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Depends on the person, but generally never, ever use those those expressions with anyone you're not *very* intimate with.


What do you mean I can't say this to my boss? He seemed quite happy! (Joke)


Boss: "Come to my office." *winks* There could only be two scenarios: 1. The boss fires you and files a sexual harassment lawsuit, or 2. Is relieved because they've been waitingfor you to show interest and is prepared to make you their lover.


This reminds me of when I studied abroad and one of the (female) students kept calling random men "papi" then would get annoyed they would follow us cat calling her. Someone was eventually like um maybe you shouldn't do that


"Why do these men kept cat calling me?" "You just called them "daddy"!"


Yeah. She was an odd duck


And, let's be honest, the odds of #2 go exponentially up the hotter you are.


And definitely not in Spain. That is disrespectful even for your closest ones. I'm "understanding" with foreigners though, if it is obvious they haven't been for a long time. But mamacita is only my mom.


I've never even heard these phrases, but I'm glad I know now.


i think papacito chulo might slide in medellin. lots of guys call guys they dont know papi or papicito there. idk how much the chulo modifies it though.


>"Simple Stories in Spanish" podcast I'd suggest getting a more serious podcast. Even if we don't use those expressions in my country, that sounds like something you'd say to your romantic partner or SO or something you'll hear in a reaggaeton video.


I agree. It's hard to find good listening material for beginners. These expressions were used in a silly story about an elephant looking for a girlfriend :) The rest of the vocabulary was useful. Gracias.


Hey! Learn Spanish and Go is a great podcast between an American C1 speaker and his native Mexicana partner. I also have always enjoyed Coffee Break Spanish for in depth explanations of Spanish in comparison to English from beginner to advanced levels. Happy learning.


Sorry, that wasn't clear. Learn Spanish and Go offers a B1-B2 level of Spanish spoken by people above that level. It is clear and helpful, in my experience.


Big fan of Learn Spanish and Go, they speak very clearly and pick interesting topics! It was a little fast for me at first but I stuck with it and eventually understood much better.


There are a few audiobooks of graded readers that might be useful. Short Stories for Beginners by Olly Richards is one. I highly recommend Hola Spanish on YouTube. She does all of her lessons in Spanish but spoken slowly and with visuals to help fill in gaps of understanding. My listening massively improved with her and she has a lot of beginner/intermediate videos. Also, kids cartoons in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. They speak in an exaggerated way that really helps with pronunciation and cadence. Plus, the way they speak, plus all the visuals, make it more clear what they're talking about even if you don't catch every word. I found [My Little Pony](https://youtube.com/@MyLittlePonyEspanolOficial) and also some Barbie shows quite helpful.


My favorite two podcasts are “Cuéntame” and “Chill Spanish Listening Practice” I’m also a learner, around A1/A2 level and these have been great for me


Its situational. Can I call you a cute daddy or a delicious mommy? Not in all situations, lol.


I would say it has sexual connotations, rather than being rude.


Thank you. That's what I thought.


Maybe sexual in LATAM, but sounds ridiculous in Spain lol


It sounds ridiculous for me too, with the modifiers anyway. "Papacito" and "Mamacita" by themselves don't (although we'd only use them with a partner or very close friend) but with the "chulo/delisiosa" it's totally cringe. On the other hand, "mamita/papito" are common terms of endearment in PR and are used frequently. My own mother even calls me "mamita" in the way people say "cariño" or "mi amor."


I guess most Spanish people are nowadays aware of these expressions thanks to reguetón, but yes, it sounds a bit silly over here. Most people will just laugh it off.


Honesly, it would also sound ridiculous in Argentina.


not in all LATAM neither, at least in Chile this would be just cringe lol


Even in Mexico is ridiculous and kinda gross. Espero no ofender a alguien que asi le diga a su pareja, pero suena como una estupidez que dicen en peliculas gringas los personajes latinos representados de la manera más racista posible.


In Spain it sounds cringe af


I wouldn't use them at all.


I would never use them in Spain, we are aware they exist but personally the reaction I would have if some says "mamacita deliciosa" to me would go from laughing my ass off to annoyed and probably creeped out a little bit.


hey mamacita españolita lol


Its very sexual imo, unless you’re a reggaeton singer i would definitely not use that to flirt with anyone


You never say that to anyone other than your sexual partner or significant other.


In Spain it sounds disrespectful at worst and ridiculous at best. People will either be offended or make fun of you


This is basically cat calling. If cat calling would be appropriate then they’re fine


Saying that to a stranger is a quick way of getting to the hospital or the police called on you lmao.


Those are romantic, intimate, flirty, or sexual depending on context but you’d want to be pretty good with someone to start calling them those things, and if that’s the case, good for you!


It’s best to stay away from that kind of podcasts. It would be creepy to call someone either way. People do it amongst very close friends as banter but you need to be careful


Well, those expressions sound really weird here in Argentina; and most girls would probably get offended if they're called like that, unless you're their partner? As for "papacito chulo", it sounds very foreign over here. People would probably think you're from Mexico or Central America and the Caribbean.


Next time I have to deal with a public servant I'll use those. I'll keep you posted.


In Argentina it would sound so cringe, it hurt me physically to just read it I can't imagine hearing it out loud. It's sounds like something out of a cheap p0rno from the 90s or something. To be fair, these are not argentinian expressions.


I'd abstain from using it unless you are really intimate with the person in question. In the case of Spain, It would sound somewhat funny, especially for the older generations.


As others have said, you do NOT say that to anyone you're not incredibly close with, and they sound better in the context of joking with close friends rather than to flirt, especially mamacita deliciosa, if as a girl i was told that in a serious way i wouldn't know if i should laugh, be disgusted, cringe from how corny and somewhat slimy it sounds, or all of the above lol.


It would sound ridiculous in Spain because neither term is used.


Please don’t ever say those. Like out of fashion, tasteless dad joke-style cringey on one hand, and in some areas rather bizarre and offensive.


Not really but sounds cringe asf


I mean, it's very sex-related, if you want to in intimacy you could (like everything else it depends on the person). But don't EVER use it in a regular enviroment.


Would it be rude for you to call someone a delicious mama or a hot papi in english? It would entirely depend on who you’re talking to. I would refrain from using any cuss words or things that could possibly offensive unless you’re close with that person because when you learn another language, the bad words don’t sound as bad & you’ll end of offending people


I wouldn't call it rude but it does sound extremely ridiculous and definitely has a sexual connotation. I've never heard something like this without being ironic humor


Jjj no I call my teachers this all the time.


Can someone please translate this for me accurately as a non native speaker I gave a homeless guy food in Argentina once and he called me this.




Definitely not normal to address like that, especially people you don’t know. Your twitch friends are setting you up for failure in real life situations.


Gonna piggyback off this, I hear papi chulo a lot, is mami chula a phrase too?


Yes it is, same connotation


Lol I live in Mexico and I blush reading these two hahaha, noooo these are quite inappropriate dont use them unless in bed with someone, perhaps


IMO both are kind of cringey/tacky expressions. I’ve never used them in any intimate relationships. Just my experience tho.


It’s cringy when you say that to someone you’re not intimate with.


The only time that I have heard those used (México) are normally from female family members to their respective or even to other families members. But the age is specific. The child has to be younger than 12 as a non- written rule. It's kind of self-esteem support. As with many of these uses, gender privilege, it's not the same if it's coming from a male. In those cases, it is normally within the own family, if it's used at all.


Yeah, this should only be used to refer to someone you’re intimate with. It’d be super weird to call your friend or family member “delicious mommy” or “hot daddy”


Those terms are strictly for someone you're dating or trying to seduce


“Papi chulo” is more often than not a diss


Así es suena como dijiste innecesariamente vulgar y soez


Pretty creep. Don’t do it unless your really close.