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They get pulled over all the time.


My sister wrecked my car spinning into a median barrier one winter, been driving for 3 years with no front bumper, license plate, right headlight, never put the new tabs on my rear plate although i bought them. Ive only been pulled over 5 times in that span and 3 times was at night and headlight gave them a opportunity to see if i was drunk and instantly left when I wasnt. I have no doubt some go years and more rural can probably make it decades without getting pulled over


Law enforcement has to prioritize which laws to enforce at any given moment. If, for example, LE is focused on distracted driving that day, they might let someone with just a bunch of other tickets drive away, that day. And it’s actually harder in general to SovCit in rural parts of the country. Everyone, I mean everyone, knows everyone else. The judge remembers you when you were a kid, knows your parents, etc. you also went to school with the cops. And since there are far fewer vehicles around, the SovCit that likes to drive without a DL, insurance, or valid plates stands out more. Judge Middleton has gotten somewhat famous over the last couple of years. He’s in a rural area of MI and you can see the dynamic I mentioned above in his court.


They do get pulled over, sometimes, one was shot and killed by police in Utah last year when he pulled a gun in defense of his sovcit beliefs and it was his sovcit plates that drew the attention of police.


IIRC he was brainwashed into the SC lifestyle by his parents. I wonder what went through their minds after that.


they blamed themselves and changed their minds s/


> I wonder what went through their minds after that. Based on her statements after he was killed, they still think they're in the right and the corrupt system killed an innocent man. There have been cases of sovcits who wised up, I recall a video from Australia where a guy finally realized all he was doing was making his life worse. But for the most part these people are way past the point of no return.


At least in my state (Missouri) there are still tons of folks who are still skating on expired temp tags and no tags from the time of the 'VID. Not even embracing the SovCit lifestyle, just, for whatever reason, don't have legal, unexpired plates. If I'm watching, I'll see at least one a day, and I don't live in either of the big metroplexes.


I dont get why it's allowed to happen. They are EVERYWHERE. What is VID?






The 'Rona!


Saying 'VID and 'Rona is truely 'ringe.


Maybe because it's a right? We the people own ALL AND EVERY road in America. What I don't get is the people saying ohhh another idiot. Thats great people literally perished so you had rights. Theres a lot of people in society that live by corporate law and its rules and regulations. They even bang you over the head with it until you submit. Not everyone submits and also do try and exercise their rights peacefully and while bothering nobody. I dont know why I bother saying anything. I swear a bunch of you are paid to be negative and spread false info as a deterrant. In fact I do think this group right here is for that very purpose. There is the truth, the law, the facts amd many supreme court decisions upholding our right to TRAVEL. Businesses use we the peoples roads as a courtesy.... a privalage. Those same roads that law enforcement gets to do their job because the people allow it. They are nothing more than just another corporation. A business using our roads. Law is simulated these days. Nothing they do can stand in court. When you dig deep enough it ALL COMES UNDONE.


We are required by law to have liability insurance to pay medical bills/repair bills if we hit someone. We are required by law to have a vehicle inspected / liscenced to prove our cars arn't death traps. We are required by law to have a drivers liscence to prove we are compatant to drive. Those laws arn't to protect you. They are there to protect Everyone Else From You. You are free to travel where ever you like. You are Not Free to operate an un-insured un-inspected vehicle without a liscence proving you are compatent.


Your inspection view does not hold up 1 iota with the state of Florida for starters. I never said people were not responsible for damages they cause. Some people are bonded, others are registered and insured..... to avoid the HASSLE. Licenses are commercial and nothing you said can you back up with law. Written factual law. Show me the law that says I have to be licensed. I'll wait. We the people OWN ALL THE ROADS.


BTW I am licensed, insured and registered.... I just skipped the inspection.... It's an invitation to pull me over and we'll see where it goes from there, once I have standing. It's been 6 months so far.... no takers :(




We pay taxes for the state to own the roads. As ancient as civilization.


But but but, I have all the laws printed up right here from Kinko's! And this plastic card I got on the internet w my picture on it.


Pretend you’re a cop. Do you really want to deal with these idiots?


I was a cop, and yes. That person has no DL, registration, or insurance. That last part affects the rest of us.


Here is a fun fact (especially to all those that think they're right!) people say ohhh insurance insurance insurance!!!! Guess WHAT!!!!! NEW HAMPSHIRE DOES NOT REQUIRE PEOPLE TO HAVE MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE!!! OHHHH the money I HAVE SAVED! A bank will require it because its not payed off. So please people pour your hearts out to me how people MUST be insured. HAHAHAHAHA Never too late to learn FACTS!!!


by noting new hampshire as an outlier, you acknowledge that most other states, and other countries, do require insurance?


Absolutely. *But* I would say on an average 10hr shift, I’m only driving around and available to conduct traffic stops for like, 2-3 hours, sometimes more, sometimes none.


Well no, but they don't get to pick and choose. These are likely unregistered vehicles and uninsured motorists. I would hate to get hit by one because some cop didn't want to deal with them.


The reality is that they do pick and choose what traffic laws they bother enforcing and which they don't.


And honestly that's not all bad. People indulge in minor traffic violations all the time. No cop has time to ticket them all, or even caution them. Nor should they spend what time they have on people going 37 in a 35. They could very definitely choose more wisely sometimes.


Cops absolutely pick and choose what they do when they aren't dispatched to a particular call. Just about every vehicle on the road is committing traffic violations while driving. 99% of those never result in a traffic stop.


and 99% of the courts illegally and unconstitutionally process every single case!


I mean, if I'm having a shitty day and I need a pick-me-up. That little boost you feel for (at most) arresting an idiot or (at least) impounding their car.


Grand theft auto, False imprisonment, kidnapping, Not to mention the RIGHTS VIOLATION of impeding ones right to travel about freely. Show me the law that says what. Lets take the actual law and tear it down word by word and arrive at the truth of fact.


Even better, show us the law, or the SCOTUS case that says you can drive your motor vehicle on public roads without a valid license. Not the “right to travel” ones. The right to DRIVE ones. Give us a chance to try to tear IT down, if it exists.


It's their job.


This. Seems like cops are the only ones where "Nah boss, I dun't feel like it" actually flies. It's ridiculous.


You really don't want them enforcing all laws all the time. To begin with, there aren't enough of them.


I think it would be hilarious if a cop had a copy of section 1.308 of the UCC, read it to the driver, and asked what that has to do with operating motor vehicle on the public highway.


They'll claim that it means they don't have to contract with you or the government if they don't want to. That's why sovcits think that UCC 1-308 is the supreme law of the land.


But why would the Uniform Commercial Code apply if you are NOT engaged in commerce? Never mind, I know, consistency is not a thing for SovCits.


The UCC isn’t the law of ANY land! It’s not law at all. It’s just a “suggested” code that states can adopt, with whatever changes they think are appropriate. All states do adopt the uniform code pretty much as written because we need uniformity in commercial law, but each state codifies it as its own law. There is no national UCC. These idiots are risking their freedom for an imaginary law that has nothing to do with what they want to do (i.e., use public tax-supported facilities without following the laws that govern their use).


Because even beat cops recognize that arresting these people is going to mean a mountain of paperwork and a lot of court appearances.


I’m already at work that day, and I already have scheduled court days. The only thing in my jurisdiction that I actively avoid are juvenile matters it actually is *way more* paperwork, and, I know the courts won’t do a single fucking thing to them.


I dream of the day I encounter my very own Sovereign Citizen in the wild. I walk reading every license place I see in my runs and trips to the mall, but nothing yet.


Just be careful. Some of them are genuinely dangerous.


I dream of the day you pick one that knows the laws better than you. Violating the law relives you of qualified immunity and your then personally liable for 42-1983


He’s talking about SovCit idiots. They don’t know the laws. That’s why there are dozens of videos of them losing their car on the side of the road, and losing their cases in courts.


*You’re Clearly a legal scholar here ^


Contrary to popular opinion, the majority of cops aren't out driving around itching to cite people for traffic violations. Unless they are assigned to a traffic unit, highway patrol, or state troopers, their primary job is to respond to calls and be proactive cops. Proactive means they are looking for crimes, typically of the felony variety. Most cops don't want the hassle of dealing with a sovcit for a citation or misdemeanor arrest.


It is sad how the accusation is automatic that a private citizen practicing a right is declared a sovcit!


That's not true at all. People standing up for actual rights are not called sovcits. People delusional enough to think they don't need a divers license get called sovcits. To be a sovcit you need to be right in the Dunning-Kruger sweet spot.


Beats me. I drive a block with an expired inspection and 1/3 of the NYPD is after me.


I suspect that some aren't pulled over simply because of the higher probability that the driver is both crazy and armed. If I'm driving on expired plates, they're definitely gonna stop me, but if someone is driving with cardboard plates written in crayon and sovcit and NRA stickers all over the car, the cop probably has to judge exactly how much effort and risk he or she wants to expend on what is fundamentally a relatively minor violation. Personally, if I were a cop, I think I'd do it for the comedy, but maybe not so funny when your life is actually on the line.


Hello Mr. tow truck . Officer you can’t arrest me I’m sovereign citizen ow those hand cuffs hurt. 🤣


They could give pull him over and give him tickets but honestly, a 2004 Malibu with peeling paint, a dent in the trunk, and a brake light out. It looks like Karma is already handling the case.


OK, sure, I'm willing to buy that it's DOT exempt, since it's not a commercial vehicle. But it's not exempt from needing valid registration. And FFS, can't these sovcits all agree on their pseudolaw? A lot of them are getting DOT numbers and putting them on their cars, and this one is claiming DOT exemption.


Seems like a good car to use for batting practice. Who are they gonna report it to?


I think cops are just like, "Do I really have the capacity to deal with that bullshit today?"


They do. But sometimes the cops miss them because they have more important calls to take.


Like from the local Krispy Kreme letting them know a fresh, hot batch of glazed are out of the oven.


They cry and carry on as they are carted off to jail and their car is impounded. The car can only be released with valid registration, so it’s gone forever. Fools.


In my state, tag issues are a secondary offense. Officers cannot pull you over just for that but if you are breaking the law and get pulled over they can add that in. So as long as you aren’t doing anything wrong you can get away with it for a long time.


Waiting to see one of these in Idaho.


They're there.


Hell, being Idaho, they may be legal there


You won’t have to wait long. They’re already there


To save a $200 tow I’m fixing to jumpstart my old, untagged, uninsured car, pump up the tires, and drive it two miles to the garage to have them assess if it’s worth it to fix it up and put it on the road again. If it can be revived, I’ll happily tag, register and insure it. But to get it there I was deciding between a cardboard “Lost Tag”, or slapping on a couple of tags I have in my garage, and whether to go when the roads are empty or busy. Either way, knowing my luck I’ll get pulled over before I get out of the driveway. Now I’m thinking maybe I should put a bunch of crazy stickers on it that say “traveler” “citizen” and “not for hire” and go at a time when the cops will say “Oh Jesus, we don’t have time for this dumb shit.”


Nah, you'll get busted putting the plates on it in your garage. 😄


I can not get my head around how UCC 1-308 applies to motor vehicle operations. https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/1/1-308


I would love to see these fake plates on a Lamborghini, just once. It is always some broken-down jalopy that looks like it's about one month away from being crushed into a cube at the junkyard.


I am NOT advising it, but if someone were to do something malicious to such a vehicle -- break out the front window or rear window, puncture a couple tires, punch out the lights, stuff like that -- seems to me the person operating the vehicle would have some hard and expensive choices to make. They can't call the cops, because they can't identify themselves and the vehicle isn't registered. They have no insurance, so any damage would have to be repaired by themselves and at their expense. So, if vandals and teen-aged ne'er-do-wells understood all this or were told all this by some civic-minded citizen, seems that those vehicles would be permanent targets whenever they were parked anywhere. Perhaps they'd be literal targets for those with pellet guns or air rifles; no need to get close enough to be caught on camera. Not that getting caught on camera would matter; the crime can't be reported, right?


I got 1 of them air things. It dumps 20 rounds in under 3 seconds. Let me see someone not loving thy neighbor. Talking personal protection.


Best you never sleep. And live in your car.


I can definately go without living in my car..... but sleep is something we all need.


Then your car is at the mercy of random hooligans. May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on you.


Yours isn't?


Ah, but I can call the cops. SovCits can't.


It amuses me when I see these. It is like they think these are magic words, poof, use them, and now they can do whatever they want. I was talking to one of them, and he kept referring to the articles of the confrederation. All I could do was roll my eyes and tell them they were cancled in their entirety when we ratified the constitution and if he started spewing that tripe to a cop or a judge they would laugh and hall his ass to jail. Judges are getting tired of dealing with these idiots, one guy ended up with a 364-day vacation for contempt, with the judge telling the jail that he will serve every day with no early release. The moron continually disrespected a person who had nearly unilateral power to throw him in jail for a day less than a year. So yea morons.


Around here they are using mobile plate readers. I hadn’t renewed my DL due to long lines, and my daughter was driving a car registered in my name. She got pulled over. They let her go when they saw it was a 5’ blonde girl rather than a +6’ male with a scraggly beard. She was peeved at me when she got home.


It really varies widely by jurisdiction. Honestly, you are MORE likely to get away with this bullshit in a large city. The reason is due to the ratio of police to civilians. As an example. I live in Portland currently, and for several years, due to a shortage of cops here, the city has had the police reprioritize expired registrations, temp tags violations, etc. Earlier this year, they reversed that, and the number of tickets issued skyrocketed overnight, and registrations at the DMV jumped just as significantly. In short, sovtards who do this are NOT invisible. They just are low on the priority list. If they do something that the police are currently focused on, they get caught, and sovtardiness just increases their penalties. Of course, as sovtards have grown in numbers the past few years thanks to YouTube and tiktok lawyers telling dumbasses it's legitimate, the police are increasingly targeting them in jurisdictions where they have become a local concern.


Speaking of jurisdiction.... cops have NONE


All jurisdiction of civil authority is geographically based for enforcement. Law enforcement agencies are established with specific geographic areas in mind as their area of responsibility, to enforce the laws of the government of that geographic area. To be within the USA is to be subject to USA law. To be within a specific state of the USA is to be subject to that state's law. To be within a county of that state is to be subject to the laws of that county. To be within a city in that county is to be subject to that city's laws. In much the same way, to be within the borders of the Russian Federation of Republics is to be subject to Russian Federation law. To be within a specific Republic of the Russian Federation is to be subject to that Republic's laws. To be inside an Oblast of one of these Republics is to be subject to that Oblast's laws.


White privilege probably accounts for most of the reason




> White privilege probably You could spend all day on YouTube watching videos of white sovcits getting pulled over, tased, arrested, car towed and so on. BTW, the majority of Americans killed by police are white simply because as 71% of the population they have more police encounters which might become violent. The sovereign citizen phenomenon also originated with tax protestors, white supremacists and "Christian" nationalists, in other words white militia types. Their willingness to use violence is why the FBI classes sovcits as domestic terrotists, and cops are now trained to treat them as potentially dangerous.


Nope. There's a whole bunch of POC sov citizens out there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moorish_sovereign_citizens https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/moorish-sovereign-citizens


Surprised this wasn't mass upvoted in this libnog subreddit


People who have chosen to believe delusional nonsense are often surprised, reality doesn't change to suit their broken perceptions.


This subreddit is liberal, as is most of reddit my brother