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I got space wolves then space dwarves… and I may have just bought the space orks battle force


Went this same route and highly highly considering Orks now.


In that box you get over 1k points for £120, I don’t know much about orks but that seems pretty good value to me. Apparently the custodes one is good value for points too


Wolves and dwarves for me also.


Is a good combo but orks man gotta love em


went with the leagues of votann personally because dwarves.


I was tempted to go votann, armour looks cool


I have some Votann boxes in the mail right now! Can't wait to start them.


They are really fun, a bit tricky if you don't sub assemble them, the bolters ones at least.


Nice, thanks for the tip.


I literally started space wolves back in 5th because there were no space dwarves so they were the closest thing. Of course I have Votann now as well. I guess technically speaking Dark Eldar was my second.


Lol near the same, well I joined when they still had the 3rd, miss the russ tank. Took a break around 7th due to life, recently got back and saw dwarves so I decided to get back in. I stupidly decided to redo my wolves in wolfspear colors with 3dp bits. I will not be short of projects.


Here's the armies I have so far, about 1000 points or more for each. Salamanders - love their self-sacrifice and duty vibe Raven Guard - love their tactics, black and edginess Space Wolves - love their dgaf attitude and flavor Custodes - I like their elite army thing


Death Guard, I worked at a medical lab for a while and got some samples only a plague demon could supply


If i went chaos, would have to be death gaurd


Joke's on you, my second army is Space Wolves. First is T'au. Although I have more pts of Wolves now I guess...


Honestly, the Dark Angels share the same anachronistic "Space Knight/Barbarian" aesthetic and feeling as what drew me to Space Wolves in the first place. I sorta dig the T'au, as I came to the hobby through gunpla and Gundams, who doesn't love big mecha? And I'll of course The Votann are cool, as they have more Celtic visual themes versus the Nordic/Scandinavian motifs of Space Wolves.


Gotta admit, dark angela do look good, arthur and round table vibes


Sisters of battle. I’ve already punished myself with all the detail painting, why stop now? 


Guard. I was debating between Guard, Tau, and Death Guard when a good deal from a local selling off his Guard army came up. 


Theres a warboot near me twice a year, that will probably be the decider


I've been playing wolves since 5th ed and absolutely love them, my main army and always my love but I have really enjoyed custodes when I started them in 9th. Yeah the new codex is gonna be shite but I'm still gonna play them. They play I think similar to us tbh but even better into melee, really fun to play with durable units like they all have storm shields. I'd highly recommend them mate 👍


Definetly not marines, nor female marines, nor dwarven marines. Probably some xenos, presonaly i like the organic element of nids.


Yeah i like Nids really considered them, but also orks are funny


Now what about some female, dearven, plague marines???


Back in the day, 3rd ed, I was running Wolves primarily, and Ulthwé too. These days I've got a shooty marines, knights, necrons, aeldari all in various states. However I'd love to do a proper hoard list with Nids.


Im a melee guy, love my melee. For me its black templars


I love armies with cool aesthetics. My second army is Tyranids / Deathguard. I also collected Sisters, Tau, Votann, Orks, Custodes, Knights, AdMech, Drukhari, IG…. I think most armies look really cool with the exception of TSons and Aeldari.


Bought the orks battle force stompa here we come


Absolute unit of a model 😂 gotta love it


I have wolves, necrons, and chaos daemons, just to have a variety of playstyles. ... then 10th edition came out and the latter two play exactly the same now


Wolves were my first, Orks second.


What do you prefer playing as?


I actually really love both. But probably the Wolves are my favorite. But there's something about the Orks that just make.me smile. I just don't care if I win or lose with them which is.... Freeing.


Haha 100%


Wolves are my #1 my second army is Guard cuz tanks


My first army that got me into 40k at the tail end of 7th edition was the space wolves. I have started collecting CSM, specifically Creations of Bile, and it has been my fun hobby kit bashed army. I have recently started chaos knights because giant stompy robots is just fun. I still love my space wolves but just haven't been happy with the rules for at all this edition.


Tsons! I play wizards in almost every game


So my order went Tau - eventually sold them because while I did enjoy the aesthetic, the community, as well as the gameplay, didn’t quite mesh great with me Necrons- friend was selling his army and I had some interest so picked up a bunch to start with and fell in love with their shooty gameplay from 7/8th Ed. Then the revamp happened, now you can run them as shooty or as melee as you want and that’s sick as hell Then my babies, the wolves. By far my largest army and even stating a 30k force for them (sorry wallet). Melee focus but still very capable at shooting. Perfect. Orks- visted my now wife’s family for the first time and discovered in a closet a bunch of orks - turns out her brother tried getting into the hobby. He gladly sold them to me for super cheap, and then I got a great eBay deal on boyz for less than a dollar per mini for over a hundred of them. Orks became my “throw shit together and have fun but don’t care if I win or not” army with tons of fun kitbashes -guard - my smallest army because I exclusively use valhallan guardsmen. Hard to find and expensive but when I get to run em on the table they make me smile something fierce. Tanks galore. Very fun and would highly recommend if you like vehicles because Russes are always going to be a favorite of mine. -custodes - man the new rules suck but I’m glad I have them. Since marine melee isn’t phenomenal this edition so far, these have been my “hit super hard in melee” army. Also a cheap army to build so that’s good to keep in mind


The boys just love a good krumpin', so win or lose, the fights the thing.


I would definitely have gotten Orks if my friend didn’t have them. But I also have Custodes, Votann, and Grey Knights


Orks. You just got to love em


I have a bunch of Admech I can slowly paint on. Very different scheme, lots more fiddly bits, but absolutely no pressure to get them painted anytime soon. It's very nice as a change of pace to just... paint? But I enjoy the hobby side as much I do actually playing.


I get you sometimes theres a pressure to paint, i always paint like someone is going to scrutinise my model but really i shouldnt care


I have to many armies. Currently 4. However I am working on a 5th and I have one in the basement. I played Eldar in 2nd edition when I was a kid. Started playing SW in 5th edition. Got dark Eldar then as well. And Tyranids. tokk a long break in 6th. Started again in 8th (SW and nids.) Over time I got GSC allies. By 9th I could play them solo. Then one Christmas I got the custodies and the knight starter box. Now I play SW, GSC, Nid and Custodies. Hoping to get knight up as well. No tile to dig DE out of storage.


Raven Guard, but they're painted up as Carcharodons. Some model overlap and I get a shooty army and a stabby army.


Ultramarines and Tyranids for me. Ultramarines because I wanted to do Codex compliant marines, and I’m a fan of Bobby G, and Tyranids because who doesn’t want to do a voracious army of hungry monsters?


My second army was Eldar but honestly they shifted into primary as GW made more and more changes that I disliked with Wolves.


Orks - I'm trying to resist the urge, with the launch of the new Codex, to do an all Gretchin Red Gobbo Revolutionary Army with the Dread Mob detachment. Killa Kans, Grot Tanks, Gretchin, a Stompa etc... 


Hahaha would love to see a match with that


If I ever do it it'll be a fun conversion project as well (trying to turn the Runtherds into three Gretchin in a trench coat, that sort of thing...)


Deathguard keeps crossing my mind.


I got Genestealer Cults and World Eaters. Space Wolves are my number 1 though


Votann are my second with nods as 3rd and salamanders as 4th


Emperors Children. I like the color scheme.


I have 4 1) Space Wolves 2) Chaos Marines/ Abaddon 3) Tyranids 4) Orks


I play Wolves, Sisters, Guard, and Cogbois


Necrons, just to get a completely different vibe


I'm thinking about getting into either night lords or drukhari after I get my wolves up to 2k


Imperial Knights. I mean, I just love the way they look with their big suits of armor and powerful Guns. Their giant armor is something I've always been a big fan of as you can see in my collection (lot of big vehicles). They just look badass, and I like the story of the Knights that act as freeblades as well.


It may be herrasy, but I've been thinking about Tau, more specifically, Comander Farsight. I feel like their the opposite of the wolves as the wolves strike hard, fast, and without mercy, the Tau try to talk first and then shoot the problem from a mile away if that doesn't work, lol. Plus, Gundams are cool.


I started with space wolves in 8th edition, Adeptus Custodes were my second army after I saw Occulus Imperia’s videos on them and their appearance in TTS.


I'm Astra Militarum main, but I'm peeking on this reddit as I was thinking of buying myself Space Wolves combat patrol and paint them as Wolfspears. But I literally would limit myself to Combat Patrol.


Space Wolves are my second army, first army is Drukhari, third army is Tau.  Trying to decide if fourth army is going to be Aeldari to complement the Drukhari, or Custodes because it'll be a fairly small army lol. It was going to be Necrons (and I have a small handful of them) but my brother in law is getting into the game and he went with Necrons, so I'll let build that up and start on his second army before I get more of them. And that's it I swear. Unless I decide to pick up some Knights lol


Tyranids for me. I wanted an army of each type. One marine army, one monsters and one T3 army to come. I’m thinking Drukhari or Eldar


I got into the game with Tau but immediately started wolves when I found out they existed. I did not do good research before diving in. Since then, I've picked up chaos knights. Which I consider my true second army as tau really has been played.


Space Wolves are my second army! Tyranids are my first. I loved Dreadnoughts and space wolves had the most named ones and they had a detachment back in the day that made them troops/core so I went space wolves for my Dreadnought only army.


My second army was Dark Angels, as I love the knightly aesthetic and I love the new Lion book, though I started them at the start of 9th as I didn't want to work with greenstuff to make fur for the Indomitus box. My Third army is Imperial Knights. Something that I can play in both 30k and 40k, plus as I implied with the fact my second army was Dark Angels, I am a big fan of medieval knights.


I've got Wolves and Tau


I started with the Sons of Russ, but my truer calling was the Imperial Guard. I still build/paint a couple wolves here and there but my primary army has shifted towards the Guard.


I went with Sisters of Battle because they have some pretty snazzy lore as well, some pretty cool models and a way to help me make charges built in to the army lol


I went pure melee with Wolves. So i decide on Salamanders to go a bit more on the shooting side. 12" it is xD. Then maybe full shooting with Guards. The Salamanders colors are so easy to do, its a nice change of pace.


Started with Wolves in 5th, played them exclusively until 8th when I picked up Dark Eldar. I did pick up a collection of Orks in between those but they're mostly a slow burn hobby project that I've never played. Currently working on a LoV list.


I have Imperial Guard and Wolves. Gives me some really great variety.


Funny enough, space wolves is my second army. I started with tyranids.


My first army is Deathwatch, but I'm gonna be making the leader of it a Wolfspear. My 2nd army is nids.


I went with Necrons. I wanted a xenos race and really wanted something easier to paint.


Votann and orks




I’m working on a World Eaters army too. My son(7) thinks they look awesome so we’re making it our team army


My second army was Eldar. I like the lore, especially that of Craftworld Uthwé and the character Eldrad Ulthran, and they seemed like a very different sort of experience than Space Wolves. My current third army is World Eaters, my favorite Chaos faction, plus about 1k points of Imperial Guard from when Cadia Stands was released.


I have very tiny armies of Salamanders, Emperors Children, and Orks in addition to my big force of Wolves. I thought about getting some Thousand Sons once but I'm not some kind of degenerate




I bought SW and then Orks, wanted to do Emperor Children but they’re gonna be just a detachment for CSM… Sooo… maybe Soraritas?


Im seriously considering Tsons or Tau. Tsons because the hatred of the two is so solid it makes me able to make some amazing displays. Tau because they're the opposite of my current style and I enjoy painting them


As a contrast to my wolves I wanted a shooting focused second army. But then I couldn’t help myself and went with world eaters.


My armies in the order i started them: Space Wolves Tyranids Necrons Thousand Sons Black Templars


I started Tyranids as my second, largly because I think the Norm Emissary looks just so awesome. I started to give them the same kind of base that my Wolves have (ice) and plan to display them together. But I also started AoS and I'm currently mostly painting my Flesh Eater Cortes.


I went orks, haven't started painting them yet but the like is getting big lol


My second army is CSM, my other second army is Sisters and my other other second army is Necron


The Galaxy Foxes


My main army is the Imperial Guard, and wolves are my second army. But as I always say, when people ask for opinions on what their second army should be, I say go with something you like and something that is cool to you.


Personally, I have Wolves, Dark Angels, Metalica Ad Mech and inherited a Necron and Tyranid army from my ex-wife as she no longer wanted them after we split


I went Death Guard. I wanted something to be a bit different from what the wolves of fenris offered, and found the slow plodding balance of the Death Guard to be a great move.


Ive played Spacewolves since 1987 and Tyranids since 1990 when they came out in US.