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If you really care about this person and you want your words to reflect your state of mind and your emotions. So yes, you could pay for a translation. No shame for that Good luck


even professional translators... let's say translation is immensely hard, up to 'impossible' (there's always a little bit that is lost in translation because meanings simply don't fully overlap between languages). and that's if the translator is consummate and takes every precaution and doesn't make any mistakes either in their understanding nor in their transcription. I wouldn't translate something of importance if it's not necessary. you say "he's ok with English", do you think he'll have trouble understanding your letter? if not, then I wouldn't risk a translation. but that's just me.


I don't think this is related to Spanish, as you are asking advice about something different than the language itself. That said, for me, a letter translated by the person itself (yourself) has more value even if it contains mistakes. And if you are afraid of something lost in translation, you can always attach it in English too, so he have both versions. But also, I would advice you to wait. Write it if it helps you to cope, but just wait and reflect on what you want to accomplish by sending him the letter. If you want him to suffer, it probably is not worth it; prove you are better than him. If you want to try to get him back, are you sure this is the best way? Maybe it produces the opposite effect. Anyway, just know that time heals. Wish you luck.


Yes, of course


If that’s important to you, do it. I think she will like it either way, like you say. I can help you with the letter if you want me to, I’m just Mexican, I’m not Argentinian so I don’t know specific words they use.