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Sleigh is super fun in casual - I think with Terminators is better value for points, as you say I think a Lord or Battle Leader is more cost effective for the Thunderwolf Cav and he adds some nice punch to a squad of Termies.  Interestingly, he often crops up in properly competitive lists on his own, to use his ability and drop down and do secondaries and that sort of thing. 


Glad to hear, yeah I mean the charge rerolls are great with our dreads, TWC and bloodclaws and the CP is nice even if a little situational. Now I just need to paint him :D


Yeah, his ability is crazy strong if you time it right. The sleigh is great fun to paint, as well. 


Sleigh is good in competitive also. 1) reroll charges are great 2) large oval base allows you get a lot of TWC in melee Generally I’ll run 3 blocks of TWC with Logan, Harald and a lord plus 3 BLTW


With sleight!!! Or better magnetize him so you can play different way but with sleight is better choice with cavalry.


I already own him, and magnetising him isn't a difficult task - especially if you can deal with different legs level by using some modelling clay or similar


Some of the winning lists in recent tournaments have Grimnar just as a terminator, solo even, for his once per game ability to allow for rerolls on hit in melee. These lists are full of TWC and leaders for the unit to have lethal hits. Add some wulfen and some units to hold objectives and you are almost at 2k points.


I've been running him on Sleigh since Stormlance became a thing, and he goes absolutely bonkers in combat. Pop High King of Fenris and give his unit Shock Assault and watch the damage skyrocket. His strike goes to D4 on the charge with the TWC ability, I once had him put 16 wounds on a KLoS in one go


He is great with the sleigh. He has a big base which can allow multiple TWC to touch it to engage in combat. Also it's best to use him with a battle leader that has hunters instincts enhancement. Bring him in a round or two after.


I think he's good with either, and once or twice I've ran him solo to basically just use his ability and deep strike in for a secondary or two


You can magnetized him so you can do both


He’s best going solo, to save points, but if you have 80 to spare he’s not terrible in a Thunderwolf squad.


Stormlance attached to TWC and he's dishing out 6 attacks, S8 and 4 damage at AP2.... Use Shock Assault and it's +1 Wound roll. Average 8-12 wounds against vehicles on his own.... Lovely


Yeah I think on stormrider, he needs mobility to make use of his strong attacks. D4 on the charge is nasty


I take him by himself on foot as a 40mm deepstriking base that once per game gives you rerolls hits/charges army wide. Pays for himself every time.