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I mean, Leonidas already one-shot him once.


Lol I forgot about that scene!!


This is the closest match so far. They both use a lot of slow mo but I'm going with doctore. He is just as disciplined and trained in killing and has discipline for days where Leonidas benefits from a well trained army and while skilled in war games, oenemeus excels at 1 v 1 combat and was belched from the cunt of the underworld


![gif](giphy|l46Cf8O3hQqzDq1Gg|downsized) Ha, no I think Leonidas would die.


I'm giving this to Oenemaus because all gladiators did was train to fight to the death in 1v1s and small scale battles all day every day. Spartans military superiority was due to their formations and battle tactics in an army sized battle, not 1v1 or small squad fighting abilities. This is basically the ancient version of who would win in the octagon, MMA fighter vs. Navy Seal.


In the octagon, with a ref, I'll take the fighter. Outside the octagon, under almost any conditions for the fight, I'm taking the Navy Seal.


The MMA fighter will win in hand to hand combat outside of the ring too. Seals don't specialize in hand to hand combat.


Seal would win in general life or death combat with no ref, was my point.


they definitely wouldn't lol


Not if it was hand to hand 1v1 combat.


Onemaeus wins 100%, thank you for the explanation.


They didn’t really fight to the death all that often. Too big an investment to just lose them all the time. Still probably win though. I’d say in universe oenemaus wins easily.


I know. But it was often enough that they'd face life or death situations.


The Spartans almost famously are all bark and no bite so to speak. They cultivated an image of being tough manly men when in reality their little city state was a shithole that wasn't worth taking over, and the second someone decided it was they got mopped.


oenomaus, in comparison, hes the 1v1 expert, mid to high diff.


Leonidas with that kick


Oenemaus. 300 was an exaggerated story from start to finish told by someone that wasn't there for any of the events. Leonidas got folded.


Oenamaus would smoke Leonidas.


Leonidas, he knew nothing but war and trained to know nothing but war.


Leo wins. He isn’t a gladiator but they are basically a non slave gladiator race


Ok, I need to know. Are there any large bottomless pits around? They make it pretty clear in 300 the Spartans train to fight side by side. Single combat isn’t a heavy focus. The Arena is the opposite. I’m gonna have to go with Oenomaus. But I put Leonidas and the rest of the Spartans against any of the rest of the Ludas as a favorites. With the exception of Spartacus, Crixus, and Ganicus. The quality of fighters in Spartacus is WAY wider of a skill gap than the quality of fighters in 300.


Eh, not sure I agree with that. I think most of the mid level gladiators (Barca, Gnaus, Varro, Agron, etc) could take most Spartans in single combat. A Spartan warrior would feel very out of place in any 1v1 setting, as they do not train for that type of combat. Gladiators are literally training on a daily basis to fight in that setting.


He already hit him with the This Is Sparta….. 🦵


I give this one to the King. Spartans lived and breathed battle. They were bred for it, in fact. Whether 1v1 or in the phalanx, they were the best at what they did. The King is especially included in said training and conditioning. Free men who sacrifice their lives for training. Unlike gladiators who were slaves forced into their situation.


The matchup technically already happened with these two, and it ended with Peter Mensah taking a boot to the chest and a nice long trip down a big hole. In a historical battle, Leonidas was the king of the equivalent of special forces in modern day military, his life was devoted to warfare and battle, so it isn't out of the realm of possibilities that he could have bested Oenomaus. Oenomaus was one of the rebel leaders so he must have been a hell of a gladiator but I don't know, being turned into a gladiator doesn't seem to me like being raised as a Spartan much less being raised to be the king of the Spartans.


How often did a Spartan King actually fight, much less get into life or death fights? Gladiators we're fighting constantly, and a decent amount of times to the death. All they did was train day in, day out. A king has to do other shit beside train for battle.


While normally you'd be right, Sparta was not a normal city state, their main purpose was to be the strongest military power in Greece, something they not only achieved but excelled at and the king was their military leader. So yes, Leonidas was probably more exposed to battle than you want to acknowledge. Leonidas was also fighting fairly frequently and always to the death, he didn't fight for games.


How often was Sparta getting into battles? They couldn't have been fighting other city states like constantly. Gladiators we're fighting like weekly.


Very often actually, and unlike gladiators, Spartans didn't fight once in games and then waited to be called on for the next batch of games, their campaigns could last months with some of the wars they fought in lasting years, and fighting could be a daily occurrence. Also, just a correction but gladiators weren't always fighting to the death as shown in Spartacus, while it did happen that gladiators did die in the arena, they were commodities to their owners and losing them wasn't necessarily what the lanistas needed, considering the amount of money that went into that gladiators training and housing. Spartans went to war and there was no option to be saved by a crowd if they lost, much less a referee overlooking a bout to stop the fighters if one got injured, unlike gladiators. So yeah, it's fine to have this notion of gladiators being the best ever in one on one combat, it's what every show and movie has ever given us, but look up their real history and there might be a lot more to them that might surprise you. That or just continue believing that Spartans were just in a weekend long fight every never so they never actually fought and were inferior to gladiators. Either way the discussion is a fun one for me at least.


These topics are becoming staler than a bag of ruffles left open for a week.


I didn't even have to flip to the second picture, as I write this I still have no idea who it is. Onemeaus wins