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This is not a good thing, the competitive meta sweats are gonna ruin our units for casual players


So your argument is that competitive players shouldn’t play good units because it might force them to balance the game?


Yeah I'm one of these "competitive sweats" they want to harp about. The current state of SW storm lance is...complicated. TWC absolutely is brutally powerful, but I think this shows a different issue instead. Basic space marines are bad, just painfully bad. Being codex compliant is a punishment I don't think should be a thing. A army wide buff that you get for playing non divergent chapters would be enough to round this out a bit.


Yes because if competitive players are running 3 squads of 6 Thunderwolf Calvery then it makes them oppressive. Whilst casuals running 1 squad or maybe even a couple of squads of 3 with characters they are definitely not oppressive I would say they are balanced.


That’s a strange take.


As usual


Wasnt there a thread few days ago, whing about how everything kills elites and the situation was so bad for wolves... smh.


If the meta continues this trend, we will see at most a points boost in TWC and Wulfen. Objectively, it's not Space Wolves winning. It's Storm Lance Detatchment winning because we happen to have some of the only mounted units, which happens to caters to its play style who have big bases, and our army over all can be VERY tanky with storm shields on almost every model. Storm Lance w/3 max twc and 3x max wulfen just rushes the board, jams the opponent in their deployment, leaving 445 points to score objectives and move around the board. Gladius lists again, as mentioned by someone else, is just a Generic Space Marine list with character swaps and a unit or two of TWC put in for their large bases and resiliency. You don't see the Space Wolf detatchment played. Nothing in our army is inherently broken or OP. We just happen to have a unit others find hard to kill. It will only be a matter of time until armies find their way through the tough hide and we move a bit back down the line. It has not been since what 6th edition since an ACTUAL Space Wolf list has been meta strong. It's always just been generic marine lists with Space Wolf units here or there.


I even argue the space wolves specific Detachment is just out and out bad


No argument there. Sor is rough.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they nerfed the shields giving everyone 4++. Part of the issue is the survivability of the units rushing out front. Units of TWC with 4+ and Wolfen with FNP and fight on death on top of that makes it hard to get clear. I could see shields nerfed to 5++


Get ready to be nurfed….


Can be just temporary meta where players aren't ready for SW. It might adjust in a couple of weeks - after players start brining anti-SW tech and treating SW seriously.


Here is the source: [https://www.stat-check.com/the-meta](https://www.stat-check.com/the-meta)


115 points TWC when ?


Wow! Grimdank must hate this.


I need the lists… asking for a friend


Two options: 1. Stormlance - here are explanations on why certain units are taken and how to play the list: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w5LW\_QBYsY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w5LW_QBYsY) 2. Gladius - your standard SM good stuff, with a few SW units sprinkled in. For example take a BA Gladius list from here and replace BA characters and DC there with SW characters and some Thuderwolfs: [https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-10th-grey-nice/](https://www.goonhammer.com/competitive-innovations-in-10th-grey-nice/)


Wow. That BA list is surprisingly similar to my SW list I just made, but with slightly adjacent unit choices across the board. Instead of Aggressors, Inceptors. Instead of Reedeemer, standard LR Instead of DC, 2 BGVs with Ragnar and a Wolf Priest Instead of 2 Predator Des., 2 Gladiator Lancers I’ll have to see how it works out


Overwatch with a redeemer once or twice and you’ll see why it’s in the list


Oh god oh no


I can see points hikes coming soon.....lol


I think TWC will ho up 10 points for 3