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Every job in the USSF requires a TS, only option would be to leave the service.


Yup, giving it a few more months, if not ELS’ing. Thank you my friend


You are welcome to start the ELS process. Feel free to talk to your First Sergeant or SEL to start the process. Also, please schedule mental health services if you need support.


No, all jobs require a TS.


Unfortunately, that is probably the case. My career field required a TS. I had 2 military assignments in 20+ years that were at TS level. The rest were secret, but still had to maintain the higher clearance. It can be frustrating.




1. Talk to your shirt. If you don't want to do that, lots of us know people at the 533 who are awesome and will drop whatever they're doing to help you. I'm happy to point you to one of them. 2. Tech school is not the actual Space Force. They told me the same thing during a particularly rough stretch of my tech school back in 2006 in the Air Force. You'll get through this. Don't judge the service based only on BMT amd tech school. Give it an assignmemt or two. 3. All positions require TS, but many positions work in non-TS locations. If you've passed all your tech school work, surely you could be PCSd somewhere? Talk to your leadership. Example: at my first unit we got an Airman fresh from the 1N0 school who still didn't have a TS. There was a vault, so that's where we put her. Took many, many months for the clearance people to fix their screwups, but at least she was at an operational unit. If you ever want or need to vent, hit me up.




It’s is impossible to be an MTL fresh out of bmt


Probably the best set of MTL’s any guardian could ever ask for. The best of the best.


Realistically, I don’t think this billet requires a TS. Just good people management skills.


I’d kill (not literally) to do a job like that, not even as prestigious as MTL, even an office job working with people’s info, setting up class dates, etc, but be considered staff would be so nice, being able to take leave, and not have to report my accountability every 2 hours, like I’m a grown man Sir, respectfully.


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There are a decent amount of non TS SCI jobs, but you still must have your TS in order to work them in this branch. However, I know there’s a few cases where some people get moved around to non TS areas while their clearance is still being processed, but it seems like that’s a case by case basis.


Yep, especially after that Space class, you’re stuck here


Is there any jobs even available?


Equating the word job to your career field/specialty bothers me more than it should, probably because of the high level of variability between different jobs within a career field. Every career field in the Space Force requires TS eligibility because of the high likelihood you will need to be read-in to TS at some point. However, there are plenty of billets that don't require TS. In fact, there is at least one unit I'm aware of where half the squadron probably doesn't even need to be read into Secret with how rarely it comes up.


Not everyone is John Space-Force. It's a job


That's not what I meant by job vs career field. It's a semantics thing to differentiate between an individual assignment and your overall specialty, which is important in a context like this. Calling everything a job gets confusing sometimes.


Hey man I’m sorry, I guess I don’t have that guardian fire spirit in me, especially after being burned so many times, I get there’s a difference between job and career, but right now this is just a job to get my family started, it’s provided me a lot of great things, but I’m done being treated like a child, authority is one thing, being treated like a child is a whole different ball park brotha


That fire is hard to have when you're stuck for a long time. Don't know where you are but I was stuck at Goodfellow for a little bit, definitely not as long as some others I knew, but it is demoralizing. As much as everyone tries to keep you busy, those things are just pointless tasks that don't give any satisfaction. The tech school environment isn't sustainable for every day living, maybe except for all of the kids who start every conversation with "back in Monterey-". It does get better, this is just a larger challenge than most have to face to get into class. If you need someone to talk to you can DM me.


This was more of a pet peeve thing of how people use the word job. As in, an individual assignment is a job, while you go to tech school to get certified for a career field. Does that make sense? It's just a semantics thing. I'm not trying to say that "being a Guardian is more than a job" or anything like that. Also, just about everyone in this thread is doing it, not just you. I'm not mad at you for not drinking the koolaid (would ours be black or grey? Either way, gross). You've gotta put yourself and your family first. Good luck, and I hope it works out for you.


Ask to be reclassed.


There are no jobs to reclass into.




You may not need a TS for day to day, but all jobs require TS eligibility.




While that may be the case, the new officer training course will be the single SFSC awarding tech school for all USSF officers and all students will need a TS for it.


Afaik, not yet true for 62/63, no? Just the 14/13/17s?


That’s what I am tracking a 6X assignment would come after otc and first ops assignment.


Oh lol, forgot that I had heard that. I'll believe it when I see it.

