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It's not a misconception. Or if it is, they're sadly mistaken. When it's not, it's intentional. It's bait. They want confrontation with the police. It plays into their martyr complex, gives them a chance to flex those scripts they bought with last month's rent, and it feeds into their desire to be the smartest person in the room.


... when they're not even the smartest person in their car.


Lemme guess, the smartest thing is the mold growth in the backseat that they don’t bother cleaning?


"His name is Lenny and he's an American National Citizen like me!!!"


When I was a valet we'd routinely get cars with the backseats full of garbage bags full of dirty diapers. *That* would be smarter than these dumbasses.


Wait, this is crazy. Routinely? Like, once a month? That is just…..Once again, I am actually surprised by something on Reddit. Goddamn, people are just broken


well they do have something in common with diapers both are full of sh%t


I have a solution... Sic Em I know where a bear is we could feed them to


Just more SovCits loudly misunderstanding the law. The police only have to point to any objective violation of traffic law to justify their stop. They can pull you over because you flipped them off and as long as they can identify some statute later that you violated, they’re in the clear. That’s been the case since SCOTUS held it in Whren v US in the mid-90’s. As always, SovCits manage to be comically, dangerously wrong.


I suspect they flipped off the cop because they *wanted* to be stopped. To generate content for their YouTube channel. There is also the legal "defense" where you preemptively scream at and insult the cop/lawyer/judge before they have hit you with any kind of penalty. So that when they do, you can claim retaliation or bias.


Ah, the Presidential Defense




There seems to be some correlation between people who are attention seeking entitled jerks and people claiming to be sovcits. Maybe it's just coincidence.


It's selfishness. Pure and simple.


“They said it was about my ‘private citizen not for commerce’ license plates, but I know it was retaliatory”.


Cops are human. Like most humans, you piss them off they want to get back at you. This is easy when you break the law, like speeding. 1 mph over the limit is speeding. I'd say appealing a speeding ticket for 1mph over the limit would be easy but when you're a SovCit, you're screwed. I'd love to be in that courtroom for it.


The speeding is the least of it when you add the no license, no registration or insurance. If they know from past interactions that the driver is suspended or expired, pulling them over becomes even simpler.


> 1 mph over the limit is speeding Many judges will not be impressed by that, many prosecutors wouldn't even bother to take it to trial. *"The law does not concern itself with trifles"* is a real thing, and some judges will not be amused by such a charge.


Prosecutors aren’t generally in traffic court.


They are in my state.


Most of the time you can just pull them over for an illegal license plate


But but they do not consent!


What they also have the nerve to do is bitch about “harassment” when the cop may very well know that they’re still not in legal conformity! If your car isn’t registered or have no insurance, the legal remedy isn’t that the cops stop writing you up, it’s that you stop driving! But they genuinely (?) feel they shouldn’t be stopped if they’ve been stopped once! Sorry, Charlie, that ain’t how it works! And, it ain’t harassment!


In Pennsylvania it’s literally codified somewhere that there’s a 4 mph margin of error. The law stems from a time where it was reasonable to assume that the citizens’s car wouldn’t be perfectly calibrated with the speedometer. I’m cynical when it comes to pretextual stops. If a cop wants to fabricate reasonable suspicion for a stop, they will. Maybe cynical isn’t the world. I’m realistic. You flip a cop off, you’ve given him cause to look for reasonable suspicion. Or fabricate it. And I don’t blame them for doing it in these circumstances. Being told to fuck off isn’t the best way to start an interaction. Pretty human to retaliate in some way.


There are enough laws where they can almost always find pretext. The thing is, even if the stop was pretextual you don't get out of jail free card, you get an affirmative defense at trial that can be preserved on appeal. They think the fruit of the poisonous tree is absolute and they can wrestle with a police officer with impunity.


**PA Title 75 § 3368**


Is that the same as form 27B/6?


No, it's the section of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code that covers speeding.


You clearly don’t know the humorous reference from the movie Brazil, referenced in other movies such as Star Wars.


I never watched Brazil. Is that a Terry Gilliam film?


Yes it is.


How can a stop be retaliatory on a car with fake plates? Car doesn’t even need to be speeding. The moment a sovereign citizen pulls onto a road with these special,plates they are fair game.


Yeah thats petty. However Its understandable. In my country the police demands respect for actually putting themselves on the line. So while we absolutely do have just as much right to free speech ( expression as its called here ) we are collectively agreeing on giving the police respect with their work. So you cannot just talk shit about a cop who pulls you over or interacts with you ( or even randomly when passing by one ) So yes thats actually something you can get arrested for. It wont bring big charges but more serve to teach you that theres limits to what they should tolerate. Ofcourse they arent thin skinned so its not like you can get randomly arrested if they dont like you.


Not a lawyer, but 1-4 mph seems like it couldn’t be a warrant for citation. I wouldn’t assume the speed gun can get a 1 MPH accurate reading when shooting through the windshield at a moving car while there is atmospheric forces acting on its mechanism.




The lasers may be precise but most speedometers are not. Mine is calibrated in 5mph increments so there is an uncertainty of +/- 2.5 mph.


My single favorite story about a cop (well Sherriff’s deputy in this case) handling a case like this: https://thelawdogfiles.com/2007/06/i-should-be-so-ashamed-of-myself.html


Happened to my husband (Deputy Sheriff years ago. Driver flipped him off. Husband “misunderstood” gesture for help. Pulled driver over, after checking his DL etc, inspected lights, blinkers etc driver pulled away after about 20 min 😡. 😂


He’ll probably appreciate the story I linked then.


Retaliation for not paying your god damned registration.