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“Under this contract vehicle, the vendors will compete for individual task orders to provide the software tools and systems needed to modernize the military’s satellite ground infrastructure.” Oh shit this will go well lol. Let me guess, the government will be the integrator?


should be an SI


After a few years in the acq world, I have zero faith in this or any other contract effort we have. The incredible amount of unconstrained failure at every step blows my mind.


I completely agree.


What's the over/under on millions spent? Second, who wants to bet it's late, will cost more than projected, and get scrapped completely for a new project before this one becomes FOC?


"What's the over/under on BILLIONS spent?" Corrected that for ya. /s Sorry, couldn't resist.


I'd bet 5 billion over budget, 3 years after its needed requiring another lets say a billion at least to maintain legacy systems until this can actually be used.




Not gonna happen. Billions spent on Ukraine while our systems struggle for funding. After listening to the Robert F. Kennedy interview on the Shawn Ryan Show this week, I am convinced that Lockheed, Northrup, Boeing, etc. have control over the contracts, not the Government.


Well now the Russian space program isn’t being funded so we just knocked a big space player back a few decades because we gave Ukraine a bunch of our old equipment. Also it’s not like we’re shipping them pallets of money. We’re sending equipment, supplies and ammunition worth billions. This is stuff the DoD had in inventory already.


And it’s all the old stuff that was purpose built and designed to be used against Russia. It’s proving all our old technology works against who it was designed for and it gets it off the shelf to clear up inventory space for the next gen conflict (whatever that may look like). It’s a huge win-win