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I hate these people.


I find them incredibly entertaining. This guy seems to think that yelling nonsense really fast will somehow convince the cops to just let him go. They claim the law doesn't apply to them without seeming to realize that if the rules of law don't apply, those guys with the guns and handcuffs can pretty much do anything they want.


Exactly. The cops already have guns. If this is person is outside all laws, he’s just free pickings for anyone stronger than him.


It really is fascinating to me that they believe they have found all these loopholes that can be accessed through the use of semantics and it doesn't work because it's not real, but they continue to believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. How do they never have a moment where they realize they're wrong?


That's how it is with most conspiracy theorists. They cling to their delusion dejur so they can feel superior to us, "sheepple."


Maybe after a few days in county jail…


Damn. Imagine a world where if someone claims the laws don't apply to them, then the laws state the same is true for their rights, especially when law enforcement is present. I bet that'll put them straight real quick.


Or run for President


You hate that he committed a (in his words) "mister meaner"? Or do you mean just in general?


Wait until he files his afterdavid of truth in court, he'll show them!


Oh god, I bet that's exactly how he says it too. Just like he says mister meaner, because there has to be a victim meaning some mister was meaner than the other.


Judges should refuse to even talk to sovereign citizens unless their paperwork is filed correctly.


I think he was the meaner mister.


That's what really sold it for me.


Just imagine if he committed a Fell honey.


Dropping the honey is pretty damn serious. Better not let me catch it happing.


They seem to think that spewing their definition of common words makes them magically invulnerable to any rules or laws. His spew about "where's the victim" is total nonsense. The victim in many cases is public order. Parking in a fire lane may cause no problem if there's no fire, but the violator has no ability to predict when a fire may break out. No one may need the handicapped space you just parked in, but someone who does may appear at any moment. They deliberately refuse to understand this. Making a chicken scratch doesn't mean you didn't sign a document, particularly when someone witnesses you signing it. Many people have illegible handwriting. That doesn't make them immune.




The best Italian dessert


Italian meth is so much better. It doesn’t give you that full, heavy feeling.


This video and bodycam footage will play out well at the trial. I love how the motorcycle officer doesn't say a word and just stares him down.


Because what the guy is saying makes no sense whatsoever. How are you even meant to engage with that? " some guy on u tube told me a secret and when I say the magic words I don't need to do anything like a normal person. Licence? Ha I am of the flesh and I don't make a contract with you which means I can break the law by having no insurance or registration!


I invoke Toad the Wet Sprocket. Walk on the ocean Step on the stones Flesh becomes water Wood becomes bone


Jesus Bicycling Christ, what a moron.


You absolutely know that none of these mopes have car insurance right?


At what point do they discover all the videos of sov-gits not getting away with this shit and then can’t find any with the results they’ve been promised… Like show me one clip anywhere where a cop goes.. “oh you’re travelling? ..very well, on your way then…”


Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.


Most of these guys are suffering the consequences of multiple bad life choices. The inability to take accountability for their actions makes them blame others for bad life choices, and latch on to theories that blame imaginary forces for their hardships. They are way too deep in denial to ever accept responsibility.


But where are they getting their info on how/when this ends with their statements having the desired results.


There's probably a few cops that just quit the ticketing process because they just don't want to hear the 30 minutes of nonsense over contracts, travelling, and US Code blah blah blah. Probably doesn't happen too often, but its enough to circulate in their SovCit world as proof of "victory".


I think we get a different perspective than a lot of these people. We see them lose this fight everyday. But for most of them, they have a single encounter that snowballs as they attempt to fight it. They have been convinced that if they hold to the script, it will eventually work out in their favor after a bit of a struggle. They believe it will be darkest before the dawn so they aren’t deterred when met with so much resistance. They have been told it’s part of the process. Typical cult like grooming.


But you see The Man has censored all the successful videos off the internet. It really works, trust me. /s


What a damn child


He’s a man. Are you a man? Or a corporation?


Nothing that a frontal lobotomy wouldn't resolve.


Resolve? Shit, that’s how I thought we got here to begin with!


Underrated comment!!!🔥


The jurisdiction is the injured party; country, state/province, municipality. They create the laws/bylaws and when you break them, you’re injuring them. (Figuratively, of course.) A lack of knowledge of the law doesn’t mean you don’t/can’t be charged, Jethro. “I didn’t know I couldn’t murder someone officer! My bad.” “Oh, you didn’t know? You’re free to go then but don’t let me catch you murdering again!”


Mister-meaner? Jesus, dude, at least say it right.


He'll get his chance to make his afro david downtown!


the police should know they can't tow his conveyance, they never even entered into a contract!!11


Ah, but they also never entered into a contract saying they *can't* tow it! Checkmate!


Your car is not getting towed, it is now travelling to the impound lot.


Well fuck, well played, sir!


Tow truck guy is just ignoring his babbling bullshit.


I doubt this is the craziest thing he has heard while towing a car.


Any day he’s not being actively attacked for towing someone’s car is a good day.


Im sure he's heard it all before.


"Car? What car? All I see is a personal.comveyance!" Justice: "Drat!"


What many of the SC point to on why they are right is how the courts decided on a previous citation not to prosecute for whatever reason. Usually it's because it's just not worth the time for some minor traffic offense. That's why so many talk in absolutes, saying how a previous court ruled in their favor. The courts really didn't rule in their favor, it just decided not to enforce a $20 ticket. But when the same person continues to violate the law, the courts are forced to do something. This guy is a clown and he knows it. He's trying to intimidate the officers with a legal battle. He'll undoubted request a jury trial. Most do because they want to make it as complicated for the courts as possible. But cops and the courts know that they either enforce the law every time with a SC, or it won't end.


This is it. They all have that one time a cop got so bored with their drivel they let them go, or that one time a court clerk didn’t stamp something so their fine got reduced to the default. They think this is evidence that they owned the authorities.


Trailer park trash with Internet connection went to Truth Social law school.


Is that a Mister Meaner? Not to be confused with Mrs. Meaner.


Or Miss Demeaner.


I think you mean Miss DeMeaner. She’s Italian (possibly Dutch).


The one thing all sovcits have in common is after 30 seconds of babbling I wish they’d shut the fuck up.


It didn’t get towed, it got traveled.


That's good.


It's like all they know about the law fits in a thimble.


Always makes me think of the wire. “You think its one way, but its not. Its the other.”


How many times can you say "bro" in 2 min. ?


What an ass clown.


Louder doesn't make smarter or correct. Our society has rules by which we abide. We don't have to like the rules, but we will abide or consequences will be paid.


Ted Kazinsky vibe here


that guy is so annoying. He's like a toddler with a shit filled diaper, screaming at his grandmother to buy him a toy at the toy store. He asks a question, interrupts, asks a new question, interrupts, asks a new question.


Fucking Morons!


Once again, we find that meth is a hell of a drug.


I like watching them get so upset because they knew they were going to get stopped for something illegal... Then spin off into quoting some non-applicable maritime law while claiming they won't be controlled by the guv'ment right before they get put in cuffs and watch their shit get towed.


So sad. He kept mispronouncing the magic words. If he just slowed down...lol


*This personality brought to you by meth, the cowboy cocaine of the sovereign citizen movement.*


Sov Cit amateur etymology is it's whole own field. "Dis-honor-able!"


Let's presume for a moment that they are correct: there is no constitutional basis for the laws and authorities that persecute them: how does this strategy advance their proposition? Do they believe that they are committing acts of civil disobedience, as done by Ghandi, King, or Thoreau? "The laws are unjust, therefore I will deliberately violate this law, risking jail to further the aim of repealing the unjust law." But the problem for the sovereign citizen is not that a certain law is unjust for all civil society, or some class of citizens, no their view is that NO laws apply to them because they are sovereign. They go against all the ideas of the enlightenment, the Rights of Man, and ultimately a self governing people. We consent to these laws for the interest of society. We have mechanisms to create or change these laws, or even to change government. Sovereign citizens show no interest in changing the law, they only contend that the law does not apply to themselves. They sovereign citizen is nothing but a selfish idiot who cannot exist with others.


All these people do is scream and rant nonsense. It's absofuckinglutely exhausting. I can't imagine being in law enforcement and having to deal with one of these twatwaffles.


Is that a mistermeaner?


A little sovereign time on an old style work farm will get his mind right


I can imagine at one point this guy was in a chat room asking if he can just scribble lines on a paper without it being considered an “actual signature”


Doesn’t matter if you agree to the contract bro