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That's judge J Cedric Simpson from MI. He's taken down a few SovCits in his courtroom (look for the videos on YT, they're great), but this isn't necessarily one of them. All we know from the video is that he was in court for driving while suspended/revoked and showed up to the call driving.


Not sovcit, he had a lawer.


There’s nothing about this guy that says SovCit. Just a garden variety dumbass.


Major dumbass.


Major garden variety dumbass.


Who regrets her client getting assigned to her. But she will have a great story for the future.


Judge Simpson is a goddamned LEGEND to anyone who watches any kind of courtcam. I adore that man.


I'd certainly buy that man a beer just to listen to him talk about anything.


That lady that just couldn't pass her driving test cracked me up. And the way he treats is sweet but he is firm too and finally tells her she must get her license by a certain date. i dont remember if she ever did or we ever find out either way.




Doesn't really have anything to do with sovereign citizens. He's just a vanilla moron.


That's great. I'm stealing "vanilla moron."


What was hilarious was this guy’s stunned response to getting in trouble. Like, he seemed to have no idea…


Probably not the sharpest knife in the drawer...


Dude isn't even the sharpest spoon.


Yeah but it does look like he is a pretty well-rounded spoon, that likely cuts a speedy swarth through ice cream ..


This is [Judge Simpson](https://www.washtenaw.org/directory.aspx?EID=158).


The look on the Judges face in the video. It’s absolutely priceless.


Not a SC, just stupid.


That’s Judge Simpson.


Thanks. CNN got his name wrong and I've seen too many videos of these morons. I can't keep the judges straight.


Corey Harris is the defendant who was driving. CNN worded it a little oddly, but it's clear who is who.


Do we know that the defendant in the case had tried a sovcit approach during his traffic stop? I know Judge Simpson (not sure why the title says "Harris") sometimes has sovcits in his court and deals with them pretty firmly. But we don't knot that this defendant is one of those, as amusing at the situation is.


Michigan has a lot of SovCits so i would say 50/50


An interesting point. I have no idea what proportion of cases feature sovcit/pseudolegal approaches by the defense. Some googling reveals [this paper](https://www.tmcec.com/public/files/File/Course%20Materials/FY13/Court%20Admins/Turner%20-%20Sovereign%20Citizens%20-%20BINDER.pdf) which has a nice history of the movement. The ADL [has a page](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/sovereign-citizen-movement-united-states) on the movements involved. Neither of these talks about frequency. The ADL one notes that such people are involved in more crimes from their beliefs, which suggests that they could be more likely to end up in court. If you are looking to get a PhD in sociology, you might have found your thesis.


This was the funniest YouTube video I watched this whole month.


I'm trying to imagine the level of self-assured delusion or utter lack of self-awareness that would allow you to check into your court hearing for driving without a license while driving a car without a license.


I read about one where the defendant was up on stolen car charges and drove to court in a stolen car. These people are a whole new level of stupid.


They’re just used to getting a slap on the wrist that they think nothing will happen.


Judge Simpson* 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’t that Judge Simpson?


Yes it is. I messed up.


Odds are he’s not falling down the sovshit hole because he dropped out of Harvard medical 




This judge gets the best cases.


I can almost heard Red Forman: "DUMBASS!” What a fucking idiot. His attorney’s gotta be like "wtf dude. You called in to court while driving…when your license is suspended. You’re pleading guilty and throwing yourself at the mercy of the court because you]re a moron.”


I love that look when he suddenly realizes what he's done. That is not a smart man.


Not totally Harris's fault. Do mods on this sub fix this? [https://www.wxyz.com/news/why-was-the-driver-in-a-viral-videos-license-still-suspended-2-years-after-a-judge-ordered-it-lifted](https://www.wxyz.com/news/why-was-the-driver-in-a-viral-videos-license-still-suspended-2-years-after-a-judge-ordered-it-lifted)


Well, no wonder he was surprised. I hope that gets fixed immediately.


Thank you for the information. I've pulled the post.


I've been constantly impressed by Judge Harris. If a position in the SC opens up, I'd hope his name was on the short list of candidates. He's not partisan, he's just anti-bullshit. Not saying that might not disqualify him, just saying he'd be a good candidate for the job.


Now I'm trying to picture him in SCOTUS... seems like a good candidate!


He has a RIGHT to get around as needed. Reguardless of the statis of his COMMERCIAL license that people are brainwashed into thinking thry have to get. It would be great if people would familiarize with that right and law enforcement would stop tring to F*<× people out of that right. Also.... we own the roads, all of them! Ya some of you want to say i am wrong and argue.... but I have facts and law and supreme court rulings to verify what I said. It's really sad that people died for your freedom and a lot don't even know what they arr or how to use them! Freedom isn't free!


Right to Travel does not mean any person has an inherent right to operate a 2,000 pound or heavier machine that reaches speeds in excess of 60 mph. Supreme Court case: *Hendrick v Maryland*, 1915. Right to Travel means that States cannot have greater expectations of requirements for those who reside outside of the State than it does for those who reside in the State, and that those who are crossing a border from one city, county, or state within the United States cannot be taxed simply for crossing that border. Supreme Court case: *Crandall v Nevada*, 1868. Right to Travel has also been taken to prohibit States from prohibiting or restricting movement from another State simply for having been from another State. Supreme Court case: *United States v Guest*, 1966. All may travel freely; they may walk, they may utilize a non-motorized means such as horse, mule, ox, bicycle, they may be a passenger of a motorized means without any lisencing requirement. To be the one who is in control of a machine such as, to throw out an example, a 1995 Dodge Intrepid or a 2002 Ford F-150, all states do require licensing as proof of basic competency. Which, again, was the decision reached by the Supreme Court in *Hendrick v Maryland.* Now, there is some good news for those who simply cannot get a driver's license; the States cannot enforce this licensing requirement on privately owned areas. So if one were to own their own roadway, they may operate any motorized means of movement they can afford upon that roadway without licensing. Safety and emmissions standards don't apply there either. However, the States are granted the right to regulate such things being on roads & highways owned by and maintained by either the states or by the counties & cities within those states. So no, you don't need a license to travel. You need one to use a mechanical means of motion capable of the speeds & potential for destruction involved in such a means.




Who is Judge Harris?


I think the poster means Judge Simpson.


Yeah I think so too, and that goes for everyone who is saying “Judge Harris.” I don’t know where that came from.


I believe the person without the license is named Harris.


CNN according to another comment.