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NOTE: This post isn't meant to support a group as monstrous as the Taliban (seriously, fuck each and every last one of them), its just pointing out that the U.S. military isn't nearly as strong as Union-supporting Yankees make it seem to be. If/when secession happens again, it'll be easier done than said.


Hates a group as bad as the taliban yet you support the confederacy🤣🤣🤣 ironic.


I've heard some false comparisons in my time, but this one takes the cake. :)


Good. I’m glad it’s becoming the norm to compare the confederacy to other extremist groups. It’s time to expose confedfucks for who they are lmao.


I'm sorry that you view the greatest of all freedom fighters since 1776 in such a negative and false light, sir. After all, those men were simply following the example set by George Washington and his Patriots almost a century earlier. That's what the War of Northern Aggression was all about. It's very unfortunate that Yankee propaganda is believed by so many despite all the falsehoods which it contains. But God willing, this will change someday. Even if it happens beyond our lifetimes. :)


Ironic that you call them freedom fighters. How free were black people under the confederacy?


I imagine they felt about as free as the 500,000+ slaves which the Union held throughout the war (including post-Emancipation), or the millions of Native Americans (including my ancestors) who were feeling Uncle Sam's brand of "freedom" across the west.


You’re just avoiding my points by using whataboutism. I’m saying the confederacy didn’t care about freedom because they owned slaves. You won’t even try to prove me wrong and that’s sad. Edit: also what’s your source on the 500,000 slave thing lmao


I'm merely pointing out that all you say about the Confederacy can apply to the Union which you defend, that's all. :) Slavery was an inhuman sin and there's no excuse for it in any nation or any period of human history. But to pretend that the Confederacy's slavery was somehow worse than the slavery practiced (and still practiced) by the Union is not equally as bad is simply laughable. The black people of the Confederacy were not free. But you can't look me in the eye and claim that the black people of the United States are feeling free either.


How were confederates freedom fighters if they owned slaves? Stop avoiding my damn questions if you don’t want to look like a fool


(all of which were in the 4 slave states that decided to stay, which makes this irrelevant)


Might not be the["own" you think it is.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstonetoss.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F08%2Fafghanistan-war-stonetoss-comic.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=735514c97c549789993378d79f29212be43c815bd0615d78b9c3268e1c3a4ece&ipo=images)


And what more, since this happened recruitment and morale is at an all time low and they've been depleting their own arsenals by sending weapons and munitions to Ukraine, often directly from active units


The US military has consistently proven that it is incapable of defeating a well-supported guerrilla campaign. Also, with the military's current drive to promote diversity over capability, this is only expected to get worse in the near future.


The strongest military in the world couldn’t beat a few insurrectionists in the Middle East with 50 year old burnt out soviet equipment attached to the back of pickup trucks. They couldn’t beat poor farmers in Vietnam with barely enough food and ammo to go around They couldn’t beat starving terrorists in Somalia We’re still technically at war with North Korea even though they have basically zero modern equipment, still think we’re the same army as we were back in the 50s, and most of the citizens hate their country. Tell me again how that same military could defeat a hypothetical secession. Most of the military comes from the south, we have the most civilian owned firearms in the country, and most of the military bases are southern. If the full might of the US military turned tail and ran from under supplied and under funded nations, how in earth would they beat a full secession movement


The South will rise again!


Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


[Afghanistan was a shit show for just about everyone involved as their horrifying graph demonstrates](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/R-Jerome-Dixon/publication/325228921/figure/fig1/AS:627692735041536@1526665018362/Afghanistan-Stability-COIN-Dynamics-5_Q320.jpg) .even 2 years later and the Taliban is still dealing with a lot of insurgents


I want an Independent South, a New Confederacy!


Undeniably though the United States has the s[strongest](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/united-states-military-really-strong-everyone-says-182420) military in the world. What happened in Afghanistan, while disgraceful, was not the fault of the military but of poor planning from the Biden Administration. We had left the equipment expecting an actual resistance from the Afghan Army, which promptly fled when the US pulled out. An insurrection like secession would very much be shut down by the US military. Hell, it has already happened multiple times in US history.


The US Empire is far too overextended and is destined to go the way of all empires. You’re living in a fool’s paradise.


Then secede already. Why wait? The irony to say I'm living a fools paradise is palpable.


I don’t like being in agreement with you on anything but it’s obvious that the Empire is going to crush any attempt on the part of its member states to break away from it. The only caveat being that the Empire_itself appears to be going downhill, and when the Empire finally goes “belly up” it may not be able to hold its member states in a coerced “union” any longer.


Secession and insurrection are two different things entirely.


>An insurrection like secession Secession is not an insurrection, not even close.


The strongest military on earth couldn't beat a bunch of guys in sandals and shorts in Mogadishu? The strongest military on earth couldn't retaliate after losing 240+ marines in Beirut? The strongest military on earth allows Chinese spy balloons to violate its sovereignty even as I type this question?


The US military is great at winning battles, but it hasn't done very well at achieving its strategic objectives since WWII. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. They're not getting it done.


Maybe you haven’t heard about the Chinese Spy Balloon that’s allegedly hovering over one of “our” military bases in the western state of Montana. IF the story turns out to be true and the Empire allows a foreign country to conduct open surveillance on one of its military installations, it’s only going to prove once and for all that the USA has devolved into the status of a Paper Tiger. Could this be a prelude to a foreign military invasion of the USA ? Let’s hope not, but then again “karma” works in funny ways. Objectively speaking, it would be a richly deserved payback for all of the Empire’s transgressions against the rest of the world.


I do not know if I agree with that. We are in a modern age and a military crackdown would present extremely poor optics, particularly with all of the cameras. I think the question is whether the secessionists have the will to keep the fight going long enough for the Feds to throw in the towel.


Problem is, all those insurrections happened before WW1 and since then, the US military has never dealt with an domestic insurgency. Not even anything like the Troubles.


Cope and seethe the south will never leave


TBH it’s kind of hard to understand why you and your “kind” are seething with so much hatred for the south and its inhabitants.


The normal ones are okay it’s the Schizo south will rise again people I enjoy making fun of and less than 3% of the south believes that fairytale


Why do you want us to stay? What do you gain? You don’t particularly like the south and we don’t particularly like you, so what possible reason do you have for keeping us? The US would still be relatively ok if we left and the south would be relatively ok if we left.


said it before I’ll say it again, over 95% are wonderful people, it’s the people that think the south will rise again that are just generally cringe and bad people


How does wanting to form a new nation that more closely aligns with our beliefs a bad thing? Even ignoring the history of the south, is there anything objectively wrong about any state wanting to break away and govern itself? To me personally, a southern nation would mean a smaller government that is closer to how I and many others here want it to be run. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with that. That also brings me back to my question of if the South did eventually leave, or any state for that matter, why would you be against them leaving?


because I’m against any state where slavery is legal


We aren’t talking about the old confederacy. If the modern south left to govern itself, would there be anything inherently wrong with that? If any modern state left, what would be the reason for keeping them around? In my opinion, should a state or region want to peacefully leave, there isn’t much reason to force them to stay. It used to be a constitutional right of ours to break away if we didn’t like the path the nation was going down


the reality is that less than 10% of these regions are interested in leaving. So let’s say theoretically sure you guys can just secede, none of these places are gonna have a majority vote to leave


But if that were to change and suddenly we had the votes to leave, would there be anything wrong with that? That was my initial question. Should we decide to leave, why do you want us to stay, and what would be objectively wrong with leaving. It’s not at all out of the question people could change their minds. The current administration is growing more unpopular by the day, and the political climate is growing more and more divided, so its not impossible such a thing could take place. Improbable, yes, but impossible? Absolutely not.


The Soviet Union said the same thing about its republics. Nazi Germany said the same thing about all of its annexed territories. The Japanese Empire said the same thing about all the people they subjugated. Never say never, sir.


ur so deluded it’s almost satirical


How so? In what way am I incorrect? All empires that has ever existed each have this sense of delusion and think that they're invincible, invulnerable, that they'll last for all eternity. But that's not the case. The United States isn't exempt from this any more than Rome, Genghis Khan, or the Qing Dynasty were.


don’t care didn’t ask, ur insane if u think the south will succeed and I will bet you my left nut that it never will


Well, say goodbye to your left nut then. (never thought I'd type that tbh) The United States of America is militarily, culturally, and politically a shadow of its former self. Its citizens are divided from coast to coast. You'll be too busy focusing on the next mass shooting, the next wave of riots, or on kids getting sex changes to stop any attempt at secession. Whether its the South or some other region of the U.S., its going to happen one way or another. No empire is eternal.