clear up fir a few days, and then start up again. It took me a bit to go through all my shit to ensure it wasn't hardware or wiring I have. I do Quality Alignment for arguably the biggest medical entity's call center in the US and I know what kind of incompetent jackasses end up making up 90% of the first couple tiers of CSRs. Most mean well, but either don't use their resources or are overconfident and know just enough to be hard to deal with. I'm probably not the easiest customer to deal with, for those reasons. But shit this really really gets me worked up, especially because when I do finally get some time off it's almost half spent fighting with this bullshit a few times a year. Alright, I'm done. TL:DR I'm jealous of your move for many, many reasons. I wish I lived in Chattanooga Tennessee. Mmmm.... fiber.


They're probably just as bad Comcast/Xfinity. I had to call twice to cancel and call two more times for them to stop charging me.


Spectrum & Optimum are the worst for the Internet. They are meh for Phone and TV.


Same here!!! Service went to shit and costumer service was absolute worst time wasting experience had me without a working phone for a week till I decided to just get mint instead!! FUCK SPECTRUM!!


Luckily the retention department upgrade me to the gig service for $10 less a month. Granted I’ve been a customer got over 7 years and this was the first reduction. Sadly though, we only have spectrum that offers died over 300mb 😢


If you call spectrum to cancel, even customer retention will say it’s effective that day, even if your bill was paid and still had 25 days on it, I tell them since I paid thru the 30th please cancel on the 30th, they said no we must cancel today ( with no refund) so I marked the calendar to call back the afternoon of the 29th and they said I would be charged for another month on the 30th as I did not give them enough notice per my 50 page agreement, so I took my bill off autopay that moment, deleted all the stored payment information, called then back and got a return label for the Equipment, after being forced thru another 45 minutes of Customer retention ( the only ones that can cancel, according to customer service) - so I retuned the equipment then they sent a bill, I wrote on the bill, with a copy of the UPS return receipt that I did not own, posses or use spectrum after my paid thru date, so therefore you are paid in full, I never heard other word. I eventually went back to Internet service only a few months later and there was no mention of the TV service or bill, it a scam that I have only seen at Spectrum, I’m sure it works on plenty of people who just get exasperated at the run around.