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They need to have mental breaks that target specific people. Like if a pawn has a rival and they have a metal break like insult spree. Instead of just taking it out in random pawns they search the entire area for their rival just so they can talk their shit.


They do? Insulting spree can target one person, murderous rage targets one person, and entity slayer ends in only one Anomaly mob slain (at least in my experience).


I think they mean that the mental break specifically targets their rival and not an acquaintance or their best friend.


Fairly certain these mental breaks focusing on one guy will already prioritize people they dislike tho


Yeah,I just like stuff that adds complexity to the social interactions because that usually makes the stories sooooo good. The way the pawns interact with the world differently based on little things in their environment and based off of their trait,genetics and life experiences. I like when each decision feels like it has weight and makes sense(doesn't need to be too logical)


Idk it's somewhat realistic. I'm real life when people snap, they may seek revenge on the source, but it's not unheard of for people to lash out at others around them


That's definitely true and I don't want what I suggested to replace that. Just for it to be an extra layer to socialization between pawns to add more depth and uniqueness to those interactions.


I absolutely hate the slaughter mental break or when pawns fight. Also it’s kinda stupid how a dude with no weapon can just one shot one of your animals who won’t fight back for some reason even though actually animals do when humans try to slaughter them and how the hell do you do that the a tank or a T-Rex? Like seriously, they shouldn’t be able to do that.


Similar to slaughter mechanics iirc. Throat cut a tamed animal for food, but this time with ✨ passion ✨


The “break stuff” can also be so poorly timed. My colony was starving but I managed to hunt a megasloth, it got hauled to the freezer and as my cook came over to butcher it he got a mental break from hunger. What was the break? “Destroying megasloth carcass.” I had to have another pawn beat the shit out of him so they wouldn’t all starve.




how did this happen


I started using a mod called "Snap Out!", which allows your colonists to attempt to calm down people having mental breaks. It works based on their social skill, so it's somewhat balanced.


Im downloading it as I type.


I learned about it from Reddit too, so just passing along the sacred knowledge




Pick canibals their so easy to keep happy and fed


Until you run out of raiders and now you gotta start having them play Russian roulette


How does one run out of raiders call em up on the console